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Text Chapter 14 The Result of the Artillery Battle

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    Although in addition to strengthening a heavy artillery regiment for the East Aid Detachment, two of the three heavy artillery regiments currently assigned to the Sixth Division were assigned to the military region directly under the first column as soon as the counterattack fire started. The maximum range is up to  Twenty kilometers of 122mm rocket launchers suppressed them tightly and soon died down.

    Except for the occasional remaining cannon that occasionally fired one or two counterattack shells, most of the heavy artillery was either being moved by the busy artillery, or was reduced to parts along with the artillery, but the division survived the artillery fire.  However, the relatively light mountain field artillery belonging to the genus and each regiment showed a high level.

    It's just that the artillery of the Sixth Division was embarrassed to find that although the lethality of the 120mm howitzer they were equipped with was very powerful, this old artillery with a maximum range of only more than 5,000 meters was really no match for the 100mm howitzer and 100mm howitzer in terms of range.  The opponent of the 105 field artillery.

    For the Sixth Division, which mainly comes from poor Minami Kyushu, although it has strong combat effectiveness, it has never been able to find a good person to take care of the middle and upper levels of the Japanese Army, which is heavily nepotistic and dislikes the poor and loves the rich. Finally, a person who acts as a Japanese army came out.  Although the Prime Minister's division commander has a high prestige among lower-level officers, he is very disliked by the upper-level army.

    Although the Sixth Division, which had no one to take care of it, had repeatedly acted as a vanguard and spearhead in the Japanese invasion of China due to its strong combat effectiveness, in terms of replacement of weapons and equipment, compared with other standing divisions, it was not only inferior to the so-called Jade Division, but also the replacement of weapons and equipment.  The first division of the regiment cannot be compared with the second division of the brave division. Even compared with other standing divisions of the Japanese army, they are always a step behind.

    Even the Fourth Division, recognized by the Army as a soft-legged crab, was much better than the Sixth Division when it came to changing equipment because it was cared for by a prince who had been chief of staff for many years. The artillery wing of the Fourth Division was earlier.  It has been replaced with the 91-type 105 field gun and the Taisho 14-year type 105 cannon.

    Originally, when the Sixth Division was transferred to Manchuria, it had been told to equip it with the latest Type 99 Type 105 mountain gun. However, it turned out that the Sixth Division received the Type 38 120mm gun that had long been eliminated by other divisions.  Howitzers are cumbersome and have a range of only more than 5,000 meters. They are old antiques that no one wants.

    Although the base camp has reinstalled 120mm howitzers for two of the four artillery brigades of the Sixth Division Artillery Wing this time, this replacement has made the Sixth Division even more dissatisfied.  , Without him, this kind of antique artillery is not as powerful as the Type 94 mountain artillery and Type 38 field artillery of the two brigades that were transferred.

    Although the commander of the Sixth Division protested, the reply given by the base camp was: "The production of new artillery is slow, and priority must be ensured to ensure the use of main front combat divisions. The Sixth Division is currently being transferred to Manchuria for standby rest and does not need to participate in large-scale participation for the time being.  combat operations, so the new artillery cannot be re-equipped for the Sixth Division for the time being.

    "As for using these artillery now, let's use them first. When the new artillery production reaches a sufficient number, it will not be too late to re-equip the Sixth Division. Although these 120mm howitzers have a shorter range, they are still better than the 75th Mountain Artillery.  It is much more powerful. The Sixth Division will temporarily equip it. If necessary, the base camp will equip it with new artillery before changing. "

    Since being transferred to Manchuria for rest, the division commander Machijiri Yuki saw that the 5th, 10th, and 14th divisions that were also transferred have successively begun to install the new 99-type 105 mountain artillery.  Type 5 field guns, the Sixth Division is also equipped with Type 94 mountain guns and old 38 modified field guns. Several applications were made but they never received a satisfactory answer.

    Before the start of the war, the officers and soldiers of the Sixth Division watched helplessly as they suffered consecutive defeats. Even the division commander was lost. The Fourth Division, which had lost all its artillery that had been reinstalled, once again prioritized the replacement of new artillery pieces.  The 90 field artillery, the 99-type heavy mountain artillery, the 91-type 105 field artillery, and the new type 96 light machine gun were later transferred to the China Expedition Army and transferred out of the Northeast, but I just continued to use this antique.

    After an artillery battle, a brigade of twelve 120mm howitzers, although they tried their best and tried their best, had a range of less than 6,000 meters, but they were still unable to deploy the opponent at a deep range.  The artillery that surpassed his own was suppressed, but he suffered heavy losses in the exchange of fire.

    The artillery battle was only halfway through, and the artillery originally used to suppress the opponent's artillery could only be turned into supporting the infantry. The original suppression task was quickly handed over to the 10th Independent Field Heavy Artillery Regiment, which survived the opponent's artillery coverage.  Fifteen Taisho 4th-year-old 150 howitzers served.

    On the contrary, the Type 38 improved field artillery of the two brigades equipped by the Sixth Division showed their skills, but the number was not large. When covering the remaining troops of the Forty-fifth Regiment and the tanks launching a counterattack, they competed with the First Column.  The brigade artillery fought a wonderful artillery battle.

    It was only at 4 a.m. that the Japanese Sixth Division launched all the surviving artillery and handguns in its concentration.?The remaining artillery shells were used to cover the counter-assault. At seven o'clock in the morning, in order to stabilize the position and cover the infantry and tank troops, they regrouped and reorganized. In just three hours, they fought hard on the Yilan and Boli lines.  The artillery of Laoming's Sixth Division consumed tens of thousands of rounds of artillery shells.

    In addition, Yang Zhen deployed a large number of artillery on the western front to cover the first-line positions and depth of the Japanese Sixth Division and the Fourteenth Division for an hour and a half, as well as the artillery fire from the two Japanese divisions.  .

    In the battle that lasted less than seven hours, both sides went back and forth. Together, not counting the small-caliber infantry artillery, rapid-fire artillery and mortar shells, only the artillery shells with a caliber of more than 75 mm consumed at least 1,000 people.  One hundred thousand rounds, the entire area where the two armies were facing each other, especially the southern mountainous area of ??Yilan where the 6th Division was mainly fighting, averaged more than 30 rounds per square kilometer.

    This artillery battle, which lasted until daybreak, consumed 70% of the artillery shells that Yang Zhen concentrated on sending to the troops on the Western Front, and most of the reserves were destroyed by the opponent's surprise artillery fire.  The artillery of the two divisions of the Japanese army had not only fired all the artillery shells with a caliber of more than 75 mm, but also all the Type 92 infantry artillery shells and mortar shells of various calibers.

    At dawn, in Yilan, the main battlefield where the artillery battle took place, the commanders of both sides, Wang Guangyu and Machijiri Liangji, unanimously did the same thing, which was to apply for artillery shells from the rear, and they also added more and more shells.  The four words "better" are better.

    And an infantry brigade and a cavalry brigade of the Puppet Manchu Army serving as reconnaissance and security on the flanks of the Sixth Division saw this fierce artillery battle that was thrilling and terrifying.

    Especially after seeing that the Japanese army, a powerful and invincible friendly force in their eyes, was covered by artillery fire, there were piles of human body parts that could no longer be pieced together. Facing the attacking regiment of the 2nd Column and 5th Brigade, they were  The frightened puppet Manchukuo army, led by a major general brigade commander and a brigade chief of staff, did not hesitate to kill or tie up the Japanese officers in the army, and surrendered without firing a shot.

    These two brigades were stuck on the Sixth Division's march west to reinforce the Tenth Division. It didn't matter that the Puppet Manchu Army surrendered, but they intercepted the Japanese Thirteenth Regiment, which was locked in a bitter battle with Li Mingfeng's troops on the front line of Daqing Mountain in Boli.  The only way to retreat westward.

    The deputy commander of the fifth brigade, He Zhishan, who commanded the fifth brigade and one regiment to launch an assault on the flank of the sixth division, did not care about these more than 4,000 puppet Manchukuo troops, leaving only one company to command two brigades of puppet Manchukuo troops.  The brigade disarmed, designated a staging area, and allowed themselves to move to the rear to find men to surrender, then turned around and pounced on the flank of the Sixth Division.

    The two puppet Manchukuo troops surrendered without a fight. The entire right wing of the Sixth Division was completely opened and suffered heavy losses in the bombardment. A reinforced regiment was entangled by Li Mingfeng on the way to the western aid and was unable to advance or retreat, while the Tenth Division was unable to advance or retreat.  Not to mention that the troops transferred by the Fourth Division have not been able to fully take over the defense. With the main force unable to protect itself, only two infantry brigades were left, and the rest all returned to Founder's territory.

    After receiving the report that the Manchukuo army on the flank had rebelled and that his right-wing defense line had been completely opened, Machijiri Yuuki, who had no troops to send, could only mobilize two infantry squadrons from the front, plus the division, even if he was reluctant.  The guard squadrons, as well as the last two and a half squadrons on hand as reserves, were all committed to the flanks.

    After the only reserve team in hand was dispatched, in order to ensure that he had a reserve team that could respond to emergencies, Machijiri Ryouki used the officers from the division headquarters as the basis, plus the grooms from the division headquarters and those who had fired all the artillery shells.  The artillerymen and even their own adjutants were sent out. Those who had guns were issued with guns. When the guns glowed, each man used two grenades, and a temporary infantry brigade was barely cobbled together.

    There was only one and a half regiments of the Sixth Division left. Although the resistance was still fierce, with support from the left and right, especially in the repeated battles, it gradually drained its blood, and the fight continued until the afternoon.  At four o'clock, the situation was gradually showing signs of decline. Although the aviation force that was urgently transferred by Namada Juichi wanted to do its best to support, the two armies on the ground were too entangled.

    The Japanese aviation force was helpless. Although it dispatched a rare large formation, it could only carry out deep bombing on Yang Zhen's headquarters. It had a limited effect on the front-line battle. It only cut off the logistical supplies of the front-line troops. It could not play a big role in the aviation force.  Under the influence of the situation, Lieutenant General Machijiri Yuki, who was passive, put all his hopes on the tank regiment assigned to him.

    Among the four tank regiments assigned to him, the fifth tank regiment was assigned to the 13th regiment and the 10th Eastern Aid Division, but it was entangled in the front line of Daqingshan and could not return at all.

    As the fourth tank regiment at the front of the assembly area and within the best range of the opponent's heavy artillery was hit by the opponent's firepower and was disabled, he could only place all his hopes on barely holding on.  The completed tenth tank regimentThe Ninth Regiment has more than ten tanks left. Taken together, the remaining tanks are less than 60 in the two tank regiments.

    Although Lieutenant General Machijiri Yuki devoted all the strength of the 43rd Regiment to the counterattack, and all the men who could hold guns in the Engineer Regiment, even the Baggage Regiment, which suffered the most heavy losses in the bombardment, was involved in the counterattack.  The remaining more than a hundred people, together with the division's cremation team, devoted themselves to the attack.

    Although he could not hold on after only fighting for a whole morning, Machijiri Yuki knew that the 6th Division, which had been basically depleted of its strength, would be unable to restore its original situation with its existing strength before the troops from the east aid returned.  , we are lucky to be able to barely maintain the current defense line.

    But he also understood that if the Sixth Division, which had used up all its artillery shells and lost all heavy weapon support, stopped to counterattack, it would only be pressed harder and harder by its opponents after dark. If it lost its room for maneuver, the Sixth Division would  All we can do is sit back and wait for death.

    When the opponent's aviation forces stop their activities after dark, those heavy artillery that inflicted heavy damage on them in the early morning will definitely become active again. With no room for maneuver and heavy fire support, can the Sixth Division, which can only rely on simple field fortifications, stop it?  If you can withstand the firepower of the opponent's heavy artillery, then there are two things to say.

    Fighting against the opponent, firstly, can delay the deterioration of the war situation and buy time for the arrival of reinforcements. Secondly, it is currently the only effective way to avoid damage from the opponent's artillery fire. Therefore, even if he is reluctant, Machijiri Yuuki can only bite the bullet and attack  The battle continues.
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