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Text Chapter 5 The Blindly Optimistic Japanese Army

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    Compared with Yang Zhen's calmness, Umezu Yoshijiro was much more upset after receiving the telegram from the base camp. After half a year of preparations, the Kwantung Army finally waited until the fifth, sixth and tenth divisions were organized.  , the newly formed 28th, 29th, and 57th divisions arrived, as well as a large number of tanks, heavy artillery and other new forces.

    When these troops were ready to march north with all their strength, the result of the base camp was good. At the most critical moment, an entire division was transferred at once. It would have been fine if you had transferred other divisions, but it didn't happen  The fifth division stationed at the forefront and responsible for the main offensive mission on the Eastern Front in the planned plan was transferred. This almost made Umezu Meijiro furious.

    It doesn¡¯t matter that the Ninth Division that was originally promised has not seen its shadow until now. After all, the Sixth Division that has made up for the leak is a bit inferior in terms of heavy firepower equipment, but its combat effectiveness is still higher than that of the Ninth Division. With this  The Sixth Division is known as the most powerful in the Japanese army in terms of combat effectiveness, and Umezu Yoshijiro is quite satisfied.

    Thanks to the senior figures in the domestic military who dislike the poor and love the rich, although the combat effectiveness is one of the best in the entire army, on par with the Second Division, the Sixth Division was born in relatively poor places such as Kumamoto and Kagoshima.  It does not attract favors from those high-ranking officials, but the allocation of heavy equipment has never been comparable to that of the 2nd and 5th divisions. Every time they go into battle, the vanguard is always the first.

    But its heavy equipment configuration is far inferior to that of the Fourth Division. The cavalry wing of the Fourth Division has been changed to a search wing, and the cavalry has begun to use tanks to replace it, while the Sixth Division  The regiment is still composed of a cavalry regiment, and there is still no combat vehicle. Although there are some differences in heavy equipment, the combat effectiveness of the Sixth Division is definitely first-class.

    Compared with the delay in incorporating the Ninth Division into the establishment, Umezu Yoshijiro was quite satisfied with the allocation of the Sixth Division to the Kwantung Army. In addition, the Tenth Division and the Fifth Division, whose base camp was to be on standby in Manchuria, were also temporarily deployed.  Allocated to the Kwantung Army, Umezu Yoshijiro was very hesitant and satisfied, and prepared to wipe out the bandits that brought trouble to Manchuria in one fell swoop.

    Although the Fifth Division was semi-disabled by the Chinese government forces last year and came to Manchuria to recuperate, it is, after all, the first mixed infantry, artillery and chariot division of the Japanese army, and its combat effectiveness is definitely the best among the best.  Otherwise, it would not have been possible to cripple the Chinese government's ace Fifth Army with the strength of a brigade.

    In order to restore the combat effectiveness of the Fifth Division as soon as possible, Umezu Yoshijiro took great pains. After asking for instructions from the base camp, he integrated an entire independent garrison into the Fifth Division as a supplementary force. He thought that when he was making final preparations, the third  The fifth division was transferred away.

    You have worked so hard, but in the end it was all in vain. Not to mention the joy, during the final preparations, a main division was transferred away. This is like you are having fun with a beautiful woman, but at the most critical moment, this beautiful woman is  Being snatched away by others, leave yourself alone.

    This result made the performance of Umezu Yoshijiro, who always regarded himself as calm, even more hysterical than last autumn after the rare defeat since the formation of the Japanese army. The unwilling Umezu Yoshijiro sent several telegrams to the base camp, repeatedly requesting that either the Fifth Division be moved  The regiment will stay, or the Kwantung Army will be replenished with a division within a month.

    Fortunately, the base camp did not do everything right, and promised him that within a month, the Ninth Division, which was originally transferred to the Kwantung Army as planned, but was transferred back to the country, would be reintegrated into the Kwantung Army's establishment, and it was originally only on standby in Manchuria.  Nominally, the 14th Division, which was not officially assigned to the Kwantung Army, was also officially assigned to the Kwantung Army.

    The compromise at the base camp made Umezu Yoshijiro feel a little better, but it was a relief. The Ninth Division can still have a holiday in Japan. When it is gathered together, it will arrive in Dalian by boat, and then reach the war zone via the Zhongchang Railway and Binsui Railway.  It will take at least a month, which is still fast. If it is slower, there is no telling when it will arrive in the war zone.

    In desperation, Umezu Yoshijiro had to push up the Eighth Division, which was originally stationed in the Muleng area and was responsible for the frontline support of Baoqing and the second-line support of the Manchu-Soviet border in Dongning, to replace the Fifth Division, which had begun to concentrate and surrender its positions.  Regiment, as for the Muling area, the 38th Regiment of the 29th Division and the 1st section of the 50th Regiment were transferred to take over.

    Due to the temporary transfer of the Fifth Division, the entire deployment was disrupted. In desperation, Umezu Yoshijiro could only postpone the original plan to launch the attack in late May after all the required ammunition was delivered to June 2.  , A single move affects the whole body. The Fifth Division was transferred away. It takes time to adjust the deployment. It also takes time to assemble and mobilize the Eighth Division.

    Umezu Yoshijiro was indeed quite unhappy about the fifth division being transferred away before the war started, but as Yang Zhen guessed, he never thought that Yang Zhen would dare to attack him first, because the information reported from the intelligence department  Information comingLook, although Yang Zhen's bandits are rampant, their military strength is limited.

    There are only six field brigades, plus its messy so-called military division cadre regiments, independent county brigade and other local miscellaneous armed forces, and a production and construction corps that is armed with a group of farmers. In the eyes of the Kwantung Army, in addition to that  Except for the six field brigades and a few key regiments, the rest of Yang Zhen's troops were purely a ragtag group.

    The six field brigades, even if each brigade has 10,000 people, add up to only 60,000 troops. According to the strength of the five divisions of the imperial army on the front line at this time, the total number of troops is greatly exceeded. Although  The 11th Division is only used as a reserve force. The 5th Division is defending the border with the 8th Division and will be transferred out. However, this time the Imperial Army still has the advantage in strength.

    For this campaign, not counting the 11th, 12th and 29th divisions behind him, he had four divisions with more than 80,000 troops concentrated on the front line alone. This total number of troops was not enough to deal with equipment far away.  Not as good as our 60,000-strong bandit army, with planes at the top and tanks and heavy artillery support at the bottom. As long as we strictly implement our front-line push and the tactics of various divisions supporting each other, we should be able to turn this group of bandits into almost a shame for us.  Annihilate it with one sentence.

    Due to the strict confidentiality of both parties during the delivery process, and the fact that no troops were distributed after receipt, all the troops were stored in several secret warehouses, and all artillery units still used the captured Japanese equipment for training, making the equipment of the artillery units directly under each field brigade visible.  Due to the massive expansion, it appears that there are only four mountain field guns.

    As for the heavy artillery brigade that was upgraded from the original heavy artillery battalion, its equipment is still the twelve Taisho four-year-old 150 howitzers. More people have completed the training and become unarmed artillerymen without equipment. One is only equipped with  A brigade armed with twelve cannons, this is a frightening farce in the eyes of any country

    These illusions deliberately created by Yang Zhen not only confused his subordinates, but also successfully concealed the knowledge of the Kwantung Army's intelligence department, which was known to be all-pervasive, causing Yang Zhen to be exposed from the Kwantung Army headquarters down to each participating division.  A large number of Polish-made weapons and equipment were obtained from Jiangbei, especially the huge number of artillery, which is still unknown.

    The Kwantung Army's impression of the heavy firepower of Yang Zhen's unit was still at the end of last autumn's campaign. Although they all admitted that in the battle with the Imperial Army, these ruthless bandits should have captured a lot of the Imperial Army's standard weapons and equipment, especially artillery.  , but due to its own lack of production capacity and relying solely on seizures, the number of heavy equipment is definitely limited.

    This is because the Imperial Army is not a Chinese army that can throw away anything in order to escape. Brand-new German mountain cannons can be thrown on the roadside without causing any damage. The Imperial Army has always had the habit of destroying its own weapons and equipment when defeated. Although it was defeated last year,  The battle was defeated, but they would never be allowed to capture many weapons, especially heavy equipment.

    The artillery with only four mountain field guns can also be called a battalion. This organization of Yang Zhen's army made the Japanese army laugh. Although it was known that Yang Zhen's army had an arsenal, the Japanese army leaders still believed that this arsenal could only produce a few  Don't even think about light weapons or heavy weapons. Making a cannon is not something you can do with just a steel pipe.

    Although I have tried my best, I have never figured out what the opponent's strange artillery is. However, previous battles have shown that the opponent's power is so powerful. It is likely that the number of new artillery provided by Jiangbei is not large, and the imperial army has  Aircraft can effectively suppress this artillery.

    There is a huge gap in equipment, and the front-line troops now have four heavy artillery regiments and two independent field heavy artillery brigades. In addition to more than 200 large-caliber field howitzers and cannons, there are also four tanks.  wing, and a large number of aviation units.

    With such powerful weapons and equipment, coupled with the concentrated strength of the Imperial Army and the excellent military quality of the Imperial Army itself, it is impossible for the opponent to launch an attack on their own initiative unless they are dizzy and seeking death. This attack is still in the final preparation stage.  The Japanese army is full of blind optimism.

    With this idea in mind almost from top to bottom, and in order to switch to the offensive as soon as possible, almost all the Japanese front-line troops were deployed in an offensive posture. All artillery positions, tank assembly areas, and large tanks were deployed in an offensive posture.  Some troops almost did not build strong fire shelters, and were all exposed to simple field fortifications.

    A large amount of ammunition, food, gasoline and other materials were not built in any hidden warehouses. They were piled carelessly on the spot in a relatively hidden and open place. They were just covered with tarpaulins. The large number of cars transporting materials back and forth were  These so-called hiding places have already been completely exposed.

    Although the security can be said to be strict, these security measures are only used to prevent man-made destruction. The main defense is just a few barbed wire fences plus some security forces and wolf dogs. For the opponent,The Japanese army was not prepared at all for the possible fire attack.

    Because in the view of the commanders of the Japanese divisions at the front, the opponent's firepower, let alone heavy firepower, was scarce. Even if it had, with their aviation force bombing the opponent's forward positions several times almost every day, the opponent's limited artillery would not be able to target them.  They pose a threat to themselves, not to mention that the locations of these ammunition storage points are basically outside the range of the opponent's hill cannons.

    They don't have long-range large-caliber artillery, and they don't have aviation. Even if they know their ammunition and material storage points, they are helpless. They have no means to threaten these materials, because their Qiwu Mountain field artillery with a maximum range of only a few thousand meters is a shooting weapon.  Those who cannot reach these ammunition and material storage points.

    If we talk about attaching great importance to Yang Zhen's troops, the Kwantung Army focused more on tactics, but still underestimated the enemy ideologically, especially when its own firepower had an absolute advantage.  The campaign was full of optimism.

    I believe that this time there will be a large number of heavy artillery and tanks to assist, and the strength of four divisions will once again be concentrated. No way, I have the advantage in both strength and firepower. When facing an opponent trapped in a small area, I will definitely be as good as in the pass.  It's the same on the battlefield, it's devastating.
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