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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 229 Rescue (3)

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    What Li Mingbo said was correct. After hearing that he was asked to give up his position, Zhu Shijian was indeed a little unhappy. It could even be described as quite dissatisfied. He was originally the main attacker, but now he was taken over by Li Mingbo.  , it is normal for Zhu Shijian to be unhappy in his heart, and it is not just him, but anyone else would not be too happy.

    Especially for Zhu Shijian, who is a cadre of the army's ace unit like the First Division, it is even more difficult to accept this kind of thing.  Troops with low morale will be beaten to death.

    Especially in this battle where the No. 1 personally commanded the battle, being able to undertake the main combat mission was an extremely honorable thing for any anti-alliance force. At this time, it would be somewhat embarrassing for someone to move their position.  Even if it¡¯s not true, it¡¯s hard for people to accept.

    But Zhu Shijian was selected by Li Mingfeng from the first division and the many company commanders of the attached troops to escort Yang Zhen, which shows that he is definitely not the kind of guy who only knows how to fight hard. Being selected shows that he is in the battle.  , not only is he very good at using his brain, but he also has a very strong overall view. At the very least, it shows that he is not the kind of guy who forgets everything when the gun goes off.

    Although he felt a little unhappy in his heart, Zhu Shijian had to admit that what Li Mingbo said did make some sense. His troops were better at head-to-head formal combat. For this kind of battle where the captured personnel had to be rescued, their hands were tied.  It's really quite uncomfortable.

    If you let your own troops who are accustomed to fighting fiercely to rescue captured prisoners of war, judging from the daily training and combat conditions of your own troops, it would be pretty good to be able to rescue half of them alive under such circumstances.  , not to mention that they were all rescued safely.

    After only a short hesitation, Zhu Shijian readily gave way to Li Mingbo, and he took less than one squad of troops left to meet up with his own troops at the rear. For him, he felt very sad.  Clearly, now is not the time to compete.

    However, after Zhu Shijian left, Li Mingbo, who took over the position, did not relax his brows. On the contrary, he frowned even tighter. Judging from the reports of the snipers and observers who were already in place, although the location they chose had a good view,  , you can overlook the entire courtyard, but you did not find the place where the prisoners in the courtyard were held.

    That is to say, after careful observation, at least on the surface, the location where the captured personnel should be detained has not been found. The adobe houses in the courtyard had been blown up by grenades in the previous battle, and no one was found in these adobe houses.  No bodies of the captured personnel were found, and those brick and tile houses are currently used as temporary dressing points for wounded Japanese soldiers.

    At the same time, the Japanese and puppet troops continued to use limited supplies in the yard to reinforce the two brick buildings, trying to use them as final fortifications. From the doors and windows that have been removed, the view of the bricks is not too limited.  Looking at the room, no captured members of the advancing army were found inside.

    However, although no captured persons were observed in the yard, the observer found a protrusion made of stone on the ground in the northeast corner of the yard. If there was no misjudgment, it should be a basement or something common in the Northeast.  A cellar-type building.

    Around the slightly raised ground on the flat ground, there were two Japanese soldiers who did not carry rifles. Instead, in addition to a pistol each, there were more than a dozen hand grenades beside them. These two Japanese soldiers were fighting for their lives.  Standing there, no matter how the surrounding situation changes, he never leaves this place.

    Perhaps because they thought the situation here was a bit special, when the observers reported, they emphasized that the people guarding here were Japanese soldiers, not spies such as the puppet Manchukuo army or plainclothes teams. At the same time, when the observers reported, they also emphasized  It emphasizes that this place is very secluded in the courtyard.

    Judging from the ground and surrounding conditions, this location should have been a firewood pile in the courtyard. If the observers had not been specially trained and observed carefully, as well as the alternative equipment in the hands of the two Japanese soldiers who never left, it would be difficult for ordinary people to  I feel that there is a hidden paradise in any place.

    After listening to the observer's report, Li Mingbo placed the branch in his hand on the sketch left by Zhu Shijian and marked the building that was suspected to be a cellar. He did not stop thinking in his head. He thought carefully about the steps he was going to take.  tactics, as well as the accidents that may be encountered during the battle.

    Regarding the fact that some personnel are missing and should have been captured, Lee Myung-bak believes that this is true. There is nothing that can be false about this matter. A dozen female soldiers are not a small number in that army.  , if it is lost in a daze, no one can hide it, no matter whether it is the advancing army or that aspect.

    ?????????????????????????? But now there are no corpses of the dead, and no living people,The only explanation is that he was captured. If he was not captured, then at least the body should be seen. However, from the time the Japanese and puppet troops invaded the village to the present, whether it is Zhu Shijian's troops or the original guards of the advancing army,  The army did not find the corpses of female soldiers. Even a careless person can still tell the difference between men and women. Since Zhu Shijian said that no bodies were found, it means that these female soldiers were not killed.

    Judging from the current progress of the battle, the Japanese and puppet troops did not have the troops to escort them away at this time, and they did not see their bodies after being massacred. In other words, it can be concluded that these captured people must still be alive at this moment.  In the hands of the Japanese and puppet troops, they did not leave the village.

    In this case, judging from the size of the surrounding courtyards and the distribution of the Japanese and puppet troops, there is no doubt that the only courtyard that can hold so many captured personnel is the one in front of you, and other places basically do not need to be considered.  Well, since no trace of the captured personnel was found in the other rooms in the yard, it was already clear that all the captured personnel were held at the facade of the underground building that was suspected to be a basement or cellar.

    After comprehensively considering the extremely limited and insufficient information at hand, Lee Myung-bak, who had already made up his mind, summoned several squad leaders around him, pointed to the sketch of the entire courtyard and said: "The place where the captured personnel are now held.  It is basically certain that it is in this suspected basement building on the northeast corner.¡±

    "At present, this result is quite beneficial to us. At least the current situation has certain benefits for us, and one of the biggest benefits is that we can avoid the use of any weapons during the rescue process.  , and the accidental injury reduces the difficulty of completing the task as much as possible. "

    "Judging from the previous battles of Lao Zhu and his troops, the biggest threat to us from the Japanese and puppet troops in the courtyard is not their direct firepower, but the grenades in their hands. The terrain of this courtyard is slightly higher than other places.  And its location is relatively prominent, and the nearest courtyard is about 20 meters away from them.¡±

    "This means that although our attack distance is extremely close, it only takes a few minutes at most to get from the starting position that our army can use to the scheduled battlefield. However, such a short distance has both advantages and disadvantages for us.  "At a distance of twenty to thirty meters, we are indeed close, but we can also maximize the power of the Japanese and puppet grenades."

    "Furthermore, the terrain here and the height of the courtyard wall have also caused certain obstacles to our actions. But judging from the current situation, Lao Zhu and the others have created a pretty good prerequisite for us, which is to face the Japanese and puppet troops.  The machine guns have been basically eliminated by them, so after considering the overall environment and the surrounding situation, I decided to divide our troops into three groups. "

    "We did not bring the necessary equipment. Under the grenade defense situation of the Japanese and puppet troops, it is not an easy task to climb over this wall. I think our best attack method at the moment is to enter from the main entrance, thirty meters away.  The distance is so long that if you cover it properly, there won¡¯t be any problem.¡±

    "Considering the terrain here and the overall situation of the surrounding area, I decided to divide the troops into three groups. I took the first squad and divided it into three combat groups as the main assault force. I launched a strong attack from the front, that is, the main entrance of the entire courtyard. The second squad leader  Lead the second squad and launch a feint attack from the northwest corner with Lao Zhu's troops to attract the attention of the Japanese and puppet troops in the courtyard before the frontal attack."

    "Although your mission, Second Squad Leader, is a feint attack, it does not just stand still and only attract the firepower of the Japanese and puppet troops. After we enter the courtyard, the attention of the Japanese and puppet troops will inevitably be attracted to us. By then,  You must seize the opportunity and carry out directional blasting in the northwest corner. Remember, you are not asked to blast a corner, but to blast as wide as you can.¡±

    "I will give you all the explosives I have on hand. You must blow open the courtyard wall in the northwest corner in the shortest possible time, and then rush in quickly. Cooperate with the troops who should have broken in from the front at this time to clear the courtyard inside.  All the Japanese and puppet troops were wiped out in the courtyard, and they were not allowed to escape. "

    "Second squad leader, remember that among all the people, your position is the most important. It is up to you whether you can attract the attention of the Japanese and puppet troops in the courtyard and create conditions for the troops responsible for the main assault mission. And  Our attack will begin three minutes after you launch the attack."

    After explaining the most important position to the second squad leader, Lee Myung-bak turned to the third squad leader and said: "You command your squad and implement fire suppression on the front. I will give you all the gun-mounted grenade launchers. You adopt a high elevation angle."  The shooting method will definitely suppress the Japanese and puppet troops on both sides of the main entrance wall. "

    "You can at least buy me half a minute so that the Japanese and puppet troops cannot throw a grenade and send us to the courtyard gate and wait"After they break in and disrupt the deployment of the Japanese and puppet troops, don't rush in. Just stay outside the door as a response. Remember, you can't let the Japanese and puppet troops throw a grenade within half a minute.  "

    After explaining the task, Lee Myung-bak looked at the watch on his wrist, raised his head and said to the three squad leaders in front of him: "Now check the weapons and check the time. Each person carries two rifle magazines and three pistol magazines.  Two grenades and all the remaining ammunition were left behind. After a minute, we started to take action separately. As soon as Lao Zhu and the second squad leader started fighting, we started to take action here. "

    After each squad leader received the mission and turned around to make preparations, Lee Myung-bak raised his head and looked at the squad next to him as the main assault force, and explained: "After entering the courtyard, the three combat groups will form an intersection.  Cooperate, adopt hedgehog tactics, and remember your movement and cross-shooting in daily training.¡±

    "I have only one request for you, and that is that you must not leave any enemy behind who will pose a hidden danger to the safety of the captured personnel. No matter what enemy you encounter, as long as it is your enemy, do not show any mercy. In a word,  , except for the people we want to rescue, I don¡¯t want anyone to live.¡±
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