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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 225: Things are changing

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    Zhu Shijian relied on these courtyard walls in the previous battle in the north of the village, causing serious casualties to the Japanese and puppet troops who launched the charge, forcing the Japanese commander to use the previously hidden weapons in advance when he could not attack for a long time.  Artillery is the biggest trump card of this long-distance attack by the Japanese and puppet troops.

    What I didn't expect now is that in the past thirty years, the situation has changed. Not long ago, I was trapped in the same problem because of the same problem. The only difference between myself and the Japanese army at that time was that I was also in the same situation now.  In the village, the maximum distance from the confronting Japanese troops was only twenty or thirty meters.

    The equipment in his hands is all automatic firearms, which takes a considerable advantage in fighting at such a distance. But the same thing is that except for grenades and some explosives, he does not have any suitable weapons for attacking difficulties, and even  Not even a grenade launcher.

    Fortunately, many places like this are just separated by an alley or even a wall. In the battle, the weapon in hand does not need to have a long range. In most cases, the power of grenades is enough.  It is not too difficult for a trained person to throw a grenade twenty or thirty meters.

    At this distance, grenades are a pretty good weapon, and in this kind of street fighting, the side with stronger firepower will always have the advantage, especially when both sides lack direct-aiming heavy firepower, individual weapons  And the rate of fire of the squad's weapon combination and the application of tactics are the decisive issues.

    Anyway, neither side has very strong firepower, let alone any weapons such as mountain artillery, and the distance is such that one can clearly see each other's appearance if one looks closely at them. As long as they pay attention to the use of tactics, although their military strength is at a disadvantage,  But the side with the advantage in firepower is not without room for victory.

    Thinking of this, Zhu Shijian immediately commanded the troops to organize themselves into squads, seize several yards around the compound where the Japanese army was located, and concentrated on two crooked guns captured from the north of the village, and one that was thrown away but captured by the advancing army.  Czech light machine guns, plus two platoon general-purpose machine guns, suppressed Japanese resistance in the remaining two compounds.

    And he personally commanded a reinforced squad. Under the full cover of the large-caliber machine gun and two squad machine guns, he started with the easternmost courtyard. In his opinion, as long as he destroyed the largest compound currently occupied by the Japanese army,  With one courtyard, the remaining two can be easily solved.

    Without the support of the largest courtyard and the fire support of a heavy machine gun and two crooked guns deployed by the Japanese army in that courtyard, the two smaller courtyards in the northwest and southwest became two disconnected courtyards.  It is a fixed firepower point, and it is the kind of firepower point that can only rely on a single-shot rifle to defend it.

    Without the cover of machine guns, this firepower point poses no threat. As long as this largest compound is destroyed, it will be difficult for the remaining Japanese and puppet troops to fight even if they want to. At that time, they will have the only way out.  , one is to retreat immediately while there is still a gap at the entrance of the village, and the other is to wait for the battle ahead to be resolved and then die here together with their companions.

    Of course, Zhu Shijian is not very clear about which plan the Japanese army will choose, but his several years of combat experience with the Japanese army tells him that as long as the combat effectiveness is not lost, as long as complete command is not lost, of course, as long as the troops in front continue to  Fighting, they might kill them all down to the last man.

    What is the next choice of the Japanese army? Zhu Shijian doesn't want to worry about it now, and it's not his turn to worry about it. But he knows that the top priority now is to deal with the Japanese and puppet troops in the largest compound in front of him first, because he can see that  This is the brains of the Japanese troops currently gathered in these compounds,'

    The Japanese army in front of them did not have walkie-talkies. According to the configuration standards of the Japanese military radio stations, it is impossible for all the Japanese troops here divided into three areas to be equipped with radio stations. Although the communication capabilities of the Japanese are not bad, they cannot be luxurious enough to have several troops with such a small force.  Ministry radio station.

    Before there was time to set up field telephone lines, in the three disconnected courtyards, if you don't want to fight independently and want to communicate with each other during the battle, there are only two ways besides the commander's ability.  , one relies on trumpet sounds, and the second is semaphore.

    Of course, at this time, the flag carrier would not dare or could not show his head. If you want people in the other two courtyards to see the flag, you must stand at a high place. Standing at a high place at this time is basically asking for death.  The Japanese army, divided into three parts, wanted to communicate with each other and could only use bugles and loudspeakers.

    All communication in the surrounding areas, and the sounds of bugles and trumpets for mobilizing troops, are all coming from this courtyard. From the previous battles, Zhu Shijian can accurately conclude that there must be Japanese troops here, or even in the entire west of the village.  Supreme Commander, destroying this place would be equivalent to destroying the brains of the entire Japanese army in the west of the village.

    Just destroy this hospitalAmong the Japanese troops inside, the remaining Japanese troops have lost their command. Even if they cannot become a mess, their determination to continue fighting will be greatly weakened. Kill their brains at all costs first, and the remaining two will depend on the development of the situation.  Make a decision.

    After Zhu Shijian launched the attack, he did not fight head-on. Instead, he adopted the tactics of attracting Japanese firepower from the front, launching an assault from the right, using a large number of grenades to open the way, and using explosives to blast continuously, trying to kill the enemy in the shortest time.  Inside, break through the Japanese defense in the courtyard.

    It was just that he used grenades to clear the way, and the Japanese army also used grenades to fight back. The two sides were separated by two walls less than 20 meters apart. After throwing grenades wildly, they found that no one could do anything to the other. Zhu Shijian's weapons fired.  It is fast and has intensive firepower, while the Japanese army has more people.

    No one has to aim for a duel of twenty or thirty meters, let alone a rifle, even a pistol. If the hit rate is still horribly low at such a close distance, then the person can only reinvent the wheel. In this kind of duel shooting  Among them, the Anti-Japanese Alliance, all equipped with automatic rifles, took a big advantage.

    The Japanese army on the opposite side fired one shot, and they could fire back ten shots. Even though the Japanese army still had three light and heavy machine guns, the use of this weapon was obviously limited at this distance. Two crooked machine guns, at  When shooting against automatic rifles, its advantages in range and accuracy are basically not brought into play.

    On the contrary, an opponent's automatic rifle can be used to shoot at him, and two rifles can be suppressed by cross-firing. Moreover, because the gun body is too high, most of the machine gunner's body has to be exposed to the outside during combat.  The Japanese troops trapped in the courtyard had too little room for maneuver. Even if they wanted to deploy their machine gun positions where they could give full play to their advantages, there was no place to deploy them.

    A crooked machine gun deployed in a gap on the west side of the courtyard wall can form a crossfire with the Japanese firepower of the other two courtyards on the west side of the courtyard. As soon as the battle started, it was accurately hit by three grenades, together with the machine gunner.  It was blown into a pile of scrap metal.

    In order to eliminate the Japanese and puppet troops here in the shortest possible time, Zhu Shijian did not use ordinary grenades, but Soviet-made F-1 grenades obtained from the Soviet army warehouse in Outer Mongolia. This kind of grenade could not stand even one hit.  What's more, it's a good thing to hit three at once. Not to mention the crooked machine gun, even the Type 92 heavy machine gun can't stand it.

    The other crooked machine gun deployed on the roof was obviously misplaced. Although the roof was the commanding heights, placing a light machine gun there could control the roads around the entire courtyard, but what about the score?  There are no friendly forces around you. You can go to the roof, and others can also go to the roof. Your machine gun can only face one side, but others can attack you from several directions.

    Coupled with Zhu Shijian's strategy of knocking out the Japanese machine guns first, under the fire from the front and rear of two automatic rifles and a squad machine gun, all the machine gunners were killed in just a few minutes.  , even the house on the roof was blown down by a projectile explosive package used by the Anti-Japanese Federation. The two crooked machine guns were all misfired in Zhu Shijian's first round of attack.

    And the Type 92 heavy machine gun, which was regarded as a priority target, was suppressed by Zhu Shijian's 12.7mm machine gun in the first round of attacks launched by Zhu Shijian, and was unable to fight back at all.  Although this Type 92 heavy machine gun still has sandbags as temporary fortifications, the fortifications made of sandbags have basically zero protection against 12.7mm bullets.

    During the exchange of fire, the troops led by Zhu Shijian took the lead in knocking out the opponent's machine gun. They had the upper hand in terms of speed of fire and intensity of firepower. However, the number of Japanese and puppet soldiers in the courtyard exceeded him after all. Zhu Shijian's  If you hit one on one side, you can quickly add another on the other side.

    The Japanese and puppet troops in the courtyard found that they could not defeat others during the exchange of fire, and began to throw grenades wildly. As soon as the Anti-Alliance side launched an attack, the other side would throw grenades wildly without regard to consumption. It was a grenade battle.  Afterwards, both sides found that no one could do anything to the other.

    Although judging from the battle situation in the entire mountain village, the Japanese army could not afford casualties, but from the perspective of this small battlefield, Zhu Shijian could not afford casualties. The Japanese army's grenades and their numerical advantage made his attack difficult to carry out.  Chang, several attacks were either blown up by Japanese grenades but failed, or were repelled by Japanese hand-to-hand combat.

    The continuous blasting, also because the distance between the enemy and ourselves was too close, did not cause much damage to the wall where the Japanese troops relied. The wall was only half as high as a man, and there was no obstruction to the line of sight at all.  For observing the surrounding situation, there are no blind spots.

    In addition to the extremely close distance, any movement here cannot be hidden from the eyes of the opponent over there. Once any abnormality is discovered, the Japanese army will not concentrate their rifle fire on it.They were hiding behind the wall and throwing grenades wildly. Even though they were suppressing fire, they couldn't hold back the Japanese army and used people to fill the gap at all costs.

    As long as someone is knocked down behind the stone wall, someone will immediately come up to take over. Even if he relies on his advantage in firepower and rate of fire to suppress the Japanese riflemen, he is still helpless in the face of the grenades that the Japanese army desperately throws from behind the stone wall.  He didn't have a mortar, so he couldn't hit the guy hiding behind the stone wall throwing grenades.

    After sacrificing two blasters, Zhu Shijian had to stop this tactic that was not worth the gain. At the moment, he only had one reinforced squad at hand that could be used to attack. He lost two blasters in two charges. If it had been a few more  This time, the few troops he had in hand were not enough to add more troops inside. It is estimated that before he could blow up the wall, his entire squad would be exhausted.

    Looking at the courtyard wall, which was only half a man tall, but blocked his offensive, Zhu Shijian felt a headache. Whether it was the advancing army or the tactics of his troops in the north of the village, they were now returned intact by the Japanese and puppet troops.  When he came back, Zhu Shijian never imagined that one day he would be subject to the tactics that he and his allies were most proud of.
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