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Text Chapter 103: Exchange of Aftermath

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    At the end of the Pacific War, in order to concentrate its forces to defend the homeland, the Japanese Navy transferred back most of the ships stationed in Southeast Asia as long as they were still operational. The number of Japanese Navy ships in the homeland was far greater than that in Southeast Asia. Except for a few destroyers and a few ships that were damaged in the war,  In addition to the cruisers that cannot be transferred back, the size of the ships, mainly light ships, is much larger.

    Although there have been many major air raids on the Japanese mainland by the US military and the Anti-Japanese Alliance, most of the remaining ships in previous naval battles were sunk in the port, but there are still a lot of ships that survived and are still operational, including aircraft carriers.  The Hosho is the only aircraft carrier of the Japanese Navy that is still active after the end of the Pacific War and can operate with carrier-based aircraft.

    There is also the Katsuragi aircraft carrier, which is unable to take off and land aircraft due to damage to its deck, but its hull is intact and its maneuverability is still intact. These two aircraft carriers have basically maintained their maneuverability. For any military that hopes to build its own navy,  They are all priceless treasures, even though there are no carrier-based aircraft on these two aircraft carriers.

    In addition to these two aircraft carriers, which basically maintain their maneuverability, there are also the battleship Nagato, the light cruiser Shusaka, and the training cruiser Kashima, which are also basically intact. More than ten ships are basically intact or only undergoing simple repairs.  The Japanese Navy has combat-capable destroyers, as well as a large number of coastal defense ships, gunboats, submarines and other vessels.

    Although most of the ships suffered damage of varying sizes during the US military air raids, and still need some repairs before they can be put into use, for the Chinese, these ships are still quite valuable.  Especially for the Anti-Japanese Alliance, which has never had a warship, it is an extremely valuable asset.

    At that time, Japan had announced its unconditional surrender, but the U.S. fleet was still far away in Okinawa. In addition, Shanghai was very close to the Japanese mainland. The anti-alliance movement was too fast. It was intercepted by the U.S. and British fleets from the Philippines in the South China Sea. The two sides faced off for two full days.  At this time, unlike the Southern Front, which almost didn't have a misfire, the resistance alliance that robbed the Japanese mainland did not encounter any resistance or embarrassment.

    At this time, the US military had not yet entered the Japanese mainland. In addition to some advance troops, its fleet was still as far away as Okinawa and the Philippines. However, the Anti-Japanese Alliance had already airlifted an airborne division to the Japanese mainland on the day Japan announced its surrender. With such a  With the support of an airborne division, the Japanese did not have the courage to make any changes even if they wanted to. However, before the US military could react, the Anti-Japanese Alliance had already completed the advance reception of Japanese naval ships.

    Of course, with most of these ships in need of repairs, the Anti-Japanese Alliance personnel would not just accept the ships. At that time, he was transferred to the Soviet Pacific Fleet to study naval logistics and became the first deputy minister of the Navy Logistics Department after the founding of the People's Republic of China.  Guang, with the cooperation of the Anti-Japanese First Airborne Division, which had already landed in Japan, once again exerted his ability to sweep across 800 miles.

    In the ports of Kure Port, Yokosuka, Sasebo, and Yokohama, the former major naval bases of the Japanese Navy, as well as the shipbuilding industrial bases, all maintenance personnel, technicians, and even shipbuilding workers who were not drafted, plus those who were involved in the US military bombing  The surviving raw materials and spare parts, as well as all the ship blueprints stored in some places, were completely looted in less than five days.

    After hearing the news, the U.S. fleet that rushed from Okinawa rushed to Japan. Except for the Japanese warships that were sunk by themselves and could not be salvaged, all the ports in Japan were empty. The warships originally deployed by the Japanese Navy in the mainland were empty.  , together with the maintenance personnel and surviving parts and maintenance equipment, were all looted to Lushun.

    Those that could not be taken away, including the ships that were sunk in the two major military ports and parked on the repair bays due to US bombings, as well as the Yokohama Shipyard, as well as all the infrastructure of Kure Port and the three major military ports of Sasebo and Yokosuka, were completely destroyed.  , in a word, take away everything that can be taken away, and blow up everything that cannot be taken away.

    All remaining personnel of the Japanese Navy in the two military ports were also arrested as war criminals. Of course, when the Anti-Japanese Alliance arrested people, not just everyone was wanted, including ship commanders, tactical instructors, and various technical personnel.  personnel, even engineers from Yokohama Shipyard and Sasebo Naval Shipyard, were the main personnel arrested by the Anti-League. As for those special marines, coastal defense artillery, anti-aircraft gunners, and ordinary sailors, the Anti-League had no interest in it at all.  of.

    Due to careful planning and decisive actions, this deception and robbery operation, which was called the most shameless operation by the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain during World War II, basically went smoothly, except for those who stayed in the Black Sea Fleet for the final finishing touches.  Man, driving a Soviet destroyer, three frigates and two tugboats, were detained outside the Bosporus Strait. The remaining ships all successfully returned to the Lushun military port under the control of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    In fact, the Anti-Japanese Alliance's attempt to defraud the Soviet Navy ships was so smooth that the Americans were among them.It has played a considerable role. Knowing that after the war, the Americans would no longer have the power to stop the already powerful CCP from seizing power across the country, in order to drive a wedge between the Chinese and Soviet parties and make the Chinese and Soviet parties completely fall out, after discovering that the Anti-Alliance  After the action, not only did the Anti-Alliance not obstruct it, but they even agreed to use their naval bases throughout Western Europe and the Indian and Pacific Oceans to refuel the Anti-Alliance ships midway.

    The British also opened the Suez Canal to allow anti-Union warships to pass. The five warships detained in Turkey were also detained for only a week under the protection and mediation of the Americans and then released.  What the United States and Britain are really angry about is that after the Anti-Japanese Alliance entered the Indian Ocean and Pacific theaters, as long as there were Japanese naval bases along the way with the Japanese mainland, they were like a swarm of locusts, grabbing wherever they went.

    Whatever ships, maintenance personnel, equipment, equipment, if you have a good appetite, as long as the navy can use it, grab whatever you see, especially all the ships in Singapore, Japan's main naval base at the end of the war, and they can still sail.  They drove away and towed away those without navigation capabilities. Even the remaining ships of the former French Navy's Far East Fleet and Thai Navy ships anchored in Saigon were all snatched away.

    Even a British light cruiser and a destroyer of the British Far East Fleet that arrived in Singapore first to receive them were disarmed and taken away by the Anti-Union Fleet. The United States and Britain, which had previously condoned the Anti-Union actions, could no longer tolerate this.  The South China Sea dispatched the main fleet stationed in the Philippines and Okinawa to encircle the anti-alliance fleet withdrawing from the north, and required the anti-alliance fleet to accompany them to the Philippines.

    After the demands of the American and British fleets were rejected without hesitation by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the two sides faced off at sea for two full days. After the Anti-Japanese Alliance handed back two British naval ships, the Americans finally made concessions and fought against each other.  When the alliance left, there were only hundreds of thousands of empty-handed soldiers, but when they came back, they were fully loaded with soldiers in army uniforms and the navy released them. Otherwise, what if the two sides still want to fight?

    As the anger between the United States and Britain finally subsided, the Soviets, who abducted nearly a quarter of the surviving ships of World War II and nearly half of the equipment of destroyers and above, gave up. They sent a fleet to pursue them, but were blocked by the U.S. military intentionally or unintentionally.  , coupled with the fact that most of the large and mobile ships were abducted, the rest were small ships that could not get out of the open sea, and after no success.

    The angry Soviet commander directly mobilized millions of troops and thousands of tanks from the three fronts from the western front to the Sino-Soviet border, and deployed them on the Sino-Soviet and Sino-Mongolian borders. If you don¡¯t give me an explanation, I will  Just resolutely refuse to do it. At worst, everyone will lose face and fight. At the same time, all anti-Japanese students studying in the Soviet Union will be detained.

    Yang Zhen's actions also left the Central Committee dumbfounded. At this time, they finally understood Yang Zhen's true intention of insisting on selecting a large number of personnel to participate in the so-called support operations of the Soviet Navy despite the fact that the number of intellectuals in the Anti-Japanese Alliance itself was insufficient.  What exactly is it.

    I originally thought that Yang Zhen's move was to prepare the basic preparations for establishing the CCP's own navy, but I thought that Yang Zhen's original intention was to rob the navy. Otherwise, between the two Soviet fleets separated by thousands of miles from east to west,  , where the movements are so unified, and the actions are still so decisive, without any sloppiness. This would not be possible without painstaking planning.

    Almost everyone in the army sighed that this young commander of the Northeast Military Region was too courageous. Not only did you touch the tiger's butt, you also plucked all the hair off the tiger's butt.  , this kind of courage and courage is definitely not available to ordinary people.

    No wonder the Soviets were angry. Excluding the huge losses during the war, Yang Zhen took almost half of the remaining large and medium-sized ships of the Soviets. No one else would do it. Building ships is a task that consumes both money and material resources.  The thing is, the Soviets do not have the national strength of the Americans. The war here is in full swing, and with a large amount of foreign aid, they can still build warships in batches like dumplings.

    Moreover, as the Soviet Union was in dire straits after the war and a large number of war-damaged infrastructure needed to be rebuilt, the Soviets estimated that they would not and would not be able to replenish the navy with large and medium-sized ships for a long time, and Yang Zhen  How could this move not make the Soviets extremely angry? It is estimated that if Yang Zhen was in the Soviet Union at this time, the commander-in-chief would directly kill him with a thousand cuts.

    However, compared with the central government's worries about the Soviet people's heavy troops on the border, the first party Yang Zhen was not worried about the Soviets' heavy troops on the border. In the face of the new Far East Military Region Commander Vasilevsky who came to investigate the Soviet Union's attack,  After Yang Zhen only handed over a list of ships to the marshal, most of the Soviet people's annoyance disappeared.

    This list is actually very short, only?The two warships that Yang Zhen snatched back from the Japanese mainland were actually the Soviet commander-in-chief who was very fond of large combat ships. He dreamed of an aircraft carrier and a battleship, and these two ships were not other warships.  The aircraft carrier was the original Katsuragi aircraft carrier of the Japanese Navy.

    The other one is the only remaining battleship of the Japanese Navy, which once had as many as twelve battleships. Its total tonnage ranks third in the world, second only to the US and British navies. It has also served as the flagship of the combined fleet for a long time.  Before the Yamato class entered service, it was the Nagato battleship, one of the most powerful battleships in the world and the iconic ship of the Japanese Navy.
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