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Text Chapter 197: The Five Forces Facing the Advancing Army

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    However, regarding Yang Zhen's suggestion to build an airport in Rehe and expand some troops in Rehe as much as possible, the two looked at each other and shook their heads. Judging from the current overall situation on the Rehe battlefield, this airport is an advance for the army.  At least for now, there is no strength to build it yet.

    After pondering for a while, the political commissar said: "Comrade Yang Zhen, we also really want your suggestion to build an airport. After all, the ground corridor has not been completely opened up. Under the current situation, we need to build an air corridor.  It¡¯s still very beneficial for our material supply.¡±

    "But the actual situation now is that our troops who have already been mobilized to the front cannot allocate manpower to build this airport. The effective forces we have now, except for some of the security forces, have basically been invested in Ningxia.  There are no extra troops on the battlefields of Cheng, Longhua, and Chifeng."

    "While we still need to send some security forces to the north of Keshiketeng Banner and west to Duolun, the troops we have on hand have been used to the extreme. We want to deploy troops to build field airports, at least in Rehe.  It¡¯s impossible until the battle is over.¡±

    "As for the recruitment of civilians, it is really impossible to recruit enough civilian power at the moment. Now the Japanese army has adopted the general trend of returning villages and merging households in Rehe, concentrating all the rural population in the Rexi region into heavily guarded market towns and even county towns. Those who refuse to move will be targeted.  The common people resorted to a series of terrorist measures including massacres.¡±

    ¡°Throughout Ningcheng, Longhua and other counties, entire villages of people who refused to move were killed. All crop fields and houses were set on fire. Livestock, grain, and all materials that could be transported were burned.  Those that could not be transported away were burned, and even the wells were contaminated by the corpses of the people the Japanese army threw in and massacred. "

    "At present, the entire Rexi and Rezhong areas, except for the areas controlled by our army, can even be described as white bones exposed in the wild and no roosters crowing for thousands of miles. When our army arrives in the new area, the first thing to do is to bury them.  The corpses, the surviving people, and the search for clean water. The weather is now in the summer. If the corpses are not buried first, the consequences will be disastrous if the plague spreads. "

    "The troops are now marching and fighting. Not to mention food and civilians, they often can't even find a clean well. All the wounded, food, ammunition and other materials can only be carried by the troops themselves when marching and fighting. Tens of thousands of troops are dispersed.  The amount of food collected is quite limited. If it weren't for your staff officer bringing some food reinforcements, we would be hungry now. "

    "Moreover, the Japanese army not only adopted ruthless tactics of killing, burning, and robbing them all, but also sent out a large number of plainclothes armed forces, disguised as civilians or ordinary people, to attack our army's food transport team and temporary settlement points for the wounded. A few civilians recruited from  Among them, there are also Japanese and puppet military agents hidden inside.¡±

    "When the troops are marching and fighting, it often happens that the wounded are killed during the evacuation process, the material transport team is attacked during the transportation, and the food, ammunition, and materials are burned, and even the stragglers of our army, as well as the commanders at all levels  Ministry, and also the target of its massacres and attacks.¡±

    "These plainclothes teams are well-equipped. Each of them has a long and short gun. They are even equipped with light machine guns and grenade launchers. In addition to the Japanese standard rifles and crooked light machine guns, they are also equipped with a large number of automatic weapons.  Firearms include the southern pistol that we have rarely seen before with a sixteen-round magazine, and a brand-new automatic weapon that looks like a fancy machine gun that we captured when we fought against the Nationalist Government.¡±

    "In addition to some of its members being Japanese nationals transferred from the Northeast and special agents composed of anti-union rebels, a large part of its members are local Jehol people and even local bandit armed forces in Jehol recruited by the Japanese and puppet troops. These  People are familiar with the people's conditions and the terrain. When taking action, they will not delay and retreat immediately. "

    "They specifically target the weakest links of our army. Headquarters at all levels, baggage trains, and field hospitals are all within their reach, and their methods are extremely cruel. All the cadres and soldiers of our army who encountered their vicious hands were killed.  The conditions were so miserable that they even had their skin skinned, their hearts gouged out, and their genitals cut off. Once a female soldier fell into his hands, it would be even more miserable.¡±

    "In just a few days, not counting the sporadically killed cadres and soldiers of our army, our army has already had two field hospitals, a regiment headquarters, a cultural team, two baggage storage points, and several grain transport teams suffering other injuries.  Poisonous hands, only three cadres in the regiment were killed or seriously injured, and the number of cadres and soldiers below the battalion level was even higher.¡±

    "Even before the battle started, the director of the political department of a brigade who inspected the troops also disappeared along with the guards on the way to the troops. By the time our rescue team found the body, the person had been cut into pieces.  They were thrown everywhere, and the two guards were skinned alive, leaving only their bloody bodies.Hanging on a big tree.  "

    "Nowadays, many cadres and soldiers do not dare to fall behind, because for cadres and soldiers who fall behind, falling behind means death. Judging from the stragglers who have died, they are very concerned about our cadres and soldiers who have fallen behind, especially those who have fallen behind.  It is the sick and wounded who have resorted to extremely horrific measures, and for our stragglers, even a happy death is a luxury.¡±

    ¡°The troops were attacked repeatedly and lost a large amount of urgently needed ammunition and materials. Not only were the command structures at all levels and field hospitals attacked repeatedly, which greatly affected the morale of our army, but the food transport team was also attacked repeatedly.  It has also greatly affected the food supply of our army. Now in the war zone, our troops below the company cannot move alone. "

    "Our army has just arrived and is extremely unfamiliar with the terrain and people's sentiments. Although the commander did his best to mobilize more than ten companies for clearing operations without affecting the progress of the battle ahead, the opponent is far from familiar with the terrain and people's sentiments.  If they are far beyond us, once they see that the situation is not going well, they will immediately withdraw to the strongholds or counties where the Japanese and puppet troops are heavily hoarded. "

    "This is another new area where our army basically has no foundation. The terrain and people's sentiments are extremely unfamiliar. It also lacks grassroots political power like the old base areas in Guan Nei. The people are extremely unfamiliar with our army. Not only do they not cooperate with our army's actions, but many people even  There is a certain hostility towards our army.¡±

    "When our army raises civilians, because the common people do not cooperate, many times they have to resort to coercion, and only a small amount of food can be raised. This is also because the common people here simply do not recognize the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei banknotes carried by the troops, and only recognize gold,  Nowadays, counterfeit Manchu coins, and smoke and soil are available, but they cannot be purchased in cash.¡±

    "The so-called hard currency funds carried by our army are extremely limited. All the cash carried by the entire army combined is less than 3,000 yuan. When raising urgently needed supplies, in many cases, the only way is to make IOUs.  "This approach will undoubtedly deepen the gap between our army and the local people."

    "The most important thing is that Jehol has been rich in tobacco since the Republic of China. After the September 18th Incident, it has become the main tobacco production area in the Japanese-controlled area. Compared with the huge tobacco production in a year, the food production here is very limited.  Coupled with the burning, killing and looting by the Japanese and puppet troops, the people were even more miserable."

    "Many times, we even have to allocate part of the food we already lack to help the people. Under such circumstances, the cooperation of the masses is simply out of the question. We now have five nos, no party, no political power,  No people, no funds, no materials.¡±

    "Without a mass base, our army struggled to eliminate two groups of these Japanese and puppet spy armed forces. Although it curbed the rampage of the Japanese and puppet plainclothes teams to a certain extent, it was unable to fundamentally solve the problem.  Compared to us outsiders, they are very familiar with Rehe.¡±

    "Under this situation, we are simply unable to recruit enough civilians to build the airport, as well as to supplement the soldiers. With the limited manpower, we are not enough even to carry the wounded. At least until our army captures one or two counties, this airport will  It really can¡¯t be built, otherwise, we¡¯ll have to wait until this battle is over to see if I can capture the Chifeng Airport.¡±

    Having said this, the political commissar stood up and called a combat officer waiting outside the door, asking him to go to the guard regiment to bring over the weapons seized from the two Japanese and puppet plainclothes teams that had been destroyed. The troops below were destroying two Japanese and puppet plainclothes teams.  After that, some of the new Japanese weapons captured were handed over to the headquarters. These weapons are currently stored in the headquarters of the advancing army.

    What the staff officer was waiting to seize was mixed in with the Japanese standard Type 38 horse rifles, Type 44 lances, speed machines, shell guns and other weapons. Some of them had strange shapes, with bayonets attached, and weapons similar to light machine guns.  A bipod, a submachine gun with a magazine and a flower mechanism inserted into the side of the gun body, and a pistol similar to the Southern Type 14 equipped by the Japanese army, but when the larger pistol was brought over, Yang Zhen shook his head.

    This type of submachine gun, the latest equipment of the Japanese army, had already been captured during the tug-of-war and harassment war between the Anti-Japanese Alliance and the Japanese army in the first half of the year, and the large Southern-style pistol equipped with a sixteen-round magazine, Yang  Yang Zhen was no stranger to it. As early as the year before last, he had captured it from the Japanese plainclothes reconnaissance team. However, Yang Zhen did not take a fancy to the performance of these two weapons.

    Although the 100-type submachine gun is similar to other infantry weapons of the Japanese army, it has extremely high accuracy when shooting, and can be called the submachine gun with the best shooting accuracy. However, this submachine gun uses eight-millimeter Nanbu pistol bullets, but its performance is not the same due to the ammunition.  not so good.

    Within the effective range, it is indeed very powerful against unprotected people. However, this kind of submachine gun that uses Japanese eight-millimeter bullets has extremely weak penetrating power. The bullets cannot even penetrate two layers of quilts, so it is far more powerful.  Not as good as the one produced by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, using the Soviet-made Tokarev pistol.?'s submachine gun.

    As for the improved Southern Type 14 pistol equipped with a sixteen-round magazine, because the magazine is too long, the lengthened and thickened gun body not only weakens its few advantages, but also makes this pistol inherently inferior.  The reliability is even worse. It is common for the firing pin to break after firing a few rounds. It is even more common for the bullet to not be loaded after firing a few rounds.

    These two weapons were prioritized equipment only last year, and the Kwantung Army's hundreds of submachine guns may be unfamiliar to the Kwantung Army, but to the Anti-Japanese Alliance, they are already considered old friends. From the end of last year to this year,  For half a year, the two armies faced each other on the front line. There was no major battle, but small battles continued every day. Some of them were also captured.

    Just because the power of this submachine gun is too small, and the Japanese army's standard eight-millimeter pistol ammunition, although the current reserve is still large, the army has basically eliminated this caliber of ammunition, and after the army seized it, in addition to leaving some samples  In addition, basically all of them were destroyed. Because he had seen them before, Yang Zhen looked down upon these two Japanese weapons, especially the new submachine guns.
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