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Text Chapter 129 I am still the Chief of Staff

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    The words of the political commissar made Lin Zhiqiang stunned for a moment, but he shook his head and said: "Commander, political commissar, thank you for your kindness to me. But now the vanguard brigade has just lost a battle, and I, the chief of staff, cannot leave, so thank you  The two commanders gave me the opportunity to stand alone. However, when I was in the Anti-Japanese Alliance, I only served as a company commander. I lacked experience in directly leading troops, let alone commanding troops above a regiment. "

    "Especially now that the troops are about to disperse, the brigade commander is more experienced than me in facing this situation. Therefore, the brigade commander is still the brigade commander, and it is more appropriate for me to be my chief of staff and assist the brigade commander. Commander.  Comrade, I believe that our brigade commander will be able to make a comeback as long as his superiors give him a chance."

    "As for the transfer work, when the two chiefs can make a clean turnaround for the vanguard brigade, it would be more appropriate for me to leave. As for the staff training team, if the two chiefs insist on letting me lead the teaching team, I can completely transfer the teaching team  Put the team in the vanguard brigade?"

    Lin Zhiqiang's refusal made the two veterans stunned. After pondering for a long time before they understood Lin Zhiqiang's thoughts, the political commissar and the commander briefly discussed it again, then nodded slightly and said: "Okay, since you insist  , I will meet your request, but you must remember that you must bring us a group of combat staff who are not as good as you, but not too far behind."

    Regarding the political commissar¡¯s request, Lin Zhiqiang just smiled lightly but refused.  Those combat staff officers in the Anti-Japanese Alliance must have a certain cultural foundation and have served as a company commander in the army for at least one year.  People who have never stayed there will probably not understand what life is like in the Military Region Staff Training Team.

    Among the large and small selection teams and training teams of the entire Anti-Japanese League, the staff training team of the Anti-Japanese Federation is second only to the selection team of the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region in terms of workload.  Although it has now been transferred to the Staff Department of the Command School, the training intensity and study intensity are greater than before.

    I get up at 4:30 every morning and only have five minutes to wash up and make the bed, and then go on a ten-kilometer cross-country trip in full gear.  After breakfast, it was a morning of studying various staff professional courses.  A series of studies including map surveying, military topography, analysis and judgment of enemy situation, sand table production and arrangement, parameters of various artillery, command firing, layout of artillery positions, various parameters of the main combat aircraft of the Japanese army, etc.

    In the afternoon, we will study the command regiment and battalion level as well as basic artillery command majors, including the study and use of active equipment of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and various equipment of the Japanese army.  After five o'clock, whether it's windy or rainy, there's another two hours of military physical training.  In the evening, I studied military history, Japanese psychology, and previous battles of the Japanese army.

    Including the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894, the Russo-Japanese War, and the study of strategies and tactics adopted by the Japanese army in all the battles launched in the Guanci Civil War since the July 7th Incident.  After nine o'clock, another hour will be set aside for a spot test on the day's study content.  In addition to taking a small test every day, the content he studied also required a major test every week.

    Every time a group of students graduates, the military region will allocate a group of troops to conduct an exercise.  Those who fail will be eliminated directly.  This assessment mechanism can be said to be extremely harsh. If it doesn't work, it just won't work.  What does a combat staff officer do?  He is the person who provides the basis and reference for the leader's decision-making during the battle.  In Yang Zhen's words, a good combat staff officer can even support a regiment when necessary.

    Under such strict requirements, the number of combat staff officers who can graduate from the military region staff training team in one year is very limited.  Usually two hundred students enter the teaching team, and fifty graduates are considered too many.  Under this strict assessment mechanism, it is difficult to meet the needs of the troops usually required for combat operations.

    Later, because the speed of training combat staff could not match the speed of troop expansion, the headquarters finally issued another order.  During the assessment, candidates with scores above 60 points and below 80 points who originally belonged to the elimination series were changed to regiment-level combat staff.  At the same time, the training of confidential and communications staff will be carried out separately from the training of combat staff.

    But even though the conditions have been lowered, if a regiment-level combat staff wants to hold the same position in a division, your assessment results must meet certain standards, which are the original standards for selecting staff.  If you can't reach it, then you can stay in the position of regimental combat staff.  Of course, if you pass the command professional examination, you can also be transferred to the position of chief and deputy battalion commander or go back to continue to be your own company commander.

    Although the staff training team is easy to get in and difficult to get out, as long as the cadres who come out of the staff training team are promoted the fastest among the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  Especially at the deputy regiment level, cadres with combat staff experience clearly have an advantage.  Among the various regiment-level units of the Anti-Japanese Federation, the deputy regimental commanders or regimental chiefs of staff, and even a large number of division deputy chiefs of staff, all came out of the first and second batch of staff training courses.Although it has always been propagated in the Anti-Japanese League that all positions are equal regardless of their level.  But as a soldier, the level of your position is a reflection of whether your abilities are recognized.  Therefore, although this staff training team is relatively difficult to graduate, it is still quite popular.  There are still a lot of qualified company-level cadres applying for the exam every year.  But it's easy to get in and hard to get out.

    And now the political commissar requires that a group of qualified combat staff be trained within a short period of time. Is there such an easy thing?  If we all follow the combat staff level of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, we will not be able to get down in less than half a year.  And judging from the foundation of the customs forces, this time will be extended.

    Lin Zhiqiang shook his head slightly, and Zhang Guoli, the former deputy director of the first branch of the logistics department of the Anti-Japanese Federation and the current deputy director of the logistics department of the advancing army, who was transferred from the Northeast together with him and was transferred from the northeast with him, was looking at him slightly.  Looking at each other and smiling bitterly.  This requirement is really too high.

    No matter whether the requirements of the political commissar are a bit high, there are still many things that need to be done.  I made my own suggestions, and my superiors accepted my suggestions.  But when formulating a specific combat plan, Lin Zhiqiang was unable to return to the army together because the chief of staff refused to let go.

    Lin Zhiqiang, who still had to stay, based on his previous ideas, mobilized three combat staff officers with backgrounds in the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and cooperated with the chief of staff to quickly formulate a combat plan based on the deployment of the Japanese and puppet troops in Jehol and the situation between ourselves and the enemy.  In this plan, he even included the detachment led by Yang Jicai that transported supplies to the advancing army.

    Since Deputy Commander Wang has made it clear in the telegram that this detachment will stay on the spot to cooperate with the advancing troops after rendezvousing with the advancing troops.  So it's normal for the calculation to be taken into account.  This detachment is not only equipped with rocket launchers, but also tanks and armored vehicles, 23mm twin anti-aircraft guns, and various anti-aircraft machine guns of various calibers.  This detachment joined the battlefield, at least doubling the offensive and air defense capabilities of the advancing army.

    After assisting the chief of staff in formulating the combat plan, Lin Zhiqiang did not delay at the headquarters.  Knowing that the troops were about to advance eastward, as the chief of staff of the main brigade, he had a lot to do and rushed back to the leading brigade's station north of the paddock overnight.

    In previous battles, troops and equipment suffered heavy losses, and the current organization of the leading brigade is incomplete and in urgent need of adjustment.  The dispersion of the troops is imminent, and these things must be completed before the superior orders are issued.  In view of this situation, he did not dare to delay too much at the headquarters and rushed back to the army to compress and adjust the establishment.

    After Ye Zhiqiang rushed back to the army, the brigade commander's attitude towards him changed a lot compared to before.  I also know that I have discussed many things with him. Did I let him go when it was time to let him go? He no longer acted arbitrarily.  The reduction of the army's establishment this time has been fully handed over to Lin Zhiqiang.

    "This old revolutionary who regretted it privately. If he had listened to the advice of his chief of staff, the army would not have suffered such heavy losses. Now he has thought clearly.  The reason why he completely let go of Lin Zhiqiang this time was not because Lin Zhiqiang guaranteed that he might be dismissed from his post and fight to the end.

    As an old Red Army soldier with strong principles, he will not leave the troops entrusted to his command by his superiors to others just because of his gratitude.  But through this battle, he truly saw clearly his shortcomings in certain aspects of command.  And the real problems of the army are not problems that can be solved by bravery alone.

    As the equipment improves and the environment changes, the command and combat capabilities of the troops must also improve.  Fighting the Japanese and puppet troops with only bravery like before will only cause the troops to suffer greater losses.  Therefore, this time he handed over all matters to Lin Zhiqiang for the adjustment of troop organization and equipment.  He and the brigade political commissar supported Lin Zhiqiang.

    Lin Zhiqiang, who finally exercised his duties as chief of staff for the first time, did not hesitate to directly make drastic changes to the army's organization.  The formation of the second regiment, which suffered the heaviest losses in the battle, was directly abolished, and the remaining troops were allocated to the first and third regiments.  The first-level organizational structure of the three regiments and battalions was also abolished and restructured into four companies.

    The light and heavy machine guns that survived the battle from the original three regiments were redeployed according to different calibers.  In addition to the group that is currently the main force of the brigade, it has been added to the original number of establishments.  Except for the four light machine guns and four grenade launchers left in each company of the compressed three regiments, the rest were all concentrated and organized into two companies of the same caliber, all equipped with Type 92 heavy machine guns.

    The 200,000 rounds of supplementary ammunition allocated by the headquarters were also uniformly distributed according to actual needs.  In the deployment of light weapons, try to ensure that the weapons of each regiment have the same caliber.  In order to avoid the situation where ammunition of one caliber is urgently needed at the front, but ammunition of another caliber is delivered later.

      At the same time, in view of the previous inability to mobilize the stretcher team members, there were situations where the wounded were abandoned or even killed.  He specifically discussed with the brigade political commissar and the director of the Political Department, and transferred ten propaganda and political cadres from the Political Department, as well as an enhanced platoon, and organized a stretcher team responsible for transporting the wounded during wartime.

    In fact, these cadres and soldiers play more of a supervisory role to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future.  Otherwise, a reinforced platoon of more than fifty soldiers can only carry a dozen wounded at most.  It is simply impossible to remove all the wounded in a battle.
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