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Text Chapter 83 Changes in Situation

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    After hearing his order, a staff officer next to him saw that Wang Guangyu's face was not as gloomy as before, so he smiled and said: "Commander, when Hongdal's front line is resting, why don't you let the troops get some hot food to eat?"  "It's been a whole day since we set out, and our troops haven't eaten much yet. Most of them just ate a little dry food along the way."

    "The Mongolian lieutenant colonel we captured in Zhaotol is not a confession. There is a so-called state-owned ranch in Hongdal. There are a lot of cattle and sheep there. Can we get some and get some meat to supplement the strength of the troops?  "Consumption, I heard that the mutton here is much more delicious than the ones in China, and the fresh beef and mutton are more delicious than the canned ones we distributed."

    Regarding this staff officer's request, Wang Guangyu, who was in a much better mood and looked at his drooling look, waved his hand and said: "I want to eat authentic Mongolian mutton and beef to satisfy your small request, but  , telling the troops to pay according to the price, and if anyone violates discipline and dares to rob openly, I will shoot him. "

    Wang Guangyu's words made the staff officer scratch his head and said: "Commander, there is no problem in giving money, but the question is what kind of money should we give? Is it the RMB used in our base area or the fake currency issued by superiors for this roundabout operation?"  I don¡¯t know if the Mongolians recognize this money. I heard that if they hold any foreign currency in Mongolia, they will be shot if their superiors find out.¡±

    After saying this, Wang Guangyu said nonchalantly: "All supplies replenished in Mongolia will be paid in RMB. As for whether they will accept it or not, and what will happen if they do, it has nothing to do with us."  As long as we don¡¯t violate mass discipline, don¡¯t worry about anything else.¡±

    Regarding Wang Guangyu's decision, the political commissar Yi Jianping over there was very dissatisfied. He was not dissatisfied with Wang Guangyu's decision to rest for three hours and get some meat to eat, but was somewhat dissatisfied with his decision to pay in RMB.  RMB is only circulated in the base area. No one recognizes it outside the base area, let alone a means of international payment.

    How is using RMB as a means of payment to buy Mongolian cattle and sheep different from the Japanese army in Guanhai issuing military bills to buy and sell them by force? However, after watching several staff officers around him cheering after hearing Wang Guangyu's decision, he was about to arrive.  The objections on his lips were swallowed back.

    The whole army has been gathering since Hyrule. In order to conceal their whereabouts and the preparation work is too heavy, they have been eating dry food. Whether it is compressed dry food, instant noodles, or even canned food, it is okay to eat it once in a while, but it is really difficult to eat it all day long.  pharynx.

    After the whole army enters the border, the whole army faces another bloody battle. If they can eat a normal hot meal, let alone the Year of the Monkey, before the whole army attacks, it will undoubtedly be helpful to get something hot and fresh for the troops to eat.  It will be a great encouragement to the morale of the entire army.

    Mongolia is a pastoral country, producing cattle and sheep, and the cattle here have not been driven or touched, so the meat tastes more delicious. It is not difficult to get some meat for the entire army. What he does not agree with is Wang Guangyu's preparation.  He used RMB to buy cattle and sheep, but he had no choice. The entire army did not have a penny of Mongolian currency.

    Before departure, the Logistics Department of the headquarters allocated 600,000 yuan to the entire army to purchase necessary supplies in enemy-occupied areas. However, of the 600,000 yuan, half of the 600,000 yuan was used in the base area and half was in pseudo-Manchu currency.  In addition, there are one thousand taels of gold, but not a penny of Mongolian currency.

    Unless we follow the example of the Japanese and collect on the spot, we can only use counterfeit Manchu coins or RMB. As for the thousand taels of gold, not to mention Wang Guangyu, even Yi Jianping himself could not bear to part with it. These golds were allocated by the headquarters to the outflanking troops.  For emergency use when necessary.

    When No. 1 signed to allocate this batch of gold, he repeatedly emphasized that it must be used with caution. This batch of gold was accumulated by the headquarters under extremely difficult financial circumstances and went through great hardships. It was for  This gold was specially granted to ensure the needs of this roundabout troop operation. This gold cannot be used easily.

    There is no Mongolian currency, and there is no Jiangbei ruble that can also be used as a means of circulation in Mongolia. If you want to buy some living necessities, apart from robbing, you have to use pseudo-Manchu coins or RMB, but the pseudo-Manchu coins are used by the troops in the Japanese occupation.  When they arrived in Rehe, the entire army was counting on these fake Manchu coins to buy fresh vegetables and other daily necessities. Therefore, Yi Jianping hesitated for a moment about Wang Guangyu's decision to use RMB to buy cattle and sheep, but finally acquiesced.  .

    With Wang Guangyu's order, the troops who had already been a little nauseous from eating dry food during this period were still cheering. Now they are not far from the resting place designated by Wang Guangyu, and they can have a decent meal when they get there.  This is undoubtedly a good morale booster. I am exhausted after sitting in the car for nearly a day., seems to have been swept away.

    After arriving in Hongor, Wang Guangyu did not break his promise and asked the Logistics Department of the Nenjiang Military Region, which was accompanying the army, to immediately send people to purchase a large number of cattle and sheep, and hired local Mongolian state-owned ranch workers to help slaughter and stew the meat so that the troops could eat well.  Have a meal to regain your energy and prepare for the next combat action.

    At this time, Mongolia, like the Soviet Union, implemented a complete planned economy, and all its economic plans were based on the Soviet unified economic plan. Although the local pastures were not small, they did not process the cattle themselves.  The rights of sheep, not to mention that the money paid by the roundabout troops to purchase these cattle and sheep was a currency they had never seen at all.

    It was just that the local ranch leaders who originally wanted to refuse immediately agreed unconditionally after the outflanking troops neatly disarmed a local company of Mongolian cavalry, and even took the initiative to send some of them to help the outflanking troops deal with the cattle and sheep.  The pots were all ready to help.

    Although there are not many seasonings, only some salt, pepper, and aniseed, this beef and mutton feast still makes the troops smile with joy. Although the taste of this thing is a bit lighter, it is still more delicious than compressed dry food. As for the staple food  , in a reserve of the Mongolian army or the Soviet army in Hongdal, there were tens of thousands of bags of flour alone. With this flour, it was enough for the troops to have a good meal of fine grains.

    Although the current conditions of the Anti-Japanese War are better than those of the troops inside the customs, although the food is enough, the daily food is mainly based on the traditional Northeastern staple food cornmeal and a small amount of sorghum rice and other coarse grains. Fine grains are still rare. Although meat is not  It is guaranteed to be available every day, but the average quantity is not large. It is the first time that there are enough large pieces of beef and mutton and white flour steamed buns like today.

    Today's large pieces of beef and mutton, steamed buns and flatbreads made from all fine grains are equivalent to a banquet for the troops. The Japanese lunch boxes in everyone's hands are filled with large pieces of beef and mutton, and the all-white noodles in their hands are  There were enough steamed buns or flatbreads, which were rarely seen in the base areas, so that the cadres and soldiers ate happily. Some companies that even turned their heads fast enough even came from a small lake north of Hundal.  and caught a lot of fish.

    Compared with the troops who were happily enjoying a rare feast, Wang Guangyu and Yi Jianping, as well as several operational staff at the headquarters, did not have time to eat at the moment. The telegram sent to the troops within the customs had been answered.  After confirming each other's identities, the battle situation in Rehe when the Guan Nei troops were transferred was that Wang Guangyu no longer had time to eat.

    The rapid changes in the civil war situation in the Guan Dynasty somewhat surprised Wang Guangyu. After learning that the Japanese puppet troops were deployed in full force in Rehe, although he admitted in his heart that he agreed with Yang Jicai's analysis, the changes in the civil war situation in the Guan Dynasty still made him somewhat surprised.  This made Wang Guangyu feel anxious.

    Just this morning, after the fiasco of the first so-called suppression campaign, it was discovered that the Tubal Group that came out of the border was no longer what it used to be. It was no longer the same Tubal Group that was short of guns and ammunition, and the number far exceeded those in the original activities.  After the so-called anti-Manchu anti-Japanese elements in Renan, they thought it was the main force of the 18th Group Army in Guan Nei that had escaped from the customs. The Kwantung Army garrison stationed in Rehe, which was extremely shocked, dispatched its entire force to launch a general campaign against Rexi, trying to kill the people who had escaped from the customs.  Rush back to the pass.

    This time, in order to ensure the safety of Rehe, a geographical area that is crucial for the connection between the Kwantung Army, the Mongolian garrison and the North China Front Army, the Japanese army in Rehe did not hesitate to do so. Not only did they dispatch three infantry brigades in one go, but also this time  Before the battle was launched, two infantry brigades transferred from the Fengtian First Independent Guards by the Kwantung Army were also involved.

    At the same time, an independent mixed brigade and two regiments of the Puppet Manchu Army stationed in Rehe were dispatched, as well as the so-called Rehe Military Police Regiment, three brigades of the Mountain Forest Police, as well as an armored convoy and three artillery squadrons belonging to the Puppet Manchu Army, to attack Feng  Ning, Longhua, Luanping, and Weichang adopted the tactic of dividing troops and encircling them.

    And dispatched dozens of aircraft to conduct reconnaissance and bombing of the troops leaving the customs, and then find out the movements of the troops leaving the customs, so as to reduce the damage to the so-called security of Rehe by the troops leaving the customs, and at the same time, in order to cooperate with the clearing up of the Japanese troops outside the customs  During the operation, a regiment of the puppet Manchukuo army stationed in Zunhua, south of the Great Wall, also moved north to try to cut off the retreat of the troops leaving the customs.

    In order to wipe out the troops leaving the customs, the Japanese and puppet troops in Rehe were almost mobilized this time, using 80% of all Japanese troops on hand. The puppet Manchukuo army was basically mobilized in full. Even in the so-called Chengde, the capital of Rehe Province, it was only  Only two squadrons of the Ninth Independent Guards and two battalions of the Puppet Manchukuo Army were left on guard.

    The Puppet Manchukuo Army and the Mountain Forest Police Brigade participating in the campaign were all what the Kwantung Army called the Iron and Rock Troops, and they were also the most elite troops in the Puppet Manchukuo Army. It turned out that the Kwantung Army was specifically designed to carry out crusade against the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the East Border Road and Jiandao in Northeast China.  And the group that was formed was most determined to sell to the Japanese army.Although the puppet Manchu army was dominated by so-called Manchus, they were all hardcore traitors.

    Unlike those puppet Manchukuo troops who had not participated in the anti-Union crusade and were almost defeated in the current war against the Anti-Alliance, these puppet Manchukuo troops were not only stained with the blood debt of the Anti-Union in the Northeast, but also after being transferred to Rehe.  He also participated in the activities of the Jidong Military Division and the Pingbei Military Division of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region on many occasions to carry out raids on troops inside and outside Renan and the Great Wall, causing heavy losses to the guerrilla base established by the Guan Nei troops in the south of Rehe.
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