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Text Chapter 211 Consumables

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    For a person like him who would do anything to survive and get promoted and make a fortune, if you want him to just accept his fate and go charge and take bullets, he will not do it no matter what.  For him now, it seems that there is no choice left, but this guy is quickly thinking about how to get out of danger.

    Although for Cui Sihu, who felt that the cunning rabbit was dead and the lackey was cooked at this time, it was no longer a problem whether he could keep the capital in his hand. If he was not even alive, even if he could keep the capital, it would be damned.  Everything belongs to other people. All the hard work I have put in over the years has become a wedding dress for others.

    However, no matter how sophisticated this guy was, with two bayonets behind him, it was impossible for him to come up with any way out of the predicament in such a short period of time. In order not to be used as a scapegoat for Yasuhiro Takada, Cui Sihu gritted his teeth.  Or make up your mind to go all out and give it a try.

    In any case, as long as you can protect yourself and those few most loyal confidants, even if the rest of the people are dead, there will still be a chance to make a comeback. As long as the Chief of Staff still trusts you, then for you, it is still  If you are confident, as for the debt with that guy, as long as you are still alive and with your own ability, there is no problem in finding an opportunity to hit him with a black gun.

    After making up his mind to go down the mountain, under the supervision of two guards sent by Yasuhiro Takada behind him, this guy took out his pistol and forced his subordinates to charge forward. However, when his subordinates charged, he and his most hardcore  He was a confidant, but he fell behind intentionally or unintentionally. Was he a commander? He had to stay behind and take command.

    If he, the commander, personally led the charge, what else would his subordinates do? Charge for me. For him, this is enough. It would be absolutely impossible for him to charge with me. Fortunately, Yasuhiro Takada did not do anything.  He was too capable and did not force him to lead the charge himself.

    Looking at the plainclothes team rushing up again from Yamashita, Major Yasuhiro Takada smiled slightly, turned around and said to the Japanese squadron leader beside him: "This time, you put all your strength into following them. If the plainclothes team is torn apart,  Follow up the defense line at the entrance of the village quickly and immediately develop in depth. If you still cower like before, you will destroy them all together. "

    After hearing Yasuhiro Takada's order, the Japanese squadron leader glanced at him hesitantly, but did not dare to argue and went down the mountain to carry out the order. Although it was unclear why the Major looked down upon the Chief of Staff down the mountain so much.  The red man in his eyes dared to risk the anger of His Excellency the Chief of Staff and forced that man and his men to fight to the death.

    Regarding Yasuhiro Takada's order, as a garrison squadron leader who knew that Cui Sihu was highly regarded by the Chief of Staff of the Independent Guard Corps, he did not understand. In his opinion, the most important thing to do now was to consider how to break through the village as soon as possible.  , instead of wasting time here because of these Manchus who have no fighting ability at all.

    Rather than letting these cowardly Manchus, who flinch at the sound of gunshots, waste precious time here and affect the progress of the war, it is better to mobilize all the imperial troops who truly have supreme combat effectiveness, cover them with artillery fire, and carry out the campaign with all their strength.  An assault, rather than arguing with those cowardly Manchus here to waste time, but the Japanese army was highly hierarchical, and he did not dare to fail to carry out the orders of his superiors.

    Major Yasuhiro Takada had no explanation for his subordinates' incomprehension. In fact, for him, the real breakthrough point he chose was not the north of the village. Like the attacking puppet Manchukuo troops to the east of the village, it was all to attract  He chose the west side of the village to draw the defender's attention and the real breakthrough point.

    The terrain in the north of the village undoubtedly controls the commanding heights of the entire village tactically. However, as the choice of a breakthrough point for attack, the advantage is obvious. It can launch attacks from a high position, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the terrain is narrow, which is not conducive to large-scale attacks.  The troops spread out.

    Moreover, there is a 200-meter-long unobstructed and not-so-open open space away from the village. As a result, the attacking troops will suffer serious casualties due to the lack of cover during the attack. At the same time, the entire village, the village  The fortifications in the north are also the strongest.

    The west side of the village is different. Although the terrain there is much gentler and the mountains are not high, the two mountain legs there extend directly to the edge of the village, and the vegetation is relatively lush. When attacking from there, you can take advantage of the terrain.  The advantages penetrated into the village at the fastest speed, but for Takada Yasuhiro, he thought that if he could recognize it, his opponents would also see it.

    Therefore, he launched a fierce offensive in the north and east of the village at the same time, in order to attract most of the opponents in the village to this side, so as to facilitate the two plainclothes teams and one who were moving along the ridge to the west of the village.  The strength of the Japanese squadron, the attack launched from the west of the villageAchieve maximum suddenness.

    In order to achieve a fundamental breakthrough from the west of the village and create the most favorable conditions, it is true that the number of artillery shells carried in this roundabout battle was not large, but it was not so short that it could not provide fire cover for the battle north of the village. However,  The shells in his hand were not prepared for Cui Sihu and his plainclothes team.

    In his opinion, Cui Sihu's plainclothes team is dead and has nothing to do with him. His precious shells will not be wasted on those hateful guys. These shells are for the west of the village.  To provide fire support for the upcoming battle.

    It was precisely because of this plan that he forced Cui Sihu and his men to take on the task of attracting firepower from the defenders and consuming the enemy's ammunition and troops. For him, both Cui Sihu and his men were the same.  This kind of consumable is inevitable in combat, and it is a kind of consumable that is likely to waste the opponent's precious ammunition. It is absolutely impossible for him to waste his precious shells for these consumables.

    For him, who was transferred from the position of captain of the First Army of the North China Front Army and had many interactions with the 18th Group Army troops in the pass, which caused the North China Front Army an extremely headache, he knew that the 18th Army Group that was currently his opponent was  What the so-called advancing army formed by the group army lacked most was not courage or soldiers, but equipment and ammunition. Without a complete ordnance system, the best weapons and ammunition they had were the spoils of war against the imperial army.

    In his impression, the 18th Army's troops are generally equipped with very little ammunition. Even their so-called main force, ammunition is also very scarce. As long as their limited ammunition can be consumed, then the battle that is about to start in the west of the village will  When troops launch an attack, they will encounter much less resistance.

    As long as the opponent has no ammunition, there will no longer be any means to stop him from making contributions. As for whether the defenders will engage in hand-to-hand combat with him after the limited ammunition is exhausted, he really doesn't care. In his opinion,  In terms of hand-to-hand combat capabilities, there is no army in the world that can surpass the so-called Imperial Army of Japan.

    It¡¯s just that Major Yasuhiro Takada, who thinks he knows these local routes very well and is preparing to use plainclothes teams to consume the limited ammunition in the hands of his opponents to facilitate his next battle, doesn¡¯t know that under Yang Zhen¡¯s full airlift regardless of the cost, the Eighteen Eighth Route Army in Guan Nei  A considerable number of troops in various groups of the group army have completed the change of equipment, and the supply of ammunition is no longer in the same dilemma as before.

    Although the entire ammunition reserve and carrying capacity cannot be compared with the Japanese army, which has a large-scale military industrial base, there has been a fundamental change compared with before. Every time there is a battle, there is no need to count bullets.  During the battle, although the troops coming out of the customs encountered certain difficulties with food, they did not have any difficulties with ammunition.

    Not only did the soldiers' ammunition distribution increase from the original standard of 20 rounds for the main force and 5 rounds for the local troops, to 120 rounds, but for the troops leaving the customs, in addition to the logistics departments of each brigade,  In addition to carrying 200,000 rounds of spare ammunition, each regiment has generally established a reserve of about 50,000 rounds. Even the number of artillery shells is relatively sufficient. Each artillery carries three base numbers of shells.

    We must know that in order to prepare for this outbound operation, the ammunition transported by the Anti-Japanese Alliance by air was only used for the troops staying in the old base areas and supplemented by about one-third of the troops in the Jidong and Jizhong military regions. The rest of the ammunition,  As long as the troops can carry it, they will bring it as much as possible.

    When various troops encounter food difficulties, they are reluctant to kill animals. A large part of the reason is because if these animals carrying ammunition are killed, the troops' ammunition carrying capacity will be reduced without reliable bases as reserve points.  Capabilities will be significantly affected.

    The transportation methods and capabilities of the Eighteenth Army are too backward. There are no trucks. Except for livestock, all the materials can only be transported by manpower. When it is impossible and cannot recruit civilian labor, if they are mobilized  Too much manpower to transport ammunition will undoubtedly affect the number of combat troops.

    However, although the transportation methods and capabilities are backward, the current ammunition of this advancing army will not only have no problem in completing the entire Jehol operation, but even the current overall ammunition quantity of the army, even if it is not seized after the battle, the Anti-Alliance promised  If supplies are not in place, you can leave a certain amount of reserves yourself.

    In fact, when this advancing army came out of the customs and fought against the Japanese and puppet troops in the Rehe area, they were faced with opponents who could now be called sophisticated equipment. Those in Rehe who had fought against the customs forces in the eastern Hebei area  The Japanese and puppet army officers who had participated in the raids on the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region were extremely surprised: "Are these the same Tuba Road soldiers from back then?"

    You must know that Rehe is located here due to its geographical location.?The Japanese garrison and the puppet Manchukuo army have repeatedly participated in the raids on the activities of the 18th Group Army Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region in eastern Hebei and northern Hebei. The 18th Army troops there had poor equipment and lack of ammunition, and even in many cases  Under this situation, it is difficult for a regiment to annihilate a squadron of the Japanese army. Especially in the eastern Hebei area, as long as there is a stronghold, it is difficult to break through.

    The equipment of the advancing troops out of the border this time is completely different from what the Japanese and puppet troops had before. The equipment standard and quantity of light and heavy machine guns are much more sufficient than before. There are even a large number of artillery, which can  It is said that in addition to the certain gap in the basic quality of the soldiers, the equipment is not inferior to the local Japanese army in Rehe.

    Compared with the puppet army, the equipment is much better, especially the artillery, which is even more difficult to compare with the puppet Manchukuo army. The number of various artillery pieces equipped by the artillery of the advancing army that came out of the border battle was only two mortar squadrons.  , a mountain artillery team organized by a brigade, and the Jehol Independent Guards of several infantry artillery squads. During the battle, the bullets fired were even more generous than the Japanese army.

    The occurrence of this situation caught the local Japanese and puppet troops in Rehe somewhat unprepared. From the strategic point of view, the advance army's outbound operations this time were almost complete in terms of firepower, equipment, and even troop strength.  Of course, this can be achieved. The two major military regions that participated in the establishment of the advancing army achieved such results only after a lot of hard work.
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