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Text Chapter 761 Sudden air attack

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    Although he knew that it would be difficult for Commander Umezu Yoshijiro to accept his opinion, Kimura Hy身taro believed that some things should be given up and must be given up. Under the current situation, blindly seeking the best for everything, whether it is this or that, should grasp everything.  If you don't let go, you will lose more than you gain.

    Different from the greedy style of ordinary Japanese island residents who would rather die than let go of something once they get it in their hands, this person at this time is actually very greedy, and he took office  However, Lieutenant General Kimura Hy身taro, who had made a lot of money in just a few months, seemed extremely calm.

    In his opinion, putting an entire division in danger for the sake of a fortress group that is no longer of much use is really not worth the gain. After all, for the current Kwantung Army, a division is much more important than a fortress group.  After all, no matter how strong the fortresses are, they still need troops to defend them. If the troops are gone, won*t those fortresses still belong to others sooner or later?

    Moreover, after the Battle of Nomonhan, the 23rd Division incorporated a large number of tanks and heavy artillery units in order to confront the highly mechanized Soviet army. It is currently the most well-equipped division of the Kwantung Army, and it is currently the most complete division.  Among the various divisions of the Kwantung Army, the one with the most complete technical weapons and equipment since the last battle,

    Once the 23rd Division is lost, it will mean a huge loss for the Kwantung Army, especially the 23rd Division. Currently, the entire Kwantung Army has not survived after the last battle.  The large number of tank troops becomes even more valuable to the Kwantung Army.

    And Lieutenant General Kimura Hy身taro can even use his own head to guarantee that no matter when the next battle starts and who takes the initiative to attack, the 23rd Division will definitely be the primary target of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and it will definitely be the first target of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  Mobilize superior forces to besiege the highest priority target,

    If the 23rd Division is not captured or forced to withdraw south, a large number of troops of the Anti-Japanese Alliance will be pinned down on the Western Front, unable to move, and its so-called base area, the entire Western Front, will also be under the control of the Kwantung Army at any time.  Under threat, this is something no commander wants to see.

    Therefore, in Kimura Hyoutaro's view, once the war starts, the Anti-Alliance will definitely concentrate its most advantageous troops and the most powerful firepower to deal with the 23rd Division in order to eliminate its own worries as soon as possible, because for the Anti-Alliance  , as long as the 23rd Division is still deployed in Hylar for one day, they will not be able to go south with all their strength.

    The current location of the 23rd Division has only one extremely unsafe communication line with other divisions of the Kwantung Army. This means that once the division is besieged by superior forces, it will have to fight alone.  situation, without the support of neighboring troops, it would be difficult for the 23rd Division alone to survive the siege of the opponent's superior force whose combat effectiveness has been proven.

    In order to build a well-equipped division into a fortress group that has not yet been used, and it is not even known when it will be used, the key is that all firepower points are facing the west, and now it is in a group of fortresses that are focused on the head but not on the butt, this is what Kimura Hyoutaro  From the Lieutenant General's point of view, it is unacceptable no matter what.

    After thinking about it, Kimura Hy身taro bowed and said: "Your Excellency Commander, in fact, after the Hailar fortress group was lost in Heihe, it has basically become of little use. As the Kwantung Army, among the many fortress groups on the Manchu-Soviet border,  The westernmost fortress group cannot serve as a complete defensive posture without the support of other fortress groups. "

    "Furthermore, the Hailar Fortress Group was built for the purpose of fighting the Soviet Union. The main fire control area faced the western Manchu-Soviet border. There were almost no cover points behind it and firepower points to the rear. In other fortress groups, especially Longjiang  After the province was lost, this fortress group has actually become a useless piece of food, tasteless and a pity to abandon. "

    "The most fundamental thing is that under the extremely difficult situation of material supply for the 23rd Division, the 23rd Division, which is short of food and ammunition, cannot defend the fortress group at all even if it wants to, and can only suffer losses in vain.  Currently, they are extremely valuable troops and equipment for the Kwantung Army.§

    "For a fortress group that no longer has much use, we cannot accept it anyway. If the division commander is worried that this fortress group will fall into the hands of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, I think we can temporarily blow up all the entrances and exits.  , kill all the workers, and temporarily seal off the entire fortress group."

    "The Hailar Fortress Group itself is built in the mountains. The location is densely covered with vegetation and has excellent concealment. Moreover, due to the strict confidentiality of the empire, it is impossible for the Chinese to know the location of these fortress groups. Even if the Chinese learn about it,  There is this fortress group, but it is impossible to find it.§

    "As long as we kill all the workers and destroy all traces on the ground, I think this fortress group will not be exposed easily. When we re-occupy Hung Yen North Province, we can do it at any time"??It can be reactivated. If so, you are still worried about whether the fortress will be exposed. I think if necessary, we can even kill all the local Manchurian residents in Hylar.  "

    Umezu Yoshijiro still seemed extremely hesitant about Hy身taro Kimura's suggestion. In order to build these fortresses, the Kwantung Army invested a huge amount of manpower and material resources, as well as financial resources that were extremely valuable to the Japanese Empire, and worked hard for nearly ten years.  Only then were these fortresses built along the Manchu-Soviet border, which were both easy to attack and defend.

    At the end of last year's battle, the Hunchun Fortress Group was damaged beyond repair, and the Hutou Fortress and Dongning Fortress, as well as all the fortress groups in Sun Wu territory, were all lost. The Hailar Fortress Group was almost the only one left with the Japanese army's achievements.  A group of fortresses.

    Nowadays, this only remaining fortress group has not fired a single shot, and has been given up so easily. For the Kwantung Army, the blow of defeat is no less severe than last year's defeat. It is also difficult for the Emperor to do business with the Kwantung Army. The Kwantung Army still has financial resources in Japan.  Under rather limited circumstances, could it be that all the fortresses built with such a large amount of financial resources were lost like this?

    As if he was specifically trying to help the hesitant Umezu Meijiro make up his mind, just when he was still hesitating, there were faint bursts of violent explosions outside the window, killing him and Kimura Hyoutarou next to him.  For a moment, the two top commanders of the Kwantung Army looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

    What kind of place is Xinjing? It is the capital of Manchukuo created by the Kwantung Army. It is also the location of the headquarters of the Kwantung Army. Just around Xinjing, an entire division is stationed, and the density of military and police forces is extremely high.  It is almost the highest in Manchukuo. The security here is absolutely extremely tight.

    After the defeat of the Kwantung Army last year, in order to ensure that there would be no chain reaction in Xinjing, the Kwantung Army Military Police Headquarters specially strengthened the alert in Xinjing. Not only did it mobilize a large number of Japanese and Korean soldiers from Fengtian and other places,  The special police officers also issued a special order that all Manchurians, including Manchurian military and police personnel, who carry guns on their bodies will be shot to death as soon as they are discovered.

    With such tight security, both Umezu Yoshijiro and Kimura Hyoutarou believed that it would be absolutely impossible for a small enemy force to infiltrate. The main force of the Anti-Alliance was still far north of the Songhua River, and the Kwantung Army still had several troops deployed at the front.  If the division is beaten by the Anti-Japanese Alliance to the edge of Xinjing and the Kwantung Army headquarters still knows nothing about it, then both of them should commit hara-kiri to His Majesty the Emperor.

    It is absolutely impossible for the Anti-Japanese Alliance to attack. Both of them are sure of this. What happened to the dense and violent explosions these days? Could it be that the ammunition depots around Xinjing were detonated by the Anti-Union agents?  , thinking of this, Umezu Yoshijiro walked to the window in a few steps, pushed the window open violently, and saw a fire burning in the south of Xinjing.

    When he saw the location of the bombing, he was suddenly startled for no reason. As the commander of the Kwantung Army, he knew exactly what kind of army was stationed in that place south of Xinjing. If it was really there  Encountering an air raid, the consequences would be unimaginable.

    Kimura Hy身taro didn't care whether he would lose his composure in front of the commander. He rushed to the phone on Umezu Yoshijiro's desk, grabbed the phone and called like crazy, trying to find out what happened with the explosion.  Fortunately, the reaction speed of his subordinates did not disappoint him, and the cause of the violent explosion was soon found out. However, when Hyoutarou Kimura heard the cause and location of the explosion, he was so shocked that he dropped the phone in his hand.  I don*t even know,

    Looking at the frightened Kimura Hy身taro, Umezu Mijiro turned his head when the phone dropped on the table. Although he was a little panicked for no reason, he still couldn't help but frowned and said: "Kimura-kun, you  Look at what you are like now."

    "You are a lieutenant general of the Imperial Japanese Army, not those generals in China who don't care if they lose the war. You should understand what the general demeanor of an imperial army general should be. No matter what happens, you must be calm. Otherwise, you still have to be calm."  How to command the loyal and brave soldiers of the empire and continue to conquer the world for the emperor."

    After hearing Yoshijiro Umezu's reprimand, Hy身taro Kimura couldn't help but smile bitterly after hanging up the phone: "I'm sorry, Sir, I've lost my temper. Please forgive me, Commander. It's just that this matter is too sudden. We simply can't help but smile."  I didn*t expect this to happen.§

    "Just now, the Anti-Japanese Alliance suddenly dispatched a group of hundreds of bombers, carrying a large number of bombs, to attack the barracks of the 100th Unit of the Kwantung Army and all supporting facilities located on the Mengjiatun line in the southern suburbs of Xinjing.  A carpet bombing."

    ※This time the enemy not only dispatched a large number of bombers and dropped a large number of high-explosive bombs, but also used a new type of incendiary bomb in the bombing. This kind ofThe new bombs are so powerful that once they cause a fire, it is almost impossible to extinguish it. The thick smoke outside is caused by the bombing of the Mengjiatun front line by this new type of incendiary bomb.  "

    "Due to the enemy's bombing, which is still in progress, the current specific losses of the 100th Army are not very clear yet, but the troops closest to the Mengjiatun front line reported that the entire Mengjiatun line was full of  The fire was so raging that no one could get close to it, and it was almost completely razed to the ground.§

    "The anti-aircraft artillery and aviation units we deployed around Xinjing did not play any role because they failed to respond in time. Moreover, several airports around Xinjing also suffered air attacks. It is also unclear how much the losses have been.  , the enemy planes are coming for air strikes. The target here is too obvious. Commander, would you like to go to the air raid shelter for a while?"
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