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Text Chapter 201: Concern leads to chaos

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    As if to confirm Yang Zhen's worries, just as the commander finished speaking, and before Yang Zhen had time to reply, a dull gunshot from Hanyang suddenly sounded outside the village. This gunshot was obviously from the advancing army guard troops.  The sentries deployed on the periphery were firing warning shots. Following the sound of the gunfire, like exploding beans, intensive gunfire rang out from the north and east of the village almost at the same time.

    This time it wasn't just the Hanyang-made gunshots equipped by the advancing army guard troops. The crisp gunshots of the 38-type rifles that looked like popping beans were also mixed with the explosions of grenades and the gunshots of crooked handles.  , Yang Zhen also heard the unique gunfire of the Type 92 heavy machine gun.

    Hearing the gunfire of the Type 92 heavy machine gun, Yang Zhen frowned. The security troops at the advancing army headquarters were not equipped with the Type 92 heavy machine gun at all. The Type 92 heavy machine gun of his own unit had long been retired, except for some second-line troops.  Outside, the main front-line forces no longer have such weapons, and now the gunshots of Japanese-style heavy machine guns are heard outside the village. This cannot be just a plainclothes team.

    The plainclothes team pays attention to flexibility and mobility, mainly using light weapons. It is not uncommon to have lightweight but powerful weapons such as grenades as support firepower, but usually they do not carry too many light machine guns, let alone  Carrying a heavy weapon as heavy as a machine gun, is it really what he said? A small group of Japanese troops used the mountain paths to bypass the front and sneak attack on the advancing army headquarters.

    The advancing guard regiment only has a few crooked machine guns and Czech light machine guns. It is not equipped with heavy machine guns, let alone Type 92 heavy machine guns. The sound of the Type 92 heavy machine guns coming from outside the village can only be infiltration.  The Japanese and puppet troops that came in were carrying heavy machine guns, and judging from the sound of the gunshots, this Japanese and puppet army had a lot of strength. Not counting grenades, there were at least three Type 92 heavy machine guns attached.

    As for the crooked-bar light machine guns, judging from the gunshots coming from both sides of the village, there should be about ten. According to the Japanese army's normal formation of two crooked-bar machine guns for a squad, that is to say, if the opposite side is the Japanese army, its strength will be at least  There is more than one reinforced squadron. If the puppet Manchukuo army comes, the strength should be at least about one battalion, and maybe even more.

    If the strength of the Japanese and puppet troops is as predicted, then it will be difficult to compete with the Japanese and puppet troops by relying solely on the advanced army headquarters, which has only four infantry companies, especially since there are many non-combatants in the headquarters.  With a lot of heavy equipment such as high-power radios and a lot of confidential documents, the consequences would be disastrous once the Japanese and puppet troops stormed into the village.

    Thinking of this, Yang Zhen ordered his guard platoon leader to immediately find out the situation, then turned to the two veterans and said: "Old chief, this is definitely not a plainclothes team. Judging from the sound of gunfire, it should be a regular team.  The Japanese and puppet troops can no longer stay here and must hide immediately. Since this Japanese and puppet troops are equipped with heavy machine guns, they might also have infantry artillery or mortars. "

    "The location here is too obvious. If the Japanese really have artillery here, it would be too dangerous. The radio antenna mounted on the beams and the telephone lines leading here are the most obvious signs. You two can move here."  Go to the mountain to your south and take cover. I will stay here to direct the suppression of this group of Japanese and puppet troops. Once this group of Japanese and puppet troops infiltrated from unknown directions is dealt with, you are going down the mountain."

    "You don't have to worry about communication. I'm here to bring a communication vehicle with several high-power radios. Even when the troops are marching, they can send and receive telegrams 24 hours a day. Please rest assured, two leaders.  , even if they are transferred, it will not affect the two old chiefs' command of the troops below."

    Regarding Yang Zhen's concern, the commander shook his head and said: "We cannot evacuate here. The deployment of the war on the eastern front has been completed, and all the troops have been mobilized. At the critical moment when the battle is about to begin, once we are interrupted from the front,  Without radio contact, it is easy to delay things and cause confusion in the front troops. At least for now, we cannot leave. "

    "You have communication vehicles, I know this, but there are no roads on the mountain, so your communication vehicles cannot go up the mountain. When we go to the mountain, the communication vehicle is at the foot of the mountain. It will still take time to rely on manpower to go back and forth. The communication vehicle has no protection. Once it drives,  When you leave the village, you are easily attacked."

    "The mountains to the south are steep. When we get there, we can hold on to the dangers. Even if the Japanese army comes with a large force, it is true that they cannot easily attack the mountains, but some will be lost. The steep mountains are good for us to hold on, but the communication vehicles can only  Placed at the foot of the mountain, such a large vehicle with such an obvious target could easily become a target for Japanese artillery fire.¡±

    "Since the Japanese army launched the attack from the north, the commanding heights on the northern slopes must have fallen into the hands of the Japanese army. The surrounding terrain here, although the mountains in the north are much gentler than those in the south, the altitude in the north is also much higher than in the south.  , the Japanese and puppet troops seized control of the north.From the ?? point, you can overlook the south. A target as big as your communication vehicle is placed there, making it the best target for Japanese mortars.  "

    "And you also said that with our large forces already controlling the highway, the Japanese and puppet troops that can infiltrate here can only be small groups or plainclothes teams of the Japanese and puppet troops. It is possible for large forces to come over.  It¡¯s not that bad. There is a guard regiment at the advancing army headquarters here, and you have a reinforced company and an armored vehicle platoon.¡±

    "The troops and firepower around the headquarters are not weak now. Although my guard regiment is a little worse in equipment, the company you brought is well equipped, with armored vehicles and direct-aiming artillery. Our current strength can be said to be  They are well-equipped, and I think it will be a problem to repel this group of enemies in the village where the headquarters is currently located.¡±

    Having said this, the commander smiled and said: "Don't get confused just because we two old guys are here. The enemy situation in the surrounding area is unclear at the moment. I think it is wiser for us to rely on this place and rely on the existing fortifications."  With so many radio stations in the headquarters and so many non-combatants to choose from, transfer is not an easy task.¡±

    "With your ability, your eyesight is not shallow. You, if you care, you will be confused. Otherwise, you still can't see the difference in the terrain. Don't worry. Although our guard regiment is a little worse in equipment, it may be poorly trained."  There is a certain difference in level from you, but the soldiers are all veterans who have been tested many times against raids, and there is absolutely no problem with their loyalty.¡±

    "Cadres at all levels are also experienced in actual combat, especially regiment leaders, political commissars, and several company commanders. They are all cadres who have been tested by the Long March. They have extremely rich experience in on-the-spot command and combat. They  We haven¡¯t reported yet, which means the situation is not dangerous yet.¡±

    Having said this, the commander walked to the door and looked at the different performances of his and Yang Zhen's two security forces outside the door. After the gunshots were fired, he shook his head. The two troops performed differently due to their different training levels.  Differently, the security troops brought by Yang Zhen quickly seized the commanding heights around the compound where the headquarters was located as soon as the gunshots were fired, and controlled the surrounding passages to the yard with firepower.

    The three light machine guns and one odd-looking light and heavy dual-purpose machine gun in hand quickly formed a crossfire configuration at the commanding heights. The chosen position was relatively concealed but did not affect the performance of firepower. At the same time, the situation of the combat team was  , quickly controlled several surrounding courtyards that could defend the location of the headquarters, and widened the defensive zone around the headquarters.

    At the same time as the guard platoon took action, the infantry company and armored vehicle platoon brought by Yang Zhen as temporary guards left two vehicles to cooperate with the guard platoon brought by Yang Zhen to defend the surrounding headquarters.  The troops formed three clusters with armored vehicles as the core in the shortest possible time, and quickly prepared for the counter-attack.

    Their deployment positions are the most critical places to defend the village. The direct-aiming artillery on the armored vehicles is also ready for battle. Several relatively open places in the village are under their fire control.  If there is any disturbance, effective fire suppression can be formed.

    Although his own guard force has the strength of a company, it only relies on the courtyard wall to form a blocking position. At the same time, it only uses one force to strengthen the original firepower points on the periphery. Of course, the advancing army  This reaction of the security forces has something to do with the fact that a considerable number of their troops are currently controlling the perimeter. As a personal security force, there is nothing wrong with them doing so.

    From the point of view of the experienced commander of the Jinjin Army, his eyelids are not that narrow, but the focus of this old commander is more on the tactical differences between the two armies after the encounter and the sudden attack.  The difference in application and quick response ability.

    You don¡¯t know, it¡¯s the comparison that really scares you. From the reaction of the two armies to unexpected things shown in this emergency, the level of technical and tactical levels of the two armies can be seen at a glance. When you see the two armies in front of you,  The performance of the army was completely different. As a military expert, the commander who could see the difference at a glance shook his head.

    Putting aside the gap between the equipment levels of the two armies, the reaction speed of our own troops and the ability to organize defense in a short period of time are not even the slightest difference, whether it is the ability to deploy firepower after the incident or the nearby  The differences are obvious in the organization of defense and the selection of positions.

    After Yang Zhen arrived at the headquarters of the advancing army, at the request of his guard commander and political commissar, in addition to the anti-alliance troops taking on some security duties around the yard where the headquarters was located, the entire village was still guarded by his own guards.  The guard regiment is in charge. It can be said that except for Yang Zhen's personal guard platoon, the rest of their troops are basically resting and recuperating.

    But after the gunshot,The reaction speed of their troops who were in a relaxed state was faster than that of their guard regiment, which was actually in actual combat, and their deployment was more reasonable. In the shortest time, they not only used firepower to control  They blocked all the passages into the village, and quickly prepared for the counterattack in the direction of the Japanese and puppet troops. Once the Japanese and puppet troops really broke into the village, they would be attacked by artillery and machine guns on their armored vehicles.

    You must know that this infantry company is just an ordinary infantry company of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, not a professionally trained guard force. However, it can respond so quickly in such a short period of time, which shows the high level of actual training of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  , although the advancing army is composed of the main forces drawn from the two strategic areas, no single company can reach this level.

    Even the infantry squadrons of the elite divisions of the Japanese army cannot react as fast as them. Judging from their reaction speed alone, they can fight in the Northeast, where the enemy situation is so severe, in just a few years.  It's not unreasonable to make such a big noise.
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