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Text Chapter 751: Getting stronger with age

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    Having said this, Father Yuan looked at Yang Zhen's still young face and said: "After you enter Harbin, you will implement unified supply and marketing of food, coal, cotton, matches, kerosene, and other necessary living materials for residents, and supply them according to the plan, that is,  Said that all food and coal resources are in your hands,

    "These supplies are necessities for ordinary people's lives. As long as we control these items and prevent market disruptions, we can basically guarantee that inflation will not occur. Although doing so may hurt people's hearts, it will control the situation.  The most effective resource for price is in your own hands.¡±

    "Although we have adopted a planned supply, according to the number you stipulated, each common person will not have too much, but he can still have a small amount of food in his hands every month. The future life is terrible. This alone will make people want to take the opportunity to cause trouble.  No one can make trouble."

    "Although General Yang is young, he is still a high-ranking official who commanded hundreds of thousands of troops. He was no more than a young marshal of the Northeast Army back then. He should know what the war was about. To put it simply, it is money. What you are doing in Jiangbei now  Yes, I can understand that in times of war, it is a helpless choice to use limited resources on the military. "

    "But General Yang, I'm not just talking about old age. There are many things that I don't think are so absolute. There are some things that I'd better remind you in advance. As for the so-called planned economy that Jiangbei has engaged in, I have been  I also do some research in my spare time.¡±

    "For industrialization construction, economic development is an important topic. Although I do not advocate total westernization, I do not advocate the system in Jiangbei. Compared with the previous Tsarist Russia, these industrial constructions in Jiangbei are indeed very different.  But everything is unified in the hands of the state, and the system will inevitably become rigid in the long run.¡±

    ¡°All material control and allocation rights are in the hands of the state, and products are uniformly distributed by the state. This approach can be adopted in the early stages of industrial development and during wars. This approach can allocate all resources and all funds that can be mobilized.  , used to develop industry, that is to say, use the power of the whole country to do one thing. "

    "But in the long run, it is definitely not a long-term solution. You don't have to worry about how much stuff the factory produces, whether it can be sold, and no matter how old or good the quality of the stuff it produces, then naturally no one will consider developing new products or improving production.  quality and improve production efficiency.¡±

    "No one even cares about how much work the workers have done. No matter how much or how little they do, they are all the same. As time goes by, it will inevitably lead to slackness among the workers. No one is willing to work, because no matter how much or how little they do, they are still the same.  If they all receive such high wages, the workers will naturally have no motivation.¡±

    "Although the Japanese are invaders, burning, killing, and looting all kinds of evil in our land of China, there are many economic practices they have that we can learn from. The Japanese still have a way of doing economics. The Meiji Restoration  Afterwards, although the Japanese economy has never been able to compare with the European and American powers, it has pulled China down more than once for decades. The reason behind this should be worth pondering. "

    "It is not an embarrassing thing to use the enemy as a teacher. As early as after the Opium War and the opening of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, some people proposed the strategy of learning from the barbarians to control the barbarians. At that time, the Manchu Qing government had just suffered from the British.  After losing the war, many people were busy ceding land and paying compensation, and many people knew how to learn from outsiders, let alone us nearly a hundred years later.¡±

    "As long as the experience of outsiders is beneficial to us, whether it is from the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, or Jiangbei, even our own current enemy Japan, we should learn from it. As long as it is beneficial to our development, can we adopt the doctrine of borrowing?  But learning also depends on how you learn.¡±

    "National conditions are different. We cannot copy other people's experiences unchanged. We must draw on the strengths of others and find our own path. This is the path we should ultimately choose for economic development. The source of financial resources should be based on a certain  Based on the economic foundation, as long as the economy develops, there will naturally be no worries about financial resources.¡±

    After saying this, the old man thought for a while and said: "However, it is indeed a top priority to build people's confidence in the RMB. After all, currency is the foundation of a country's finance. If currency is not recognized, it will  It means financial distress.¡±

    "In this way, in order to cooperate with you in promoting the RMB, I should be able to help you. General Yang, it is the early spring and it is time for your army to change its uniform. I will issue a statement tomorrow to announce the two cotton spinning mills under my banner.  From now on, I will accept orders for your cotton fabrics, and all payments will be settled in RMB.¡±

    "In addition, from now on, all the fire mills, restaurants and hotels under my ownership will be settled in RMB. They will no longer accept the pseudo-Manchu currency, especially orders from the government. They will all be settled in RMB. From now on, all workers in all my industries will be paid in RMB."  Starting from 40% of RMB and 60% of pseudo-Manchu currency, andOver the past few months, the ratio of RMB to pseudo-Manchu currency has been gradually increased.  "

    "After four months at the latest, all payments will be made in RMB. At the same time, I will use my personal assets as a guarantee. If the RMB depreciates significantly during this period, I will personally contribute to make up for the difference in the wages of all workers between the two currencies. I  Although this person has been suppressed by the Japanese in recent years, he still has a certain reputation in Harbin. "

    "Although these industries under my control have been occupied by the Japanese for many years, I still showed some small favors to the workers and still have a certain prestige among the workers. If I announce that the RMB will depreciate, I will use my personal assets to make up for the losses.  After the price difference, these workers will definitely listen to me.¡±

    "As long as I announce the acceptance of RMB, I think at least among the Chinese businessmen in Harbin, no one will refuse it. I can only help you for a while. If you want the RMB to really stand firm, in the financial war, it will not be rejected.  It¡¯s up to you to defeat the Japanese.¡±

    "As for the payment of wages to workers, they are paid in the form of RMB and counterfeit Manchu currency to consider the workers' feelings. They have a family to support, so a step-by-step approach is adopted to avoid causing too much backlash from the workers.  At the same time, I need to mobilize a certain amount of reserve funds to make preparations.¡±

    "The number of workers in my industry accounts for about one-fifth of the quota in Harbin. As long as they accept RMB as currency, I think other factories and workers will also accept it. And Harbin is the central city of northern Manchuria. As long as they accept RMB as currency,  Harbin has accepted the RMB as currency, and I think it will no longer be a problem for other cities.¡±

    "General Yang, I understand that the implementation of the RMB to replace the Manchukuo currency is imperative, but I sincerely hope that you will think of more ways to implement it and never force it. The Chinese people have saved so little money.  It¡¯s not easy, I really can¡¯t bear the trouble.¡±

    "Although this puppet Manchukuo was established with the bayonet of the Japanese in order to seize the resources and interests of the Northeast. No matter what the Japanese's intentions were, during this period of time, it can almost be said that the Northeast's finance and currency were also  During the most stable period, the people's approval rate for the Manchukuo currency was still very high. Forcibly promoting a replacement currency will only arouse the resentment of the people before this currency is stable. "

    Mr. Yuan's words made Yang Zhen couldn't help but secretly praise him: "Jiang is still old and hot after all. Although this old man is not young, he is old and strong. Let's not talk about anything else. This vision is absolutely perfect."  It¡¯s first-rate, and you can see the root of the problem at a glance.¡±

    "What he said about the shortcomings of the planned economy was summed up after the reform and opening up. It is not surprising that someone who has been decades ahead of his time has this vision, but this old man was able to achieve it in a short period of time.  Making such a judgment can be described as having a unique vision.¡±

    Yang Zhen is really grateful for the old man's idea of ??helping to promote the RMB. With the old man's prestige in Harbin's business community and even the entire Heilongjiang region, as long as he announces that he will accept the RMB as the settlement currency and replace the pseudo-Manchu currency as the only currency in the base area, there will be resistance.  much smaller,

    Among them, the old man almost bet all his own industry on the promotion of a new currency, especially the promotion of a new currency during the war, under the premise that the issuer has not yet gained a fundamental advantage on the battlefield.  , the prospect of currency issuance is difficult to predict,

    Once the RMB fails in this currency war, the old man's losses will be astronomical. If nothing else, it is to make up for the loss in workers' wages. I am afraid that the amount of money the old man will have to pay is not a small amount. This move of the old man will undoubtedly  It was a statement made to myself and the Northeastern Bureau.

    But Yang Zhen raised the issue of financial resources and development with this old man today, just to pave the way for the next step. As the second secretary of the Northeast Bureau, he can intervene in real economic development, but he still has to give priority to suggestions.  , in the current situation where military tasks are still the main focus, some things should be left alone.

    Thinking of this, Yang Zhen raised his head and took the record book from Yuan Zhiruo who was recording next to him. After looking at it for a few times, he tore into pieces what Yuan Zhiruo had recorded, and called Xiao Huzi to let him take it.  He brought a clay pot and burned it all on fire in front of him.

    Yuan Zhiruo wanted to stop Yang Zhen's series of actions, but finally stopped. She didn't understand what Yang Zhen meant. Didn't he want his old father to provide some suggestions for the development of the base area? Why did his father propose such a move?  After he came out, he burned all the records again,

    However, compared to the baffled Yuan Zhiruo, the old man next to him watched Yang Zhen burn the words Yuan Zhiruo had just recorded. Instead of getting angry, his eyes showed appreciation.He glanced around and turned to look at his daughter and daughter-in-law, who looked puzzled. The old man nodded slightly and said, "Some things should be remembered with the brain, not with a pen."

    "When engaging in finance and economics, you cannot copy other people's ideas and ideas. Others' ideas and ideas may seem good, but they may not be suitable for you. You can learn from some things, but you cannot memorize them by rote. Today I just provide some of my own opinions.  As for what is the most beneficial thing to do, General Yang and others need to think about it according to their current environment, so don¡¯t take notes. Just listen with your ears and take notes with your brain. "
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