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Text Chapter 157: Firepower Ambush

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    His firepower deployment not only covered the entire valley under his fire net, but also covered the area more than a thousand meters outside the valley, and before the battle, he issued a death order, and no one was allowed to initiate it.  Charge and always use firepower to solve problems.  .

    Since the Puppet Mongolian Army entered the mountain, his binoculars have never left the marching columns of these puppet troops. Looking at the marching columns of the Puppet Mongolian Army trying to rush through the valley at the fastest speed in the shortest time, Yang Jicai showed a trace of contempt on the corner of his mouth.  Smiling, the meaning of these pseudo-Mongolian troops is obvious, that is, they want to rush through this valley as quickly as possible.

    Therefore, after entering the mountain, they neither built a cover position nor deployed cover troops at the entrance of the valley. After rushing into the valley, they did not seize the commanding heights along the line. Instead, they continued to speed up, trying to reach the top of the valley in the shortest possible time.  It crossed the Huangganliang line inside.

    Watching the Japanese and puppet troops in sight getting closer and closer, the more than a thousand people in the vanguard have all entered the 400-meter circle. Even the more than a hundred people at the front are close to the bottom of the ambush circle, and the subsequent troops have already  When most of the troops entered the valley and only one-third of the remaining troops outside the valley were left, Yang Jicai slowly raised his signal gun and fired two green and one red signals into the sky to initiate an attack.

    As three signal bombs soared into the sky, the valley that had only heard the noisy sound of horse hooves suddenly remembered the sound of bursting gunfire. The dense gunfire hit the Puppet Mongolians galloping in the valley from the gentle slopes on both sides of the valley.  The cavalry of the army, and for a moment, the puppet Mongolian army in the valley was blown up and turned upside down.

    The Puppet Mongolian Army, which was passing through at the fastest speed, had been psychologically prepared and ready to fight under repeated instructions from their superiors, but now they were somewhat relaxed because they were already approaching the mountain pass.  , some people even sit loosely on their horses.

    It must be said that these Mongolians, who have grown up on horses since childhood, are indeed excellent in riding skills. They can ride on their horses so easily, but the speed of the horses under their legs has not slowed down at all, but they don't care about these pseudo-Mongolian soldiers.  His riding skills are good, but his defense is down.

    The reason why Yang Jicai set up the ambush circle at the south pass of the valley was because of this opportunity. Only in this way could he get the greatest surprise, because people tend to become more relaxed psychologically when victory is in sight.  This is the best opportunity to ambush Zhan Laisuo, and the progress of the battle also shows that his deployment is still correct.

    As for whether the puppet Mongolian troops approaching the south pass of the valley would force their way out despite firepower, he was not too worried. He had already deployed two tanks and two machine guns at a turning point of the south pass. As long as  As soon as the gunfire rings out here, they will block the south pass in the shortest possible time.

    Because I felt that victory was in sight, and there was almost no defense against the puppet Mongolian army, they were hit by the intensive gunfire. They were instantly beaten and turned into a mess. Bullets mixed with artillery shells were fired from both sides of the valley.  It was too dense and exposed on the road at the bottom of the valley. The unobstructed Puppet Mongolian Army was driven down by crossfire from both sides.

    The cavalry is indeed moving fast, but the automatic firepower on both sides has a faster rate of fire. In addition, the training of the puppet Mongolian army itself has some problems. When fighting, they swarm, and when they retreat, they basically retreat. Use activities in Chaha  According to the leaders of the Daqingshan Guerrilla Detachment of the Eighteenth Group Army in Suiyuan, as long as they withstand their three axes, these puppet Mongolian troops are basically helpless.

    When encountering an ambush battle, if the terrain is unfavorable, they will basically become a mess. If there is sufficient ammunition and the use of favorable terrain, it will not be a problem to kill one of them in one battle. Although its combat effectiveness is superficially higher than  The puppet army in the pass is much more fierce, which is actually the same thing. If there is no Japanese army to support it, the real combat effectiveness is at best stronger than the puppet army in some places in the pass.

    You can still fight some offensive and defensive battles with Haolai. Compared with the puppet security forces and the puppet Manchu army, which are very powerful, these puppet Mongolian troops are far behind. Of course, if they are located in the plains, these puppet Mongolian troops still have to be careful.  For some, if you can avoid fighting with them in plain areas, you should try to avoid it.

    The impact of cavalry on plain terrain is still quite a threat to an army with low firepower. These four-legged guys are still very fierce on plain terrain. After all, they are cavalry, and their mobility is not just simple.  The infantry can be compared, and these Mongolians who have lived on horseback since childhood have superb riding skills, and their horseback skills are still very good.

    But if it comes to mountainous terrain, in the words of veterans who participated in the West Route Army, its combat capabilities are much worse than those of the Ma's Army in the northwest. Its toughness and ferocity are far behind. If it encounters a blow,  , most of the time they collapse on the spot. Of course, there are some veterans who will look for any opportunity to escape.

      Problems with their own training, coupled with the intensive firepower, and the fact that the troops in front had already seen the exit of the valley, and the troops behind saw that the forwards had a safe journey, and their own defenses were somewhat lax, this  After a while of firepower, it was no accident that he was hit with his head covered and turned around.

    Yang Jicai's firepower division tactics were very effective. In addition to the Puppet Mongolian Army within 400 meters, which was knocked down by the intensive firepower on both sides, the Puppet Mongolian Army between 400 meters and 1,000 meters also did not escape.  The huge power of the 12mm anti-aircraft machine gun, the extremely fast rate of fire of the general-purpose machine gun, coupled with the firepower of a large number of Soviet-made light and heavy machine guns, caused great losses to the follow-up troops of the puppet Mongolian army, especially the 12mm anti-aircraft machine gun.  It often happens that one bullet penetrates two people at the same time.

    A thousand meters away, the flat-firing 14mm twin anti-aircraft machine guns and the twin 23mm anti-aircraft guns caused a massacre on the narrow road in the valley. The 14mm anti-aircraft machine gun bullets  Or the destructive power of the 23mm artillery shells has been demonstrated to the greatest extent. As long as every bullet or artillery shell hits, no matter whether it is a man or a horse, not even a whole corpse will be left.

    Outside the mountain pass, the puppet Mongolian army that had not yet had time to enter the valley suffered even worse results. At the same time as the sound of gunfire rang out in the valley, the four 107 rocket launchers deployed at the bottom of the valley were fired upon by the guides hidden in the mountain pass.  Under the guidance, two consecutive volleys were fired towards the gathering place of the Japanese and puppet troops outside the valley.

    The firepower coverage of a twelve-barreled 107 rocket launcher is equivalent to that of an established artillery battalion. The first salvo of four twelve-barreled 107 rocket launchers killed the first of the assembled Puppet Mongolian cavalry.  The Japanese infantry and cavalry divisions were all covered. The gathering Japanese and puppet troops were unable to defend themselves. Under the dense rain of bullets, they suffered heavy casualties. The first division of the puppet Mongolian army, which Li Shouxin regarded as the lifeblood of the starting army, simply  During this period of shelling, those who were bombed lost their combat effectiveness.

    Compared with the division outside the mountain that had not yet entered the mountain, the puppet Mongolian army in the valley had an even harder time. The troops in front were hit by sudden firepower and were beaten into a mess. The troops marching in the middle suffered from both front and rear.  Under the attack, in order to escape the fire net as quickly as possible, he braved the hail of bullets and rushed forward desperately. After all, the distance to the mountain pass in front was much closer than the distance to retreat along the original path.

    Therefore, all the troops of the Puppet Mongolian Army marching in the middle accelerated forward almost in unison. As a result, a large number of cavalry crowded in front, squeezing into a pot of porridge. The terrain of the valley where Yang Jicai chose to ambush was very special. Entering from the north  The pass of the mountain is relatively wide. The distance between the two mountains in the middle is about three hundred meters, and the width is sufficient.

    But the further you go south, the narrower it becomes. The kilometers at the bottom of the valley are almost adjacent to two parallel mountains. The straight line width is less than 70 meters. When you reach the southernmost pass out of the mountain, the width is less than 50 meters. Both sides of the road  There is almost no wiggle room.

    Under this kind of terrain, a large number of cavalry are crowding here. Coupled with the intensive firepower from the mountains on both sides, the south pass of Huanggangliang line has almost become a slaughterhouse. I don¡¯t know when it appeared at the pass.  The two tanks, which were blocking the road side by side, were equipped with forty-five-millimeter artillery and two parallel machine guns, and they continued to pour out tongues of fire at the swarming Puppet Mongolian army.

    A large number of directional mines were deployed near the pass and continuously detonated, which also caused a lot of casualties to the puppet Mongolian cavalry. The last distance of less than 100 meters from the entire valley pass almost became a life-and-death line for the puppet Mongolian army, which was the first to enter the valley.  A whole division of puppet Mongolian troops who were also at the front fell to the pass without firing a single shot.

    The wounded and dead bodies, as well as a large number of horse corpses, were almost piled up at the pass. Although the puppet Mongolian army, like other puppet armies, was large in organization but small in strength, the strength of a division was even greater than that of orderly soldiers without combat effectiveness.  There are only more than a thousand people here, and even the First Division, which Li Shouxin worked so hard to manage, only has more than 2,000 people.

    But the leading division was defeated without firing a single shot, and the other division that followed also suffered 70% casualties in a short period of time. This situation will undoubtedly be a problem for the puppet Mongolian army behind.  It was a great stimulus, and the already low morale fell even faster.

    Compared with the First Division outside the valley, which was blown to pieces without firing a shot, and the Sixth Division and the Fourth Division, which were defeated under the first wave of blows, the situation of the Puppet Mongolian Army in the valley is actually worse.  It was better, especially the 78th and 8th divisions of the Puppet Mongolian Army located in the middle of the valley and slightly to the north. On the contrary, they became the two divisions with the least casualties.

    After all, Yang Jicai only has a limited number of 23mm twin-mounted anti-aircraft guns and 14mm twin-mounted anti-aircraft machine guns. Although these two weapons are very powerful in ground attack and have a fast rate of fire, when added together,  There are less than twelve weapons. Although these weapons are all firearms,?Intensive, but the quantity is still limited after all.

    Moreover, after these weapons join the advancing army, they will be the only anti-aircraft weapons of the advancing army. The reserve of ammunition is also an issue he has to consider. Among them, the two 14mm anti-aircraft machine guns need to use cross fire to block the advancing army.  The mountain pass means that the firepower he deployed here is the weakest and the troops are also the smallest.
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