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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 90 A different kind of mobilization rally

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    Du Kaishan moved very quickly. After roughly deciding on the battle plan, he immediately took the artillery stationed in Dong'an City as quickly as possible to the front line of Lianzhu Mountain, and joined the two regiments originally deployed on the front line of Lianzhu Mountain.  A regiment headed south under the starry night towards Honey Mountain in a hidden way.

    At the same time as he was dispatched, the backbone regiment of the original fourth division of the Secret Power Division had been hiding and waiting. The regiments originally used to defend the 8th Division were uniformly commanded by division chief of staff Sui Changsheng and immediately went south. According to the predetermined plan, they hid in the southern mountainous area of ??Mishan.  interspersed.

    When the artillery and infantry regiments commanded by Du Kaishan advanced towards the front line of Honey Mountain, they were very careful for fear of alarming the Japanese troops who were so close. However, in fact, he did not need to be too careful, because the areas he passed along the way were  The so-called border control zones demarcated by the Japanese army.

    When the Kwantung Army was building the so-called border fortifications and fortress groups, in order to keep it secret, they forcibly drove away all the original residents. All the villages were burned to ashes. Along the way, there were only broken walls and ruins.  Apart from the piles of bones among the grass, not even a single person could be seen.

    Those original villages are now just marked points on the map. The entire land of fish and rice along Xingkai Lake, which was once a rich land of fish and rice, now has no trace of human habitation except for a few Japanese military garrison points. This once fertile black land,  There is desolation everywhere now.

    Along the way, he saw scenes of weeds and wild beasts everywhere. Although this situation was conducive to keeping his troops' operations confidential, it made Du Kaishan very upset. The Chinese were treated like animals in their own land.  Drive away, but your own land has been reduced to the so-called guards of the aliens who invaded and invaded you.

    And this alien army under the so-called banner of co-prosperity and co-existence, while talking about protection under this banner, is actually carrying out massacres. Large areas of villages and farmland have been destroyed, and people have been displaced. This is undoubtedly harmful to the situation.  It is a great shame for every Chinese soldier.

    The straight line distance between Lianzhu Mountain and Honey Mountain is not far. Although it was already dusk when we set off, we had already arrived at the front line of Honey Mountain in the early morning. As we approached the last ruins of Honey Mountain and the white bones exposed from time to time among the grass, we looked at the bones.  Du Kaishan held a special pre-war mobilization meeting with the marks of bayonet penetration.

    Du Kaishan pointed at the dead bone that was not far from his feet. It had been almost buried by the overgrown weeds. The traces of the bayonet could be clearly seen in front of the sternum. He also pointed at the dead bone where it could be seen that it had once been a  The prosperous land of plenty, but now it has become a ruined village. He said to the cadres and soldiers in front of him: "Look at what kind of life our people live."

    "People were forced to drive away from their homes with bayonets. Their homes were destroyed, and the land they had worked so hard to cultivate was abandoned in large tracts. Those who did not want to leave were picked to death with bayonets alive on their own land.  Inside the house, this place is close to Xingkai Lake and is a famous land of fish and rice in Mishan, but now it is so desolate and inhabited. "

    "What is this? It is a shame for all of us Chinese soldiers. Our country has been lost. Our compatriots who should be protected by us are being chased around like dogs in their own homes. If they disobey the slightest bit, they will be slaughtered.  , This is a great shame and humiliation for us Chinese soldiers. If we don¡¯t drive these bastards out of our country completely, what face will we have to see our fellow villagers? What qualifications will we have to wear this military uniform? What face will we have?  Claims to be a soldier."

    Du Kaishan's words made all the cadres and soldiers who had already felt a different kind of feeling coming to their hearts because of the desolate scenes they passed along the way, and everyone present lowered their heads.

    Looking at his subordinates who lowered their heads, Du Kaishan frowned and said angrily: "What are you doing with your heads down? Don't you have the courage and ability to avenge your compatriots who died? Lift your heads up for me and tell these people who have become bones  My compatriots, do you have the ability to avenge them?¡±

    Stimulated by Du Kaishan's words and the scene in front of them, the cadres and soldiers with scarlet eyes shouted in unison: "We will definitely avenge them and avenge all the people who died. We are the senseless Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance and drive out the Japanese invaders."  "It is our natural duty to restore China and fight the Japanese invaders until the end."

    During the oath, I don¡¯t know who took the lead in singing the song "Song of the Northeast Anti-Union": "Forward, forward, forward, our team faces the sun, steps on the land of the motherland, and carries the hope of the nation.  , we are an invincible force, we are the children of workers and peasants, and we are the armed forces of the nation.¡±

    "Never be afraid, never give in, fight bravely until the invaders are wiped out. The flag of the Anti-Japanese Army is flying high. Listen, the wind is howling and the bugles are ringing. Listen, the revolutionary songs are so loud. Comrades are marching towards liberation in unison.  On the battlefield, comrades marched in unison to save the countryOn the battlefield, move forward, move forward, our team is fighting towards the sun, towards the final victory, and towards the liberation of the nation.  "

    The majestic military song inspired the morale of the troops even higher. Du Kaishan looked at the soldiers' high morale, then waved his hands with satisfaction and said: "They say that the soldiers who mourn will win, so in the future battles, I want to see you."  Can we truly become a true soldier who is qualified to protect our compatriots from the same suffering in the future?¡±

    "As for now, let's all work together to bury our compatriots. I will check all the places carefully. Don't let the bones of one of our compatriots continue to be exposed to wind and rain. All the bones should be gathered together.  , unified burial, you must remember from now on that the spirits of these compatriots in heaven are watching you, whether you can fulfill your promise, we will use the blood of the Japanese to comfort their spirits in heaven. "

    Upon hearing Du Kaishan's order, all the cadres and soldiers did not hesitate at all, and immediately began to bury the corpses that were still exposed in the wilderness and allowed to be eaten by wild dogs. Some soldiers even did not have coffins.  He took out the raincoat issued by his superior, wrapped the bones and buried them.

    Seeing the scene in front of them, the guide leading the way and the stretcher bearers carefully selected by the Political Department in Dong'an City were also affected by the majestic and highly exaggerated singing. Now they really believed that the stretcher bearers in front of them were captured by the Japanese.  The army that the puppets have almost demonized is not the so-called red-bearded communists who share their wives as promoted in the Japanese and puppet media, but a real anti-Japanese team.

    The guide leading the team looked at Du Kaishan who was personally burying the bones. After hesitating for a moment, he walked up to Du Kaishan and said, "Sir, I would like to ask you what are the requirements for joining your anti-Japanese coalition. Can you let me?"  Join the army and fight with you Japanese."

    "Sir, you are going south along this route because you want to attack the fortress built by the Japanese in Honey Mountain, because to the southeast of Wangwang is the lake, and slightly to the west is the fortress group built by the Japanese. You should not also want to go to the lake.  Lao Maozi, if I guess correctly, if we follow your route, it can only be the fortress group built by the Japanese in Honey Mountain."

    "I grew up in this area and am very familiar with the Honey Mountain area. I can tell you all the mountains and rivers here with my eyes closed. When the Japanese drove us out, they only said they wanted to purify the border area. What was the purpose?  Protect us from the old Maozi. In fact, I know that they have built a lot of fortifications in this area. Although the Japanese are very strict about keeping secrets, their style cannot be hidden from us locals. "

    "Sir, if it hadn't been for the so-called border purification that the little devils had done to drive our whole family away from here, we wouldn't have been displaced. Sir, I will not hesitate to fight the devils. If you believe me, sir, give it to me."  Also give me a gun and let me kill the Japanese with you to avenge the displaced villagers who were forcibly driven out of their homes. "

    Hearing the young guide's idea of ??joining the army, Du Kaishan patted him on the shoulder and said, "You're quite interesting, okay. I'll accept you as a soldier, but you have to show me the way first.  Since you are familiar with this place, then show us a good way. Once you have done so, I will give you a set of military uniforms. However, our troops are not called officers, but chiefs. "

    When the guide heard Du Kaishan's promise, he quickly smiled and said: "It's the chief. I promise to lead the way. It's less than ten miles away from Honey Mountain. Less than five miles ahead is the barbed wire fence set up by the little devils. China  As long as anyone comes close to that place, the Japs will kill them without mercy, and the area is also mined by the Japs. However, this area is not a must-have for Japs patrols, and they rarely come here except for occasional patrols.  "

    When Du Kaishan heard that this guide was not far away from the Japanese Miaoling Fortress Group, he frowned slightly and turned around and told the combat staff around him to let the troops rest on the spot and take cover, wait for the artillery, and then turn around.  He turned to the guide and said, "Take us over now to take a look."

    The guide nodded quickly and said: "Chief, there's no problem. I'll take you there right away. However, this road is not easy to walk at night. You have to be careful. Also, the little devil's lamp is very powerful. It can illuminate people from a distance."  Last winter, one of my brothers came here secretly because the people here had been driven away and there were a lot of roe deer and foxes. He wanted to kill a few and sell some skins and meat to celebrate the New Year.

    "I thought nothing would happen if I came here at night, but I didn't expect that as soon as I got there, I would be illuminated by the devil's lamp that shined so far away. As soon as I saw someone here, the devil over there didn't care.  He just fired the gun, and my brother was beaten to death on the spot, and his body was taken back to Dong'an for public display. The blind old woman was left at home, and she died of starvation at home during the Chinese New Year. "

    "Chief, you wantIf you go there, be sure to bring more people with you. Although the Japs don't come out much at night, the lanterns they plant there can be seen very far away. It's no problem if they shine up to 1,800 meters. If you can see it from a distance, you can see it.  Use machine guns and never leave anyone alive.  "
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