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Text Chapter 82: Reaping the consequences

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    Originally, Sun San wanted to cross over to the Yanggang front line to conduct a surprise attack and obtain radio accessories, but he did not expect that as soon as they came out of the mountain, they encountered a brigade of the Eighth Division on the Qihu Linhe front line. According to the intelligence, this  It turned out that there were no Japanese troops in the area.

    However, for Sun San, since he had already encountered the Japanese army in advance, there was nothing to be afraid of, and it was too late for him to make a detour. Even if Sun San did not want to alert the enemy, even though the Japanese army had not noticed these sudden  The tanks were not their friendly forces, but in order to get to the designated location of the headquarters within the designated time, Sun San could only make up his mind to take action in advance.

    However, with an armored brigade containing hundreds of tanks and combat vehicles plus several vehicle-mounted infantry battalions, all of which were left to deal with a Japanese brigade, Sun San somewhat felt that they were overqualified. Although this was the first battle since the formation of the armored brigade, he still couldn't take it.  An armored brigade was still too useless to deal with an infantry brigade of the Japanese army.

    After receiving the report from the vanguard, Sun San only hesitated for two minutes, leaving only an armored battalion plus an infantry battalion and a self-propelled artillery company. To deal with this Japanese brigade, he led the main force without detours and increased the accelerator directly.  Rushed from the Japanese position, went directly to the Yanggang line, and cut off the Hurao railway line according to the headquarters' orders.

    Sun San's move stunned the second battalion of the 31st Regiment of the Eighth Division of the Japanese Army in front of him. Since the first ones were two Japanese Type 92 cavalry armored vehicles and a Type 94 light tank, these Japanese troops  He thought it was reinforcements assigned to him by his superiors.

    The Kwantung Army has two tank squadrons at Hutou Fortress, so the Japanese troops on the north bank of the Qihulin River naturally regard these tanks as friendly forces, because the first few Japanese tanks are incompatible with the search of the 11th Division.  The light tanks equipped by the regiment were all the same. When the first few tanks had already driven onto the pontoon bridge built by the Japanese army, the Japanese army did not have any doubts.

    These Japanese troops never thought that the enemy would have tanks. They rushed out from the junction of Hulin and Baoqing, which is densely covered with mountain forests and swamps. They were completely unprepared. There were not even explosives placed on the pontoon.  The infantry cannon and the 37-level artillery did not enter combat status at all.

    As a result, Sun San led the main force, adopting a formation with tanks at both ends, and cars and mechanized infantry in the middle. Along the way, guns and guns fired, and with continuous pressure and twisting, they ramped up to maximum horsepower and used the wooden pontoon bridge built by the Japanese army at full speed.  , forced through the Qihulin River in one breath.

    After crossing the Qihulin River, Sun San left the commander of the chariot regiment behind to command the remaining troops and annihilate the Japanese infantry brigade. Sun San himself did not stop at all and ordered each vehicle to increase their power and move along the route from Hulin to Mi.  The mountain road runs straight through Yanggang at full speed.

    It will get dark soon, and there is not much time left before the designated time by the headquarters. Although the troops have conducted marching and combat training in complex terrain, they have not yet conducted combat training in complex terrain at night. They must capture Yanggang before night falls.  One line.

    Without the radio station, although they lost the command of the headquarters, it undoubtedly gave Sun San and other armored brigades a rare opportunity to give full play to their capabilities. Yang Zhen has always encouraged them to have unconstrained thinking when formulating combat plans.  Don¡¯t be limited to rules and regulations, let alone the experience that others have left behind, and be brave enough to innovate boldly.

    Because the tactics of armored forces are currently in an exploratory stage not only in China, but also in the world. Each country will come up with different combat modes based on its own national strength and equipment. The Germans demonstrated a  A brand-new combat mode, but this reliance on the tacit cooperation of aircraft and tanks and the adoption of large-depth encirclement tactics is not suitable for the current anti-alliance forces.

    Because China has too few armored forces, it does not have its own production capabilities, nor does it have strong air support like the German and Soviet armies. Therefore, the military area armored forces must develop their own tactics based on the performance and quantity of existing equipment and must not copy them.  The experience of foreign military forces is that it doesn¡¯t matter if you encounter setbacks in battle or experiments, but you must not stop moving forward because of setbacks.

    Since No. 1 has made such a request, Sun San and several team members are not afraid of tigers. In addition, in order to ensure smooth command, the headquarters has installed tactical radios on every tank and chariot.  Each tank can be connected horizontally and vertically, which is something that even the tank troops in Jiangbei do not have.

    Smooth communication and command, coupled with long-term tactical synthesis training and Yang Zhen's usual encouragement, gave Sun San considerable confidence. After forcibly passing through the Qihulin River, Sun San commanded the armored brigade to use the afterglow of the setting sun to move along the Japanese army.  With the built Hulin kilometers and the powerful maneuverability of the armored forces, after arriving at the Yanggang line on time within an hour, they did not stop but continued to attack the Japanese Eighth Division in depth.But what Sun San and his men, who had already prepared for a tough battle after learning that there were as many as one regiment of the Eighth Division on the Yanggang front line, did not expect was that the Battle of Yanggang would end with them.  What he imagined was completely different. Not only did the tough battle that he had imagined not show up, he was even busy taking in those prisoners who showed strange conditions most of the time.

    After losing combat effectiveness due to large-scale drug addiction in the division, the 8th Division was transferred to the junction of Mishan, Hulin and Baoqing by Juichi Namada to rest and recuperate. Currently, the 8th Division is currently supporting the front line of Bolijinsha River at any time according to Juichi Namada.  Due to the requirements of the battlefield, the division commander Tsukada Kao did not move the division headquarters to Mishan County or Dong'an Street, the capital of Dong'an Province in Manchuria, across the river from Mishan County.

    Instead, it was deployed to control the roads and railways in Mishan and Hulin. The convenient transportation and the garrison in Hulin can form a mutually supportive line of Laohulizi and Dongfahoutun.

    The 31st Regiment of the entire division is assigned three artillery squadrons and is deployed at Yanggang in Hulin to protect its flanks. In fact, Tsukada's attack is equivalent to sending the 37th Regiment away from him in disguise.  One point, come on, out of sight, out of mind, because the entire 31st Regiment has the highest rate of drug abuse in the Eighth Division.

    However, Tsukada didn't go too far. He didn't put the 5th Regiment, which had the lowest drug abuse rate, by his side to defend the division headquarters. Instead, he added the 17th Regiment, which was slightly behind, to the division search regiment.  The main force and artillery brigade were deployed around the division to protect the safety of the division headquarters.

    As for the entire Eighth Division, which has the lowest proportion of drug-addicted officers and soldiers, only 50% of the Fifth Regiment is strengthening four squadrons of the 17th Regiment, plus two field artillery squadrons and a 105mm cannon squadron.  Later, it was deployed on the front and rear Wudaogang lines to support the battle on the Jinsha River line at any time.

    The deployment of the Tsukada Attack was based on considerations. The Tiger Lazi line was originally the most important arms and material warehouse of the Japanese army in the entire East Manchuria region. It was also an important attack point and troop garrison point according to the battle plan against the Soviet Union. Not only did it have completed  A large number of barracks and munitions warehouses can be used to garrison troops, and the road and railway lines from Mishan to Hulin are controlled. It is really a zone where you can advance and attack, and retreat and defend.

    A relatively high proportion of the Fifth Regiment can still pick up guns, and it still has half of its combat effectiveness. It can support the battle in Boli at any time, whether it is to maintain the dignity of the 8th Division or to deal with the decline that may come at any time from Namada Juichi.  Therefore, it is more appropriate to place the fifth regiment on the front line of the five front and rear posts.

    But whether this deployment can achieve Lieutenant General Hatada Juichi's intention of letting the 8th Division rest and recuperate on the one hand, and on the other hand, be able to support the Boli battlefield at any time. For Tsukada Attack, the psychological aspect is not important at all, because the current No. 1  The Eighth Division's remaining 40% combat effectiveness is already overestimated.

    At present, almost all smokers in the Eighth Division are addicted to drugs. Since cigarettes are an important supply material for the Japanese army, according to the Japanese army's supply regulations, Japanese soldiers can not only buy cigarettes from the division's headquarters, but also have a daily quota. This  This means that the proportion of smokers in the Eighth Division is quite high.

    As almost all smokers in the entire division are addicted to drugs, drug addicts in the Eighth Division even account for 70% of the division¡¯s combat soldiers. For these people, the history of drug addiction has even lasted for more than half a year.  For officers and soldiers, quitting drugs is never that easy.

    Although the division's military medical chief spent a lot of effort, the effect was only minimal. Namada Juichi gave him three days to restore the 8th Division's combat effectiveness. However, due to the current tense fighting ahead, the 8th Division has been slow to  Judging from the situation of being unable to dispatch, it is obvious that the efforts of this military medical unit are very limited.

    Although the heroin urgently transported by air from Siping allowed the Eighth Division to reluctantly withdraw to its current station, what happened next was simply a nightmare for the military doctors of the entire Eighth Division. In desperation, in order to fight the war ahead,  Under the circumstances, it can be guaranteed that the Eighth Division still retains a certain degree of combat effectiveness. However, although Lieutenant General Tsukada never nodded, he did not veto the acquiescence. The military medical director could only use the heroin transported by emergency air.  To barely maintain it, at least make the Eighth Division not look so weak.

    Now the most beautiful scenery of each regiment of the 8th Division every day is that before breakfast and after dinner every day, the division medics inject or distribute heroin to the drug-addicted soldiers to maintain their so-called combat effectiveness. Another  The scenery is that in daily training, soldiers with heavy drug addiction often make heart-rending shouts due to drug addiction.

    After taking the heroin distributed to them, these soldiers were all active and energetic. However, once the drug addiction broke out, they would have runny noses and tears, rolling on the ground. Even if the Japanese soldiers were well-trained, tough-minded, and managed.  It's cruel, but if drug addiction can be used?If we use confinement to detoxify, there won¡¯t be so many detoxification centers in the world.

    In the first few days of detoxification, solitary confinement was used, but often the officers and soldiers who were undergoing drug treatment outside and the officers and soldiers who were detoxifying inside were often addicted to drugs at the same time. If all the officers and soldiers who were not addicted to drugs were transferred out, they would be sent to confine those officers and soldiers who were addicted to drugs.  Due to the confinement, the Eighth Division could not even send out security troops. In desperation, they could only resort to drinking poison to quench their thirst first, and then think of other methods after the war was over.

    In order to weaken the Chinese people's will to resist, the Japanese royal family and the Kwantung Army extracted wealth from the Chinese people, refined and sold drugs in large quantities in the Northeast, made a lot of ill-gotten gains from the Chinese people, and left countless bones.  But this time the stone they lifted ended up hitting their own feet, and the Eighth Division suffered the consequences.
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