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Text Chapter 36 Zhuge Liang Meeting

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    The hygienist was a little embarrassed by his company commander. He frowned and thought carefully about what he had learned in the health training team. After thinking hard for a long time, he said: "Company commander, the width of this poison gas spreading area is only  Fifty meters is not too wide, I¡¯m afraid the little devil¡¯s poison gas isn¡¯t that much.¡±

    "The gas masks we have now can completely prevent this kind of poisonous gas from entering the body from the respiratory tract, but what we lack now is just special protective clothing and special protective shoes to protect the skin surface and soles of the feet. Of course, we still have  There are no special protective gloves.¡±

    "If we tighten our cuffs and put on leggings as we move forward, only our hands are exposed to the poison gas. If we can pass through this area quickly, it won't pose a fatal threat. Our military uniforms are all  The cotton ones can provide some resistance.¡±

    "As long as you are not exposed to poisonous gas areas for too long, the poisonous gas on your body will have some effects, but as long as the skin is not in direct contact, even if there is some harm, it is not that big. And after we pass, we can quickly wash the exposed water with the water bottle we carry with us.  I also have my hands outside to remove the poison from the only exposed areas on my body, and I also bring some soap, so washing with soapy water is more effective.¡±

    "But company commander, we don't have special protective clothing and special chemical protective gloves. We can't quickly open a passage in the minefield laid by the Japanese army under such circumstances. Engineers demining must lie on the ground with the highest concentration of poisonous gas, and  It will last for a long time. In this case, simply relying on a gas mask cannot protect the engineer at all. The poison can easily penetrate into the clothes and come into contact with the skin. "

    Having said this, the young health worker looked at the minefield in front of him and said: "Company Commander, as long as you can find a way to clear the minefield, I can guarantee that even a small amount of the soldiers in our company will not be affected by the poison."  To combat capability, but there is nothing I can do about this minefield.¡±

    "Company Commander, I'm just a health worker who has been trained in chemical warfare protection and rescue. I'm not a chemical warfare expert, let alone those perverted guys from the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region. I know everything. It's easy to handle this thing. Just let me  I'll clear the mines for you. If the minefield is not cleared, the two of us will finish the game together."

    "By the way, company commander, infiltrate behind enemy lines and destroy the Japanese artillery. That is what our regiment's reconnaissance company or the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region should do. How can we, an ordinary infantry company, do this kind of thing? Our strengths are  It is a face-to-face confrontation with the enemy. We are not good at such things as behind-the-scenes and sapling. "

    Qi Zhiyuan did not answer the hygienist's question, but raised the telescope again and looked at the dark Japanese position opposite except for the light from the flares that flashed across the sky from time to time. Of course, there was also a minefield with poison gas spread under his nose. He  Know that the current tranquility is only temporary. As long as there is a little movement here, all suspicious places will be covered with firepower over there.

    Xiao Liu, the health worker beside him, saw that the company commander was just raising his telescope to observe the enemy's situation over and over again without answering his own questions. He knew that he, a famous fighting hero in the army, was thinking about something in his mind.  He didn't dare to speak anymore, for fear of interrupting the company commander's train of thought.

    However, his mind never stopped. In his heart, he was thinking about how to prevent the troops from being contaminated with poison as much as possible when passing through areas where poison gas was spread. After all, whether this thing can be contaminated with less or less, especially  For a corrosive poison like mustard gas, it might be a good choice to temporarily transform the clothes from Japanese corpses into hand wraps. Since those Japanese soldiers were already dead, they probably wouldn't mind having their clothes borrowed.

    While he was thinking about how to reduce the troops' exposure to poison, Qi Zhiyuan, who had been silent for a long time, carefully placed the Japanese-style 98-type telescope that was now standard equipment for an Anti-League company-level cadre into the box.  He turned around and said, "It's almost time. We should go back and prepare to fight."

    The Type 98 telescope in his hand is a special telescope issued to the first-level commander of the Anti-Union Battalion Company. As for the original equipment in the hands of cadres above the Anti-Union Battalion, it is the Japanese Type 98 or even Type 13.  The telescopes have long been replaced by the Type 2 eight-power telescopes, which are all American-made telescopes and the best Japanese-made telescopes. A large number of the original Type 98 and Type 13 telescopes that were captured were transferred to the battalion and company cadres for use.

    As for the Type 93 non-commissioned officers¡¯ telescopes, which had the largest number in the past, because they were too large in number and it was a pity to retire from active service, they were assigned to general-purpose machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns that were converted to battalion-level support firepower, and were used as deputy shooters of observers.  Although this kind of telescope has a short sighting distance and a slightly insufficient color number, it is more advantageous in its large number. It is still sufficient for general-purpose machine guns and large-caliber machine guns.

    AlthoughThe optical performance of this 98-type telescope is not as good as that of American telescopes, but it is quite valuable for company-level commanders like Qi Zhiyuan, especially this telescope, which was used as a combat hero after the end of last year's battle.  Military Region Commander Yang Zhen personally awarded it to him at the commendation meeting. Therefore, Qi Zhiyuan is quite a treasure and he carefully puts it away after each use.

    After carefully putting away the telescope that he regarded as a treasure, Qi Zhiyuan waved his hand and took the health workers and correspondents around him, as well as the several squad platoon leaders who he had led to the latent area to observe the enemy's situation for the last time, and carefully returned to the front-line position.  It's just over a hundred meters away from where the troops are gathering.

    When he arrived at the place, Qi Zhiyuan summoned the company instructor, deputy company commander, all squad platoon leaders and some veteran backbones, oh, and the health worker, and held a small Zhuge Liang meeting in accordance with the practice of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, a company-level meeting  Naturally, the combat meeting cannot be called a combat meeting, so Yang Zhen gave this kind of battalion and company level combat meeting a very appropriate name "Zhuge Liang Meeting".

    It means that we hope to draw on the strengths of others and make decisions together. Three cobblers can stand up to one Zhuge Liang. That is to say, pooling wisdom is much better than one person working behind closed doors, especially at the battalion and company level without staff.  During deployment, many veterans made suggestions that would solve many difficult problems.

    After briefly describing the situation in front of the Japanese army's position, Qi Zhiyuan said: "For us now, the biggest problem in launching an attack is how to eliminate the Japanese army's rearrangement without attracting the attention of the Japanese army.  Those minefields mixed with gas bombs.

    "The minefields laid out by the Japs this time are along their front-line positions. It can almost be said that they are under their noses. And judging from the Japs' current extremely high level of alertness on the frontline positions, they will be vulnerable to any trouble.  It will definitely be covered with firepower.¡±

    "In the daytime battle, although our army's offensive is not progressing smoothly, but having dealt with us for such a long time, the Japanese will definitely be prepared for a night battle. No, they should be prepared for a night attack by our army. The Japanese in front of us must be vigilant.  The sensitivity is extremely high. When I was observing from the front, I just accidentally touched the grass. The Japanese machine guns, grenade launchers, and even mortars swept over me in an instant. If I hadn't had enough practical combat experience, I would have almost missed it just now.  It was covered up somewhere.¡±

    "Looking now, the Japanese army is fully prepared for our possible infiltration at night. Each of its firepower points has divided the firepower range. If we want to penetrate the Japanese army's position and attack it as quickly as possible without alerting the Japanese army,  It will probably be quite difficult to develop into its depth at a fast speed and find and destroy the two Japanese heavy artillery positions that pose a serious threat to our army during the day."

    "Especially since the Japanese have spread a large amount of poisonous gas in the minefield, it is difficult for us to pass through the minefield quickly. There is still one hour left before the deadline set by the regiment for us to launch an attack. We are sitting here.  Think carefully about how you can quickly pass through the minefield under the nose of the Japanese. "

    "For us, the only favorable condition is that there is a patch of grass half a man's height in front of the Japanese position, and a sorghum field that was beaten to half the height during the day's battle, which can barely be used as our hiding place, and  , the Japanese army did not plant landmines or spread poison gas anywhere, but only used firepower to control it.¡±

    Qi Zhiyuan's words fell, and the platoon leaders in front of him frowned when they heard this. The order given to them by their superiors was to try their best to penetrate into the Japanese positions, find and destroy them without disturbing the Japanese army.  During the day, the Japanese artillery position posed a great threat to the attack operations of the 27th Regiment. But according to the current situation, let alone infiltration, it would be difficult to penetrate their position without alerting the Japanese army.

    To be honest, no one understands this order very well. Things like this are usually the business of the reconnaissance company. My company is just an ordinary infantry company in the whole regiment, although it has always been regarded as a sharp knife company by the regiment commander.  , but what he is better at is fighting head-on on the battlefield, rather than infiltrating behind enemy lines to take out the enemy's artillery. Why is there a regiment reconnaissance company in the regiment that is not used, and an infantry company is used instead to do this kind of thing that should be done?  This is the task that the scouts should complete.

    In the current situation, they basically have no good solution. The mission assigned by the regiment is very simple, which is to try every means to select the weak points of the Japanese army's defense and penetrate into the Japanese army's position. Under this situation  , using artillery cover is tantamount to exposing one's tactical intentions.

    These platoon leaders are all veterans who have fought in more than one battle. They still have a certain understanding of the reaction speed of the Japanese army. They are all aware of this kind of infiltration mission. The possibility of superiors using artillery cover is almost zero, and without artillery fire  If you want to protect yourself in a highly vigilant place,Under the noses of the Japanese army, it was almost impossible to clear the minefields where poison gas had been spread without alerting the Japanese army.

    Listening to the explosions of artillery shells not far away from time to time, and the faint light of fire when the artillery shells exploded, all the people who participated in the Zhuge Liang meeting did not answer Qi Zhiyuan's suggestion, because for them, they all thought it was almost impossible.  Completed tasks.

    As the Sharp Knife Company of the 27th Regiment, they had never been afraid of any opponent in a frontal battlefield duel, but the situation in front of them made them a little worried. After all, this kind of mission would not be enough for most of them.  For most people, this is the first time.
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