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Text Chapter 25 Unexpected

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    Throughout World War II, the Japanese army has never been able to develop an anti-tank gun with excellent performance. In addition to using flat-firing field guns to replace the urgently needed large-caliber anti-tank guns, the most effective anti-tank method is also to bring weapons to the opponent.  The weapon that causes the greatest losses is the human bomb attack.

    It is probably quite a joke to say that the best anti-tank weapon of the Japanese army throughout World War II was actually the Type 90 field gun. Although this type has excellent performance, it is not suitable for the strategic needs of the Japanese army because it is relatively bulky.  , and artillery that was not very popular with the Japanese army, although it was not popular with the Japanese artillery, its huge destructive power against tanks when fired flatly became the most powerful anti-tank weapon of the Japanese army in the entire World War II.

    However, the main function of this kind of field gun is fire suppression, and because of its excellent performance, the Japanese army with limited production capacity is reluctant to use it as a special anti-tank gun. In addition, because of its high price and limited production quantity, the Japanese army  Throughout the war, the most commonly used anti-tank weapons were meat bombs tied with grenades or Molotov cocktails, or those strange but ineffective anti-tank magnetic mines.

    Although the Japanese anti-tank guns are not something to be afraid of, those Japanese meat bullets that are not afraid of death are also a considerable threat to tanks. Not to mention the T-26, the main tank of the current anti-alliance equipment, because of its relatively weak armor.  It's hard to withstand that kind of suicide attack.

    Even the U.S. Army Sherman medium tanks and the Soviet T-34 medium tanks a few years later suffered heavy losses from these crazy meat bomb attacks. Therefore, Yang Zhen did not pay enough attention to the Japanese suicide attack tactics.  on top of its slowly developing anti-tank guns.

    In order to deal with the meat bomb tactics that the Japanese army might launch in the face of their own armored cluster offensive, Yang Zhen not only thought about it himself, but also asked Chen Hanzhang to painstakingly research and formulate some targeted tactics. At the time, many people felt that this was basically in vain.  The work of strength, on the battlefield, had an unexpected effect on those who opposed it and thought it was a futile waste of gasoline and ammunition.

    At that time, the anti-tank guns equipped by the Japanese army not only failed to play their intended role and were unable to destroy the oncoming Anti-Alliance tanks, but suffered heavy losses under the attack of the Anti-Alliance infantry.  During the battle, when the Soviet armored forces used meat-munition tactics that caused serious losses, they desperately found that under the opponent's intensive infantry firepower, their own tactics had extremely limited effect.

    Those Japanese soldiers who faced the anti-alliance armored offensive, holding Molotov cocktails or Type 99 tank blasting mines, or strapping explosive bags and grenades all over their bodies, risking their lives to launch a body bomb offensive, were beaten by the infantry following the tanks.  Or the parallel machine gun on the tank, which cannot get close to its target at all.

    Although relying on the so-called warrior spirit of the Japanese soldiers and not fearing death, the meat bomb tactics adopted also achieved a small number of extremely limited results, blowing up the tracks of several T-26 tanks, but this relied on the physical strength of the Japanese soldiers.  The result of the battle was that it could not stop the resistance tanks at all. Under the cover of the infantry, they easily tore apart the blocking positions of the various divisions of the Kwantung Army.

    Especially the 28th Division, which was regarded as the key breakthrough. After the Anti-Japanese Alliance launched a full-scale attack, in less than six hours, the front-line positions were completely overrun. Even the deep positions were attacked by the opponent's infantry and artillery tanks.  Under the coordinated impact of multiple arms, it also appeared to be in danger.

    At 6 o'clock in the morning, the anti-alliance forces received the response and dispatched more than 100 tanks to cover the infantry to launch a full-line attack. The front-line positions of the 28th Division were attacked by the opponent's infantry, tank, and artillery units. Less than six  The commander of the 28th Division, Lieutenant General Ishiguro Sadzo, was dumbfounded by the news that the entire line had been breached within hours, and that the deep positions were in danger under the opponent's fierce attack.

    Although he was a little surprised that the defense line of his 28th Division was destroyed so quickly, Lieutenant General Ishiguro Sadzo knew that if he could not block the defense line that was torn apart by the Anti-Japanese Alliance as soon as possible and allowed this situation to continue, he would  The 28th Division will face the danger of being divided across the board.

    Lieutenant General Ishiguro Sadazou reacted without any hesitation. He immediately retracted the defense line despite the air raids of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and immediately retracted the Thirty-sixth Regiment deployed on the Yao'an front line back to Qian'an and the front flag of Guo'erluosi, and  The last two infantry brigades in the division's reserve team were also quickly deployed into the second-line positions.

    And concentrated all the artillery of the division, as well as the attached heavy artillery, to launch fire interception at all costs against the enemy in front of them, in an attempt to block the resistance forces in front of them within the second-line position. As for the final battle of the entire 28th Division,  Yao An's front line of defense on the west side has actually been abandoned by him.

    Lieutenant General Ishiguro Sadazou knew very well that if the enemy's attack could not be stopped in front of the second-line position and the current situation continued, the entire 28th Division's defense line would be in danger of being completely separated.Once the 28th Division is divided, what will be the result of waiting for the 28th Division? Especially once the garrison in Qianguo collapses, what consequences will it have on the defense posture of the entire Kwantung Army?  .

    For senior generals of the Kwantung Army like Lieutenant General Ishiguro Sadzo, he clearly knows what the current focus of the Kwantung Army's defense is. He also knows that for the Kwantung Army, Xinjing, the seat of the Kwantung Army headquarters and the capital of Manchukuo, is the capital of the Kwantung Army.  The city that symbolizes the army's rule in Manchuria is the focus of the Kwantung Army's current defense. For the Kwantung Army, Xinjing cannot be lost under any circumstances.

    Once the front Guo direction is broken through, it means that the integrated Kwantung Army defense line will be split from the west. Not only the 51st Division deployed on the line from Nanxing'an to Yao'an will become a lone army and face the risk of being encircled, but also the entire Kwantung Army.  The flanks of the army's first-line defense will be completely destroyed.

    Once the front line of Qianguo is lost, the Songnen Plain from the front line of Qianguo all the way to Xingjing will be basically unobstructed and flat, and there is no danger to defend. Once the Anti-Japanese Alliance concentrates a large number of tanks, it will be along the front line of Qianguo and Fuyu.  When attacking Xinjing, not only Xinjing is at risk, but also the several divisions deployed north of Xinjing, which contain almost all the elites of the Kwantung Army, are also in danger of being surrounded.

    Although it has been more than half a day since the Anti-Resistance Alliance launched its attack, the 28th Division has not yet received a notification from the Kwantung Army headquarters, and it is even less clear that the 29th Division, which is responsible for the line from Shulan to Jilin east of Xinjing,  Did the 7th Division on the front line of Buyeo, Deokhye, and Yushu across the twin cities also encounter the same ending as themselves?

    Since the Anti-Japanese Alliance launched its attack, the radio communication between the 28th Division and the Kwantung Army Headquarters in Xinjing has not been smooth. It is responsible for the high-power radio station that communicates with the Kwantung Army Headquarters. In addition to the rustling noise interference in the headphones  , no useful information could be obtained, and the wired telephone line to Xinjing was interrupted for a long time and could not be repaired. I am afraid there is something wrong.

    Although the direct communication between the 28th Division and the Kwantung Army was completely interrupted and it was impossible to know the situation on other fronts, Lieutenant General Ishiguro Sadazou knew clearly that the attack launched by the Anti-Japanese Alliance would not fall only on himself.  Overhead, the Anti-Japanese Alliance tried their best to conceal their strategic intentions and concentrated so many troops and equipment at once. If they did not move, it would be a full-scale attack.

    If the goal of the Anti-Japanese Alliance is really Xinjing and the Kwantung Army troops north of Xinjing as the Kwantung Army Headquarters had earlier envisioned, then whether it can hold on to the front line from the former Gorros Front Banner to Buyeo is extremely important to the Kwantung Army.  Crucially, as for whether the Nanxing'an area, which has not yet moved, is also one of the targets of the Anti-Japanese Alliance's all-out attack this time, that is not something he has to worry about.

    For Lieutenant General Ishiguro Sadazou, the fire has already reached his eyebrows. Naturally, he has to take care of his head first. As for his butt, let's wait until the fire reaches there. The topography of the Nanxing'an front line is compared to the topography of Ma Pingchuan in the former Gorros Front Banner.  He said that there are too many good things, and there is favorable terrain to rely on. Presumably the 51st Division's ability to withstand attacks is much stronger than its own.

    Now for him and the 28th Division, under the enemy's large-scale coordinated offensive by multiple arms, holding the line from Qianguo to Fuyu is the most important, and other places can no longer be taken care of at the moment.  Compared with the area north of Xinjing where the troops are concentrated, the 28th Division's defense area is too wide. Anyway, even if the 28th Division evacuates, there will still be the 51st Division that has just been reorganized to defend there.  Naturally, the Eighteenth Division doesn't have to worry too much.

    Lieutenant General Ishiguro Sadazou nervously adjusted his deployment, concentrated all available forces, and tried to stabilize the already unstable deep position under the onslaught of the Anti-Union armored forces. At the same time, he launched an attack in front of him. He also did not expect that  The start would be so smooth. Chen Hanzhang, while closely observing the progress of the battle, sent a telegram to Yang Zhen reporting that he had broken through the Japanese frontal defense line across the board.

    As the commander of the armored forces of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, Chen Hanzhang was ordered to command an armored brigade, a cavalry brigade, and two infantry divisions from the direction of Qiqihar to the front line of Guoguo in this battle. He was originally prepared for a tough battle.  After all, where does the real combat effectiveness of the Japanese army lie?

    In addition, during the pre-war preparations, in order to conceal Wang Guangyu's true combat intentions on the western front, Chen Hanzhang's troops made a lot of noise on the front line, and it can even be said that they consciously attracted the attention of the entire Japanese army to themselves.  , after all, the terrain from Qianguo to Xinjing is the most favorable to the entire tactical intention of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    Breaking through here would be equivalent to cutting off the connection between the Japanese troops on the middle route and the Japanese troops on the western front. If the Japanese 28th Division on the front line of Qianguo were defeated, the flanks of the heavy troop cluster deployed by the Kwantung Army on the central line would all be exposed to the eyes of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  Under the hood, the front line from Qianguo to Buyeo is of great importance to the entire deployment of the Japanese army.Anyone with a bit of strategic vision can see this.

    But it is precisely because the terrain here is extremely conducive to launching an attack, especially for large-scale armored group operations, that the headquarters uncharacteristically repeatedly requested that Chen Hanzhang make as much noise as possible in order to draw the Japanese army's attention as much as possible.  Transferred from the Western Front to cooperate with Wang Guangyu's offensive on the Western Front.

    According to this order, before the battle was launched, Chen Hanzhang had already predicted that under the current situation that the Kwantung Army on the Western Front had attracted most of its attention to himself, after launching the attack, the resistance would be more fierce.  , Chen Hanzhang was even prepared to pay more than half of the casualties of a division.

    Precisely because he had a true understanding of the Japanese army's combat effectiveness and a detailed estimate of the extent of resistance he could encounter, Chen Hanzhang thought of almost all possible unexpected situations before launching the attack, but  The only thing is that the breakthrough was like this. After the attack was launched, the breakthrough was so smooth, which he had not expected before.
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