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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 727 What is the correct tactic?

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    Looking at Wang Guangyu who was thoughtful after hearing his words, Yang Zhen did not stop: "I think the banditry in the Nenjiang area has not been solved for a long time. It is not because we don't have the ability, but because in our minds  When there is a problem, there are no problems in the minds of cadres at all levels.¡±

    "In the past few years, cadres at all levels have become accustomed to large corps, formalization, and head-on combat. I am afraid that many of them have forgotten the guerrilla warfare skills we started with and dispersed guerrillas. This is our strength.  Why can¡¯t we fight after the strength and environment of the enemy and us have changed?¡±

    "These bandits are afraid of being dealt a devastating blow by our army and because of supply difficulties, they hardly dare to gather together except when necessary. Most of them are scattered. For these bandits who are scattered, you can  Sending out large troops to fight is almost a waste of effort."

    "As you said, when people drill into meadows and ravines, it won't work at all once the large corps enters. Back then, the Japanese blockade was so tight, but we could still find gaps to stand out. For these  Bandits who operate dispersedly and are very familiar with the terrain have little effect on concentrating large groups to fight. "

    ¡°In addition to thoroughly mobilizing the masses and launching a massive people¡¯s war to suppress bandits so that these bandits have no place to hide and cut off their sources of supplies, it is also necessary to organize capable small teams to cooperate with large forces and go deep into the mountains and forests and  Go to the prairie, use the blockade area constructed by the large army as the line, use the small team as the points, and combine the points and lines. "

    ¡°Our cadres at all levels must put their minds down and gather a group of small units. We must use our proficiency in guerrilla warfare to disperse versus disperse and concentrate versus concentrate. If we find any clues, we must pursue them closely and pursue them fiercely.  No matter where they go, we will not stop until we eliminate them.¡±

    "The Kwantung Army used to deal with us when they were suppressing us. Why can't we use the anti-guerrilla warfare tactics they invented to deal with them in the same way as they did in return? We are proficient in guerrilla tactics.  The situation here can be said to be very clear, and with the use of anti-guerrilla tactics that the Japanese have thought out, it will be difficult to destroy these bandit armed forces whose guerrilla warfare is not even half-finished. "

    "The little devils used their family members to instigate rebellion against us and caused great losses to us. Why can't we use the same method to mobilize the families of those gangsters and launch a political offensive against them? These are all ready-made experiences that we can use.  Why not take advantage."

    "No matter who invented the tactics, as long as they are useful to us now, we can still use them without fail. What is the correct tactic? It can be just a few words. That is, a useful tactic is a correct tactic, as long as it can achieve our goal.  The tactics are the right tactics.¡±

    "As for those who are determined to be bandits and resist us to the end, and even now are still obeying the Japanese and puppet orders, especially those bandit leaders, we must make up our minds to kill a lot of them, show off those who deserve to be publicized, and show no mercy to those who deserve to be killed, and don't show any mercy.  Worry, when making a judgment, you must be strict and quick. If you have too many worries, you can only tie your hands and feet. "

    "What I said today may be a bit harsh, but I believe that you don't need a heavy hammer to sound the drum. You, Wang Guangyu, have the ability and the strength to do the job assigned to you by your superiors. I have always been a person who employs people without trusting others.  No, just go ahead and do it without any worries.¡±

    Yang Zhen's words were a bit harsh, but Wang Guangyu knew that this was No. 1 encouraging him, so he nodded and said: "No. 1, I know what to do. You know that I won't say this or that.  Yes, I can only promise that I will do my best to complete the tasks assigned to me by my superiors.¡±

    Hearing what Wang Guangyu said, Yang Zhen nodded with a smile, but did not say anything more. Instead, he said: "Old Wang, it's a good thing that you have confidence. However, my stomach has no confidence now. I'll tell you  Come here, you won¡¯t be so stingy that you don¡¯t even care about a meal. I¡¯ve been talking to people since I got off the plane, and I haven¡¯t even eaten yet.¡±

    When Wang Guangyu heard this, he quickly looked at his watch and realized that it was already past eight o'clock. He quickly asked the guards to bring the meals that had been prepared. When Yang Zhen saw that Wang Guangyu was about to leave, he waved and said, "You stay with me.  Let¡¯s eat together and ask your guard to get some wine. We haven¡¯t had a meal together for a long time. I have something to say to you. Let¡¯s talk while we eat.¡±

    Asking Wang Guangyu to get some wine is not because Yang Zhen wants to drink. Although he is an authentic Northeasterner in this life, he has no hobby for wine. He doesn't have many opportunities to drink on weekdays, and his drinking capacity is really not good.  Shang Gao, the reason why he asked Wang Guangyu to get some drinks and talk while drinking was just to liven up the atmosphere, and to relieve Wang Guangyu's somewhat nervous mood after learning that he was about to take on a heavy responsibility.When he heard that Yang Zhen asked him to get some wine, Wang Guangyu didn't hesitate at all, and he moved very quickly. It didn't take long for his guards to bring a large plate of chopped dog meat, a bowl of dog meat stewed with tofu, and an open and seized dog meat.  Canned Japanese fruit, a torn roast chicken and a plate of fried peanuts as snacks, as well as several bottles of seized Japanese beer and a small jar of white wine,

    It doesn¡¯t matter if you eat too much canned food or something, and it¡¯s not a big deal when it comes to roasted chicken. But when he saw the dog meat and dog meat stewed tofu in the hands of the guard behind Wang Guangyu, Yang Zhen couldn¡¯t help but smile and said: ¡°What are you doing?  Where did you get it? It has a sweet taste, warm nature, warms the spleen and stomach, and improves people¡¯s digestion. It¡¯s a good thing.¡±

    Seeing that Yang Zhen liked it, Wang Guangyu smiled and poured Yang Zhen a glass of wine and said: "I haven't thought about whether it's good or not, but since you're here, I have to take the opportunity to improve it. It happens to be in the canteen of the Military Region Headquarters in the afternoon."  I killed a dog and left a dog leg for me. I borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha today. Unfortunately, we don¡¯t have Koreans here, so we can¡¯t make their special dog meat dipping sauce. We only have soy sauce, chili noodles and scallions.  ¡±

    Regarding the regret in Wang Guangyu's tone, Yang Zhen waved his hand and said: "It's fine if you have this, but you made a little too much wine. We agreed that you are not allowed to drink any wine from me today. Come on, I can't wait any longer.  Okay, let's get rid of this bitch together today." Yang Zhen said the last sentence with a pun.

    Seeing Yang Zhen's impatient look, Wang Guangyu smiled honestly. He knew that No. 1 was not the greedy person who would die after seeing delicious food, nor was he the drug addict who was addicted to alcohol.  What I am going to do today is to relax myself.

    Yang Zhen ignored what Wang Guangyu was thinking. Most of his attention was attracted by the dog meat on the plate. In later generations, his favorite among the Northeastern local cuisines was this kind of hand-shredded meat with an obvious Xian ethnic flavor.  Dog meat, every time you get a chance, you have to find an authentic dog meat restaurant and have a good meal.

    As for other Korean foods, which are mainly kimchi, he is not interested at all. Yang Zhen hates the cold noodles that are not sweet or sour, but this one has dog meat and dog meat stewed with tofu.  , but these two dishes are his favorites, and they have almost reached the point where he can never tire of eating them. It is a pity that even in later generations, due to military management reasons, he will not have many opportunities to eat them.

    Back in this era, although the scope of his activities was in the Northeast region where a large number of Koreans lived, he had never had the opportunity due to the rush of the war and the high pressure of work. This flavor, which at least for now is unique to the Northeast  Have eaten it before,

    In fact, Yang Zhen has always regarded himself as a contradictory person when it comes to eating dog meat. Whether in later generations or now, he likes dogs, especially the extremely intelligent large dogs. He likes them very much.  The military dogs used by the old army in later generations to guard him were extremely close to him. As long as he was in the army, they would never leave him.

    The attitude of the military dog ??sticking to him made him always laugh at himself in later generations. I am not liked by women, but I am liked by dogs. Even in this era, after the Battle of Qunce Mountain, he also adopted a Japanese military officer.  The remaining wolf dog, whenever he had some time, he would always walk the dog that was now almost inseparable from him.

    But he also likes to eat dog meat very much. In later generations, he would go and feast on it whenever he had time. However, if dogs were killed in dog meat restaurants, he could not bear to see them. On two occasions, he even paid for them himself and bought them at high prices.  The dogs that were prepared for slaughter were bought and released,

    He didn't know the reason for this contrast in personality. In later life, he was puzzled and finally summed it up for himself. He was just a foodie. He liked it as much as he liked it, but food didn't exist at all at the moment.  Still can't stand the temptation,

    However, everyone in later generations knows that he likes to eat dog meat. It doesn't matter if he eats some ugly pictures after seeing dog meat. But now, he has not been late for such a rare delicacy in his heart for a long time, and he looks somewhat ugly when eating it. But the king in front of him will  Guangyu was shocked.

    Looking at Yang Zhen, who originally thought he was never picky about food and always ate whatever was given to him, but now he was looking at the roast chicken on the side as if he didn't see it, his chopsticks never leaving the plate of dog meat, he really liked dog meat.  Fake, Wang Guangyu could only shake his head and smile bitterly,

    Having lived in the Northeast since childhood, this is the first time he has seen people besides Koreans who like to eat dog meat so much. However, Haolai finally knows that No. 1 likes to eat dog meat, and he can find ways to make him eat better next time.  Adjust his taste so he doesn¡¯t have to eat cabbage and radishes all day long.

    With his favorite food in front of him, and being with Wang Guangyu, his beloved general, Yang Zhen was quite happy to eat this meal. Since Wang Guangyu was transferred to the first column as the commander, the two of themThey had had dinner together in private. Yang Zhen was naturally very happy about this rare gathering. The wine he had originally planned to taste was also swept away by the two of them.

    A small jar of two kilograms of white wine was divided equally. Wang Guangyu, who drank a lot, didn't care, he was just tipsy, but Yang Zhen was somewhat drunk. You must know that the wine brewed in Northeastern pots in this era is not the same as that of later generations.  Those alcohol blends are all authentic high-strength wine brewed from sorghum, plus a few bottles of beer, so you can drink it without getting drunk.
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