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Text Chapter 52 Fairly sensitive intuition

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    Having said this, Toshichi Uemura waved his hand and stopped Colonel Takano Naomitsu from trying to persuade him any more: "Takano-kun, order the troops not to rest after crossing the river, but to march straight into the top line of the four directions at the speed of a forced march.  The opponents still think that we are marching slowly along the Diaolong River, so we will give them a surprise."

    "Tell your troops that after crossing the river, they need to use the squadron as the basis to extend the marching distance. They should put more scouts in front to strengthen a radio station for them. In addition, let the cavalry of the search wing spread out to the left and right wings.  , closely monitor the movements of the left and right wings of the marching group."

    Just when Uemura Toshichi was about to continue his explanation, a sudden burst of gunfire from the west bank of the river completely interrupted his conversation. Along with this sudden burst of gunfire, a burst of gunfire, although not dense, hit the spot.  However, the extremely accurate artillery shells fell on the Japanese troops waiting to cross the river on the east bank of the river.

    The queue that was originally lined up neatly on the east bank of the river, waiting to cross the river, was instantly blown to pieces by artillery shells that hit them all over the face. The shrapnel that shot everywhere mopped up the Japanese troops in pieces, while the troops in the river were marching in a dense formation to the center of the river.  The raft was also smashed into a mess by the shells, and people were turned upside down.

    Since Toshichi Uemura had the most guards around him, the bonfires lit around him were also the largest, and the target was naturally the most obvious. He also had the most shells falling around him. If not for the quick reaction of the guards around him, Lieutenant General Uemura would have been pushed forward.  By allowing him to survive the Guokui River in front of him, Li Mingfeng's hard battle behind him could also be avoided.

    When the sound of artillery subsided, Uemura Toshichi was pushed into the river at a nimble speed by the guards around him. He climbed back to the river bank in a state of embarrassment. He no longer had the so-called general demeanor before and angrily shouted at Kawadai, the first captain of the search team next to him.  The major just gave a loud mouth and said: "Baga, didn't you say that there are no enemy troops on the other side? Could it be that the shells coming from the other side grew out of the ground? That damn captain of yours, call me right away."  He came to me."

    Major Kawadai, who had suffered a terrible disaster, endured the burning pain on his face, pointed at a half-mutilated body on the edge of the river embankment that had been blown up by artillery shells, and said fearfully: "Your Excellency, the division commander,  That¡¯s our captain. I¡¯m afraid he can¡¯t come to see you.¡±

    Major Kawadai, who thought that the division commander would let him go after telling him about the death of the regiment commander, did not expect that the furious division commander turned his head and looked at the corpses on the ground after the bombardment and the mutilated bombs in the river.  The dead body was then slapped with another loud mouth: "Go and find those damn anti-Manchu armed forces for me right away, now, immediately."

    Looking at Lieutenant General Uemura Toshichi who was furious, Major Kawadai, whose face was slapped like a piece of freshly baked bread, did not dare to delay at all, and immediately gathered his two cavalry search squadrons and a combat team who were still on the east bank of the river.  The convoy of vehicles immediately braved the shells fired from the opposite side, looking for a place to ford, and then immediately developed in depth to the other side.

    As soon as they landed, they found that their thoughts were too naive. They originally thought that the other party had not launched any kind of attack, but had only suppressed it with machine gun fire for a few days. They had already built relatively complete field fortifications, and there would be no big event ahead.  The scene in the squadron was even worse than on the east bank of the river.

    The vanguard squadron that had been constructed in the early stage of crossing the river was suppressed by several machine guns firing crossfire and was unable to even lift its head in the fortifications. There were broken limbs and broken arms caused by bullets everywhere in the fortifications. Look,  Looking at the tragic scene in the fortification, Kawadai took a breath of cold air. What kind of machine gun was this? It actually easily penetrated even the sacks filled with soil that formed the fortification.

    Just when Major Kawadai was about to use the few Type 92 cavalry tanks he had brought across the river to cover the leading squadron and launch a desperate attack, at least to find out the opponent's troop configuration, he found that he had spent a lot of time and effort.  With all their strength, they braved the rain of heavy mortar shells from the opponent to cross the river. The light tank, which had been almost invincible on the battlefield in China before, became a key target of attack. It was actually shot by the opponent's machine gun and was killed.  Beat it into a colander.

    Several tanks had just crossed the river and were lost before a single shot was fired. This made Major Kawadai angry and scared. Can the cavalry he brought with him be effective? He really  I can't guarantee it, but when I looked back and thought of the furious look of the division commander, Major Kawadai gritted his teeth and took advantage of the lull in the opponent's firepower to sneak back under the river embankment.

    Leading two cavalry squadrons, they rushed up along the road opened by the leading squadron on the river embankment. The division commander ordered to find out the enemy situation in front of them. However, the opponent had obviously spread out. If he wanted to find out the enemy situation, he could only forcefully  No matter what, you must at least rely on the impact of the cavalry to break through the opponent's first-line defensive position before launching a tentative attack.

    Watching Major Kawadai on the west bank of the river launch an attack with his cavalry, the east bank is now covered inUemura Toshid¨­, who was soaking wet and lying in a miserable state behind the embankment, said to Osaka Takano Naomitsu next to him: "Immediately organize your troops and launch a group attack on the west bank. You must break through the defenders on the other bank before early tomorrow morning."  To defend, I also concentrated all the artillery to suppress the opponent's artillery. "

    Although he escaped the sudden bombardment with his agility, his head was scratched by scattered shrapnel and wrapped like a big cotton ball. At this time, Takano, who was observing the battle situation on the west bank of the river, heard the division commander put down his hand.  Using the telescope, he said to Uemura Toshio next to him: "Your Excellency, division commander, now that the battle has begun, it means that our tactical intentions have been exposed."

    "And judging from the size of the opponent's artillery, which is at least one brigade, we should have met their main force. Do you think we should slow down the march, at least wait until the 50th Regiment approaches, otherwise  According to our strength here, it¡¯s a bit weak.¡±

    "The strength of one brigade of theirs is about 10,000, and they may have more than one brigade in front of us, while we have less than 6,000 here. The main force of our artillery is still on the Diaolong River line. At least we have to wait for the artillery to come over.  We are making plans for the next step, Your Excellency, Division Commander, we cannot repeat the mistakes of the 6th and 12th Divisions."

    Uemura Toshimichi shook his head: "Their main force will not be here. This is my feeling. I don't care whether the intelligence from the military headquarters is true or false, but my intuition is not wrong. This is not the kind of deep mountainous area we are going to reach.  They are all in shallow mountainous terrain and cannot ambush large troops.¡±

    "Judging from their artillery firepower, it is at most the strength of a mountain artillery brigade, plus some heavy mortars. There is no heavy artillery at all. No matter how confused the military field intelligence squadron is, they will not analyze the wrong shells.  Of caliber, so their main force is not here at all.¡±

    "Their main force is not with the 14th Division on the Western Front, but should have secretly moved to the Eastern Front. No, it should be waiting on the Eastern Front for the 11th Division to take over from the 8th Division. The terrain in that area is  It's more suitable for ambushes. As for us, they haven't put the 29th Division in their eyes. In their hearts, the old standing divisions like the 8th and 11th are their real opponents. "

    "They thought they would deceive me by making a feint move with part of their troops to the west. They also underestimated the intelligence of an imperial lieutenant general. Although the pressure on the front and left and right wings of the 14th Division was great, it was still under their control.  Behind them, only a small force of the opponent is active, and judging from the routine report from the military headquarters this morning, their offensive on the western front has gradually begun to weaken since this morning. "

    "The casualties are too large. Are you kidding me? Those losers from the military field intelligence team didn't even know how many troops the opponent has, so they dare to say that the opponent's offensive has weakened because the opponent has suffered too many casualties in previous battles. The opponent has always planned and acted later.  , to lose strength in the middle of a fight is not something such a scheming person would do. "

    "After suffering so many losses, I still remember to eat rather than fight. I still haven't changed my view of underestimating the enemy. Those people in the intelligence department are a bunch of ignorant, arrogant stupid pigs, and they are a bunch of worthless waste.  None of the information that comes down can be trusted, so for now, we can only rely on our own intuition and sense of smell in combat. "

    "Takano-kun, the essence of Bushido is not only about bravery and fearlessness, but also about learning to rely on your own brain to solve problems. Back then, His Excellency Toyotomi Hideyoshi was able to rise from a farmer's family to take charge of the affairs of the Japanese Empire.  The position of General of the Conquest of Yi and Guan Bai cannot be achieved by relying solely on bravery."

    Takano Naomichi was slightly startled when he heard this: "Your Excellency, division commander, why don't you report this analysis to the army commander? If the opponent's main force really moves eastward in secret, wouldn't it be very dangerous in the 11th Division? You still  It would be best to report this situation to the commander of the army, General Shigeichi Hatada.¡±

    Uemura Toshiichi waved his hand and said: "Lieutenant General Namada Juichi has always been overconfident. Without solid information, he will not believe it. Intuition is something that is difficult to convince people. Okay, you have to take it."  Come out with the spirit of a warrior, concentrate your forces, tear apart the opponent's blocking line as quickly as possible, and advance in depth. "

    "At the 50th Regiment, when it's time for them to turn, they will naturally turn around and head north. Your task is to concentrate all the troops you can and break open the opponent's defense line, while our division's task is to detour from the flanks.  , to achieve a breakthrough and threaten the rear of their entire eastern front in order to regain the initiative that we never had in the first place.¡±

    Having said this, Toshimichi Uemura patted Colonel Takano Naomichi on the shoulder and said: "Takano-kun, show your samurai spirit, don't have too many worries, go ahead, don't think too much, and become the Holy Emperor of the Empire.Do your best in this battle. After this battle, I will definitely recommend you to the base camp.  "
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