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Text Chapter 749: It takes a hundred refinements to become steel

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    The more Yang Zhen said, the more angry he became, and Du Kaishan was dumbfounded by Yang Zhen's reprimand. When he heard that Yang Zhen was about to remove him, the dumbfounded Du Kaishan quickly waved his hands and said: "No. 1, I  That¡¯s not what I mean. As you know, if you don¡¯t organize your own troops, you are somewhat cautious in using them, and you really can¡¯t let go.¡±

    "If the casualties are too great, how can I explain it to their leader? No. 1, I understand what you are saying. Our army uses divisions as its basic combat units. I understand this situation, but no matter what, each division  At least I have a superior in name."

    "On the 1st, last month in the battle for several strategically important hills in Wuchang Motianling, the 44th Regiment of the 15th Division suffered two casualties. The distressed old Liu called and scolded her.  No. 1, this is not a unit that I trained by myself. Let¡¯s not talk about whether it is smooth or not. The key is that it is really disabled and there is no way to explain it. "

    "The front of my defense area is the frontier area where we are currently confronting the Japanese army. It is where the Japanese army deploys the largest number of troops. Although the Japanese army has not launched a large-scale attack now, battles at the brigade and squadron level occur almost every day, especially for the frontier  The Japanese army is almost determined to capture this first-line strategic point.¡±

    "After last year's battle, our army took advantage of the Japanese army's defeat to seize almost all the commanding heights in various frontline positions, as well as multiple strategic support points. Since New Year's Day this year, the Japanese army has repeatedly dispatched troops to try to recapture these commanding heights and strategic support points.  , Our front line has almost more battles than Lao Wang and the three verticals combined.¡±

    "On this battlefield, who can guarantee that there won't be too many casualties after the troops are pulled up? Once the casualties of that unit are too large, their military leaders will scold them. I don't care if I get scolded. This is a battlefield.  They all felt sorry for their soldiers, so they scolded them as soon as they were scolded, and then they passed away after being patient. "

    "But if we really spend all our capital for the next stage of the war, it won't be a matter of getting scolded. It will be a serious matter that can really kill our lives. In addition to giving the troops an opportunity to practice in actual combat,  It can¡¯t cause too many casualties. No. 1, think about it, can I be free of pressure?¡±

    "As you know about the current situation of our army, recruits account for more than half of the army. In some newly formed units, recruits even account for two-thirds. Although these recruits have completed full training,  A recruit who has not been on the battlefield for a day is a new recruit.¡±

    "There are too many new recruits, and the combat effectiveness of the troops has actually declined to varying degrees compared to last year. The decline in combat effectiveness means that more costs have to be paid on the battlefield. It is now difficult for our army to replenish soldiers. If these recruits  If the casualties are too great, it will be difficult to replenish them. If the casualties of these troops are too great and affect the implementation of the next phase of the headquarters' plan, even if I, Du Kaishan, cut off my own head, it will not be enough to make up for it."

    Hearing Du Kaishan's defense, Yang Zhen stood up and walked to the window. He thought for a long time before turning his head and said: "Old Du, you feel sorry for the troops. You are worried that the troops will suffer too many casualties during the battle, which will affect the headquarters.  I can understand this sentiment as the next phase of the plan unfolds.¡±

    "But Lao Du, you and I are both soldiers. We should understand that for an army, it can only truly mature after being tested by war. It is true that there are many recruits in the army, but without being tested by war, these recruits will never be able to mature.  You will not become a veteran. The true combat effectiveness of an army is developed bit by bit on the battlefield, not on the training ground. "

    "Although there are constant battles in the forward positions, the intensity is relatively low. If these low-intensity battles are not used, recruits and new troops can experience what real war is as soon as possible, mature as soon as possible, and become a qualified warrior.  , when the real large-scale battle begins, if these recruits understand what war is, then it will be truly cruel to them. "

    "It takes time to verify whether these are as big as an army, or as specific as each soldier's progress from childishness to maturity. This is true for an army, and it is the same for these recruits. Without going through war, they will never learn the skills that can only be learned on the battlefield.  You can only learn something by hearing it ten times, which is why the headquarters formulated this round of battle plan. "

    "Casualties, this is the price that an army must pay to mature. We can't be deterred just because of casualties. After all, steel can be made after a hundred attempts. As long as the casualties are controlled within a certain scale, we can accept it. As for  If their original superior has any objections, if he wants to scold me, let him come directly to me."

    Seeing Yang Zhen's resolute attitude, Du Kaishan could only shake his head and smile bitterly but did not dare to say anything. Since No. 1 had already reached this point, what else could he say? Besides, No. 1 was completely angered.  Being scolded is a minor offense, but if you don't do it well, you will really be dismissed from your post.

      Regarding Du Kaishan's subsequent silence, Yang Zhen smiled and said: "Old Du, you are also a senior commander now. No matter what kind of problem you consider, you must look at the overall situation, the growth of one person and an army.  There is always a price to pay, no one can get something for nothing, and he can get what he wants without paying any price.¡±

    "How an army should mature is what we, as senior commanders, should consider. Only through repeated refining can steel be made. You should know this truth. As long as our army can truly mature, some costs will have to be paid sooner or later.  It¡¯s impossible to achieve zero casualties in a battle.¡±

    "The key is to see whether the price is worth it, whether our troops can accept the lessons, and whether they can truly pass the test of blood and fire. Of course, it is unrealistic to encourage growth, but neither is growth without paying the price.  Possibly, as long as our troops learn from it, the cost will be worth it.¡±

    "These things are not just for you, but also senior commanders such as Wang Guangyu, Tao Jingfei, Chen Hanzhang, Liu Changshun, and Wang Xiaoming. You must take them into consideration in the future. For you, these are also a process of your growth. As the ancients said, playing chess  "You have to take one step and look at three steps. As a commander, when considering military issues, you should not only look at three steps, but also look further."

    Yang Zhen's words can be said to be serious and thoughtful. Du Kaishan also understood. Although he didn't say anything, Du Kaishan nodded heavily. Seeing Du Kaishan nodding, Yang Zhen smiled slightly and said: "  You can go about your business. I will be staying in Harbin for a few more days. If you need anything, just come to me."

    Yang Zhen, who had seen off Du Kaishan and was about to go to Yuan Zhiruo's house again, received a report from Zhang Zixiong that the person he was going to visit was currently waiting for him in the reception room, accompanied by his daughter-in-law and daughter, because  He was talking to Du Kaishan, so he didn't bother him. He had been waiting for him for quite some time now.

    Hearing that Father Yuan had arrived and had been waiting for him for a long time, Yang Zhen quickly arranged his military uniform and rushed to the reception room. When he got outside the door, Yang Zhen hesitated for a moment and turned to Zhang Zixiong.  Said: "Go and invite the chief of staff over immediately."

    After telling Zhang Zixiong to invite Guo Bingxun, Yang Zhen went directly into the reception room. After seeing Father Yuan, who had been waiting for a while, Yang Zhen quickly said: "How dare you have Father Lao Bo come over here? As a junior,  I should be visiting my uncle."

    Regarding Yang Zhen's words, Father Yuan smiled slightly and said: "I was a little rude last night. I should have entertained the two generals well, but I didn't expect that I got drunk first. This is really rude. Today I  I came here specifically to apologize for what happened last night.¡±

    Father Yuan's words made Yang Zhen stunned for a moment before he quickly said: "Uncle, your words are too strong. We all know that your life has not been easy these years. Your property was taken away and your beloved son died for the country. If it weren't for your character,  He is tough enough. If it were any other old man, he would probably not be able to withstand the pressure. "

    "Over the years, the Japanese have been persecuting you. If it weren't for the Japanese army's ulterior motives, I'm afraid you would have been killed long ago. It's a great joy to finally get rid of the oppression of the Japanese.  "It's appropriate and necessary to get drunk. It's a celebration drink. It's normal to get drunk. It's not rude."

    Finally, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "Uncle, in terms of seniority, I am your junior, and I am a comrade in life and death with Xiao Yuan. I don't dare to call you a general in front of you. You should just call me by my name. It's just  Never call me a general."

    At Yang Zhen's words, Father Yuan nodded slightly, but did not change his words: "General Yang is right, this wine should indeed be regarded as a celebratory wine, and it should not be drunk until you return. However, what will happen next?"  Being drunk in front of guests is still a bit rude, especially in front of two national heroes, it is even more inappropriate. "

    Speaking of this, Father Yuan looked at Yang Zhen, and then at his daughter who was peeking at Yang Zhen from time to time. He smiled slightly and said, "General Yang and General Guo took time out of their busy schedules yesterday to go to the old man's home together.  Come visit, do you have anything else you want to discuss with me?"

    "Although I am old and unable to fight on the battlefield, I have never given up my desire to contribute to the country. Please rest assured, General Yang. As long as it is beneficial to the country and the people and can make his own contribution to the cause of the Anti-Japanese War, General Yang  But it doesn¡¯t matter, even if it makes the old man bankrupt, it doesn¡¯t matter.¡±

    "The ancients tried to destroy families to relieve difficulties. Although I dare not compare with the ancient sages, at this time when the nation is in danger, as long as the war of resistance is beneficial, I will never let the ancients be more beautiful than before. Everything is for the sake of  The war of resistance is not just for youPeople's things.  "

    As the saying goes, people are old and ghosts are old, especially for people like Yuan Zhiruo's father who has worked hard in the business world all his life. Those eyes are very hard-trained, and how can Yang Zhen hide his thoughts?  His eyes, as early as his beloved daughter told him that the commander-in-chief of the Anti-Japanese Alliance was coming to visit him, he knew that the reason was not that simple.

    It's just that Father Yuan thought that Yang Zhen came to ask for his hand in marriage yesterday, but he didn't know that what Yang Zhen wanted was completely different from what he thought, but something else.  What happened was completely different from what he imagined.
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