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Text Chapter 57: Fighting to the end

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    As the vanguard of the 11th Division, due to the unclear situation, and most importantly, the unknown enemy situation, the division commander, Lieutenant General Ushijima Mitsuru, entrusted him with the important task of personally commanding a mixed infantry and cavalry brigade as the vanguard of the entire division with the honor of Captain of the Colonel-General.  Colonel Asakawa Tetsuo, captain of the 44th Regiment of the army, took off his bulky riding boots at this moment, stretched out his legs comfortably and soaked in a basin of hot water heated by the orderly, and felt comfortable scalding his feet.

    Since setting off, we have not stopped all the way. After riding a horse for almost half a day and all night, and climbing the mountain road for most of the day, we rushed to Baoqing County without daring to stop. However, the captain of the regiment was exhausted.  broken.

    What made it even more difficult for him, who was picky to accept, was that he could only eat the so-called grain essence along the way. Those dry and hard biscuits made it difficult for Colonel Asakawa, who had become accustomed to enjoying it after becoming the captain of the team, to swallow it. He saw that he was far away from the final goal.  Baoqing County was not far away, and Colonel Asakawa, who finally felt a little relieved, immediately ordered a rest for an hour.

    Since the target is about to be reached and the division commander's strategic goal is about to be achieved, he naturally wants to comfort his bruised stomach that has been tortured by those damn military biscuits that are unpalatable.

    Just when Colonel Asakawa was about to eat the delicious and sumptuous eel rice, a burst of gunfire suddenly came. Along with this burst of gunfire, several vehicles braved dense flames and headed toward both sides of the road.  The Japanese army who was resting threw grenades wildly, and the speeding car broke through his brigade and drove away in front of him.


    As for the man who was excitedly preparing to taste his favorite eel rice, his head was almost blown open by a grenade dropped from the car that exploded next to him. Colonel Asakawa, who was caught off guard by the sudden attack, was  I almost choked on the eel rice I just stuffed into my mouth.

    When Colonel Asakawa finally regained his composure after being slapped and beaten by the guards, he saw that he didn't even say hello, but just rushed past him, and even threw them to a bunch of convoys that he couldn't accept gifts. Look again  Because he was eating, he was unprepared for being hit by bullets mixed with grenades, causing him to stagger and kill all his subordinates.

    Angrily, he first gave the cavalry squadron commander Major Kasugone next to him a big mouthful, and then said angrily: "Baga, are the vigilant eyes of your cavalry used to vent your anger? Where did these cars come from? You cavalry  They are just a bunch of losers, why don¡¯t you chase them after me?¡±

    Seeing the furious Colonel, his face was numb. Major Kasugosone pointed to a place not far away where the cavalry horses should have been tied up, but now there were only horse corpses. He said tremblingly: "Your Excellency, the Cavalry Squadron  I'm afraid that we have no fighting capacity anymore. Let alone pursuit, the rest of the march can only serve as temporary infantry. "

    "The opponent's convoy placed its main firepower on the cavalry squadron. Just now, more than thirty grenades fell on the horses. You have seen the result now. Our horses have been put together and there are less than 300 grenades left.  Ten horses are impossible to pursue. "

    "The opponent's convoy appeared too suddenly and at an extremely fast speed. They rushed over before our sentry had time to sound the alarm. Not only did our sentry fail to sound the alarm in time, he was killed and injured many times.  people."

    Colonel Asakawa was not mediocre in being able to climb up to the position of Captain of the Colonel Alliance. The direction of the sudden appearance of the convoy was towards Baoqing County. No matter how stupid he was, he still knew the tactics of the division commander.  The intention has been fully exposed. If the delay continues and the opponent completes preparations, it will really turn from a surprise attack to a strong attack.

    Knowing that his whereabouts had definitely been exposed as soon as the convoy passed by, Colonel Asakawa, who did not dare to delay any longer, left a small number of troops to cover the wounded, commanded the rest of the troops to stop resting, and marched towards Baoqing County at a rapid march. If  If he fails to complete the mission of surprise attack on Baoqing County as assigned by the division commander, the division commander will not be able to spare himself.

    Yang Zhen naturally did not think about Colonel Asakawa's thoughts. When the convoy rushed through the Japanese army formation and arrived directly at Baoqing County without making any stops along the way, Yang Zhen saw Peng Shilu waiting for him at the city gate and did not bother to exchange greetings.  , after calling him into the car, he asked directly: "How are you, are you ready to fight?"

    Peng Shilu said quickly: "No. 1, after receiving the telegram from No. 3 last night, we have shrunk all our troops to the county seat, and have begun to use the original defenses to prepare for street fighting. At the same time,  , I have ordered that all the houses facing the street be opened up, holes have been drilled into the walls, and ammunition has been stored at each support point for five days in accordance with wartime standards. "

    In response to Peng Shilu's deployment, Yang Zhen shook his head and opened the map and said: "This won't work. The two regiments cannotIf they are placed in the city, only two battalions can be left in the city at most. Baoqing County is not big and can only accommodate more than one regiment of troops at most. All the troops are concentrated in the county. The density is so high that the Japanese army will not be able to survive after a burst of artillery fire.  How many people are left?  "

    "The total strength of your two regiments is actually only four and a half battalions. Even if you add one of my guard battalions, it is only five and a half battalions. Although the strength is not large, they are all concentrated in a small county town as big as a palm.  , this density is also quite high. Without taking advantage of firepower, how long can it last even if the entire army is exhausted?"

    "Only one regiment is left in the county to defend, and the other regiment relies on the county to fight step by step. You put two companies each in Jiaxinzi and Dongguan, and put the rest of the troops between them as a mobile force. You two  Except for a few infantry artillery companies and the 90th mortar company, the regiment did not have large-caliber artillery. If all the troops were gathered together, the Japanese army would be wasted little by little with artillery fire. "

    "In addition, doesn't the headquarters store a batch of landmines in Baoqing? You have to use all the mines. I remember that Du Kaishan built a lot of defenses outside Baoqing County before the war. You must use them all.  , relying on existing fortifications as much as possible.¡±

    "On my way here, I have already encountered the Japanese advance troops on the Hongshan front line. I don't have much time left for you. You should prepare immediately. You must complete the deployment adjustment before the Japanese advance troops arrive. No matter what,  You must also hold on for at least three days. This is a task assigned to you by the headquarters. "

    "You have to face the main force of the 11th Division this time. The pressure is great. Both the troops and firepower are at an absolute disadvantage. I don't want any promises from you. I can only hope that you can complete the tasks assigned by the headquarters and give  The main force will create opportunities for the next battle.¡±

    Having said this, Yang Zhen raised his head from the map and said with a serious expression: "Let me tell you the truth, your burden this time is quite heavy. You must even be prepared to sacrifice the entire army if necessary. This  The 11th Division did not go as we expected, but took a slanted approach and invaded Baoqing territory alone. To be honest, we were caught off guard. "

    "Originally, according to the headquarters' battle plan, Baoqing County was prepared to abandon the city when necessary in order to disperse the Japanese forces. If in the first stage, the Japanese army divided its troops and went north to capture Baoqing County, not only would we not get angry, but we would be  I'm very happy, because the more dispersed the Japanese troops are, the better it will be for our army."

    "But the current situation is different. The main force of our army is now concentrated on the southern front, and the base area is empty of troops. Once the Japanese army crosses Baoqing County and goes north deep into our base area, it will bring us unimaginable passivity.  The first stage was different. After the 11th Division chose to go north instead of heading west, Baoqing County has now become the center point of the next overall operation. "

    "By guarding Baoqing County and holding back the main force of the 11th Division from heading north, our army's next battle plan can be launched smoothly. Before the main force adjusts its deployment, once Baoqing County is lost, not only will the door to our base be wide open,  And our army will be passive across the board.¡±

    "Although I do not advocate fighting a hard-fought battle to defend the enemy from outside the country, but under the current situation of empty troops in the base area, once the 11th Division is placed inside the base area, our losses will be too great.  The most important thing is that our army will hand over all the initiative gained in the previous bloody battles. In future combat operations, it can only be led by the Japanese army and follow their intentions. "

    "Under the circumstances that other troops have been unable to arrive in time to replace you, and the initiative to maintain the battle must not change hands, we can only pull you up who have been resting and have no combat missions. This is a no-brainer. I hope  You can understand.¡±

    "Sacrifice the local area for the overall situation. Although the headquarters is unwilling to do it, there is no other way at the moment. But don't worry, I will be sitting here these days and will not go there. I will accompany you to stick to these three  sky."

    Hearing Yang Zhen's desperate words and looking at Yang Zhen's serious expression, Peng Shilu said without any hesitation: "No. 1, please rest assured and the head of the headquarters, I will fight to the death at all costs.  A soldier will also complete the tasks assigned by the headquarters."

    "But there is one thing. You must not stay here. The situation is critical and you must leave. Even if we shed the last drop of blood, we will drag the Japanese army in Baoqing County for three days. But No. 1, you are the highest ranking officer in the entire army.  Military commander, your battlefield is not just in Baoqing. I ask you to rest assured that we will resolutely complete the mission, but No. 1, you really can't stay here."

    Hearing Peng Shilu's eager tone, Yang Zhen waved his hand and said: "As I said, I won't go there and will just wait here. You should seize the time to prepare. There won't be too much time left for you. Please keep it constant."  of pre-Prepare the troops and master the rhythm of the battle. If the troops are at a disadvantage, the initiative in the battle can be given to the Japanese army, but the rhythm on the battlefield must be controlled in our hands.  "

    Yang Zhen was resolute, knowing that he could not be persuaded, and Peng Shilu, who had little time left to prepare, had to hurriedly tell the company commander of Yang Zhen's personal guard company and the driver Lao Lin. Don't wait for the city defense to be breached, as long as  Once the two outer frontier positions of Jiaxinzi and Guoshan were lost, No. 1 had to be forcibly sent out even if he was knocked unconscious, and he hurried over to adjust the deployment.
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