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Text Chapter 784: Aerial Strangulation Battle

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    After burying all the dead compatriots in Hailar, Yang Zhen led all the officers and soldiers in Hailar to stand neatly in front of the cemetery. Looking at the large cemetery in front of him where the innocent compatriots who died tragically under the knife of the Japanese army were buried, he said to him with a serious expression.  A standard military salute was given at the cemetery.

    Behind him, all the participating officers and soldiers raised their guns and fired three shots into the sky according to Wang Guangyu's order.  I would like to say my final farewell to all the fellow villagers who died.  Although no one shouted any slogans, the expressions on their faces were faintly murderous.

    Here, Yang Zhen is leading all the troops who have rushed to the front line of Hailar to bury the fallen compatriots. Over there, he is leading the main force of the 23rd Division and the Japanese overseas Chinese who have settled in Hailar. The Japanese troops are retreating hastily towards Wangye Temple and Tao'an.  The commander of the 23rd Division, Lieutenant General Nishihara Kanji, was currently in a forest 35 kilometers north of Aershan, facing the division's chief of staff, Gore Kawago, and Senior Adjutant Tachibana.  Lieutenant Colonel Keiichi cursed loudly.

    After receiving Yang Zhen¡¯s order to carry out an air strangulation battle against the 23rd Division retreating south at all costs.  The anti-alliance aviation force was almost all elite.  All the aviation brigades that had formed combat effectiveness had just returned from studying in Jiangbei and rushed to Qiqihar in person to take command. Under the personal command of the aviation commander Fang Ziyi, they took turns taking off for combat.

    All kinds of bombs in the arsenal, except for the top-secret No. 1 special bomb, which was not used, including the special No. 3 bomb that had just left the factory and the air-to-ground rocket modified based on the 107 rocket, were all taken out.  .  One is to inflict maximum damage to the Japanese army, and the other is to test the actual combat effectiveness of these two new bombs.

    The overwhelming deployment of the Anti-Alliance aviation force was undoubtedly painful for the 23rd Division's retreat.  These new bombs, coupled with almost round-the-clock air strikes, turned the retreat of the 23rd Division into a nightmare journey to hell.  For the 23rd Division, this aerial strangulation battle was well-deserved.

    At this time, Lieutenant General Nishihara Kanji, whose military uniform was stained with mud, still had the samurai demeanor that he said an army lieutenant general should have.  Kanji Nishihara, who had just been risked by guards and carried him here from a road that was being bombed and strafed by enemy planes to hide, was now in an extreme state of embarrassment.  Facing the troops that suffered heavy casualties and were once again bombed by enemy planes, Nishihara Kanji was extremely angry towards his two subordinates.

    "If it weren't for the two bastards who indulged the division's two audacious combat advisers and issued orders to massacre the city of Hyrule in their own names, why would the 23rd Division retreat so passively?  Seeing the large number of planes flying above his head almost every day since the second day out of Hylar, and the heavy casualties suffered by the troops under the air strikes of these planes, Nishihara Kanji had the desire to kill these two bastards.

    These relentless planes, with intervals of less than half an hour, dropped a wide variety of bombs every time, as well as those extremely powerful incendiary bombs, as well as a storm of bullets, and they harvested dozens, or even nearly 1,000 people.  The anti-Japanese aircraft that saved the lives of one hundred officers and soldiers of the 23rd Division.  The retreat of the 23rd Division turned into a true disaster.

    Under the indiscriminate bombing by the Anti-Japanese Alliance planes, I no longer wanted to ride in my high-end car.  He, Lieutenant General Kanji Nishihara, was not that stupid. He took a car to an obvious target while enemy planes were chasing his butt and bombing him.  It was thrown away shortly after leaving Hyrule.

    Not only the car owned by him, the distinguished commander of the division, but also most of the artillery, tanks, and cars in the 23rd Division were either lost along the way or were destroyed by the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  plane was blown up.  Even the expatriates and the wounded were lost along the way.  Almost all the old, weak, women and children among the immigrants were lost.

    A chariot regiment attached to the 23rd Division, except for those on the Yakeshi front line.  The only 13 latest Type 97 tanks that were brought out were originally used to cover the rear when necessary. Except for three of them, which were abandoned due to malfunctions and fuel problems, the rest were all destroyed in air raids.  .

    And those wounded in the air raid were completely lost.  Whether it is an officer or a soldier, as long as he is injured during retreat, if the injury affects the march, the only result is to send a grenade or have his comrades fire a shot.  Because no one believed that these seriously injured people would be evacuated safely under such a severe situation.

    As for the corpses of a large number of horses and people killed by planes on both sides of the highway from Manzhouli to Wangye Temple, no one would stop to bury them.  Or according to the Japanese tradition, the corpses were cremated and taken away.  For all the officers and soldiers of the 23rd Division, leaving this retreat road that has become a hell as soon as possible and escaping from this nightmare is the most urgent thing in their hearts.

    After every air raid, no one dared to stop to bury or cremate the corpses.?.  Because the next wave of air strikes may come within half an hour or within fifteen minutes.  The intensity of the anti-alliance air raids was so high that the time interval was not even enough for them to dig a hole and bury the dead.

    ¡°And for the retreating Japanese 23rd Division, it was difficult for them to find a place where they could safely bury or cremate their dead officers and soldiers on both sides of the retreat route that was now covered with mines.  Unless they are willing to risk their own lives.

    While the aviation forces of the Anti-Japanese Alliance carried out uninterrupted air attacks on the troops of the 23rd Division retreating south, they also used transport aircraft under the cover of fighter jets to airdrop a large number of various mines on the 23rd Division's southward retreat route.  The large number and variety of landmines dropped by the air had almost overwhelmed the 23rd Division, which was a little nervous with the variety of bombs dropped by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and even reached the point where every tree and grass were covered with soldiers.

    The highway is the main target of enemy air strikes. If you hide here and don't move, you can only stare and wait to be bombed or be cremated directly on the spot by an extremely painful incendiary bomb.  But if you dodge to both sides of the road, you can't avoid the landmines dropped by planes.

    A considerable number of officers and soldiers were killed or injured not in air raids, but on these landmines when they lay down to avoid air raids.  Compared with the pleasant death caused by some air strikes, these landmines brought greater pain to the officers and soldiers of the 23rd Division.  Because in this kind of action that was close to a semi-rout, being injured meant the end of life.

    "Compared with being hit by a bomb or being cremated on the spot by an incendiary bomb, most of these landmines can only break a person's legs or jump up and explode at the waist.  Let most of the officers and soldiers who were injured or killed as a result have to suffer even more pain before the emergency.  The tragic situation of other people around them being killed and injured by these weird landmines made many officers and soldiers would rather stand on the road and be bombed than leave the road to find cover.

    Among the weapons thrown by the Anti-Japanese Alliance on this road to kill the Japanese army, in addition to the horrifying new incendiary bombs that could not be extinguished even with soil, and the landmines that made the Japanese officers and soldiers miserable, the Anti-Japanese Alliance also used them after the air raid.  Two new types of explosive bombs were also used, which the Japanese army had never seen before.

    A large number of small bombs of several kilograms are bundled in ammunition boxes hanging on both sides of the wings of the aircraft, and the aircraft's dive inertia is used to eject these small bombs.  Or drop the ammunition box directly from the sky, and a large number of small bombs will be scattered in the ammunition box that explodes at a certain height.

    Although the individual lethality of this kind of spherical bomb is not as good as that of large-tonnage bombs, for marching columns, due to the wide distribution of the terrifying bomb rain it creates, its lethality is even higher than that of large bombs.  Often after a plane passes, corpses litter the ground.

    And many of these bombs are often delayed explosions, so it seems that there is no problem.  But when the troops began to pass, they didn't know when the explosion would occur.  People hit by such bombs may not die on the spot, but like landmines, they can directly make you suffer for the rest of your life.

    There is also a kind of flying bomb that spits fire from the back of the tail and can be launched directly from under the wing.  The accuracy and lethality far exceed that of ordinary small bombs.  For the marching troops, especially the convoys, it can be described as super terrifying.  Moreover, even fighter jets can mount this kind of bomb with fire coming from the back.

    This kind of flying bomb that spits fire from behind is even more of a nightmare for the anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft machine gun positions used to cover the marching columns.  Originally facing the opponent's air attack, the 23rd Division's anti-aircraft artillery unit, equipped with 25mm anti-aircraft guns and 13mm anti-aircraft machine guns, coupled with a large number of temporarily organized Type 92 heavy machine guns that fired against the air, tried to  Use the weapons on hand that the Japanese army has always been proud of to stop the air attacks of these hateful planes on the 23rd Division.

    But they didn¡¯t expect that in just two days, they would be defeated by the opponent¡¯s various air strikes.  After three days of air strikes, almost none of the 23rd Division's anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns, which were originally equipped with a small number, were spared in the air combat.  Most of the anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns were destroyed in the air combat.

    Especially those bombs that can spit fire from the back and fly by themselves. Almost 70% of the air defense troops of the 23rd Division were lost to these bombs.  Even on the third day, facing the opponent's air attack, the few remaining anti-aircraft machine guns and one anti-aircraft gun did not dare to fire at all.  He was afraid that as soon as he fired, he would suffer a more serious and overwhelming blow from his opponent.

    Lieutenant General Kanji Nishihara, who was tortured by the endless air raids and the various tricks used by his opponents in the air raids, could now be said to hate the two staff officers who single-handedly caused the massacre of Hyrule.  Because he had reason to believe that everything in front of him was the result of the Anti-Japanese War because the 23rd Division was massacring the city in Hylar.And revenge at all costs.

    Regarding the massacre that occurred in Hailar, although I don¡¯t think that the death of tens of thousands of Manchus was a big deal, or that the killing of tens of thousands of Manchus was a big deal.  But for Lieutenant General Nishihara Kanji, he realized that this matter was not a good thing for him, and was even a very stupid thing.
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