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Text Chapter 770 Crucial

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    Regarding Li Mingrui's opinion, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "This batch of equipment is urgently needed by the Northeast Bureau. No matter how high the price is, we must get it. This is the requirement of the military region. As for how to transport it out after we get it,  You can think about it yourself, but I can tell you first that there is a Japanese field airport in the Dabeishan area of ??Gongzhuling. "

    "This airport is stationed with a squadron of heavy bombers and a squadron of reconnaissance aircraft of the Japanese army. Because it is deep inside the Japanese army, and in order to supplement the field divisions lost last year, the Japanese army deployed a large number of non-combat troops in the rear.  The troops were added to each field division, which resulted in a small number of security forces at the airports in the rear, with only two squads. "

    "This airport is used by the Japanese army to take off and land their so-called heavy bombers. It is extremely well-equipped and can take off and land a large number of transport aircraft. For us, the most advantageous thing at present is that this Dabeishan Airport is close to the Japanese Army Gongzhuling Tank School.  The straight-line distance is less than five kilometers.¡±

    "The tank school established by the Japanese army in Gongzhuling was expanded from the tank training squadron of the original Kwantung Army Gongzhuling Infantry School. The current overall number of students is not large, and the so-called cadre troops at all levels are only two  There are more than a hundred students, and as a tank school, the most important thing in it is trucks. This is an advantage for you when making plans. "

    "Of course there are many disadvantages, that is, in this battle, mainly on the ground, you will not be supported by any brother troops. Not only will there be no artillery support, but there will also be no support from personnel.  In the battle on the ground, you can only rely on yourselves."

    "Moreover, your operation this time is a lone operation behind the enemy's rear. But for the Japanese army, Gongzhuling is very close to Xinjing, and the transportation is very convenient. During the battle, the Japanese army can quickly reinforce them, and for you  No matter what situation we encounter, we will not receive any support except partial air support.¡±

    At this point, Yang Zhen looked at Li Mingrui and Dong Ping and said: "You should be clear about what I said today. I have already made it clear to you both the favorable conditions and the unfavorable conditions. As for how  It¡¯s your own business to draw up a battle plan.¡±

    "As for what kind of support is needed, I will decide after seeing your combat plan, but one thing I can guarantee is that during the battle, the aviation force will fully support you, not only transport planes, but also fighter jets and bombers. In short,  In a word, I¡¯ll give you whatever you want.¡±

    "The headquarters has only one request, and that is to bring back to me as many parts as possible of these money-printing equipment, and as many technicians as they can bring back. If you don't want to leave, just bring them back to me.  If there are any consequences, I will bear them for you.¡±

    "In order to create a good economic environment for future operations, to ensure that the economy in our base area can be effectively developed, and to support our ability to fight in the future, you must be prepared to fight a fierce battle this time and be prepared to make sacrifices.  At least half of the casualties incurred by the participating troops.¡±

    "Both of you are senior cadres. You should know that the economic situation faced by the base area today is very severe. The currency we issue is not popular or even rejected by the people. Moreover, because our printing method is too simple, the currency we issue is very  Easily counterfeited.¡±

    "Once the Japanese army starts an economic war with us and takes advantage of the fact that the people in the base area still have a relatively high degree of acceptance of the pseudo-Manchu currency, they will print a large amount of pseudo-Manchu currency and find ways to circulate it into the base area, causing inflation and causing considerable harm to our economy.  Moreover, the Japanese army can also counterfeit our currency and damage our reputation for issuing currency, in order to completely destroy the economy in the base area. "

    "Although the situation is still tense, we must not relax in economic construction. It is imperative to improve the quality of RMB printing. If the RMB cannot replace the circulation of puppet Manchukuo currency in the base area, it will have a great impact on our future economic construction.  , and the future economic development of the base area is directly related to whether we can persist in the long-term struggle against the Japanese army. "

    "With the current inability to outsource, it is very important for us to be able to obtain this batch of high-quality printing equipment. As long as we can get this batch of equipment, even if we can completely destroy the reconnaissance brigade directly under your military region  From the perspective of overall benefits and future development, it is worthwhile for us. ¡±

    Yang Zhen's words made Li Mingrui and Dong Ping, the two military officers directly under the reconnaissance brigade, look at each other and see the surprise in each other's eyes. They did not expect that these machines could actually make No. 1 directly under the General District.  Reconnaissance brigade, No. 1 recognized it even with all his eyes, and he never expected that this batch of machinery and equipment was??will have such great value,

    Although one of them is a military officer and the other is a political officer, they are both soldiers after all. Neither of them is engaged in local work, and they do not understand the so-called economic war. For them, it is important for No. 1 to take them so seriously.  I would rather destroy all the troops, but the things I want to get back must be things related to the life and death of the troops.

    Thinking of this, the two people stood up in unison and said: "No. 1, we all understand your thoughts. Please don't worry. Even if the entire direct reconnaissance brigade is really used up, we still have to get this batch of equipment."  Come back, we will make an action plan and report it to you. If you agree, we can start executing it right away.¡±

    After the two people left, Yang Zhen frowned as he looked at the photos and information on the table. The poor implementation of the new currency severely restricted the economic development in the base area and put great pressure on the base area's finances. Originally,  I thought that if Father Yuan came forward on his own, the implementation of the RMB would be much smoother.

    But he did not expect that although with the help of Yuan Zhiruo's father, the RMB issued by the Northeast Bureau and the Northeast Working Committee had achieved a certain status in the new area, especially in big cities like Harbin and Qiqihar, the subsequent implementation would still be difficult.  heavy,

    The common people's popularity for these RMB used to exchange for counterfeit Manchukuo coins has not substantially improved. There is even a Bank of Korea that is also controlled by the Japanese. The Bank of Korea issued by the Bank is very popular. Although they dare not refuse it on the surface, they  Privately, no one recognized it.

    At that time, when the Yuan family was cooperating with the issuance of RMB in Harbin, if Yuan's father had not come forward to guarantee it, I am afraid that several of his factories that paid wages in RMB would have been smashed by angry workers. Even if Yuan's father came forward to suppress this  However, if it is not implemented, I am afraid that sooner or later there will be a big mess.

    In addition to the poor circulation performance of this currency due to the blockade of the Japanese army, no one recognized it outside the base area, the quality of the currency itself also made the people have doubts. Although in order to stabilize prices, the Northeast Working Committee stipulated  The RMB is exchanged one-to-one with the Manchukuo currency, and the issuance of RMB is strictly controlled.

    However, in actual circulation, ten yuan of RMB cannot be exchanged for one pseudo-Manchu currency, and quite a few merchants would rather accept Feng Xiaoyang, which has long since ceased circulation after the September 18th Incident, and North Korean bank coupons, which are only circulated in southern Manchuria.  They are also unwilling to accept RMB, and even because printing is simple and counterfeiting is easy, counterfeit currency has appeared on the market.

    Faced with this situation, Li Yanlu, who is in charge of Northeastern economic work, is simply helpless. Unless the pseudo-Manchu currency is forcibly exchanged, it will be difficult for the RMB to truly gain a foothold in several major cities under the pressure of the pseudo-Manchu currency. But forced exchange  , and it is easy to cause price inflation, which will be a serious blow to the already fragile economy in the base area.

    What Yuan's father said is not wrong. This kind of currency printed using lithography technology and mulberry paper produced in Jiamusi has a rough appearance, poor paper quality, and is extremely not wear-resistant. Compared with the relatively finely printed currency of the Puppet Manchukuo,  , to describe it as shoddy is not an exaggeration at all. The common people hold this kind of currency that is the same as waste paper. It would be crazy if they can really accept it.

    When issued at that time, this batch of RMB designed by Yang Zhen and engraved by Guo Bingxun himself, although the patterns were relatively exquisite, the printing technology used was too backward, making them look shoddy, and the circulation range was not large.  No one recognized it outside the base area, so it was very difficult to implement it in Jiamusi. When it came to a city like Harbin, which is mainly a commercial port, no one was willing to accept it.

    If you want to increase the promotion of RMB in the base area, in addition to convincing the people that the Anti-Japanese War will eventually defeat the Japanese army, you must also improve the quality of currency printing so that the people believe that this currency is different from the currencies previously issued by warlords to amass wealth.  a concept,

    Whether we can obtain this batch of machines and equipment specially used by the puppet Manchukuo to print banknotes is extremely important for improving the quality of the RMB in the future and building people's confidence in the RMB. And whether the people can truly accept the RMB and completely expel the puppet Manchukuo currency from the base area.  , will directly affect the economic stability of the base area in the future.

    Li Yanlu once considered entrusting Jiangbei to print a batch of RMB, but because Jiangbei asked for too high a price and refused to transfer technology, Li Yanlu, who was worried about currency security, was reluctant to agree. In desperation, he could only buy a batch of currency printing paper from Jiangbei.  , hoping to solve the problem of shoddy production of RMB in the short term, but the printing problem has not been solved for a long time, and it is not a long-term solution.

    The problem of paper and ink is easy to solve. After the capture of Harbin, a Japanese paper factory was seized. After using the original production in the factory to specially supply the Kwantung Army Headquarters with high-end paper technology, after painstaking research, it has been  Trial-produced with JiangThe quality of paper products imported from the North is almost the same, and the problem of ink can also be solved through importing and own research.

    However, the problem of printing has not been solved due to problems with technology and equipment. Especially the problem of equipment has almost become a key factor that inhibits the improvement of the quality of RMB. And the lithographic technology is too simple. The banknotes printed by this technology  , not to mention the problem of anti-counterfeiting cannot be solved at all, and overall it is still unable to get rid of roughness.

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