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Text Chapter 125 Analysis from details

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    Having said this, Lin Zhiqiang looked at the cadres at all levels below who had different expressions after listening to his analysis, but he smiled and said: "Perhaps everyone here thinks what I said is exaggerated and exaggerated the power of these puppet troops.  combat effectiveness, but I can responsibly say that these are facts and the experience gained with blood during the long-term battle against the Japanese and puppet troops by the Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance.¡±

    "The current Puppet Manchukuo Army is no longer the same as the Puppet Manchukuo Army in its early days. It turns out that after the September 18th Incident, the Kwantung Army was composed of bandits recruited by the Japanese army and even local gangsters who were surrendered to the enemy by the old Northeast Army.  The puppet Manchukuo army had been demobilized long ago, and the rest were trained by the Japanese after re-recruitment. "

    "Although most of the officers, especially senior officers, are those Northeastern Army officers who surrendered to the enemy, these people do not have real power. The real power lies with the so-called Japanese forces specially installed by the Kwantung Army in order to control this army.  In the hands of military officers, the so-called Manchu officers are nothing more than shaking their heads."

    "In fact, before the current No. 1 leader of the Anti-Japanese Alliance reorganized the Anti-Japanese Alliance in 1938, the puppet Manchukuo military police and a small number of local independent garrison troops of the Kwantung Army were mainly fighting against the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces in the Northeast. These people were fighting against the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  During many years of guerrilla warfare, we have accumulated rich experience in counter-guerrilla warfare.¡±

    "The most important thing is that there are many anti-union traitors among the puppet Manchukuo military and police. Although the level of guerrilla warfare of these people may not be as good as the leaders here, their level is still quite high. Compared with the Japanese and puppet troops,  They are more familiar with mountain warfare and guerrilla warfare."

    "The existence of these people effectively filled the gap of the Japanese and puppet troops' lack of experience when facing guerrilla warfare. No matter what the reason for these people's rebellion, it was these people who almost drove the Anti-Japanese Alliance to a dead end. I am here  When we were fighting against the Third Route Army, we suffered heavy losses from them many times.¡±

    "Because of their origins, these people are eager to show off their merits in front of their masters, and they also know that once their masters fall, they will not have a good result. Therefore, these people are particularly vicious and work extremely hard for the Japanese army. In addition, they themselves  They are familiar with guerrilla warfare, so they pose the greatest threat to us and are more ferocious.¡±

    "These are the first steps to analyze the enemy's situation and combat effectiveness when we fight in Jehol. Only by making an accurate judgment on the enemy's true situation can we formulate a more effective and targeted combat plan. In addition, we  Let¡¯s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the enemy and ourselves in this battle, and the combat capabilities of the opponents before us.¡±

    "The defeat of the leading brigade in the battle this time was indeed largely due to certain flaws in our own deployment and improper handling of some key issues before the battle. However, the Japanese and puppet troops used mountain trails to take long-distance operations.  Mobile sneak attacks, and the use of frontal sneak attacks and flank penetrations during attacks, were also not anticipated by our military. "

    "This time the vanguard brigade was attacked. From the frontal defensive position where the sneak attack by the Japanese and puppet troops was discovered by our army, to the two flank positions being infiltrated by the Japanese and puppet troops in many places, the difference between the gunfire and the sound of gunfire was actually less than fifteen minutes, and even in that  The right wing of the battalion fired almost at the same time as the front, and the interval between the gunshots was less than five minutes. "

    "You must know that this was a mountain battle, especially at night, and judging from the confessions of the prisoners of the puppet Manchukuo army captured later, after discovering the position of our battalion, they switched from the marching column to the deployment posture, to  It only took half an hour for all the troops to move into place.¡±

    "Even though our army has always been good at night fighting, it is difficult for most of the troops to achieve this level in night encounters in the mountains. The most important thing is that these puppet Manchukuo troops dare to engage in close combat, hand-to-hand combat with our army, and fight us with bayonets.  , This is something that most of our previous commanders have never thought about.¡±

    "Our underestimation of the enemy does not mean that we underestimate the capabilities of the Japanese army in mountain warfare and mobile warfare. We also underestimate these puppet Manchukuo troops. We always feel that since they are also puppet troops, they are the same as the puppet troops in the pass. As long as the Japanese army  After being defeated, these puppet troops will lose their determination to fight. As long as we stick up to fight with them in close combat, they will surrender their guns. "

    "We have ignored the unique characteristics of these puppet Manchukuo troops, as well as the different levels of Japanese control over the puppet troops inside and outside the Pass, resulting in different combat effectiveness of the puppet troops. This battle failed because our soldiers were seriously lacking nutrition and food, resulting in  Lack of physical strength is a problem. I did not expect these puppet Manchukuo troops to be so tenacious. I neglected to guard against them and underestimated the combat effectiveness of the puppet Manchukuo troops. This is the most critical reason. "

    "The reason why a battalion serving as a flank suffered so many casualties in the battle was due to this reason. This is almost unimaginable on the battlefield behind enemy lines in the pass. I don't know if you have discovered one thing. This time  On the surface of the battle, the Kwantung Army's Jehol Independent Ninth Guards Corps is fully staffed.dispatched, but the main force of the Japanese and puppet troops we actually encountered during the battle was the puppet Manchukuo army.  "

    "That is to say, the actual training level and combat effectiveness of these puppet Manchukuo troops in Rehe, especially the mountain warfare and night warfare capabilities that our army has always been proud of, are not lower than ours, at least not too different.  , and what is even more worrying is that through prisoner interrogation, we also learned that the Japanese and puppet troops did not discover the location of the vanguard brigade this time. "

    "It wasn't until we were less than a kilometer away from our army that we learned from the top soldiers that our troops were directly in front of their marching route. They didn't even know the strength of our troops until they touched our positions.  It was only after the battle actually started that we learned the location of our brigade headquarters."

    "In other words, this battle was not an encirclement battle that the Japanese and puppet troops had planned, but at most it could only be said to be a night encounter. The Japanese and puppet troops who were fighting fiercely with the leading brigade just accidentally collided and were blinded.  to our station, this also shows that until this battle, the Japanese and puppet troops did not know the actual location of our army, but we must pay attention to its subsequent response. "

    "They were able to switch from a marching state to a combat state in such a short time after discovering the enemy's situation, and complete the deployment in the shortest time. Their combat literacy is at least not lower than that of our army, and they were able to do so in such a hurry.  Within a short period of time, no major flaw could be found in its entire firepower, troop deployment and arrangement.¡±

    "During the movement in front of the enemy in the mountains at night, there were no large numbers of people falling behind or even running the wrong route. There were no major mistakes in the cooperation of all parties. Moreover, during the movement, the movement was actually carried out right under the nose of our army and was not blocked.  It was found that no one exposed the target, which is basically impossible for the puppet troops in the pass, and it also shows the high level of these puppet Manchu troops in mountain warfare. "

    "On the other hand, we made a lot of mistakes in this kind of battle, which our army was originally good at. The mortar company directly under the third regiment made fatal mistakes in the battlefield movement. One company was sacrificed in the enemy's artillery fire without firing a single bomb.  When the troops were moving, they did not pay attention to the use of tactics, and many soldiers died in vain under the firepower of the Japanese and puppet troops. "

    "Also, the correspondents and guards around cadres at all levels are all wearing short rifles. Cadres at all levels also wear short rifles and wear armed belts on the battlefield, with binoculars hanging on their chests. They do not pay attention to concealment and command on the battlefield.  They also didn¡¯t pay attention to the use of code words and semaphores, either shouting or sending correspondents running around.¡±

    "The Japanese and puppet troops in front of them could easily determine the locations of our army's headquarters at all levels based on this alone. It was for this reason that the Second Regiment Headquarters was discovered and was surrounded and lost by the infiltrated Japanese and puppet troops.  The brigade headquarters was also almost destroyed by the Japanese and puppet troops, which was an undeserved loss. "

    "When fighting in the Northeast, anti-alliance cadres must carry binoculars. Cadres at all levels are not allowed to wear armed belts or short guns when going to the battlefield. The guards around them are also not allowed to wear short guns. This is because of the Japanese army's tactical reconnaissance capabilities on the battlefield.  It is extremely powerful, and the Japanese army is also extremely capable of penetrating on the battlefield.¡±

    "Also, our troops at all levels are accustomed to eating wherever they go when fighting in the pass. In enemy-occupied areas, they are also accustomed to raising food on the spot. When it is difficult to raise food, the use of food  There is no overall plan for the distribution of weapons and calibers in our army because of historical reasons.¡±

    "Most of the troops' weapons are not uniform in caliber, and there is even a situation where a regiment's rifles have three or five types of ammunition. When the logistics department delivers ammunition to the front, especially in chaotic situations, there are also cases where the wrong ammunition is delivered.  The third regiment of the leading brigade consumed too much machine gun ammunition during the counterattack, and the caliber of the ammunition sent later did not meet the requirements, which seriously affected the progress of the battle. "

    "The third regiment is equipped with water-cooled heavy machine guns. There is only one Japanese-style 92-type heavy machine gun. However, the ammunition sent to the regiment's logistics are all Japanese-style 77-caliber machine gun bullets. The water-cooled heavy machine gun uses 79-caliber bullets.  There were no rounds. The third regiment ran out of machine gun bullets in a short period of time during the battle. Although the method of use was wrong, it also had something to do with the inconsistent caliber of ammunition sent by the logistics department. "

    "Commander, political commissar, and chiefs, what you see are the flaws in our army's tactical application and overall deployment in this battle. As the chief of staff of the leading brigade, I need to pay more attention to the details of the army's problems.  , we have big problems within ourselves.¡±

    "I think as the Chief of Staff, I have to fulfill my duties here and remind all the leaders that the Puppet Manchu Army currently deployed in Rehe is the essence of the entire Puppet Manchu Army system, and it is also the most stubborn group in the entire Puppet Manchu Army.  They are the ones with the strongest combat effectiveness in the entire Puppet Manchukuo Army and have the most blood debts on their hands, and a considerable part of them were adapted from the former military police of the Puppet Manchukuo Army.¡±

    ¡°These people are not only in the EastWhen the Anti-Japanese Alliance was being suppressed in the area, including those who were transferred to Jehol to participate in the so-called purge and the return of villages and households, they owed us a huge debt of blood. I am afraid that many ordinary people and anti-Japanese comrades fell under their butcher's knives.  It is difficult to calculate clearly. These people also know that they have too much blood debt on their hands, which is one of the reasons why they fight to the death on the battlefield.  "

    "For this kind of opponent, we must be extremely cautious. We cannot take it lightly, nor can we be bitten by a snake once and fear the rope for ten years. But there is one thing we must pay attention to. When dealing with these puppet Manchukuo troops,  The issue must be paid the same attention as the Japanese army, and because of the unique characteristics of these people, the level of attention should be slightly higher than that of the Japanese regular divisions. "
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