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Text Chapter 95 The hole dug by Yang Zhen

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    Under the circumstances of the high-speed advancement of the German army, the performance of these internal affairs troops who rigidly carried out orders from Moscow and that no one was allowed to open warehouses was no better than their colleagues in the regular army. They even spent most of their time engaged in operations in key areas.  The performance of these internal affairs troops for defense and counter-revolutionary work was not as good as that of the regular Soviet field army.

    When encountering the German army, the best thing is that all the members died in battle. Of course, many of them collapsed at the first touch. Just because the German army ordered that Soviet internal affairs troops could be shot on the spot without trial once they were captured, the number of these internal affairs troops who surrendered voluntarily did not  There were not many, and those who were captured were also captured because the German army advanced too fast and was unprepared.

    These internal affairs troops were too rigid in executing orders, and the consequences were quite serious. Because they did not receive orders from Moscow, the internal affairs troops guarding the warehouses did not even dare to blow up the warehouses. A large number of combat readiness warehouses were left intact like this.  fell into German hands.

    These Soviet combat readiness warehouses fell completely into the hands of the German army, which had a great impact on the Soviet army's ability to ensure the combat effectiveness of its troops. However, from another aspect, it brought great convenience to the German army's strategic offensive. Those who were attacking the Soviet army  The tanks and mechanized troops that played an important role in the army's encirclement war used a large part of their oil from captured Soviet combat readiness warehouses after they penetrated deep into the Soviet Union.

    Without the replenishment of Soviet oil that fell into the hands of the German army, the German army was busy changing the gauge of the Soviet railway system that was different from the international gauge. The German army, which had adapted to German trains, could not meet the huge consumption on the battlefield with its current transportation capacity.  Even in the battles of Vyazma and Bryansk, without the German army using a large amount of captured Soviet oil on the spot in the Soviet Union, the German army's advance would have been at least half as slow.

    The disastrous defeats in a series of battles and the massive loss of combat readiness warehouses caused the Soviet army to be extremely short of heavy weapons when preparing for the defense of Moscow. During the entire Moscow battle, the Soviet army invested less than a thousand tanks in the counterattack stage. Among them, the most powerful  T three and four tanks accounted for less than half, and the rest were T 26 tanks and BT fast tanks.

    Even among the tanks participating in the war, there were nine old antique T-18 tanks, which were the first generation mass-produced tanks of the Soviet Union. This time, 100 tanks were handed over to the Anti-Japanese Alliance at once, and all of them were the latest T-3 tanks.  Four tanks, under the current situation where the front line is in urgent need of new tanks to join the war, wouldn't it be considered by the Soviets that the Anti-Japanese Alliance was taking advantage of the situation?

    There are also hundreds of M 30122 howitzers and ZLS 376mm cannons. They also failed in a series of battles, and their equipment losses reached almost astronomical figures. The Soviets urgently needed them, and they suddenly came up with seven  More than a hundred artillery pieces are enough to cause considerable pain to the Soviet General Staff who are busy piecing together heavy equipment for the upcoming Moscow battle.

    Compared with the M 30-type 122 howitzers, which had a considerable production volume before the war, the number of 220 would not cause the Soviet army to feel too distressed, but the ZLS Type 3 76mm cannon, which had just been put into mass production,  With its excellent performance, especially its extremely strong anti-tank capabilities, it has caused pain to the Soviet Union, which currently lacks anti-tank weapons.

    Faced with the lion of the Anti-League, they opened their mouths. In addition to transferring technology, they needed 500 physical items. Everyone was scolding the former General Ordnance Minister who was occupying the toilet and not doing his job. He was in a high position but did not do his job.  Artillery production was delayed again and again, resulting in a total of just over a thousand guns equipped before the war.

    This was done privately by some leaders of the Soviet artillery force. If this marshal, who had a very poor reaction to new weapons and was always more than a beat behind the times, agreed, then it would be hard to imagine that this man would lead to war in the year of the monkey.  The former Soviet Army's General Ordnance Director, who was in dire need of large-caliber anti-tank artillery, was twitching in distress at the same time.

    The Soviet army has not had time to equip its own troops, but now it wants to give the Chinese 500 guns at once. How can it not cause pain to the Soviet top brass? In fact, everyone knows that the people who make the final decision on whether the new equipment developed by the Soviet army will be put into production will not be put into production.  It was not the Chief of Ordnance, but no one dared to complain about the Supreme Commander, so it was understandable that they turned their anger to the marshal who was known as the most unlucky marshal in the history of the Soviet Army.

    It¡¯s not just a pain in the butt. In the eyes of the Soviets, these Chinese people not only failed to thank the Soviet people for their selfless assistance in their development, but also took this opportunity to ask for the latest Soviet weapons production technology. They were definitely suspected of taking advantage of the situation, but given that  There is currently a severe shortage of anti-tank weapons and anti-aircraft guns, and now that I am asking for help, I acquiesce.

    Fortunately, the Anti-League can get the goods in stock, which is much better than the big pie that the Americans painted, but they don't know when it will arrive. Little do they know that Yang Zhen has already prepared this batch of equipment for exchange.  Well, let's just wait for the Soviets to come and find us. In other words, this hole has been dug long ago, and we are just waiting for the Soviets to jump.

    Otherwise, in terms of all military materials,With everything relying on imports, how could Yang Zhen be so generous in producing so much equipment in one go that exceeded the needs of the Anti-Japanese Alliance?  So much tone.

    Yang Zhen also made a helpless choice. It turned out that the artillery produced in Poland and the captured Japanese artillery transferred by the Soviet army were second-hand goods after being used in high-intensity wars. Long-term high-intensity use caused the barrels of these artillery pieces to wear out.  It's huge. A large part of the 75mm mountain field guns currently equipped by the army have reached the scrap standard. It's just because the number of self-produced guns is far from meeting the needs and they can only barely stay in service.

    Although the current arsenal of the Anti-Japanese Alliance has imported a large amount of advanced equipment produced in the United States and stockpiled a large amount of raw materials, its production capacity is actually not low. However, due to the lack of technical personnel, the imitation and production progress of artillery is quite slow. Now because of  Without drawings, the Japanese Army's Type 92 105 cannon, Type 95 field cannon, and Type 94 mountain cannon can only be copied in reverse. Either the progress has been severely delayed and cannot be mass-produced, or the output is extremely low, and the quality cannot be guaranteed at all.

    The imitation work of the Type 92 105 cannon has been delayed. The average number of qualified products of the Type 95 field gun and the Type 94 mountain gun is less than five per month. At this speed, let alone complete  Replacement of a large number of artillery pieces that are about to be scrapped, and even the artillery pieces damaged in the battle, cannot be replaced.

    As for American aid, Yang Zhen dare not count on it now. First, it is difficult to obtain American aid. Second, it is also the most fundamental. Yang Zhen took advantage of the outbreak of the Second World War to form his own military industry.  It does not want to rely entirely on aid like Chongqing.

    The Americans will provide certain artillery supplies, but the U.S. military industry has not yet transferred to a wartime system. In addition, the United States is about to face a large-scale military expansion. The American policy is to first Europe and then Asia. In terms of assistance, it is still  Mainly the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, when it's their turn, they don't know when they won't say it, and the quantity may not be guaranteed.

    In addition, the performance of U.S. artillery is indeed inferior to that of the Soviets. These equipment, drawings, and production technology were obtained from the Soviets. First, the performance of these two types of artillery is so outstanding that many countries even used them in large quantities at the beginning of the 21st century.  The equipment is used as tactical artillery, especially the M 30122 howitzer. Even in the 1990s, it was still the main division artillery of the People's Liberation Army.

    The second is to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain drawings to form one's own real artillery production capabilities, and even design capabilities. It is better to have ready-made drawings and production technology that can be used than to simply rely on one's own poor technical capabilities to reverse imitation.  Much, of course, is a story for another day.

    This uncharacteristic behavior of the Soviets during the negotiations made everyone who had dealt with them in the headquarters wonder why the Soviets were so easy to talk to this time. You must know that dealing with these Soviets before was definitely not a very pleasant experience.  Not only do you care about things that are comfortable, but are always looking for all kinds of trouble.

    When Anti-Union dealt with them before, their goods could be delayed as long as they could. As long as Anti-Union's delivery time was slightly slower, they would make loud protests and demands for compensation.  How could such a big loss go silently? This is really not like their usual style.

    It was not until after signing the transaction contract with the Soviets that they realized that it was the situation on the battlefield that forced the Soviets to bow their heads and make concessions in exchange for the manufacturing technology and products of the weapons in the Anti-Japanese Alliance. This rare bow made by the Soviets allowed them to  The anti-alliance cadres who had been angered by them before were very proud, and several leaders of the headquarters and the Northeast Bureau gradually relaxed their worries.

    But Yang Zhen, who had a good understanding of the Soviet people's strong vindictiveness, knew that this matter would not be settled simply. The fact that the Soviets did not cause trouble for themselves now did not mean that they would cause trouble for themselves in the future.  , these Soviets are not so easily subdued, let alone easily dismissed.

    Although they have made certain concessions and compensations, the Soviets will not give up revenge easily. Now they are asking for help from the Anti-Japanese Alliance and rarely lower their heads. But when the Anti-Japanese Alliance asks for help from them again,  I'm afraid it won't be that simple to get them to nod.

    Although the Soviet protest eventually came to nothing, after the Soviet protest subsided, Yang Zhen still severely criticized Wang Guangyu after Wang Guangyu returned to the headquarters. Yang Zhen criticized Wang Guangyu not because he robbed the Soviets of war preparations.  The reason why things were done wrong in the warehouse was because Wang Guangyu didn't do his job very cleanly, which allowed the Soviets to find a handle.

    Wang Guangyu and Ren Guang¡¯s actions in Mongolia were no big deal in Yang Zhen¡¯s eyes. If they robbed them, what would happen? But in the eyes of Yang Zhen,From Yang Zhen's point of view, it doesn't matter whether you grab Mongolian or Soviet equipment. The key is that you didn't deal with it thoroughly in the follow-up.

    If the remaining things are blown up before the Mongols arrive, all those Mongolian internal affairs troops guarding the warehouse are eliminated, and all evidence that can prove that they are anti-alliance workers is destroyed, and there is no proof, the Soviets  Even if we knew it was the Anti-Japanese Alliance, we still couldn't find a reason.
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