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Text Chapter 93: Leave it alone

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    Ren Guang's looting was so thorough that except for the small weapons and military uniforms that were not used by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, not even a single bullet was left in the warehouse. The warehouse was completely looted, and without ammunition, those rifles  And light and heavy machine guns, they are almost a pile of scrap metal. Let alone the Mongols, not even the Soviets will do it.

    Not to mention that the Anti-Japanese Alliance took advantage of Outer Mongolia to attack the Japanese army without any consultation. Such a large amount of equipment alone, especially for the Soviet army that has suffered heavy losses in heavy equipment, is very important artillery and tanks.  , how could the Soviets, who regard foreign countries as a taboo, not become furious when being co-opted by the Anti-Japanese Alliance?

    In fact, this matter cannot be blamed on Ren Guang for not investigating carefully when he ransacked the warehouse. In addition to the misleading confession of the Mongolian captain, the equipment and supplies stored in the warehouse also played a misleading role in another aspect.  Who asked the Soviets to transport away all the large-caliber artillery that the Mongolian army could not possibly equip.

    The rest that had not been transported in time, except for one battalion's A-19 type 122 howitzer, were all the M1938-type 76mm mountain cannon and the M1927-type 7 standard equipment of the Mongolian army.  Sixteenmm field artillery, these two kinds of mountain field artillery, although they are only standard regimental artillery in the Soviet army, they are serious division artillery in the Mongolian army, even the Soviet army's standard division F  There is not even one type 2 or 2 field gun.

    These two artillery pieces with excellent performance were captured by the Anti-Japanese Alliance during the Battle of Hailar, so Ren Guang did not regard them as Soviet warehouses at all.  One of the equipment personnel, Ren Guang is still very clear about the firepower configuration of the Soviet army at all levels.

    In his opinion, the equipment stored inside cannot be from the Soviet army at all. If the Soviet army's firepower configuration is like this, then it is still known as the army with the strongest artillery firepower in the world. Although the number of light weapons and ammunition  It was a little more, but it seemed normal to Ren Guang.

    Since the Soviets want to arm the Mongols, they must leave some reserves of ammunition and equipment, not only to ensure that battle losses can be replenished in possible wars, but also to ensure the equipment of new troops when it is necessary to expand the army. This  It is a common practice in all countries in the world.

    There is no country that does not reserve the most basic weapons and ammunition used by the army. What's more, after the Soviet army withdrew, the Mongolian army has begun to expand its troops. Although there are a lot of light weapons, equipment and ammunition stored here, they do not exceed the normal level.  standards.

    If there were quite a lot of tanks, armored vehicles, and large-caliber artillery, Ren Guang might suspect that this was a warehouse of the Soviet army. After all, no country would control a puppet state with extremely powerful weapons to suppress resistance.  It is necessary, and a small amount of heavy weapons is normal.

    But if you want to make this armed force as powerful as yourself, you have a disease in your head. However, the Soviet army prioritized the heavy weapons that are urgently needed on the Western Front. The light weapons are relatively abundant in each military region.  And being ranked at the back, it's no wonder that Ren Guang, who has always been shrewd, failed to judge.

    As for the military uniforms and quilts in the warehouse, in Ren Guang's opinion, they cannot be used as a criterion for judgment. The uniforms of the Mongolian army are exactly the same as those of the Soviets, and the equipment is also a full set of Soviet-style equipment. Judging from the military uniforms and light weapons, who knows these reserves  Whether the materials in Mongolia belong to the Soviets or the Mongols.

    If the military uniforms were different, Ren Guang could tell by the military uniforms stored here, but the Mongolian army, both in terms of military uniform style and rank insignia, except for the size and number, were exactly the same as the Soviet military uniforms. It can be said that except for the people, everything about them  All the materials are no different from those of the Soviet army. No one can tell whether these materials belong to the Soviets or the Mongols.

    If these military uniforms were not useless for the Anti-Japanese Alliance, Ren Guang would probably not even leave any military uniforms for them. As for the large military uniforms that are only suitable for the tall and tall Slavs of the Soviet Union, the average size of the military uniforms is over forty yards.  Ren Guang, who was in a hurry to return to the team at the specified time, did not think carefully about whether the shoes were suitable for the short Mongolians. Of course, he did not rule out that he consciously ignored them.

    After the outflanking troops broke through the border and re-entered the country, they kept a distance behind them. However, after the Mongolian army, which had been following the outflanking troops, entered Hundal, they were faced with whether it was a military warehouse, a local warehouse, or a weapons and equipment warehouse.  , it is also a material warehouse. Apart from military uniforms, there are only loaded and unloaded light weapons. It is so sad that there are no tears.

    The Mongols may be able to tolerate the fact that their own warehouses have been looted, but they cannot hide the fact that their master's warehouses have been made even more miserable, especially after receiving orders from Moscow to store them in Mongolia.?With all the weapons and equipment ordered to be transported back to the Soviet Union in the shortest possible time, they no longer dared to hide it, and directly reported the so-called misdeeds of the Anti-Japanese Alliance to Moscow.

    After receiving the news that one of the largest equipment and munitions warehouses deployed by the Soviet troops in Mongolia had been looted by the Anti-Japanese Alliance who used the route, Moscow was quite annoyed and immediately made a request to the Anti-Japanese Alliance through the Soviet Consulate General in Harbin and the Far East Military Region.  There was a strong protest, and the wording of the protest was quite strong. To use a northeastern saying used by Yang Zhen to describe it, the Soviets were furious.

    This time the Soviet people's protest was not just for the Anti-Japanese Alliance. The Central Committee also received a protest telegram forwarded through the Comintern. In the telegram, it not only protested against the armed looting of the precious property of the great Soviet people under the leadership of the Chinese Party, but also  It also expressed its dissatisfaction with invading a socialist country without permission.

    The Soviets' protest this time was not only extremely strong, but also directly demanded that the Anti-Japanese Anti-Japanese Federation hand over those responsible directly for trial by the Soviet side. However, Yang Zhen didn't pay attention to the Soviets' protests at all. Who wouldn't use words?  If you like to protest, go ahead and protest. As for handing over the person primarily responsible for trial by the Soviet Union, Yang Zhen will not agree to it.

    As for the chairman, after receiving the protest telegram from the Soviets and figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, he just gave the Anti-Japanese Alliance a warning and left it alone. However, in the telegram, the chairman still hoped that Yang Zhen  We must take the overall situation into consideration and try not to completely fall out with the Soviets.

    After all, falling out with the Soviet Union now will do a lot of harm to the future development of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. "It is better to keep an eye on the future." This is a line of poetry that the chairman quoted many times in his reply to Yang Zhen. His intention was to tell Yang  Zhen, you should take a long-term view and don't worry about small things.

    Perhaps it was the continued deterioration of the war situation that prevented the Soviets from focusing their main energy here. The Soviets' protests were fierce at first, but Kovalev's protest was prompted by Yang Zhen to Li Yanping, who is currently in charge of the work in the military region.  After procrastinating and procrastinating, and unable to find Yang Zhen's person, he did not continue to pursue the case, and finally dropped the matter.

    On the contrary, after the Battle of Kiev, the Soviet army suffered heavy losses in what was called the largest siege battle in history. Not only did the loss of troops be staggering, but the loss of equipment was also extremely huge.  The equipment losses in previous battles were also huge, and the weapons and equipment that were originally sufficient have become scarce.

    Especially in the face of the German air-ground integration tactics and the combined combat mode of a large number of tanks and aircraft, the Soviet army, which was in urgent need of anti-tank weapons and anti-aircraft guns, looked at the 14.5mm anti-tank guns that were far more powerful than the Soviet army.  Much lighter recoilless rifles and rocket launchers.

    There are also twin 23mm anti-aircraft guns, which have far better performance than the single-barreled 37mm anti-aircraft guns used by the Soviet army, and are far more powerful than the quadruple 7.62mm Mark, which is the main force of the Soviet army's field air defense.  The Sim heavy machine gun, which is also a fairly lightweight anti-aircraft gun, took the initiative to find Yang Zhen.

    These lightweight but powerful anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons were exactly the equipment that the Soviet army, which had been battered by the German army's integrated ground-to-air operations and unable to cope with the German army's large-depth armored group assault tactics, needed most. In fact, rocket launchers  Yang Zhen had already provided the drawings and manufacturing technology to the Soviet Union as early as the first exchange of materials with the Soviet army.

    However, Marshal Kulik, who was in charge of the development of Soviet armaments, did not like this weapon at all. Compared with this inconspicuous gadget in his eyes, he believed more in the Soviet Union's improvement of the German 37 anti-aircraft artillery.  The power of the 45mm combat anti-tank gun makes it even better to mass-produce outdated and extremely bulky 14.5mm anti-tank guns than to invest in such a weapon whose power and flexibility far exceed that of anti-tank guns.  Produced and equipped for what he saw as the great Soviet Red Army.

    Among the three earliest weapon design drawings provided by Yang Zhen, except for the 107 rocket launcher, which was put into production first, the remaining two types, except for the submachine gun, suffered heavy losses in the Soviet-Finnish War due to the Soviet army's lack of close-combat automatic firepower. In addition, the German army was  After the war broke out, the submachine guns it equipped showed great power. After the war, they began to be produced and equipped with troops in the shortest possible time. The other rocket launchers have been shelved.

    At first, it was used as a technical reserve weapon. Later, all the materials handed over by the Anti-League were simply destroyed. Now, it has turned around and shamelessly asked the Anti-League to transfer production technology and asked it to transfer production technology in the shortest possible time.  Provide a batch of finished products within time.

    Having already had a certain understanding of the performance and power of this weapon, General Abana Shenk, the commander of the Far East Military Region who was responsible for the negotiations between the two parties, privately described this conservative and unforesighted former Minister of Ordnance, who is now the  The Deputy People's Commissar of Defense scolded a bastardhead.

    It makes sense for the grumpy General Abanaschenko to curse the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense in charge of the Soviet Army's ordnance production despite the following offenses. He has repeatedly asked the Ordnance Department to quickly transfer several of the materials provided by Yang Zhen.  This weapon was put into production, but the man always stubbornly refused.

    After it was discovered that the Anti-Japanese Alliance used rocket launchers in last summer's battle and achieved great results, the Ministry of Ordnance was once again requested to put this lightweight, multi-purpose weapon into production as soon as possible, but it was aborted because of Marshal Kulik's refusal.  At this time, the Far East Military Region was asked to negotiate with the Anti-Japanese Alliance to introduce this kind of equipment that had already been provided with drawings and physical objects. How could Abana Shenk not rub sand in his eyes and be angry.
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