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Text Chapter 789: This time, that time

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    Seeing the ruins of the Aershan Railway Station, and the tragic situation in the entire Aershan area even above the 23rd Division, Lieutenant General Kanji Nishihara went to the Aershan front line to replenish supplies, and then took a train along the Bai'a  The hope of the railway withdrawing southward to Wangye Temple was completely shattered.

    Even the idea of ??replenishing supplies in the Aershan region was out of reach. Nearly 10,000 tons of grain reserves in two large Japanese military grain storage warehouses in the Aershan region were sent to the sky together with the storage warehouses. Of course, the sorghum eaten by the Manchus and workers was  There are still some grains such as rice and acorn noodles, but these pig foods, which are only suitable for low-class Chinese people, are the foods that the soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Empire should eat.

    When he saw the seriously injured Aershan garrison captain wrapped like a rice dumpling, Nishihara Kanji learned that not only the Aershan Railway Station was destroyed in the air raid, but even the north of the Bai'a Railway Prince Temple was seriously damaged.  , almost all railway lines have been paralyzed, and even the Nanxing'an Tunnel, an important hub of the Bai-A Railway, was collapsed.

    The hope of railway transportation was shattered, and the hope of getting some supplies was also in vain. Although there were fortifications in the so-called border fortification area of ??Aershan to rely on, and the surrounding Aershan was surrounded by the mountains of the Greater Khingan Mountains with dense vegetation,  Compared with the naked and endless Hulunbuir prairie, at least there is no need to be exposed to broad daylight and bombed.

    But what Aershan saw in front of him was undoubtedly a bigger blow to the morale of the 23rd Division, which had already dropped to the bottom. The supplies had been completely cut off, and the little food on hand was almost impossible to support their retreat.  When they arrived at Wangye Temple, the 23rd Division, which had very little ammunition left, was really in a desperate situation.

    Although under normal combat conditions, even if food is cut off, it is not a difficult matter for the Japanese army, which has always been robbing. They can requisition the surrounding people on the spot, that is, rob them, but that is  Refers to fighting in densely populated areas.

    The problem now is that to the west of the Aershan line is the sparsely populated Mongolian grassland, to the west is the so-called Mongolian territory, and to the east is the vast Xing'an Mountains. There are not many living people left around the railway line, let alone others.  Even if the 23rd Division wanted to collect food on the spot, it could not collect food.

    Without food, how can they walk the remaining hundreds of kilometers? Even if the Japanese soldiers can survive the hardships, whether they can sustain their physical strength without food supplements is an unsolvable problem, especially from Aershan to  South, almost all marching in the mountains.

    Although the dilapidated condition of Aershan disappointed Kanji Nishihara and Sadao Chida, the dilapidated Aershan brought an unexpected benefit to Kanji Nishihara, which was to use the wired communication lines here to  After struggling until early the next morning, Nishihara Kanji finally contacted the Kwantung Army headquarters.

    The person who answered the phone was Kwantung Army Chief of Staff Kimura Hy身taro, who was preparing for the handover. Hearing the number of casualties reported by Nishihara Kanji on the phone, Kimura Hy身taro was also surprised. Including the attached troops, the number of troops reached 27,000.  In addition to the 3,000 people of the remaining 23rd Division who were wiped out in the battle of Yakeshi, nearly 10,000 people were killed or missing during the hundreds of kilometers of retreat.

    In other words, only half of the current 23rd Division, including the 8th Border Guard Corps and other miscellaneous attached troops, are left. For the 23rd Division's retreat distance, this is  We have only gone less than half way. If we continue at this rate of casualties, how many people will be left in the 23rd Division by the time we reach Wangye Temple?

    As for the Aershan area that is now covered by dense vegetation and a considerable amount of permanent fortifications, although it is temporarily out of danger, supplies are close to being cut off. The interruption of the Baia-A railway line makes it impossible for the Kwantung Army headquarters, which lacks trucks, to provide it.  supply.

    Although the Kwantung Army urgently mobilized several railway squadrons on the first day of the bombing to repair the Bai-A Railway, which had been damaged in many places by the bombing, the more than 200 kilometers of railway lines north of the Guiliu River were almost completely paralyzed.  So easy to repair, not to mention that almost all the bridges and tunnels were blown up.

    In particular, the Nanxing'an Tunnel, which is more than 3,000 meters long, was blown up. It will take at least half a month to complete the repair just by transporting the earth and stone. Besides, you have just repaired a section here after working hard all night, and the anti-league aircraft over there  The next day, all the overnight efforts of these railway squadrons were in vain.

    Under repeated air raids by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, three days have passed. The Kwantung Army has not been able to repair even one kilometer of its railway that was destroyed. Not only is the progress slow, but several railway squadrons have been injured or killed in the air raids by the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  It's not that serious. If we had just waited for the Bai-A Railway to be fully repaired and reopened to traffic, I am afraid that the entire 23rd Division would have starved to death in the high mountains of the Greater Khingan Mountains.

    Facing the current situation, we are helplessKimura Hy身taro, who was in trouble, could only encourage Kanji Nishihara on the phone, asking him to carry forward the hard-working spirit of the imperial army in the so-called Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War, and insist on seizing the time to retreat to the front line of Wangye Temple. At the same time, he said  The Kwantung Army will go all out and use all necessary means to replenish supplies for the 23rd Division.

    However, Kimura Hy身taro also tactfully told Lieutenant General Nishihara Kanji on the phone that since the air control is currently in the hands of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, before all the railways have been repaired, the supplies that the Kwantung Army can provide to the 23rd Division are extremely high.  It is limited and mainly requires the 23rd Division to find ways to raise funds on the spot.

    In addition, Kimura Hy身taro also told Nishihara Kanji on the phone that the 23rd Division currently wants to withdraw to the Wangye Temple front line, so I'm sorry to have to rely on your own two legs. As for railway transportation, don't stop  I'm counting on it. If you all evacuate to Xinjing, the Bai-A Railway, which is currently severely damaged, may not be repairable.

    Kimura Hy身taro's answer made Nishihara Kanji, who had been greatly relieved because he finally got in touch with the Kwantung Army headquarters, as if a basin of cold water had been poured from his head to his feet in 39 days, from Aershan to Wangye Temple,  There are still nearly 200 kilometers to go. Without railway transportation, if there is no supply, how will the 23rd Division go the rest of the way.

    Putting down the phone, Nishihara Kanji looked at the mountains around Aershan with a wry smile, but he could only shake his head and sigh, and raised money on the spot. The Kwantung Army Headquarters really stood up and talked without pain. This place is vast and sparsely populated, and the surrounding area is dozens of kilometers away.  Apart from the mountains and forests, there is not even a single person to be seen, so how can we raise money on the spot.

    Do they think that this sparsely populated West Manchuria is the same as the densely populated battlefield in China? Even if they can't get rice and flour, they will still have no problem if they can get enough food for these people for a few days. There are mountains and forests everywhere around here.  Go there and raise money on the spot.

    If the food reserves in the Aershan region had not been blown up, Lieutenant General Kanji Nishihara would naturally not have to worry about the supplies of these more than 10,000 people. Aershan is less than 200 kilometers away from the Nomonhan area where the Japanese-Soviet conflict last broke out.  It was an important material reserve for the Kwantung Army preparing to fight against the Soviet Union and Mongolia.

    Not only did a border fortification area with a large number of permanent and semi-permanent fortifications be built here, but a large number of secret warehouses were also built to supplement food, ammunition and other materials for the front line during wartime.  Compared with other large and small warehouses that were originally densely populated in the northern Manchuria area, it can sustain the consumption of two divisions for a month's combat.

    Naturally, the average Japanese officers and soldiers did not know about these situations, but as the commander of the 23rd Division responsible for the defense of the entire Western Manchuria from Manchuria in the north to Linxi in the south against the Soviet Union, Nishihara Kanji was aware of this. This is why he agreed with Chida  Major General Sadao and Colonel Chuanwu Xiongren ignored the suggestions of the Anti-Japanese Alliance air raids and rushed to the Aershan front line.

    In addition to the fortification area here, which allows the 23rd Division to temporarily rest and recuperate, there is also a large amount of food reserves here, which allows the 23rd Division to replenish the already empty supplies, but now everything here  It has become a bubble. Except for some ammunition warehouses that survived because they were built in caves, there is nothing left. Everything was blown up.

    But what's the use of just having ammunition? Without supplies, those bullets can be used as food to fill the hungry soldiers' bellies. Without supplies, it's useless no matter how much ammunition there is. If the supplies can't be replenished within two days, two  The Thirteenth Division was all out of food. Without food, once the Anti-Japanese Alliance pursued them, what else would the soldiers do to maintain their combat effectiveness?

    In a house that was temporarily requisitioned as the division headquarters in the Aershan mining area by Nishihara Kanji, because the Kwantung Army headquarters did nothing to alleviate its current situation and was cursing his mother, he asked the twenty-three who were currently short of food and clothing.  An even more unfortunate news came for the division.

    Less than a day after they arrived in Aershan, and before the 23rd Division could recover, traces of the activities of the anti-alliance forward troops were discovered outside Aershan. These small reconnaissance troops had already penetrated into Aershan.  The outer line of Bailang and Suhu River.

    After receiving the report from the peripheral security forces, Nishihara Kanji couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, shook his head and said to Chida Sadao: "These people came so fast. Their deployment is equivalent to cutting off our army's eastward and southward march.  The passage is clearly meant to trap us in the Aershan line. "

    "The Imperial Army soldiers are not afraid of fighting a siege, and there are ready-made fortifications in the Aershan area that can be used. But for us now, the most difficult thing is supplies. Without food, we will starve to death even if we don't fight.  Now that we are here, even if we want to break out, the Imperial soldiers will be so hungry that they won*t even have the strength to stand up, and they won*t be able to run even if they want to.§

    Hearing Nishihara Kanji*s words, compared toKanji Nishihara, who had just been transferred to the Kwantung Army for only two months, and Sadao Chida, who was obviously more familiar with the Kwantung Army's fight against the Allied Qing Dynasty in recent years, could only shake his head and smile bitterly, which was true to the old Chinese saying of "this moment, that moment."  .

    In these years, the Kwantung Army has been chasing the Anti-Japanese Alliance. They are hungry and cold every day. Those who are worried about food and clothing are those who are forced by the Kwantung Army to hide in the mountains and old forests. Now it happens that everything is reversed. Now it is the turn of the Imperial soldiers to fight for  I worry about when to eat my next meal.
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