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Text Chapter 206 To make the final decision

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    As for why the current situation is so severe, it is not difficult to understand the excitement on the face of the company commander. At present, the Anti-Japanese Alliance has developed into an army of hundreds of thousands, a combined force of various arms, and so many companies throughout the army.  There are a few people who can get the honor of personally commanding No. 1. I am afraid that even the security forces around No. 1 do not have this honor.

    You must know that although your company is the absolute main company in the entire First Division, let alone being commanded by the highest commander of the entire army, even the chance of being personally commanded by the division commander is very low. But now I am lucky enough to be the number one commanding personally.  The only infantry company in the army.

    For the current cadres and soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, Yang Zhen, the No. 1 Commander-in-Chief of the Anti-Japanese Alliance who led them to fight countless beautiful battles, is almost like a god. Now he is lucky enough to be commanded by No. 1 personally. How can this company commander  Wouldn't you be excited? This is almost a great honor for him and his company.

    When the company commander excitedly turned around to assemble the troops, Yang Zhen called out to the guard regiment leader and political commissar who were also turning to deploy. He hesitated and said, "I see that there are relatively complete field fortifications at the entrance of the village to the east.  After you complete your deployment, don¡¯t rush to launch a counterattack or launch a counterattack.¡±

    "Use the machine gun and armored vehicle firepower provided by the Anti-Japanese Alliance to kill the enemy with firepower as much as possible. When the casualties of the Japanese and puppet troops in front of you reach one-third, concentrate your forces to fight back. Remember, do not carry out a full-scale attack easily.  Counterattack, but as long as you launch a counterattack, you must make the final decision.¡±

    "You are the security force of the headquarters. If there are too many casualties in the battle due to a hasty counterattack, what will happen to the safety of the headquarters in the next step? If you do not kill the snake, you will suffer the consequences. When this organization counterattacks, you  We must control it well and never cause too many casualties by rashly organizing a counterattack.¡±

    "Your mission is to protect the safety of the headquarters, not to completely eat the enemy troops in front of you. If you want to fight, there will be many opportunities in the future. The Japanese devils will not be driven away at once. There are battles for you to fight. You are not short of this  Once again, remember, you are the only one around the headquarters now, and protecting the safety of the headquarters is what you should do most. "

    After hearing his words that seemed to be suggestions but were actually orders, the two commanders and political commissars of the advancing army guard group turned their heads to look at their commander, even though the man in front of them was younger than the two of them.  The general is his superior, and his level is much higher than that of his regiment-level cadre.

    But after all, they are not the same army and have different organizational structures. The deployment of this young leader still needs to be approved by his immediate superior. The commander-in-chief of the Anti-Japanese Alliance is not the commander of the advancing army, but he is the head of the guard regiment of the advancing army, not  The guard commander of the Anti-Japanese Alliance must ultimately obey the orders of his direct superior.

    What they didn't expect was that the commander sitting over there, who was listening with interest to Yang Zhen's deployment to his guard regiment leader and political commissar, not only had no dissatisfaction with Yang Zhen's overstepping words, but even  With a satisfied expression on his face, he spat out two words, "Follow it."

    After receiving the commander's order, the two of them did not dare to delay and hurriedly went to adjust the deployment according to the requirements of their superiors. Looking at the backs of these two people, Yang Zhen shook his head and smiled bitterly. These two people followed what he knew.  , in later generations, they will all be at the level of founding major generals. Now when I give orders to them, I no longer have many taboos like before.

    The security regiment of the advancing army headquarters is composed of the first guard regiment of the original 129th Division and the first guard regiment of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region. Although the head of the regiment is from the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, he has no direct connection with himself.  relationship, but the political commissar of the regiment was heard to be his old superior when he worked in the 129th Division.

    Although he is not familiar with it now, he was once his superior after all, but these words came out of his mouth. Thinking about it, Yang Zhen could only be speechless. Could this be what later generations would say that he is used to being the leader and has become accustomed to it?  Someone with a lower position than him gave orders, even if this person was his old superior.

    Think about it again, when I held a reorganization meeting of the New Fourth Army, facing a group of future lieutenant generals, major generals, and even generals, who were the founding fathers that I would only dare to admire in later generations, but I was also not restrained at all, and even  It felt natural, but Yang Zhen didn't know whether he had changed or whether the environment had changed.

    The two troops, which have different structures and even different military uniforms, quickly readjusted their deployments according to the orders of their superiors. Fortunately, although the structures were different, the two armies were both elite troops after all.  The deployment was re-adjusted and fell into chaos. The entire deployment operation was carried out in a very orderly manner.

    After the anti-alliance forces took over the northern defense line as quickly as possible, theThe Guard Corps of the Army Headquarters also quickly adjusted its deployment according to the commander's order, concentrated the main force and firepower, and tried its best to block the only access to the mountains from the east. At the same time, it mobilized some troops to strengthen the west and south areas where there is currently no enemy situation.  Both directions.

    While the troops in the village were making tense adjustments due to the sudden attack by the Japanese army, at the commanding heights in the north of the village, they had just completed observing the entire battle situation and put down their binoculars to direct the long-distance attack. The current officer  Major Yasuhiro Takada, the senior operational staff officer of the ninth independent garrison of the Japanese army stationed in Rehe, touched the underside of his nose quite excitedly. His thick snotty beard made him look a little proud.

    Although the sneak attack failed to achieve complete success because it did not directly break into the village, the troops that were able to capture the two commanding heights to the north of the village and attack from the north had already reached a place less than 200 meters away from the village. In his eyes,  I am already very lucky.

    Although the attack from the east is somewhat unfavorable due to the terrain, in his opinion, the weak firepower in the village cannot stop his attack at all, especially when he occupies the commanding heights, as long as he can add more control  Jin, there is absolutely no problem in breaking into the village.

    The reason why he is so excited is very simple. In addition to the fact that success is already beckoning to him, the most important point is that a group of elite troops will be mobilized this time to secretly set off from Chengde via the northern part of the paddock and the  The mountainous area at the junction of Hexigten Banner.

    Avoiding all inhabited places, he rushed with all his strength to attack a special force sent by the garrison. The suggestion from the enemy's important headquarters was what he proposed to the commander. If the enemy army in this village could be destroyed in one fell swoop,  Command, then for me, it is not as simple as just getting every medal.

    After receiving a report from a plainclothes team operating in the northern areas of Weichang and Longhua that a seemingly important enemy command structure was discovered in a mountain village at the junction of Weichang and Longhua, Major Yasuhiro Takada immediately and keenly  A fighter plane was discovered.

    Although I don¡¯t know where the highest headquarters is responsible for commanding the entire advancing army¡¯s combat operations, and the plainclothes team¡¯s report is not very detailed, but from the limited report of the plainclothes team, as a senior combat staff officer, Major Yasuhiro Takada, it is still accurate  It can be judged that even if this is not the enemy's highest headquarters, it should be an important command structure based on its location.

    After coming to this conclusion, this guy immediately suggested to the commander, who was a little worried about the situation on the Jehol battlefield, to deploy a group of elite troops to bypass the forward positions where the two armies were fighting fiercely and take the sparsely populated mountainous area to the north.  , conduct a long-range attack and destroy this headquarters.

    His reasons are very good. The Kwantung Army has occupied Rehe for eight years now. Regarding the mountains, rivers and other terrain of Rehe, there are densely populated areas and sparsely populated areas.  The key is that the Kwantung Army has a large number of special agents who are more familiar with this place.

    With these circumstances, the Kwantung Army can organize a large number of units to attack various important institutions on these Tubal Road. If what the plainclothes team discovered is really their high command, then it will undoubtedly be a threat to the Independent Ninth Guards  Quite an advantageous fighter.

    Judging from the location where the plainclothes team discovered the situation, there should be a high-level headquarters located in the rear. According to what he currently knows about all aspects of the advancing army, especially the communication capabilities, even their so-called brigade one  The level headquarters will not be too far away from the battlefield.

    He even has a feeling that the headquarters that is so far away from the frontline battlefield is likely to be the highest headquarters of the advancing army. If this headquarters can be destroyed, it will bring a great turn to the Jehol War.  , and can even settle the entire battle in Jehol in one fell swoop.

    I originally thought that his seemingly unrealistic suggestion would be difficult to get approved without going through some debate. After all, his plan had to travel nearly a hundred kilometers long distance without any support from the rear or friendly forces.  The idea of ??going to the enemy's rear area was tantamount to an extremely risky thing even for the adventurous Japanese army.

    And who can guarantee that this information is true? In the current situation where the military strength is already tense, for an unreliable information, the troops that are already very valuable to the Independent Ninth Guards are deployed to carry out this kind of intelligence.  It is unlikely that ordinary commanders will agree to this task.

    After learning of his idea, some people simply suggested that the Mongolian garrison in Duolun to the west send troops. Anyway, they are not far from the mountainous area southwest of the paddock, and the main force of the advancing army is currently concentrated on the Rehe battlefield.  , they are mostly cavalry and have strong mobility.??Wouldn't it be better to let them send troops, and it would also allow them to save some face in the Keshiketeng Banner, but their nearly 10,000 troops were defeated by a small number of enemy troops and suffered a great loss.

    What Major Yasuhiro Takada didn't expect was that his suggestion, which others thought was too unreasonable and difficult to accept regardless of the actual situation on the Rehe battlefield, was rejected by the Kwantung Army because of the current situation in Rehe.  The command forced the commander, who was almost hanging, to approve it in the shortest possible time.

    He even did not hesitate to weaken Chifeng's already small garrison strength. He personally selected the three most elite infantry squadrons from the garrison squadrons stationed in Chifeng, as well as a battalion of the Iron and Stone Troops of the Manchukuo Army, and two of the best  A plainclothes team carried out the mission and gave them full command of the attack.

    At the same time, the other two plainclothes teams currently operating in Weichang and Longhua were also put under his command, and he ordered Major Akira Kitai, captain of the Gendarmerie of the Ninth Independent Guard Corps, who was responsible for commanding these plainclothes teams, to give them the greatest possible support for their actions.  His cooperation, in a word, was to give him what he asked for, but he was required to succeed in one blow. No matter what the situation was, he must completely eliminate this command.
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