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Text Chapter 213 Takada Yasuhiro¡¯s Thoughts

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    Nowadays, war relies on modern equipment, and it is no longer like the past, when courage alone can achieve victory. For an army, the lack of ammunition is even more terrifying than the lack of weapons, because there is no  A rifle without bullets is not as useful as a broadsword. An army without the support of modern industry can only be a lame army.

    As long as their ammunition is completely consumed during the battle, they are not allowed to obtain part of the replenishment through capture, and their connection with the pass is cut off, then there is no big problem in destroying this so-called advancing army.  If the troops have no ammunition, no matter how hard they fight, it will be in vain.

    In Yasuhiro Takada's view, even if the current advancing army composed of the main force of the North China Communist Army has an advantage in strength and has been greatly improved in equipment, ammunition and supply capabilities are still their biggest weaknesses.  , as long as the 23rd Division continues to resist on the Linxi battlefield, it will be impossible for them to continue to receive supplements from the Anti-Japanese Alliance in Northern Manchuria.

    And under the current situation that the front line of the Great Wall has been cut off by the North China Front Army, and the North China Front Army, at the request of the Kwantung Army, has begun a large-scale raid on its so-called base areas in North China, especially the Jidong area adjacent to Rehe, they will not  May continue to receive supplements from within the customs.

    Unless they achieve a decisive victory before all the ammunition on hand is used up, a small amount of seizures on the battlefield will not be able to meet the needs of so many troops. As an officer who considers himself to have received a modern education, Yasuhiro Takada does not think that  There is an army that can defeat its opponents by capturing a small amount of ammunition on the battlefield.

    Therefore, when he discovered that the equipment of the advancing army out of the pass was very different from before, Yasuhiro Takada, who had dealt with the Eighteenth Army in the pass a lot and thought he was familiar with them, in addition to contacting the North China Front Army in the pass, asked them to  Troops were sent to carry out a large-scale sweep of the Jidong area adjacent to Rehe, and blockades along the Great Wall cut off communication lines inside and outside the pass, cutting off the advancing army's communication with the interior of the pass.

    At the same time, the Kwantung Army aviation force is requested to do everything possible to mobilize some of its troops and concentrate them at Chifeng Airport to cut off the air supplies that the Anti-Japanese Alliance may provide to the Jehol battlefield.  The subordinate Japanese and puppet troops issued an extremely strict, even cruel order.

    In this order, all troops on the Jehol battlefield are strictly ordered to destroy all weapons and ammunition as much as possible when necessary, and must not let them fall into the hands of the enemy, especially ammunition and food. It is not allowed to destroy all weapons and ammunition.  Leave a bullet and a grain of food for your opponent.

    Soldiers are not allowed to carry more than forty rounds of ammunition each time they participate in an attack. Anyway, the imperial soldiers' marksmanship is accurate, and carrying forty rounds of ammunition is enough for a day's combat. As for the light and heavy machine guns, the daily allocated ammunition will not be used during defensive battles.  No more than four bases are allowed. When launching an attack, the ammunition carried cannot exceed two bases. All spare ammunition must be guarded by dedicated personnel. Once the situation is unfavorable, all must be blown up.

    In his opinion, with his order and the extent to which the Japanese army has always implemented orders from superiors, this so-called advancing army basically cannot replenish its losses through capture. The reason is very simple. He clearly stated in this order  It is clear that once the ammunition of that unit exceeds a certain amount and is seized, the commander of that unit will receive the most severe punishment.

    It was precisely with this confidence that he believed that the so-called advancing army formed by his old rivals in the North China Front Army was no longer the same as the previous Tubal Road, even though they now had complete equipment and ammunition.  But in the absence of continuous supply from the rear and the inability to capture them on the battlefield, the limited reserves they have on hand will definitely be used to fully supply front operations.

    As the security force of the rear command post, although the defenders here will not be too short on ammunition, they will definitely not be too much, let alone sufficient, because under the relative safety of the rear, these people will definitely  As much as possible, limited ammunition should be given to the front for use in order to maintain sufficient continuous combat capabilities.

    Because he had dealt with the Eighteenth Army in the pass, he knew that the biggest difference between this army and the National Government army was that they would not put the best equipment and troops around the high command.  To ensure their own safety, although they will not make them tattered, it is their habit to tilt their main equipment towards front-line combat troops.

    And when his plainclothes team touched these two commanding heights and eliminated the defenders here, the amount of ammunition carried by the defenders who were quietly approached and killed by using terrain cover has already proved his judgment.  The six sentries who had been killed with bayonets by the plainclothes squad had only twenty rounds of ammunition and two grenades each.

      As the only control firepower between the two adjacent commanding heights, the Czech light machine gun placed on one of the hills only had three magazines and a total of only 60 rounds. This number was comparable to that of the soldiers fighting in front.  , there is a big difference. Judging from the reports of the participating troops on the battlefield, their soldiers fighting in the front were issued at least one hundred rounds of ammunition each.

    It was the ammunition situation of the defenders at the commanding heights that made him decide to use plainclothes troops to consume the limited ammunition the defenders had. In his opinion, as long as the defenders' ammunition was completely consumed, the rest of the matter would be easy to solve, even if  In hand-to-hand combat, those Tubalu were no match for the imperial army.

    For Yasuhiro Takada, the lives of Imperial Japanese soldiers are precious, and the troops in his hands cannot be wasted. The task of attracting the defenders' attention and wasting the defenders' precious ammunition should be left to those who are parasitic in his eyes.  The insect-like Manchus are more suitable.

    Of course, he would never admit that he had done this, and it also meant killing people with a borrowed knife. He had been very dissatisfied with this Cui Sihu before. If this guy wasn't so highly regarded by the Chief of Staff, he would even be a little dissatisfied with this guy.  Takada Yasuhiro, who hated him deeply, had long thought of ways to get rid of this damn guy. During his fight with the captain of the military police, he had repeatedly ruined his good deeds.

    For him now, this arrangement is all for the sake of the war situation. He sent that guy to lead the battle to protect the precious lives of the soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army. It is definitely not to avenge private revenge. If he dies here in battle, then he can only be blamed.  It's just a bad life, and I can't blame myself. However, if he didn't die, I would find a way to make him devote himself to the Manchu Empire.

    However, although this guy was a little messy, his vision was still above average. In fact, according to the current situation of the security regiment of the advancing army headquarters, Yasuhiro Takada's judgment was not wrong.  The main operation, so under the circumstance that the head of the headquarters attaches great importance to the supply of ammunition to the combat troops, the quantity of ammunition equipped is indeed small.

    In addition, the Hanyang-made rifles currently equipped by this guard regiment use original ammunition. The army itself does not have much inventory, so each person is usually issued twenty rounds of ammunition. Although these twenty rounds of ammunition are  It is an original product manufactured by the National Government arsenal, and its performance is much better than the bullets reloaded by the arsenal in the base area, but the quantity is indeed insufficient, which is a practical problem.

    Although they are all 79-caliber bullets, due to the difference in bullet diameter, the Polish-made ammunition transported by Yang Zhen cannot be used without modification on Hanyang-made rifles. And because Hanyang-made rifles, the Anti-Alliance Forces  It has never been equipped. Among the previous Northeastern Army or Fengjun, Hanyang-made rifles were almost never equipped.

    This kind of equipment, which is the most common among various factions in the customs, is still very disdainful to Fengjun, who has always been wealthy. In addition to being too far away from Wuhan and unable to purchase it directly, Fengjun has its own outlet to the sea and has limited financial resources.  It is much richer than the warlords in Guan Nei, and it has built a large arsenal of its own.

    The equipment is still mainly imported Czech-made and Type 38 rifles, as well as self-produced Liao-13 rifles, made in Hanyang, which have almost been eliminated long ago. Not to mention bullets, there are no firearms, not to mention the Anti-Japanese Alliance and the Puppetry  The entire army, even the bandits in the Northeast, do not have such weapons.

    Therefore, the bullets required for the Hanyang-made rifles of the customs forces cannot be provided by the Anti-Japanese League. In the case of insufficient ammunition, the original Hanyang-made rifles can only be replaced and replaced with Polish-made rifles provided by the Anti-Japanese League.  It is a Japanese-made rifle, or it can only concentrate a limited supply of bullets for use by a certain army.

    When the advance army was formed, although the equipment brought over by the Anti-Japanese Movement was sufficient, considering that almost all the main forces of the two military regions had left the base area, a considerable part of the troops remaining in the base area were upgraded from local armed forces and had relatively poor equipment.  You can't give up completely.

    Therefore, with the consent of the central government, the two military regions not only selected the better Jin-made 38 rifles and Czech-style rifles from the equipment that had been replaced, but also left some of the anti-Japanese war transfers.  The incoming equipment will enrich the remaining troops and bring the newly upgraded troops to full strength.

    As the main goal of advancing to the army headquarters was to enrich the combat effectiveness of the grassroots, the guard regiment of the headquarters did not replace it with new equipment according to the original plan. Instead, it selected the Hanyang-made rifles that had been replaced by the field troops.  Some of the better weapons were enriched into the guard regiment.

    It¡¯s just that the Hanyang-made rifle is one of the main equipment before the army changes its equipment. In addition, since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the entire North China has fallen into the hands of the Japanese army for many years. With its own military strength being weak and the ammunition sources behind enemy lines being quite limited,  There are not many original bullets left for this rifle.

    ? ?? Even the batch of Hanyang-made rifle bullets in my hand are mainly old ones donated by friendly forces in the past. Although the quantity was not large when they were first given, after long-term consumption, there are not many left, and for  When the puppet army was fighting, the quantity of such ammunition seized was not large, and the quality was not very good.

    You must know that the puppet troops in North China at this time, as long as they had some confidence, were equipped with quite good equipment. They were either Japanese-style 38-type rifles or Czech-style, Chinese-style, and Jin-made 38-type rifles that were captured by the Japanese army when they fought against the Nationalist Government.  There are good guns such as Type 13 and Liao 13. There are not many old-fashioned rifles made in Hanyang, but there are not many of them.

    Like the main force of the puppet army in North China, the puppet security forces are all equipped with Japanese equipment from top to bottom, or the Czech-made rifle machine guns captured by the Japanese army from the 29th Army stockpiled in Peiping and Tianjin, and the 29th Army using Dagu  The imitation Czech-style weapons produced by the shipyard are very well-equipped. It can be said that they are above the average national army and not even worse than the Central Army. There are no such old guns made in Hanyang.

    When fighting against the puppet army, not many of these bullets were seized in Hanyang. Even if they were seized, many of them were counterfeited by various puppet generals who set up private factories. Due to technical and raw material constraints, many of these products were round.  A product that is neither round nor square and can only make a loud sound cannot be used even if it is seized.
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