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Text Chapter 110 The Final Aftermath of the Aftermath

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    However, the aftermath of Yang Zhenqian's incident not only brought a large naval fleet to the People's Liberation Army, but also ensured the safety of the transportation of ammunition and various materials from the Northeast to the battlefield inside the pass during the Liberation War, and ensured the safety of crossing the river and  The success of the Battle of Shanghai and the heavy losses suffered by the Americans caused the Americans to abandon their original plan to blockade China's coast.

    Another consequence was that it offended the Soviets quite seriously. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yang Zhen was invited by the Soviet Union twice and accompanied the Chairman to visit the Soviet Union. The Soviet generals who came to greet him, especially the navy  The general, after seeing him, although he was very enthusiastic on the surface, the hostile look in his eyes could be seen by any fool.

    Almost every Soviet naval officer, even a major, saw him without gnashing their teeth in hatred and wanting to eat him alive. If looks could kill, I'm afraid Yang Zhen would have been torn into pieces long ago. Army General  His attitude is better, but not that much better.

    It¡¯s no wonder that people hated him and gnashed their teeth. The Soviet Navy worked so hard to retain half of the wealth during World War II, but half of it was kidnapped by Yang Zhen. However, he still had to get high-performance battleships and Soviet Union from him.  The design drawings of the first aircraft carrier and a large number of advanced naval ships made the Soviets have to accept his kindness. Can this not make people feel unusually aggrieved?

    Undoubtedly, the Soviets did not say anything on the surface about Yang Zhen's method of giving Yang Zhen a slap in the face and giving him a sweet date, but they were still full of anger in their hearts. Especially the direct consequences of Yang Zhen's move made the Soviet Navy four  The commanders and chiefs of staff of the three major fleets, as well as the military commissar, all lost their heads. It was he who did this, knocking out more than half of the brains of the Soviet Navy.

    Even the Navy Commander-in-Chief and Chief of Staff, if not for the desperate guarantee of the deputy commander-in-chief and several marshals who had outstanding wartime achievements, could have saved their heads, they would have been dismissed from office in the end. The captains and department heads of the stolen ships,  Except for a few, most of them either went to labor camps or were put on the guillotine.

    Most of these people were elites of the Soviet Navy who had experienced the test of war. Yang Zhen did such a trick, and a large number of elites in the Soviet Navy were ruined. It was just that the Soviet commander forgot to select personnel from the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  , he approved the replacement of the Soviet sailors to participate in the land battle, but the commander who never thought that he could make mistakes waited until something went wrong, but he blamed all his subordinates.

    A large number of mid-level officers of the Soviet Navy who had experienced the less intense naval battles on the Soviet-German battlefield during World War II either lost their heads or were sent to the KGB's Lubyanka Prison because of this incident. This is what the Soviet Navy did this time.  The biggest loss suffered during the incident was the loss of the ship. As long as there is its own shipbuilding industry, it can be rebuilt. However, if the talents that have been painstakingly cultivated are gone, it will be difficult to recover the losses.

    Many of them were not released from the labor camp until the death of the leader. Although they saved their lives, many of them were beaten to disability in the labor camp and could no longer work on the ship.  The loss of a large number of talents prevented the Soviet Navy from recovering its strength for more than ten years.

    In addition, the Soviet Navy was completely supervised by the Army. The Soviet Navy, which lost nearly half of its large and medium-sized ships, was completely reduced to a coastal navy before new ships were replenished. Even for a long time, because it could only operate offshore,  And a series of subsequent incidents such as being ridiculed as the Coast Guard by the US and British navies were quite difficult for the Soviet Navy to accept. From top to bottom, the Soviet Navy still hated Yang Zhen as the instigator.

    Even the most shameless Chinese who always wanted to see him used thieves, gangsters, robbers, prostitutes, etc. after the incident, and a series of things that the Soviets could and could not imagine.  The Soviet commander who cursed Yang Zhen with the most vicious words for a whole day didn't even look good when he saw him.

    After knowing that the Chairman appointed Yang Zhen to preside over the negotiations with the Soviet Union, the commander-in-chief summoned a large number of people to study how to deal with this cunning guy. Moreover, this Soviet commander-in-chief, who was ridden with everything and had many things to do, even left all his work.  , specifically sitting at the negotiation site. During the three months of negotiations, this Soviet Army Generalissimo and Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Union actually sat in person for three months in a rare event.

    In this war of words and negotiations that lasted for three months, although the Soviets were more careful, especially in the negotiations on the transfer of new technologies, they were extremely strict, but they could not figure out where Yang Zhen was going.  The latest technological developments such as Soviet aviation and missiles.

    The Soviets promised to transfer the complete production technology of the MiG-9 fighter, but Yang Zhen did not even want the MiG-15. He specifically wanted the technology of the MiG-17 fighter that was undergoing test flights, the Il-28 bomber that had just been put into production, and the  The Tu-16 bomber under developmentA complete set of technologies for MiG-19 fighter jets and Sam-1 anti-aircraft missiles, and requires sending some people to participate in the entire development activities.

    There are also surface-to-surface missile systems being developed by the Soviet Union, the Army's M46 cannon, T55 tanks, KC19M 100mm anti-aircraft guns, the Navy's W-class conventional submarines that have just been developed, and the R-class conventional submarines that are being developed.  When it comes to submarines, Yang Zhen can be said to be a lion. Regardless of whether the Soviets have just put into production or are developing new weapons, Yang Zhen wants them all.

    Yang Zhen's lion opened his mouth so much that the Soviets were shocked. They didn't know where Yang Zhen got so many of their new weapons development plans and the types of new weapons. You must know that things like the Il-28 bomber and  The MiG-17 fighter jets have just been put into production. Not to mention a foreigner like Yang Zhen, even the Soviet Union¡¯s own people, except for relevant personnel, don¡¯t know about it.

    As for the Soviet Union's first jet medium bomber, the Tu-16 bomber, the SAM-1 anti-aircraft missile, the R-class medium-sized submarine are under development, and even the MiG-19 fighter jet has just been given a design task by the design bureau, and there is only a preliminary one.  plan, according to the Soviet Union's confidentiality practices, these things will never be leaked.

    How the hell does this guy know these things that most peripheral people don¡¯t know. He even knows the internal number of the design bureau. How does this damn guy get so many things? Why does his nose look like this?  So sensitive that he even knew so much about the Soviet weapons development plan.

    When they learned about the technical drawings and weapon models requested by Yang Zhen, the Soviets' first reaction was that they had spies within their own ranks, and not just within the army, there must also be Chinese spies in various design bureaus and production factories, otherwise  How did those weapons information, which is still mostly kept in absolute confidentiality, be leaked, unless this guy has the ability to predict the future.

    On the one hand, the Soviets were conceited in Yang Zhen's request, and on the other hand, they conducted a strict internal investigation. However, they arrested many people suspected of being spies, but not a single real spy. This also caused the development process of these weapons to be greatly obscured.  Amount of delay.

    The Soviets were puzzled and couldn't figure it out. Since they didn't have spies in their ranks, where did that damn guy's information come from? They had no trump card in the negotiations. What else could the Soviets use to fight with the Chinese?  After three months of negotiations, under Yang Zhen's repeated threats and inducements, the Chinese military delegation participating in the negotiations returned with a full load.

    During the negotiations, the Soviets agreed to transfer a complete set of blueprints and production technology for MiG-77 fighter jets, Il-28 bombers, T-55 tanks, M-46 cannons, and W-class submarines. They also agreed that China would send people to participate in Figure 16  The development of bombers, SAM-1 air defense missiles, and R-class submarines, in other words, the Soviets basically agreed to all the requests made by Yang Zhen.

    Although the Soviets did not actually want to meet the requirements of the Chinese, let alone transfer so many new weapons and equipment technologies at once, they had no choice but to have a strong trump card in Yang Zhen's hands, and he knew everything about their new weapons research plans.  What Yang Zhen brought was almost impossible for them to refuse.

    The reverse mapping drawings of the B-29 bomber, the first-generation radar early warning aircraft technology, and the high-power electronic jammer technology. Of course, the radar early warning aircraft and high-power electronic jammer technology among them are already backward and obsolete products for the Chinese.  .

    But for the Soviets, it came at the right time. The Soviets only had medium bombers and seriously lacked long-range heavy bombers like the B29. Although this piston propeller bomber was actually lagging behind, for the Soviets  , it¡¯s still worth it.

    If the Soviets did not need the Chinese to share with them the huge military, political, and economic pressure brought by the West after the beginning of the Cold War, they would not be able to completely turn away at the moment. The Chairman would not be the leader of the ruling party in those Eastern European countries that relied on the support of the Soviet Union.  , the Soviet order does not have any deterrent effect on China.

    It is impossible for the Soviets to agree to such a generous transfer of their latest technology. After this negotiation, the Soviet commander, together with the previous events, wanted to arrest him and shoot him directly, so that he could avoid this guy in the future.  What a big loss happened to the guy.

    And this abduction incident that shocked the whole world, coupled with some unpleasant things happened between the two sides during the war and this negotiation, the old and new grudges combined, made the Soviet commander still think about it before he died.  He still gritted his teeth with hatred for Yang Zhen.

    Even some people around the supreme commander were still cursing Yang Zhen's actions from the moment the supreme commander died. Privately, they believed that the supreme commander could only be regarded as a semi-ally to Yang Zhen at best, and the remaining half could be called enemies.  The hatred of this guy is even greater than that of the German head of state who invaded the Soviet Union.

    The Soviets¡¯ views on YangApart from Yang Zhen himself who didn't care about the duplicitous attitude, even the chairman, who was more calm about everything than taking a leisurely stroll in the garden, was secretly worried about Yang Zhen, for fear that the Soviets would find out.  I am embarrassed to do anything on the surface, but I am doing something secretly.

    Moreover, in the Soviet Union, it was difficult to prevent the Soviets from doing anything. The Chairman had always been very worried about Yang Zhen's safety in the Soviet Union. Until the train back to China passed through Manzhouli and entered the country, the Chairman's heart had been hanging  My heart was completely relieved.
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