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Text Chapter 93 Attack Tactics

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    As expected, just as Du Kaishan expected, just when the charging troops were approaching the ridge artillery fortifications, pieces of mountain skin were suddenly lifted off in front of them, on both wings, and even behind them, exposing the upper floors built along the mountain.  Intense tongues of fire spurted out from the firing holes of hundreds of bunkers, and the rumbling sound of cannons also rang out from the silent artillery fortifications on the top of the mountain.

    Although the charging company, due to Du Kaishan's prior instructions, did not suffer heavy casualties under the crossfire of the Japanese army and was still within the tolerable range, it was suppressed by the Japanese bunker group that formed crossfire.  On the upper side of the mountain, although they relied on the three rocket launchers they carried to destroy more than a dozen firepower points, they were still suppressed and unable to move due to the dense firepower of the Japanese army.

    Some of the hidden firepower points of the Japanese army cooperated with several fortifications on the front to flank the charging company, but most of them fired down the mountain. The light and heavy machine guns, infantry cannons and grenades not only cut off the retreat of the leading company, but also  The hiding place of Dukai Mountain was hit with flying sand and rocks, and at the same time, the roar of heavy artillery was heard from the direction of Camel Mountain, the main peak of Bee Mountain.

    Du Kaishan almost turned a deaf ear to the artillery shells and dense bullets hitting him. He held up his telescope and carefully observed the exposed firepower points of the Japanese army.  All fire points were recorded.

    When the staff nodded, Du Kaishan said: "Send all the information you have to the artillery and ask them to concentrate their wild mountain artillery to bombard the exposed bunker of the Japanese army. Don't be reluctant to part with the artillery shells. Give me rows of them from the minefield at the foot of the mountain."  If you blow it up, the enemy's bunker is definitely not just built on the mountainside, there should be another one below."

    "Don't worry about the Japanese artillery firepower points near the ridge of the mountain. The thickness of the fortifications there is so thick that our mountain artillery can't deal with them. Wait until the cannon battalion attached to the headquarters comes over. I don't believe that the Japanese can destroy the entire mountain.  It¡¯s all poured with reinforced concrete.¡±

    The staff officer handed the coordinate map in his hand to the artillery observer on the side, raised his telescope and looked at the Honey Mountain with flames spraying everywhere. He hesitated and said: "Commander, fighting like this is not the same thing. You see  It¡¯s not about deploying a company and charging again to dig out the Japanese bunkers at the foot of the mountain.¡±

    "Judging from the obvious artificial repairs at the foot and legs of the mountain, it is certain that there must be a bunker at the foot of Guizi Mountain. They have not opened fire for a long time. They should still be waiting for our large forces to launch a charge. But where is it now?  I still can¡¯t tell whether we should mobilize another company to charge.¡±

    "After finding out their specific positions, advance the infantry cannons and rapid-fire cannons and knock them out one by one. If the Japanese bunkers still don't open fire, just connect the one above them. And Commander, I suggest that we don't knock them out one by one.  All the troops were deployed on the hilltop in front of them, leaving some troops to attract their firepower and strength, while the main force ignored this place and went straight to the front line of Luotuo Mountain. "

    "Those permanent fortifications that were just thrown into grenades by the leading company and should have been incapable of shooting are now resurrected, indicating that the main Japanese positions on the mountain in front of us and the Camelback behind us must be connected by secret passages.  , if we spare the hilltop in front of us and attack in depth, we can prevent the Japanese army from looking at each other, which can greatly reduce the pressure on the frontal attack troops. "

    "I took a look just now. There is a dry river on the side of the mountain in front of me. The original river should have been cut off by the Japanese army and used as a water source in the fortress. However, although this river has dried up, judging from the trend, it should be  Passing through Camelback, we can make use of this route.¡±

    "The most important thing is that the river and both sides are full of stones washed down from the mountains. It is difficult for the Japanese army to build bunkers on this stone terrain. We can use this abandoned river to bypass Camelback. As long as we capture the center of Camelback  At this position, the Japanese are bound to send troops back for reinforcements. By then, the intensity of the frontal firepower will be greatly weakened, and we will be able to break through calmly. "

    Hearing this, Du Kaishan put down the telescope in his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, Xiaowu, you didn't go to the Military Region Staff Training Corps for training in vain. You can draw a road. It's a good idea to use the abandoned river to bypass the Camel Peak line. However,  You kid can't think of anything you can't think of."

    "Although there are large rocks on both sides of the river, which makes it impossible to build a bunker and can also provide natural concealment for attackers, this river is facing the front of Camel's Hump. The artillery fire on Camel's Hump can completely cover this river.  Not only is the range of fire quite good, it is also extremely wide. How many troops are you planning to deploy on this kind of terrain? If a heavy artillery fire covers it, how many men do you have left?"

    ¡°Also, there are traces of artificial trimming on the mountainside of the ridges on both sides of the river, which means thatThere are firepower points of the Japanese army inside. In this kind of terrain, the machine gun firepower cannot be used very hard, but the little devils also have grenade launchers and infantry guns, and they can even use mortars. The little devils are too shrewd to let go.  There is no way to make up for such a huge loophole.  "

    The staff officer named Xiao Wuzi was blushing when Du Kaishan said it, but he said with some dissatisfaction: "Commander, what do you want to do? Just bite it bit by bit. The Japanese military fortifications in this area extend to  For more than ten miles, if we go at this speed, even if a whole group is wiped out, we may not be able to win the front line of Honey Mountain within the specified time. Although my method is a bit risky, I still recommend giving it a try.

    Du Kaishan shook his head and said: "Strong attack is not my style. I have never known what it means to fight hard since the day I learned to fight. I will not let soldiers die in vain. You can consider this idea, but you cannot  Press the treasure in this direction."

    After saying that, Du Kaishan turned to Qin Zesheng, the commander of the third regiment of the First Independent Brigade beside him, and said: "Old Qin, bring me whatever explosives are left in the batch of explosives allocated to us by the headquarters, and prepare the gasoline barrels."  Okay, bring them all to me when they¡¯re ready.¡±

    After explaining Qin Zesheng, Du Kaishan turned to the little guide beside him and said, "What is your boy's name? Oh, Zhang Zixiong, since you are very familiar with this place, let me ask you, this is the first line of Honey Mountain.  When digging a well, how deep can the water be?

    Zhang Zixiong shook his head and said: "Chief, I don't know how deep the water can be dug here, because there are many rivers in this area, especially the streams in the mountains. The water quality can be said to be quite good, and there are many springs in the mountains, so  No one has dug a well here, and they usually drink water from the river or spring water directly.¡±

    "However, Honey Mountain is right next to the lake. It is only twenty or thirty miles away from Xingkai Lake. The water layer should not be too deep. The Baipaozi line, which is less than five miles away from here, usually only needs to be drilled down about five meters.  When water comes out, I think it won¡¯t be more than seven meters, and water will come out.¡±

    After Du Kaishan thought for a while after hearing this, he said to Qin Zesheng beside him: "Old Qin, tell the troops to form a group of two companies and open the ground for me. One company is responsible for digging tunnels, and the other company is responsible for covering with firepower.  , if those unknown bunkers at the foot of the Japs Mountain open fire, tell the covering troops to use light and heavy machine guns, infantry cannons, and rapid-fire cannons to hit all exposed fire points to suppress the Japs' machine gun fire.  live."

    "And didn't the headquarters strengthen a flamethrower company and give it to me to use? No matter what method is used, I have to dig the tunnel to the foot of the mountain. In addition, didn't we seize a batch of cement in Dong'an?  , mix it evenly for me, put a gasoline barrel in each row, and fill it with cement. "

    "In addition, I opened up the gasoline barrels and connected them together to form a movable bunker. It doesn't need to be bulletproof, just shrapnel-proof. I connected a tunnel to it. As long as the enemy's firepower point fires, they will be sent to it.  Where, I will use cement to block their shooting holes, and use gasoline to install a few more Molotov cocktails. If that doesn't work, use fire. After the attack begins, let me have the artillery fire a round of incendiary bombs down the mountainside to destroy the bushes on the mountain.  Lit, cover troops charge."

    "The defenders on the Japs' ridge should hide in the anti-slope positions or permanent fortifications during our artillery bombardment. Tell the company above to rush up to the ridge with all their strength while our artillery fires and occupy the Japs.  Those artillery fortifications on the ridgeline.¡±

    "The Japs' artillery position is built on the top of the mountain. Although the firing range is wide and the entire plain on the shore of Xingkai Lake can be blocked directly from Honey Mountain, the Japs' daily maintenance and artillery supply will not just go up the mountain. Those few days  This gun position must be connected with the surrounding communication trenches or underground bunkers. As long as we occupy the gun position, we will open a gap."

    After hearing Du Kaishan's order, Qin Zesheng nodded quickly and was about to make arrangements. However, as soon as he turned around, he was stopped by Du Kaishan. After Du Kaishan hesitated for a moment, he pointed to the staff officer he called Xiao Wuzi and said to Qin Zesheng  : "In a moment, you will bring two companies over and give Wu Ruofu command."

    Du Kaishan waved to Wu Ruofu behind him and called him over: "I will give you two companies in a moment. Follow the route you mentioned, from the dry river directly to Camel Peak, and let Zhang Zixiong  You lead the way, he is familiar with it, and when you are passing through, you need to have some grenades and Molotov cocktails on hand.

    "You should make more use of the rocks in the river as cover, and bring a dozen empty gasoline barrels filled with sand and gravel. Once the enemy opens fire on the bunker built along the valley, a bunker can be formed on the spot. In addition, I will allocate  I'll give you two 12mm anti-aircraft machine guns and two 150mm mortars, and a 90 mortar company will follow you through.Insert, support you with firepower at any time.  "

    Having said this, Du Kaishan looked at his watch and said: "Go and be prepared. The time for your attack will be set after Lao Qin has destroyed the Japanese bunker at the leg of the mountain and opened a path for you to flank. Remember, intersperse  When doing something, you must be decisive and never hesitate.¡±
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