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Text Chapter 772: Heading Westward

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    Having said this, Yang Zhen tapped the map and pondered for a while before saying: "The Fifth Division currently stationed in the west of Nenjiang River for training will immediately enter wartime status. Head north, and after reaching the line from Morgan to Longzhen, they will immediately cross the Greater Khingan Mountains.  At the same time, the headquarters of the Nenjiang Military Region was changed to the West Point of the Field Army, with Comrade Wang Guangyu as commander and political commissar. All troops entering the Nenjiang Military Region were unified under the command of the West Point."

    "Tell Wang Guangyu that after the troops in the Nenjiang Military Region and the cavalry troops assigned to his command have completed their assembly, they can immediately move westward without waiting for the arrival of the main force. Let them ignore the Japanese troops in other directions on the way, ignore any obstructions encountered, and go westward with all their strength.  , their goal is only one, and that is Hyrule.¡±

    "Several high-power monitoring radio stations under your staff located in Nenjiang are all turned on for me to closely monitor the movements of the 23rd Division, especially its contact with the Kwantung Army Headquarters, and intercept as much intelligence as possible.  The key now is intelligence. At the same time, order all jamming aircraft to take off, start high-power radio jamming against all the 23rd Division, and cut off its direct contact with the Kwantung Army headquarters. "

    "Immediately activate the military region's first-level combat readiness plan, and order the troops of the 1st and 4th divisions, the artillery regiment directly under the 1st column, the 1st armored brigade, and the 2nd rocket artillery regiment of the headquarters that are undergoing combined training at the Fujin base to complete their assembly within six hours.  The automobile regiment directly under the first logistics division and the automobile regiment directly under the first column, which were transferring supplies north of Fujin, immediately terminated their original tasks and all rushed to Fujin to prepare for the transfer of troops. "

    "Immediately stop all passenger trains in the base area, free up all trains and drive to Hegang Station to prepare for the transfer of troops. After the Fourth Division completes its assembly, the automobile regiment will immediately transfer them to Hegang Railway Station for riding, and  The first division and the rocket artillery regiment directly under the headquarters will all adopt motorized methods.¡±

    "Tell the leaders and political commissars of the two car groups not to worry about the cars running down. Even if all the cars in one group are damaged, even if the drivers are exhausted, they still have to drive to Qiqihar within thirty-two hours. Tell them  , No matter how many cars are damaged, I will replenish them as many cars as possible.¡±

    "Even if there is an accident on the road, as long as it does not cause too many casualties, I will not punish them. But if they cannot complete the task assigned by the military region within the specified time and transport the first division to the designated location,  If the fighter plane is delayed, even if not a single vehicle is damaged and no one is injured or killed, I will evacuate a few of them."

    "In addition to the road-mobile 1st Division, the 4th Railway Division, the 1st Armored Brigade, and the 1st Artillery Regiment directly under the Artillery Regiment rode in Hegang and drove in by railway, passing through the Jiamusi and Harbin lines and taking the Binzhou line to Qiqihar.  Gather and stand by at Angangxi Station.¡±

    "Order the aviation force to immediately terminate the originally planned air strikes on North Korea and transfer all light and heavy bombers to various field airports in Qiqihar. Before the arrival of the remaining aviation units, all aviation units currently stationed in the Nenjiang Military Region are dispatched and tell them to attack Hailar to  The highways along Wangye Temple are under strict security.¡±

    "As soon as I find the troops of the 23rd Division of the Japanese Army retreating south from Hailar, even a single car will not be allowed to pass by, and I will completely block the highway from Hailar to Wangye Temple.  , special bombs can be used when necessary.¡±

    Yang Zhen's movements in mobilizing troops can be described as vigorous and resolute, and the troops who are accustomed to his style are not vague at all. As orders are issued one after another, the base area that has been peaceful for half a year instantly transforms into a wartime state. Those who received the orders  All troops immediately took action,

    All troops were assembled and ammunition was distributed within the stipulated time. As the designated troops were assembled, military columns, loaded with troops and equipment, were galloping westward, and the troops were lined up in a row without being able to see the rear of the troops.  The convoy, under the guidance of traffic conductors deployed on various highways, moved rapidly westward.

    The Chinese people really have a traditional habit of watching the excitement. When a truck convoy carrying a division of troops passed through Harbin that night, although the entire city was under martial law before the convoy arrived, it did not prevent a large number of people from gathering in Harbin.  Onlookers on the roadside,

    At the beginning, there were not many people, only a few brave people, hiding on one side and acting dumb. However, as the troops moved in, both sides of the main traffic roads could almost be described as a sea of ????people. Some brave people  Regardless of the picket's obstruction, he just stood on the edge of the curb and watched.

    The onlookers, who still didn't know that their compatriots in Hylar were on the verge of massacre, were all speculating that there was another big war ahead, which would allow the troops to be mobilized like this, and some vendors were starting to do it among the onlookers.  He started a business and started selling melon seeds and cigarettes.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? We looked at five BA-10 armored vehicles as the forerunners, with their lights turned on so that the rear end could not be seen at a glance, and the vehicles were filled with soldiers who were loaded with live ammunition and wearing steel helmets.Soldiers, the convoy galloped through the urban area of ??Harbin. Many people smacked their lips and secretly sighed: "It is really spectacular. Not to mention the old Northeast Army, even the Kwantung Army is not so grand."

    This batch of thousands of trucks carrying troops of the first division only passed through Harbin. To ordinary citizens, this was just an ordinary military mobilization, but there was one thing.  The seismic station had no unexpected effects.

    Faced with the rapid passage of thousands of trucks from the Anti-Japanese Alliance through the city center, hundreds of artillery pieces were included in the convoy, and there were armored vehicles clearing the way. This time, a whole division of the Anti-Japanese Alliance was motorized through the urban area of ??Harbin. In addition, after the incident  Knowing that 26 military columns filled with troops and equipment had passed by Harbin East Station and Harbin Station within four hours, these two incidents have become a topic of conversation for the local people in Harbin for a long time to come.

    This mobilization undoubtedly served as a reassurance for Harbin citizens who lived under the shadow of the Japanese army's counterattack at any time. Since then, the popularity of the RMB has been much stronger than before when it was implemented.  , and even many businessmen took the initiative to collect RMB that they had avoided before.

    For Yang Zhen, it was just an emergency mobilization of troops, but it caused such an unexpected result. However, when he learned that the convoy was passing through Harbin, it was watched by the people because of its huge momentum. Yang Zhen, who was worried that his strategic intentions would be leaked, had not done so before.  Thought-of,

    Originally, according to Yang Zhen's plan, the motorized troops rushed directly from Fujin to Qiqihar, but it was helpless that it was now the season of spring road muddying, and the road conditions from Fujin to Qiqihar simply could not bear the traffic of the convoy.  Under this condition, we can only pass through Harbin, which has better road conditions.

    With such a large-scale convoy passing through Harbin, it is impossible to keep it secret. After all, Harbin is the central city of Northern Manchuria, with a huge population, and with the large number of Japanese and puppet spies originally concentrated in Harbin, it is difficult to keep it completely secret.  Under the circumstances of purge,

    When such a large convoy drives in, even a person who has not received any military training knows that it must have a military mission. In other words, the strategic intentions of the entire unit will be exposed in this way, which is very important for a military operation.  Said, it is undoubtedly extremely disadvantageous,

    When he received the report of Du Kaishan's grand scene when the troops passed through Harbin, he was surrounded by huge crowds of local people in Harbin, Yang Zhen could only shake his head and smile bitterly. Now I am afraid that the whereabouts of the First Division will be completely exposed, and the next strategy of the troops  All attempts will be exposed. With such a large-scale westward movement, even a fool can guess where the target is.

    But while Yang Zhen smiled bitterly, he also had some hope in his heart, that is, he hoped that the 23rd Division could speed up its retreat and give up the massacre of Hylar when it learned that the Anti-Japanese Alliance had marched westward and that he was about to face heavy pressure.  The idea is to protect the people of Hyrule in disguise,

    Even if the 23rd Division is organized and runs away, it will greatly increase the difficulty of the next battle, and even one more reorganized division will be destined to pay a lot of sacrifices, but as long as the tens of thousands of Chinese people in Hylar can be saved,  Yang Zhen even recognized it if he was not massacred.

    But then, Yang Zhen no longer cared about the consequences of exposing his strategic intentions. After receiving the aviation force and infiltrating into the defense area of ??the 23rd Division, the forwards even moved forward to Sauron, which is only one day away from Hylar.  The intelligence sent back by the reconnaissance force within the banner has proved that the confession of the pseudo-Hunggan Army officer is true, and the 23rd Division has indeed begun to retreat.

    After receiving the order, Wang Guangyu, who immediately took action, commanded the vanguard force composed of the 1st Independent Brigade and the 1st Cavalry Brigade of the Nenjiang Military Region and marched westwards. After taking over the front lines of Zhalantun Street and Arong Banner, which were only held by two squadrons of the Japanese army,  Lieutenant General Kanji Nishihara, who knew that his retreat had been exposed, no longer cared about pretending.

    In order to ensure the smooth flow of the retreat route, Lieutenant General Nishihara Kanji, commander of the 23rd Division, urgently deployed two brigades of the 71st Regiment, four squadrons of the 64th Regiment, and two squadrons of the Division Search Regiment.  Under the cover of the two field artillery squadrons of the 13th Field Artillery Regiment, under the unified command of Colonel Bai Bang, the captain of the 71st Regiment, they urgently deployed defenses on the east of Yakeshi at the Fengdu River and Wunuer lines.

    Although Colonel Shirahama, who commanded the Japanese interception force, abandoned the Daxinganling railway tunnel east of the naturally dangerous Boketu because of Wang Guangyu's too fast action, as well as the strategically important Boketu from the Songnen Plain into the Daxinganling mountainous area, he concentrated some  The troops built a large number of field fortifications along the Zamin River.

    Even the more than 30 tanks of the 23rd Division's battle convoy, which were unable to support long-distance marches due to shortage of gasoline, were all mobilized here by Nishihara Kanji and changed to fixed fire vehicles.It was used in an attempt to take advantage of the favorable terrain along the Zamin River to hold back the westward advancing troops of the Anti-Japanese Alliance as much as possible and buy time for the main force to retreat.

    After dispatching the covering troops, Lieutenant General Nishihara Kanji accelerated the retreat. Instead of resting during the day and retreating at night, he accelerated the retreat to the Wangye Temple line regardless of day or night. For Lieutenant General Nishihara Kanji,  It is said that evacuating safely to Wangye Temple before the Anti-Japanese War reinforcements arrive is victory.
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