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Text Chapter 115 Pressure and Shadow

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    Looking at Wang Guangyu who was not sure what he was thinking about after getting in the car, Yi Jianping hesitated for a moment and said: "Commander, as for other deployments, you are the military commander. I have no objections, but the demolition of residents along the road  Isn¡¯t there something inappropriate about the house?¡±

    "This is a Mongolian gathering area. We must consider future policies and influences. According to the headquarters' plan and goal of opening up communication lines, this will be the main communication artery between our army and our army in the pass. It is something we need to stick to and persist for a long time.  If we do this, how can we build a mass base?¡±

    "What's more, this is a Mongolian inhabited area. Most of them are yurts and there are few houses. Most of the houses are basically for upper class people or lamasery temples. If we forcibly demolish the houses, this will have a negative impact on our future treatment of Mongolia.  It is very disadvantageous for upper-level people to carry out united front work.¡±

    "The religious beliefs of the Mongols are difficult to completely change, at least in a short period of time. The eradication of Lamaism in Outer Mongolia almost caused turmoil across the country. If the Soviet army had not directly intervened to suppress it, the regime in Outer Mongolia would have been almost overthrown, Commander  We cannot underestimate the appeal of party members¡¯ religion.¡±

    "Of course, our situation is different from that of Outer Mongolia, but this is a lesson learned from our past experience, and what we do, especially the action of demolishing lamasery temples, can easily make the Mongolians be completely won over by the Japanese and puppet regimes. In the Mongols  Among them, the influence of Lamaism is very large, and 100% of the residents here believe in Lamaism and are very pious. "

    "So in Mongolian inhabited areas, we must pay attention to our religious policies. It is easy to destroy people's hearts, but it is difficult to rebuild them. Let's see if it is true for Lama temples. We try not to demolish them.  Do not dismantle them, lest these Mongolians be completely pushed to the Japanese side. This is a key issue related to our establishment of the anti-Japanese national united front. "

    Regarding these words of Yi Jianping, Wang Guangyu thought for a long time while looking at the endless prairie outside the car and the black and green smear in the distance that showed the extension of the Xing'an Mountains to the south. "Political Commissar, what you said makes sense.  I also know that I am also a person who has been educated by the party for many years. I still understand this truth. Although I have not had much contact with the United Front work, I still understand a little bit. "

    "But Lao Yi, this time we concentrated a large number of tanks and attached motorized infantry to carry out large-depth penetration operations. This is a completely new topic for us. We did not have many tanks before, and most of them were old British and French tanks.  Tanks are used in combat for the first time, so they can only be assigned to each unit for use. "

    "This is the first time for both the headquarters and us to use tanks on a large scale, and it is also the first time for all tactics to be used. The exercises on the training ground are not actual combat after all. This time we fought in roundabout ways.  Not only to achieve the headquarters¡¯ predetermined goals, but also to test the use of our armor tactics.¡±

    "We and Lao Chen have concentrated almost two-thirds of the tanks and armored vehicles in the headquarters. If the losses in the battle are too large, I am afraid it will be detrimental to our next development in the future. Of course, if the losses in the battle are really  , This is inevitable, but if we lose it in vain due to lack of preparation, then we commanders are committing a crime. "

    "Before our attack this time, due to lack of experience in large-scale mechanized force operations, our preparations were somewhat inadequate. We are now fighting without a rear. We cannot directly replenish what we need from the rear like when we fight on the inside. This place is bare.  Prairie, where can we get enough wood to build a bridge without demolishing the house?¡±

    "You have also seen along the way that although the rivers on these grasslands do not have a large amount of water, the banks of the rivers are very steep. In some rivers, we can use blasting to flatten the river banks, but in some places, we can only build  If we don't make preparations before crossing the bridge, these rivers may become an obstacle to our movement. This is the main reason why I let the cavalry, which is dependent on road conditions, set off immediately. "

    "I am also very aware of the importance of people's hearts and minds, but in our current situation where combat is the first prerequisite, people's hearts and minds can only be dealt with after the battle is over. Besides, Mongolians are where ordinary people live.  They are all yurts, and only the upper class live in houses.¡±

    "I'm afraid most of these people have become lackeys of the Japanese. We don't have to be too taboo about attacking them. Even if there is a mistake, I think we can just make compensation after the battle is over.  , As for those lamaseries, the same is true. I am a military commander. In my eyes, those buildings can only be used during combat. I have not thought about anything else. "

    "Political Commissar, this is not Guan Nei. Both rich and poor have houses. Among the Mongolians, there are still only a few people who live in houses. Most of them belong to the nobility.Under the circumstances, where are we going to find those nobles? It is almost impossible to raise enough wood from the limited number of them.  "

    "But there are a lot of Lama temples here. Most of the houses we saw along the way are Lama temples. If we don't demolish these temples, how can we raise enough wood to build pontoons? Religious policy and unification  It¡¯s good that the front line is important, but it¡¯s more important to raise enough wood for a rainy day.¡±

    After Wang Guangyu finished speaking, he fell into silence again. Looking at Wang Guangyu who fell into silence again, Yi Jianping said nothing more. Although he was a political commissar, what Wang Guangyu said was right. There was no place to raise funds at the moment.  When wood is needed, demolishing the house to get wood becomes the only option.

    Yi Jianping was not familiar with mechanized troops. Even before he came to work in Northeast China, he had only seen Japanese tanks during anti-mopping operations in the pass, and not many times, let alone substantial contact. The number of Japanese tanks was not  There are many, and even fewer are used on the battlefield behind enemy lines.

    For Yi Jianping, it was not until he came to work in Northeast China that he gradually came into contact with these all-steel monsters. However, as a political cadre, he is definitely not that much. However, despite not having much contact, because of his relatively high cultural quality  He is tall and accepts new things quickly. He still has a certain understanding of the performance and power of tanks.

    In Yi Jianping's eyes, these tanks are indeed powerful and have strong breakthrough capabilities. However, in addition to being too dependent on logistics, they also have a considerable weakness, that is, his actions require too high requirements for the attached troops. Crossing the river is not only  It is necessary to build a bridge, not even a simple pontoon bridge, as the load-bearing requirements are still very high. In this case, collecting all the wood that can erect the required pontoon bridge becomes an inevitable choice.

    But on this bare grassland, it is impossible to collect so much wood in a short period of time, not to mention that the wood that has just been cut down cannot be used immediately. Even if it is to build a one-time pontoon bridge, the wood that has just been cut down cannot be used.  The load-bearing capacity is not that great, so the only way is to demolish the house.

    In the Mongolian and Tibetan areas, large buildings are usually Lama temples. In this grassland area, if you want to raise enough wood and let these temples go, it is almost impossible to find much usable wood. Think of it.  Here, Yi Jianping finally shut up.

    As for Wang Guangyu's reticence after breaking through the border, Yi Jianping knew that his command of this lone intrusion without a large rear area brought great psychological pressure to him, not only the pressure brought by the Japanese army in person, but also his own  In the heart of this partner, there is even a possibility that there is still the shadow of the failure of the Anti-Union Western Expedition a few years ago.

    If there hadn't been the shadow of that incident a few years ago, as someone who has experienced hundreds of battles and has extremely rich actual combat experience, and is called by No. 1 a rare military and political partner in the Anti-Japanese Alliance, even in the face of this operation without a rear, the pressure  No matter how old you are, you won't be so silent.

    Although before this roundabout battle, the two people who were paired up with Wang Guangyu for the first time had not worked together for a long time and were not familiar with each other's styles, Yi Jian, who had been familiar with Wang Guangyu for a long time,  Ping knew his military partner's character, conduct, and command style very well.

    After all, they are all senior commanders at the column level. Although the military and political divisions of labor are different, according to the current deployment rules for anti-alliance cadres, one day he may be paired with a new column commander, so Yi Jianping is  Several column commanders have specialized in in-depth understanding.

    He knew that his current partner had suffered heavy losses during the Anti-Alliance Western Expedition three years ago. His original Fourth Army of the Anti-Alliance was almost completely destroyed.  , I am afraid that he, who was the deputy commander of the Fourth Army at the time, and the current military commander and political commissar of the military region will not be spared.

    The failure of this Western Expedition left an indelible shadow in the hearts of many cadres of the Second Route Army at that time. The two main forces of the Second Route Army were almost completely wiped out, making it difficult for many cadres to forget. As the deputy commander at the time,  The military commander, and his painful experience, it is inevitable that his partner will feel a certain amount of pressure in this roundabout operation without a rear.

    Just like those members of the Fourth Front Army who returned to Yan'an after the failure of the Red Army's West Route Army, they also had a certain shadow in their hearts about the Ma Jiajun cavalry. When he was working in the 129th Division, which was adapted from the Red Army's Fourth Front Army, he did not  Don't listen to those old Red Army soldiers who returned to the army after the defeat of the West Route Army and the troops were dispersed. They all mentioned the cavalry of the Ma's Army, and they all gritted their teeth with hatred.

    Although there is a certain degree of dissatisfaction among them, the fierceness of the Ma Jiajun cavalry is somewhat reflected in the fact that these cavalry have experienced hundreds of battles and will not frown when facing any enemy.? This has left a certain shadow in the hearts of the Red Army. Even now, the equipment of the roundabout troops is no longer what it used to be. There are complete numbers of tanks, cars, and heavy artillery, and the entire army has sufficient ammunition.

    Moreover, there is Chen Hanzhang's headquarters in the north, and the relevant internal troops in the south cooperate with the troops leaving the customs. The headquarters can also airdrop supplies at any time. In this roundabout operation, even if the Japanese North China Front Army in the customs and the Japanese Mongolian garrison in Zhangjiakou are dispatched, they will repeat the mistakes of previous failures.  unlikely.

    But as a military commander, facing a complex battlefield situation, coupled with the shadow of the past, one can imagine the pressure on his partner. Although I don't agree with some of his actions, I still don't want to go too far at this time.  It would be better to interfere with his determination as much as possible.
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