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Text Chapter 23 New Combat Mode

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    However, after all, this special agent Cao is a veteran and has rich practical experience. He is not comparable to Onizuka Tianzo who just came down from the division. The strange calm on the opposite position last night made him feel a strong sense of uneasiness.  I always felt that the strange calm last night on the opposite side was a little too weird.

    You must know that since the 28th Division was transferred to Qianguoqian Banner, the reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance of both sides, and the penetration of the other side's positions have almost never stopped for a day. Although there has been no major battle for more than half a year, there has been no exchange of fire at the squadron level.  But it happens every day.

    As the frontmost position on the entire defense line of the 28th Division, it has become a hardest-hit area. Soldiers are casualties almost every day under the enemy's sneak attacks. The former squadron leader was suddenly hit by the opponent's shot.  The incoming mortar bombs were blown into parts, otherwise it would still be this stupid young man's turn to be the squadron leader.

    But last night it seemed unusually calm, without any movement. The position opposite was even more unusually silent. Although the stubborn squadron leader made a decision that he could not change, in order to be able to make it as soon as possible  In response, he decided to stay and help the team leader, who had just graduated from the Army Sergeant School and was also a rookie, to be on guard so that no one could get in without him knowing.

    He took the initiative to stay, and the guy who was the squadron leader would naturally have no objections. In the view of the squadron leader, this move of Special Agent Cao was purely unfounded. Since July, he has cried wolf how many times.  , every time it was a false alarm, and I didn't see any real attack from the other side.

    If he continues to toss like this and others don¡¯t know that he is about to be mentally ill by his shocked boss, and if he is willing to stay, then just stay. Without this, he will always put on an old look.  Qualifications, thinking that he is a very high-ranking officer, and never knowing what it means to respect his superiors, nagging in his ears, he will definitely sleep more comfortably if he catches up his sleep.

    After leaving a small team to guard the garrison position that was supposed to be one of his squadrons, Onizuka Tianzo took his remaining subordinates and swaggered back to the temporary camp behind the main position to rest. Anyway, it was a false alarm like before.  For one scene, just do whatever you need to do.

    After stretching, Onizuka Tianzo ordered the cooks to prepare breakfast, and then he lay on the very comfortable camp bed in the tent of the squadron headquarters. While waiting for the breakfast to be delivered, he picked up the book and read,  He is busy applying for Army University so that he can become a general in the future. How much time does he have to waste on the front line?

    Ignoring the orders of his superiors, Onizuka Tianzo led his troops to withdraw from the front-line positions after dawn, and ordered the cooks to prepare breakfast with great fanfare. The smoke rising in the core position of the Japanese army almost became the ultimate threat to the anti-allied artillery in front of them.  Good target indicator sign.

    Just when the cooking soldiers had just finished cooking the rice in the rice pot and had not yet served it, a burst of dense artillery shells suddenly came from the direction of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, passing through the intertwined positions of the two armies, roaring into the temporary camp of the Second Squadron.  It was covered tightly, and at the same time, intensive artillery fire rang out everywhere on the entire nearly 1,000-kilometer front where the Japanese army and the Anti-Japanese Alliance were confronting each other.

    The smoke caused by the shells dissipated, and the neat Japanese camp had turned into ruins. The newly cooked rice flew into the distance together with the rice pot. As for the ambitious man, he did not forget to learn during the battle.  Captain Onitsukada was reduced to parts along with most of his subordinates.

    When Onizuka Dazo's subordinates, who had finally survived the extended artillery fire from their opponents, raised their heads and looked at their neatly organized camp, they were stunned to find that their considerate squadron leader was at this moment.  The tent that served as the squadron headquarters was missing, and nothing was left on the ground except a large crater.

    Before these Japanese soldiers could wake up from the panic caused by the sudden shelling, on the forward position, the mournful bugles calling for reinforcements sounded again. Along with these bugles, at the same time on the forward positions,  There was the sound of gunfire and a weird, thunder-like rumble.

    When these Japanese officers and soldiers who survived the bombardment and didn't care to study where their new squadron leader was bombed when they heard the bugle sound, rolled and crawled to the front line, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.  They were stunned. Right in front of them, dozens of tanks, covered by a large number of infantry and artillery fire, were rushing towards their position.

    The strange-looking tank rushing at the front, with two huge wheels in front, will detonate all the mines that survived the recent artillery fire in the minefields in front of the two armies' positions, allowing the tanks and infantry behind them to easily cross the minefields.  , looking at the scene in front of them, all the Japanese soldiers only thought in their heartsThere is a thought: "This time I am no longer crying wolf in vain, but it is real."

    Although the captain of the 2nd Squadron was killed in the first round of artillery fire, and although he was overwhelmed by the tanks rushing in front of him, after all, it was a regular Japanese field division, and the remaining troops of this squadron that lost its commander  , but without fear, did not retreat under the command of the special agent Cao, but relied on various fortifications built on the forward position to resist desperately.

    However, these Japanese soldiers soon discovered that under the coordinated attack of the opponent's infantry and tanks, their resistance was completely futile. The forward fortifications that survived the anti-alliance artillery attack were as if they were destroyed by the opponent's tank gun.  They were destroyed one by one as they were called.

    Several machine gun bunkers, before they could fire a few rounds, were uncovered one by one by the tank cannons that came in to fire. What frightened the Japanese soldiers even more was that without the cover of machine gun fire, the 38 in their hands  Type rifle, in the face of the opponent's automatic firepower, has almost become a child's toy. Every time he fires a bullet, the opponent can fire back dozens or even dozens of bullets.

    Although the remaining troops of the Second Squadron were still trying to resist desperately under the command of the special agent Cao, their resistance was so insignificant under the coordinated attack of the anti-alliance infantry and tanks.  Apart from the Taisho 11-year-old Type 37 flat-fire cannon, this Japanese forward security position without any anti-tank weapons did not even slow down the opponent's attack speed.

    The multi-arms joint offensive launched by the Anti-Japanese Alliance quickly tore apart the defense lines of the Second Squadron and other forward positions of the 28th Division with the momentum of a fierce tiger. It did not make any stop at all and directly launched a rapid attack on the deep positions of the Japanese army.  Attack, and by noon, the entire front-line positions of the 28th Division had basically collapsed.

    The scene that happened to the Third Squadron of the First Battalion of the Third Regiment of the 28th Division was not only performed on the front line of Chaganpao, but also in the entire front banner of Guoerluosi and the 28th Division defense area in Fuyu, until  The Japanese defense areas on the front of Xinjing and on the east side are constantly repeating themselves.

    Although they were aware of the Anti-Alliance's attack and had ordered the various divisions in the frontline positions to prepare for battle, the all-out attack launched by the Anti-Alliance still caught the Kwantung Army somewhat off guard. Of course, this was unprepared and did not  It was not an attack launched by the Japanese army against the alliance, and there was no mental preparation at all.

    Although the troops below were somewhat relaxed due to the emotional tension caused by the long-term high alert, the upper echelons of the Kwantung Army, including the senior commanders of various divisions, had always tightened the strings in their heads.  Seriously, it can even be said that these senior Japanese troops have been fully prepared for the anti-alliance attack.

    However, although they had been prepared for a long time, the new combat mode adopted by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, in which infantry, tanks, and artillery coordinated attacks under the cover of aviation, still caught the Japanese army by surprise, from top to bottom in Kanto.  Army Commander Umezu Yoshijiro, down to the commanders of various divisions, and almost all Japanese commanders, did not expect that the Anti-Japanese Alliance would suddenly emerge with such a large number of tanks.

    Although the Kwantung Army had a clear grasp of the fact that the Anti-Japanese Alliance had tanks during last year's battle, according to the intelligence collected by the Kwantung Army, the number of tanks in the Anti-Japanese Alliance was extremely limited, and most of the tanks were unequipped.  As for the light tanks with artillery, you would think that hundreds of tanks were invested in the Anti-Japanese Alliance at one time.

    As for the Japanese army, although they tasted the power of the Soviet armored clusters in the Battle of Nomonhan, their weak anti-tank capabilities have not been fundamentally improved. Although they used the Soviet-made IV tanks captured in the Battle of Nomonhan,  The 15mm anti-tank gun was copied from a 47mm anti-tank gun.

    However, this latest and most powerful anti-tank gun of the Japanese army has just been developed and is still in trial production and has not yet begun mass production. All Japanese armies, including the Kwantung Army, still have the main anti-tank equipment at this time.  As early as the Battle of Nomonhan, the Type 94 37mm anti-tank gun, the Taisho 11th Type 37mm infantry cannon, and the Type 97 20mm automatic cannon had already proven to be extremely powerful.

    Except for these three old-fashioned anti-tank weapons that were unable to penetrate the Soviet tanks as early as the Battle of Nomonhan, the remaining ones were the nine-type anti-tank weapon that was urgently developed after the Battle of Nomonhan for the purpose of fighting the Soviet Union.  Type 9 magnetic anti-tank mines and Type 99 incendiary bottles are two individual anti-tank weapons.

    However, these two weapons did not play any role in this battle. When the anti-tank guns on hand were almost useless in the face of a large number of opponents' tanks, holding these two types of Japanese weapons in the arsenal  The two most effective weapons,The Japanese soldiers who launched a desperate charge with human ammunition were beaten into honeycomb by their opponents, all of whom were equipped with automatic weapons and were closely guarded by tanks.

    In the face of the new combat model adopted by the opponent, which is mainly based on tanks and coordinated by multiple arms, there is a lack of effective anti-tank weapons, and even the most effective human bomb attack has limited effect. The Japanese resistance  , not to mention that it was a futile effort, the disintegration of its defense line was so fast that even the Japanese army itself was caught off guard.
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