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Text Chapter 199 Murderous Intent

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    When he said these words, a hint of ferocity appeared on Yang Zhen's face. For him, these people who only conspire behind the scenes must be dealt with as soon as possible, and the sooner the better, the current Battle of Jehol  There must be no delay. There is no need to engage in revolutionary humanitarianism for these people, let alone any policies.

    Whatever method is more effective, we should adopt it. If terrorist methods are effective quickly, then why not use them? Are these people allowed to use all kinds of extreme, even extremely terrifying methods to treat our cadres and soldiers?  If you want to talk to them about the principle of surrendering your gun and not killing, Yang Zhen can't see any effect except that it will make them more confident and fearless.

    For these people, only by adopting the same method of terror can we truly shock them. As for policies, we should talk to people, not devils and beasts. These people have blood on their hands.  , many of them are even traitors. Talking about policies with these people is tantamount to playing the piano to an ox.

    Many of them are even more familiar with certain aspects of policies than ordinary grassroots cadres. Talking about policies with them is tantamount to asking a butcher whose hands are stained with the blood of countless people to put down his butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. Is that possible?  On the contrary, it is easy for them to take advantage of the loopholes.

    As early as when the North Manchu base area was annihilating the scattered Japanese and puppet armed forces, as well as the original bandits who became puppet Manchu soldiers and were defeated and returned to the mountains to become bandits, Yang Zhen had repeatedly emphasized that these people should be treated like butchers.  , the heart of Buddha.

    If these people take the initiative to go down and surrender, the Japanese among them can be treated as prisoners of war as long as they do not do too much evil. People with backgrounds in the Puppet Manchukuo military police, special agents, and even traitors from the Anti-Japanese Alliance, although they cannot escape being sent to the mining areas for reform.  , but it can also leave a life behind.

    But if you resist, even if you only fire one shot, you will resolutely and ruthlessly eliminate them. Even if you capture some people, they will be sentenced to death after holding a public trial for trial, because Yang Zhen knows that once such people are lenient,  , there will be endless troubles, and we must not leave any chance to these people.

    These spy armed forces, especially those like Rehe who were adapted from former anti-resistance traitors or bandit armed forces recruited by the Japanese army, are different from the Japanese and puppet troops captured on the battlefield. Although these people have military qualities,  They are incomparable to the regular army, but they are not only extremely cunning, but also have certain guerrilla warfare capabilities.

    Its methods are more diverse and cruel. The threats to the troops, especially the sick and wounded, and the transported materials, are actually much greater. The most important thing is the threats and intimidation to the common people.  After all, regular Japanese and puppet troops cannot wander around the countryside every day, but these people are different. They are even more familiar with the folk customs and sentiments.

    Only by severely suppressing these people can they serve as a warning to others. This is what is called using revolutionary terrorism to target counter-revolutionary terrorism. Therefore, Yang Zhen has always believed that these people should never be killed.  Be merciful, otherwise there will be endless troubles. In a battle, these people are enough to overturn a victory that has already been won.

    However, when Yang Zhen said these words, although there was murderous look on his face, the ferociousness was fleeting, replaced by a strange indifference, and he quickly changed the topic to the topic he just talked about: "  However, I hope that the advancing army will try its best to mobilize some personnel from the Jidong Military Region who have been active in the Renan area, preferably local people from Rehe, to cooperate with our operations. "

    "Also, I hope that from the advancing army, a few reconnaissance companies will be transferred, preferably companies led by old Red Army soldiers, so that they can become familiar with the special operations mode, so that when similar problems arise in the future, they will not have to deploy ordinary troops.  Although our ordinary companies are also familiar with guerrilla warfare."

    "But in the face of this kind of spy armed force, the ability to respond is still a bit poor, and under the current situation, it is impossible for us to mobilize regular troops to participate in this kind of thing for a long time. The two old leaders, this is a kind of guerrilla warfare that is totally different  Different combat modes, our troops are already familiar with fighting in the base area, and are obviously not accustomed to this new combat mode. "

    "Now facing these guys, we are equivalent to officers and they are equivalent to bandits. This is a brand new combat mode for us, and we should form a group of people to face these guys according to different combat modes.  The troops fighting in this situation will often encounter this situation when opening up new areas in the future. Not only them, but also the scattered Japanese and puppet troops will bring us certain dangers and troubles.  "

    Yang Zhen¡¯s words made the two veterans agree. From the moment they entered the territory of Rehe, to now they feel that the situation in Rehe is really far better than theirs.It was much more difficult than imagined. There was no anti-Japanese armed assistance here, and the people showed an indifferent or even hostile attitude towards the troops leaving the customs.

    The basis of the rule of the Japanese and puppet troops is much tighter than that in the Guan Nei area. The rampant armed activities of their spies and the openness of their activities are almost unimaginable in the Guan Nei area. Not only do the troops have no way to raise food, salt, etc., they even have the sick and wounded.  Placement is a big issue.

    In particular, the Rexi Mountain District, where the main march and combat areas of the advance are located, is much poorer than imagined. Food production here is scarce and the people are almost in a state of abject poverty. Even if there is a small amount of food, it is difficult to meet the needs of the troops. And in  In some relatively densely populated areas in the east, the Japanese army's massacres and settlement and household consolidation methods made the survival of the troops a problem.

    The situation facing the advancing army now is similar to that when Yang Zhen first came out of the mountain. The troops were concentrated and unable to raise necessary supplies. They were scattered, but they were easily eaten by the Japanese army. And judging from the current situation,  Even if they spread out, they would not be able to raise enough supplies to sustain the troops in combat.

    The only chance to reverse the situation is to concentrate our forces to fight a big victory. Even if the current passive situation cannot be completely reversed in one fell swoop, it will still have certain benefits in easing the current embarrassing situation. At the very least, it will defeat the plainclothes troops of the Japanese and puppet troops.  It is an effective deterrent.

    As for Yang Zhen's idea of ????mobilizing a group of troops from the rear of the Anti-Japanese Alliance to specifically deal with the Japanese and puppet plainclothes teams, although the two of them believed that if time allowed, the advancing army would be able to completely eliminate these pests, but at the moment the main force has almost  The advancing army, which has been fully engaged in front-line operations, really cannot deploy too many troops at the moment.

    Moreover, the advancing army also lacks the experience to deal with situations like the current situation where Japanese and puppet plainclothes troops are mixed with the masses. It is difficult to distinguish whether they are Japanese and puppet spies or ordinary people without opening fire. If the Anti-Japanese Alliance can recruit a group of people with rich experience  It is still a good choice for our troops to come to Rehe.

    It's just that when Yang Zhen said that he was using terror against terror, the murderous look on his face, although fleeting, was still accurately captured by the two veterans. Although they looked very young since they met,  But he, who had always been very calm, suddenly had such a strong murderous look on his face, which surprised both the two coaches.

    The murderous look on Yang Zhen's face frightened the two veterans, who were in excellent mental condition even though they had been on the battlefield for a long time. Even if they faced thousands of casualties on the battlefield, they would not feel strange.  Big jump, even the two veterans felt that Yang Zhen's brief display of murderous intent came from his bones.

    Naturally, the two veterans did not know about the harm that Yang Zhen brought to the advancing army from the Japanese and puppet plainclothes troops. They thought of the harm that the Japanese and puppet secret agents brought to the Anti-Japanese Alliance in Dong'an during the battle last summer, as well as the harm caused to the Anti-Japanese Alliance by the Japanese and puppet plainclothes troops in Qiqihar at the beginning of this year.  Within the territory, the scattered Japanese and puppet armed forces caused trouble to the work of the Nenjiang Military Region.

    If Yang Zhen hadn't been there at Du Kaishan at that time, allowing the lurking Japanese and puppet spy armed forces to complete the preparations smoothly, the consequences would have been disastrous. Maybe the Anti-Alliance Headquarters fighting on the Eastern Front would have suffered heavy losses because of this garbage.  , and almost didn¡¯t even lose a single general.

    With these lessons learned from the past, Yang Zhen naturally would not agree with what measures should be taken to fight against these people who are causing endless harm, and what policies should be discussed with these rubbish. Thinking of the great harm these people may bring, what his own troops have suffered in the past,  This scene was re-enacted by Jin Jinjun. It would be strange if Yang Zhen didn't show murderous intent.

    As for Yang Zhen's idea of ??using terror to deal with terror, to put it bluntly, it is to kill to stop killing. Although both veterans understand that this is to stop the increasingly rampant and destructive power in the shortest possible time.  It is the best way to carry out armed activities of Japanese and puppet spies, but they still don't agree very much.

    Although it is unclear why Yang Zhen showed murderous intent, for them who are accustomed to the policy of attacking capitulationists and fighting for wavering factions, recruiting these people as much as possible to work in the anti-Japanese war is a real solution. Killing people will not solve the problem.  It can only push those people who could have been fought over completely to the side of the Japanese army.

    It¡¯s just that both of them understood that facing the composition of these special agents, it would be quite difficult to win them over to work in the anti-Japanese war. Apart from those who had devoted themselves to the Japanese army, most of the remaining people were die-hard elements.  Many people have more blood debt on their hands than the Japanese.

    If you ask these people to work for the advancing army, it is not very possible, at least in the short term. However, the current situation is precisely to eliminate this threat in the shortest possible time. This has resulted in the traditional  The working ideas are contrary to the current situation.

    It is quite difficult to win over these people for anti-Japanese work.situation, but what is most needed right now is to solve the troubles and troubles caused by these Japanese and puppet spy armed forces to the advancing army in the shortest possible time. In other words, the current development of the situation is not that bad at all.  Too much time and not much energy to win over them.

    In the current situation where the first priority is to complete the tasks assigned by the central government, the survival of the troops, and the first priority is to allow the advancing army to gain a foothold in Rehe as soon as possible. Although the two veterans do not agree with Yang Zhen's ideas, they are not too opposed to it.  , after all, right now, the most important thing for the troops is to complete the mission assigned by the central government.

    Although they did not object, it did not mean that they agreed. However, under the uncontrollable situation, the two veterans, after looking at each other, adopted a tacit attitude towards Yang Zhen's method of violating the so-called policy. Since they could not  Win over them in a short period of time and completely eliminate them becomes the best solution.

    For him, how to solve the problem in the shortest time is what he should do. Cutting the mess with a sharp knife is undoubtedly the best way to solve the problem in many cases. In extraordinary times, he must do something extraordinary.  matter, and cleanly resolve all hidden dangers that affect the progress of the battle.
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