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Text Chapter 147: Destroy the Deadliest Threat

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    During the battle, although the Japanese and puppet troops deployed a large number of machine guns and grenade launchers at the foot of the mountain to cover the attack, he did not use recoilless rifles to provide fire cover and suppress the heavy machine guns and grenade launchers of the Japanese and puppet troops. Instead, he used  In order to use general-purpose machine guns, rocket launchers and automatic rifles to meet the Japanese and puppet troops attacking from the bottom of the mountain, the task of the recoilless rifles was still to destroy those 92 infantry cannons.

    As soon as he went up the mountain, he felt the threat of the 92 Infantry Cannons on the 1052 Highlands. The 92 Infantry Cannons deployed under the nose of the 1613 Highlands, although not powerful, were  The precision of the shooting posed a great threat to the machine gun positions on the three positions on the main peak.

    If we don't destroy these Type 92 infantry cannons of the Japanese and puppet troops as soon as possible, no matter how many machine guns they mount, they will be useless. They will only be shot at close range and blown up one by one. Without the firepower support of the machine guns, our own troops will be destroyed.  They were all automatic rifles, which was not a big problem, but the two highlands on the flanks were defended by the three regiments, and they were all bolt-action rifles. Without the cover of machine guns, the firepower would suddenly drop a lot.

    Without knocking out these 92 infantry cannons, no matter how many machine guns come up, it will be untenable. Killing these 92 infantry cannons has now become the first condition for holding the position. This is why he only used rocket launchers to suppress Yamashita Sun.  The main reason why the puppet army did not use recoilless guns was its machine guns.

    Although there was no fortification cover and could only rely on bomb craters as temporary bunkers, according to daily training, the platoon that entered the front-line position quickly organized itself as a squad and a combat team to form a crossfire, charging towards the Japanese who were desperately charging up the mountain.  The puppet troops opened fire.

    The Japanese and puppet troops who originally wanted to take advantage of the change of defense on the mountain to launch an attack and break through the front line of Straw Hat Mountain immediately felt the difference in firepower and tactics between the two troops. After reaching a distance of 400 meters from the defensive position on the mountain,  The hail of bullets raining down on the mountain was far more dense than before, so that the Japanese and puppet troops who launched the attack even felt that all the weapons deployed on the mountain were light machine guns.

    They have never seen weapons with such a fast rate of fire. Almost all of them fire in bursts, and they have never seen that army equipped with so many automatic weapons, because during the battle, they simply fired  No action of pulling the bolt was found on the mountain.

    The grenades and machine guns serving as cover here had just been set up, and before they had time to fire, the strange weapons with flames trailing behind their tails came over. With the sound of explosions, the light and heavy machine guns and machine guns covering the attack came over.  The grenades were reduced to parts along with their shooters.

    The grenade launchers of the Japanese and puppet troops tried several times to knock off these iron pipes, which were quite deadly to them, but they were never able to suppress the weird-looking weapon. This weapon was too flexible and much better than what they usually had in their hands.  The grenade, which is famous for its flexibility, is even more flexible. Basically, it fires one round and changes its location, making it impossible for you to aim.

    But as long as they were targeted, it was impossible to dodge. Every time they launched an attack, the Japanese and puppet troops' light and heavy machine guns and grenades accompanying the attack suffered extremely heavy losses, especially the heavy machine guns, which suffered huge losses. As soon as they fired, they would be  There was almost no chance of escaping.

    Without the cover of light and heavy machine guns, the grenades could not function. Coupled with the fire cover of the highlands on both sides, the Japanese and puppet troops who launched the charge, although they adopted a group offensive, still returned without success and paid a heavy price.  But it was impossible to break through the frontal defense of Highland 1613.

    As for the 92 infantry artillery positions and heavy machine gun positions on the 1052 highland opposite the 1613 highland, which was under special care, they suffered even more heavy losses. They had no idea that direct-aiming troops had already arrived on the opposite mountain.  Artillery, the Japanese and puppet artillery that were desperately firing to support the offensive at the foot of the mountain, and the 92 infantry guns in their hands, the 57mm recoilless rifles that were aimed directly were like target shooting, and every one of them even knocked down the cannons.  Arrived at the foot of the mountain.

    In fact, these 92 infantry cannons are not powerful weapons in the first place. They are light and flexible. For a well-equipped army with complete firepower, they are not a threat at all.  As for weapons, if there were small-caliber, lightweight direct-aiming artillery, the Japanese and puppet troops would not be so bold, so the artillery positions would be placed under the nose of the main peak position.

    But what the advancing army lacks the most is small-caliber, lightweight, direct-aimed artillery that can move uphill. This weakness is not just for the advancing army, but also for any Chinese army that lacks equipment. This is a fatal problem.  It also allowed this lightweight infantry howitzer to exert its maximum power in China. In previous battles, the Chinese army, which lacked artillery, paid a heavy price.

    In addition to these direct-aimed artillery pieces with excellent performance and suitable for combat under such circumstances, another reason why they were obtained so quickly is that the Japanese and puppet troops themselves were a little careless and organized themselves.Since its establishment, it has been stationed in Rehe, responsible for the local cleanup and garrison of Rehe. It is hundreds of kilometers away from the front line and has never had any contact with the Anti-Japanese Alliance. There is no way to understand the weapons, equipment and development of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  .

    As for the puppet Manchukuo troops who were transferred to Rehe, they had fought against the Anti-Japanese Alliance before they were transferred to Rehe. However, they who were transferred to Rehe last year had no idea about the recoilless rifles used by the Anti-Japanese Alliance until this campaign began.  The emergence of direct-aiming artillery with excellent performance is also impossible to know.

    As for the newly formed puppet Manchukuo army composed of Koreans transferred from Fengtian, they know nothing about this new weapon that only appeared on the battlefield during this battle, and have even heard of it.  , have never heard that they were trained by the Japanese. The Japanese have never seen weapons, let alone understand them.

    When the Anti-Japanese Alliance entered the position carrying recoilless guns, although the Japanese and puppet troops on the opposite mountain could see clearly in the telescopes, they did not understand what this kind of thing with thick iron pipes inside thin iron pipes was like.  What is it? Some people still laughed at it. The people on the other side of the mountain brought a bunch of iron pipes up. They were just full and full. They put more firepower on suppressing the opponent's machine gun firepower. For those iron pipes,  Didn't pay attention at all.

    It wasn't until the shells shot out of these iron pipes that killed them, their bodies and the Type 92 infantry cannons they used were either thrown down the mountain, or directly reduced to parts, that they realized that there was such a thing in the world.  A direct-aimed artillery piece that can be carried around by one person and used in any terrain.

    But when they knew what these iron pipes were doing, it was already too late. The range of less than 300 meters is the distance where this recoilless gun exerts its maximum power. It can be easily fired using ordinary grenades.  Go to the mountain opposite, and for those artillery fortifications that only have simple bunkers built with sandbags, the 57mm recoilless cannon can fire grenades that are powerful enough.

    In less than ten minutes, the 92 infantry artillery positions of the Japanese and puppet troops that once posed a great threat to the main peak position on Highland 1052 were completely destroyed by precise bursts of recoilless rifle fire.  After being eliminated, the heavy machine gun positions covering these artillery pieces were suppressed by the 12mm anti-aircraft machine guns firing flatly, and the recoilless rifles that were freed up after the Japanese artillery were eliminated were all eliminated in the shortest time.  Knock it off.

    After dealing with the deadliest threat on Highland 1052, the troops on Highland 1613 and the highlands on the left and right sides were able to concentrate their forces and firepower to deal with it and seize a relatively gentle hillside more than 500 meters above sea level on the mountainside.  The platform served as a starting point for the Japanese troops to launch an attack.

    Under the cover of the Anti-Alliance troops going up the mountain, the troops of the Third Regiment on the mountain quickly adjusted their deployment. At the same time, the dozen light and heavy machine guns that were transported up the mountain were also quickly distributed. Compared with the Anti-Alliance equipment, these Soviet-made light and heavy machine guns  The light and heavy dual-purpose machine gun is indeed a bit bulky, but its power and range are quite satisfactory, at least not inferior to the crooked machine gun and Type 92 heavy machine gun equipped by the Japanese and puppet troops.

    With the troops on the highlands on both sides actively cooperating with firepower, the Japanese and puppet troops at the foot of the mountain launched six first-level company charges towards the main peak 1613 highlands. They were defeated even before they could get close to a hundred meters away from the position.  Intensive firepower hit the top of the mountain and both wings. More than a dozen machine guns attacked from both sides. In conjunction with the frontal firepower, the Japanese and puppet troops who stormed the 1613 Highlands suffered unimaginable casualties.

    Coupled with the walkie-talkies brought up the mountain by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, when the phone lines were blown up, the landing points for the artillery behind the mountain were much better than the original intermittent communication. Two walkie-talkies were brought up the mountain.  , basically able to maintain smooth communication with the mountains and artillery positions.

    This is much better than the original situation where people on the mountain and down the mountain could only rely on wired telephones to maintain communication with each other, but the telephone lines were often blown up by artillery shells and lost contact. The guidance of the artillery was much more efficient than before.  And the accuracy is much higher.

    Moreover, after the artillery brought by Yang Jicai joined the battle, the firepower of the covering artillery almost doubled. The artillery not only had the ability to support the battle on the mountain, suppress the firepower of the Japanese and puppet troops, but also had the ability to counterattack.  In order to use the artillery's firepower more effectively, Yang Jicai redivided the artillery into several artillery groups with different tasks.

    He strengthened the self-propelled artillery battery he brought with him and modified it with Japanese-made 90-type field guns, and strengthened the two 107 rocket launchers. He took advantage of his larger range and was specifically responsible for suppressing the Japanese artillery positions and covering the two 107 rocket launchers.  The Seven Rocket Artillery took advantage of its dense firepower and wide coverage to strengthen the two Type 41 mountain guns of the original Third Regiment Mountain Artillery Company to concentrate firepower against the Japanese and puppet offensive groups.

    The original mortar company of the third regiment and the four guns of the mountain artillery company wereThe Type 41 mountain gun, together with the two 120-heavy mortars he brought, formed two mobile artillery groups, specifically responsible for blocking the first and second echelons of the Japanese and puppet troops and cutting off the two echelons of the enemy's attacking troops.  The connection between them, as well as the starting position to suppress the Japanese army on the mountainside, and the gathering place for troops.

    In order to better utilize the firepower of the artillery, Yang Jicai divided the entire main peak into three firepower ranges regardless of priority. Each artillery group was responsible for one area. In the battle to counterattack the Japanese and puppet offensives, Yang Jicai took advantage of occupying the commanding heights of the main peak.  The artillery observers had the advantage of a wide field of vision, and they had several artillery battles with the puppet artillery that day.
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