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Text Chapter 33: Colonel Kaneoka takes a gamble

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    In response to He Zhikun's concerns, Li Mingfeng waved his hand and said: "Old He, don't worry. In today's battle during the day, our casualties were indeed heavy, but the 28th Regiment probably won't be any stronger than us."  , may even be more serious than our casualties.¡±

    "Our weapons and equipment have never been as good as they are today. Whether it is heavy weapons or individual weapons, they are far superior to the Japanese army. Not only are the automatic rifles, rocket launchers, recoilless rifles, and general-purpose machine guns throughout the division,  There is also fire cover from tanks, heavy artillery, and rocket launchers that we could not even imagine before.¡±

    "Our military strength has never been so sufficient. All three regiments are actually full strength. Our Ninth Division alone has more than 15,000 men in the division, and the number of combat troops is extremely sufficient. We have never had such a situation in the past.  During the Anti-Japanese War, a regiment had a frivolous organization of only 180 people, not counting directly-affiliated troops. Each of our three regiments had more than 3,000 men. "

    "Their Seventh Division has strong combat effectiveness, and my Ninth Division is not a vegetarian either. In today's hard battle, we suffered a lot of casualties. The weapons and equipment were actually inferior to ours. The 28th Regiment of the Japanese Army suffered casualties during the battle.  It can only be more disastrous. The 28th Regiment has three subordinate infantry brigades and a strengthened infantry brigades. I estimate that only two and a half of them are left. "

    "With one and a half regiments and five battalions, and with the superiority of infantry firepower, it would be a big joke if we couldn't defeat two Japanese brigades. If word got out, our Ninth Division would really  I don¡¯t have the face to stay in the main position.¡±

    "And Lao He, the best defense is to attack. Judging from the current battle situation in Yushu, the 28th Regiment is the main force. The 70th Regiment is attached to the 25th Division. Although it cannot  It¡¯s said that it¡¯s hard work, but the momentum is far less powerful than that of the 28th Regiment.¡±

    "As long as we deal with the 28th Regiment, the remaining 70th Regiment will be easy to deal with. Even if we drag them hard, we can drag them down. If we just passively defend, what's the point? Although the column  It requires us to switch from offense to defense, but it does not require us to defend to the letter. Having both offense and defense is the real requirement of the execution team. Lao He, just watch it. As long as this 28th Regiment can be solved, the entire western Yushu region will  The situation of the war is now clear.¡±

    Although Li Mingfeng said it very lightly, whether the 28th Regiment can be taken down depends on how the troops in front fight. The most important thing is whether it can cut off the 28th Regiment and the 70th Regiment.  The connection between them, that is to say, the position of the 27th Regiment responsible for this task is quite critical.

    After hesitating, Li Mingfeng gave up the idea of ??personally taking command of the 27th Regiment. At this critical moment, Li Mingfeng still chose to trust his subordinates, but he was still somewhat uneasy and used field telephones, walkie-talkies and radios.  , but the three communication tools were always on, and the 27th Regiment was ordered to report on the battle situation every hour.

    After receiving the order, Wang Yuyang, the commander of the 27th Regiment, did not take immediate action. Instead, he temporarily reorganized the troops. The second battalion and the main company, which had suffered relatively heavy losses and had been transferred from a company, were reorganized into the third battalion.  , improved the organization of the third battalion, and personally took charge of the first attack echelon.

    The remaining company, plus the non-combatants of the regiment, were organized into a simplified battalion, controlled by political commissar Huang Deshou. As the second echelon, the first echelon's task was very simple, which was to concentrate firepower on the 28th Japanese Regiment.  Open a gap with the joint headquarters of the 70th Regiment, seize the line from the Dawula ditch to Lao He's house, and cut off the connection between the two Japanese regiments.

    However, Wang Yuyang did not intend to take the Dawula ditch step by step, and then attack the front line of Lao He's house. Instead, he set his first target directly at Lao He's house, which was relatively behind the Japanese defense line. As for Dawula's ditch,  Ditch, he planned to transfer the second echelon to seize it after taking the first line of Lao He's family.

    The mission of the second echelon is to seize the front line of Dawulabagou and then hold on to it after the first echelon develops deeply into the Japanese army. It forms an angle with the first battalion on the front line of Xisumugangzi. The first is to suppress the Japanese 70th Alliance.  The second echelon's eastward reinforcements ensured the safety of the flanks of the first echelon's deep attack on the Japanese positions.

    At the same time, the first battalion of the 70th Regiment of the Japanese Army was blocked on the front line of Xisumugangzi. It was commanded by deputy commander Li Huaming. After the first echelon captured the front line of Dawulabagou, it immediately followed the gap opened by the first echelon.  Under the cover of the echelon, they tried their best to seize the front line of Xisumugangzi.

    After returning to his regiment headquarters, Wang Yuyang laid out the tasks in a few words with the consistent neatness of the Anti-Japanese Alliance from top to bottom, and completed the reorganization of the troops in the shortest time. After that, the whole regiment came to a 90-year-old  He turned around quickly and, under the cover of darkness, pounced on the flank of the 28th Regiment.passed.

    In order to break through the 28th Regiment's frontline position at Lao He's house in the shortest time, Wang Yuyang tried his best to conceal his attack intention before launching the attack, and did not even use artillery cover. Instead, he took  Wang Yuyang's intention is very simple, using the tactics of forced frontal breakthrough and flank penetration, which is to use tonight's night battle to determine the outcome in one battle.

    In fact, the previous battle of the Ninth Division was not progressing smoothly, which had a lot to do with the unfavorable battle of the 27th Regiment. In the daytime battle, the 27th Regiment suffered less casualties than the 25th Regiment, which was the leading regiment of the entire division.  , but after a day of hard fighting, the progress of the battle was the slowest among the three regiments of the Ninth Division.

    It was precisely because of the repeated offensives of the 27th Regiment during the daytime battle that they were unable to separate the connection between the 28th Regiment and the 70th Regiment. The two Japanese regiments formed a  One regiment greatly increased the difficulty of the Ninth Division's attack, causing the Ninth Division to be completely frustrated in the daytime battle and unable to achieve the tactical goals originally planned.

    Wang Yuyang has always considered the result of the daytime battle to be a shame for himself and the 27th Regiment. Whether this night battle can be fought well or not is related to whether he and his 27th Regiment can wash away the consequences of the daytime battle.  Shame, at the mobilization meeting before the night battle, Wang Yuyang, who was deeply affected by the war during the day, only said two words: "Avenge".

    Regarding the possible night offensive of the Ninth Division, compared with the 70th Regiment, which is somewhat exhausted after a day of fierce fighting, and the 70th Regiment, which is somewhat lax in its preparedness for the possible nighttime raid by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the main target of the Ninth Division now is the Second Regiment of the Seventh Division.  Colonel Masataka Kaneoka, captain of the 18th Regiment, was quite sober.

    He knew very well that the location of the 28th Regiment was at the junction of the 7th and 28th Divisions of the Kwantung Army. Once the defense line of the 28th Regiment collapsed, the two divisions that had been separated by the Anti-Japanese Alliance would  The main force of the 18th Division will be surrounded in the eastern area of ??Fuyu east of the Second Songhua River and west of Huitanggou.

    And the terrain there is all flat plains. The 28th Division alone, which has been divided into two parts, can hardly resist the multiple arms of the Anti-League Army on this terrain, combined with ground and air attacks, during the day.  After a hard fight, the 28th Regiment paid a heavy price and finally contained the Anti-Alliance offensive.

    But he knew clearly that the Anti-Japanese Alliance would never give up, and night fighting itself was the Anti-Alliance's strength. Therefore, Colonel Masataka Kaneoka was fully prepared for the possible night attack by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, not only on the positions of the two armies.  Previously, minefields destroyed during the day's fighting had been rearranged overnight.

    In addition, the divisions urgently transported a large number of flares, and even used poison trucks to spread large amounts of erosive poison gas in many places on the offensive route of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and stored a large number of suffocating poison gas shells on the front lines to prepare for night battles.  In order to try to maximize the damage to the offensive forces of the Anti-League, reduce the offensive capabilities of the Anti-League.

    Although Kaneoka Masatada also knows that the current Anti-Japanese War equipment includes a large number of captured Japanese military standard anti-gas equipment, as well as the latest gas masks made in Europe and the United States, but for him, under the increasing pressure, these  Something is always better than nothing.

    In the daytime battle, the casualties suffered by the 28th Regiment, the main force in the Yushu western battlefield, were actually much higher than Wang Yuyang estimated.  The infantry brigade was temporarily formed by transferring part of its troops. The casualty rate almost exceeded 40%.

    The two main defensive infantry brigades on the front line suffered more than 50% casualties, and these were real combat soldiers. This is the extremely resilient Japanese army. If it were replaced by an ordinary army, this casualty number would not be mentioned.  The battle may have collapsed long ago, and the 7th Division Headquarters knew that the direction of the 28th Regiment would definitely be tight, but it was unable to add reinforcements to the 28th Regiment in a short time.

    Under the circumstances that the 7th Division, which is under simultaneous attack from three directions of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and has already used its troops to the extreme, cannot allocate troops to support the 28th Regiment no matter what, Kanoka Masatada can only do his best.  Use all means to deal with the situation at hand.

    In his own words to the regiment's combat staff, since the 28th regiment had already gone bankrupt during the day's battle, there was no need to guard the remaining bit of wealth and cover it up. Since it was time  What you have to take out will have to be taken out sooner or later. So if you wait until the situation deteriorates to the point where it is uncontrollable, it is better to take it out now.

    Anyway, if we can't resist tonight, there won't be any of these people left by tomorrow morning. Rather than just sitting around and waiting for them to be exhausted, we might as well put all our efforts into blocking them. If we win, the whole alliance can still see the sun tomorrow morning.  Everyone still has a chance to return to their hometown. If they lose, everyone must be loyal to the emperor.

    Today¡¯s twenty-eighthNot only have all the troops been deployed on the front line, not even the reserve team has been left behind. Even the cremation team, grooms, cooks and some non-combatants in the regiment, except for necessary communication personnel, have  Already holding a gun, he went to the front-line position. At this time, Masatada Kaneoka, who was obviously short of troops on the front line, had no scruples. As long as he was alone and had two legs, he sent them to the front-line position with guns.

    Especially in the 28th Regiment, part of the troops have to be allocated to protect the artillery that fought during the day and made great contributions to the 28th Regiment's ability to hold the position. Kaneoka Masatada felt that the troops were even tighter, but he also knew  Without artillery cover, he might not be able to hold on for even a day.
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