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Text Chapter 654 Reverse Thinking

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    At this point, Yang Zhen clicked on the map and said: "Since their combat staff are not idiots, then why can't they think of everything we can think of? Judging from the configuration of the troops under the entire third theater, they still have a whole staff in Zhejiang  Army. We are all veterans, and some have participated in the Long March. I think everyone is also aware of the combat effectiveness of the 28th Army, which is affiliated with the Hunan Army."

    "If necessary, they can move their troops westward at any time to blockade the Tianmu Mountains. If I am not mistaken, the 28th Army has already begun to move westward. And at this time, we are fighting against such a powerful force as the Hunan Army  Encounter is not a good thing. As a strategic location and deep in western Zhejiang, they will never give up easily. It is inevitable. "

    "And judging from the current general deployment and direction of action of the enemy's forces, Prime Minister Shangguan Yun is worried about our march eastward to Zhejiang. I think everyone knows what Zhejiang is. Zhejiang people are still very popular among the National Government.  , There are many people who hold high positions. If we really get into Zhejiang, I am afraid that Shangguan Yunxiang will not be able to sit still. "

    "As for whether we will take advantage of his opportunity to move troops northward, judging from the current situation, he probably doesn't care. As long as we are squeezed out of Jiangnan, his mission will basically be completed. Eliminate us more  Well, if we can't eliminate him, as long as we withdraw from Jiangnan, his position will be very stable. In the next stage, his troop deployment will most likely be based on this intention."

    "So, we can't just think from our own perspective, what is the most beneficial to our next action. At least we must also consider it from the perspective of our opponents, and then make this decision. Only  Only by considering everything comprehensively can we make the choice that is best for ourselves. This is what I call reverse thinking.¡±

    After Yang Zhen finished speaking, several people were stunned.  This was the first time they heard about the so-called reverse thinking.  Thinking about the problem from the enemy's perspective has never been done before in their previous battles.  This so-called reverse thinking has never been heard of by Feng Dafei, the division commander of the front and rear armies, and the current deputy captain and chief of education of the teaching corps, not to mention several regiment leaders and political commissars with guerrilla backgrounds.

    After looking at the puzzled expressions of several people, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "Judging from our current military strength and strength, even if we arrive safely in the Tianmu Mountains, it will be difficult to stand up under the heavy siege. Moreover.  Politically, we can only fall into a more passive situation, so how to choose our retreat route is extremely important for us now.¡±

    After Yang Zhen finished speaking, Feng Dafei hesitated and said: "Political Commissar, you mean not to break out to the southeast. Instead, choose another direction? But currently, the southeast is the only direction where there are no traces of enemy troops. For us,  It should be the safest direction. No matter which direction the enemy is in, it is impossible to reach Jixi before midnight today."

    Regarding Feng Dafei's judgment, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "If they want to eat us, they don't have to turn south to Jixi. Judging from the confessions of the prisoners of the 368th Regiment, the 62nd Division has already arrived  Jingde County. And they are rapidly expanding toward the northeast. As long as they can trap us north of the Jinsha River, they can cut off our route from the east to western Zhejiang at any time."

    "When the 40th and 52nd Divisions behind us, the 79th Division to the west, and the 33rd Independent Brigade and the Second Column advancing to the northeast arrive, they can encircle us north of the Jinsha River. If I  If there is no mistake in my judgment, the current 62nd Division must have been fully deployed along the Jinsha River. "

    "Personally speaking, the more southeast there is no trace of the enemy, it just means that this direction is also the most unsafe. I would rather rely on the enemy's movements that have been exposed than rashly attack  Retreating to a strange area where the enemy situation is unknown."

    After Yang Zhen finished speaking, several people looked at each other and were silent for a long time. Feng Dafei, who had the highest position, spoke: "Political Commissar, according to you, turning to the southeast is not a good choice for us.  So what should we do according to your wishes?¡±

    Feng Dafei¡¯s words almost brought out the thoughts of everyone.  Hearing Feng Dafei's question, Yang Zhen smiled slightly and said confidently: "My suggestion is that while the 40th Division is still in Jing County, we take advantage of the favorable situation that the 79th Division has not yet fully deployed. From the 70th Division  The gap between the Ninth Division and the Forty Division is drilled out across the road between Sanxi and Caijiaqiao lines. "

    "Based on the current establishment of the Third War Zone, the Seventy-ninth Division is organized under the Eighty-sixth Army, which was previously organized under the Seventy-ninth Army. The Forty Division is under the Twenty-fifth Army, which was previously under the Twenty-ninth Army.  It has been less than half a year since the two divisions were transferred to the 25th Army.It is a direct line unit of the Central Army, but according to the Japanese practice, the horizontal communication between the two divisions with different structures is not close.  "

    "They can cooperate with each other in a small area like Piling, but if it is in a vast mountainous area such as the entire southeast of Jingxian County and the northeast of Jingde, there are still many gaps between them that we can take advantage of. Sanxi is 40  The division headquarters of the 79th Division, and Caijiaqiao, directly south of him, is likely to become the headquarters of the 79th Division.

    "Since they all believe that we will definitely advance eastward, their troop deployment must be heavy in the east and light in the west. We will use this gap to jump out from Caijiaqiao to Sanxi. Then we will use the four  The Tenth Division has all gathered in a favorable situation in the southeastern mountains of Jingxian County, and they are heading north through the hinterland of Jingxian County to fight against the Japanese. "

    Yang Zhen¡¯s counter-intuitive idea shocked several cadres at the regimental level and above who came to the meeting to see me as the God of War in the Anti-Japanese War.  He even looked at Yang Zhen at a loss, not knowing whether his ears heard it wrong or whether the young political commissar had gone crazy. I am the God of War in the Anti-Japanese War.

    As the deputy chief of the Operations Section, Ye Gao directly spoke out what everyone was saying because of his responsibilities: "Political Commissar, you have the idea of ????jumping out of the encirclement circle from the junction of the 40th Division and the 79th Division to the west. We have no objection to the war against Japan.  I am the God of War. Should we turn north and go to the hinterland of Jingxian County? Aren¡¯t we going to put ourselves in the tiger¡¯s mouth?¡±

    "Even if the 40th Division, the 52nd Division, and the 79th Division were all transferred to our side, there are still three divisions in Jingxian, the 144th Division, the New 7th Division, and the 108th Division to fight against the Japanese.  I am the God of War. These three divisions, the 144th Division, are the elite of the Sichuan Army. They are also the division with the strongest combat effectiveness and the best equipment. I am the God of War.¡±

    "The 108th Division is part of the Northeast Army system. Although its combat effectiveness is slightly inferior, its equipment is at least above average in the three theaters. The entire division is equipped with the same Liao 13 rifles, made in the Czech Republic.  The amount of light and heavy machine guns, French mortars, and ammunition is also sufficient. Although the equipment of the New Seventh Division is somewhat incomplete, both brigades are fully equipped. "

    "With the current situation that our troops have less than a thousand troops and are extremely short of ammunition, if we can go head-to-head with the enemy forces of three divisions, wouldn't we be throwing ourselves into a trap? Even if the 32nd Army puts all its main forces in Jing County  In the southeastern mountainous area and on the Jingde front line, they will not relax their vigilance in other directions. I am the God of War."

    "Political Commissar, the current situation is serious. No matter which step of judgment is wrong, it will bring disaster to us. I think we should be more careful. We must know that we have no ammunition.  There are no external reinforcements to fight against Japan. Now our troops can even be said to have basically no fighting capacity. "

    Regarding Ye Gao's judgment, Yang Zhen was very dissatisfied and said: "Comrade Ye Gao, you are the chief of the combat section, not the combat staff. You have an analysis and judgment on the entire battle situation. This is very good. I am the God of War in the Anti-Japanese War. But you  Why did I only see part of it with my vision? Why did I choose to break through Jing County directly to the north even though I knew that the Third War Zone still had three divisions left in Jing County?

    "General staff officers cannot see that I am the god of war in the normal fight against Japan. But you are the chief of the operations section, leading all the staff in the operations section to assist the military chief in directing operations. It is abnormal if you cannot see that I am the god of war in the fight against Japan. You are here  The battle situation must be judged from an overall perspective, not just one-sided view. You guys are all mid-level commanders, so why do you only look at one side of the problem? "

    "The Third War Zone does have three divisions in Jingxian County. You have only seen that they are fully organized and have sufficient ammunition to resist the Japanese. But there is one thing I don't know if you have seen? These three divisions have one characteristic, that is  They are all so-called miscellaneous troops. Moreover, the three divisions are not fully organized. They are all assigned to other troops to fight against Japan. "

    "Judging from the current situation, these divisions have been dismantled to pieces. Even the most complete 144th Division, two of the three regiments have been split up and given to the 52nd Division to command the Anti-Japanese I am the God of War.  . The two brigades of the New Seventh Division were split into two different units to command the Anti-Japanese War God. The most critical point is that none of the division commanders of these three divisions can command the Anti-Japanese War God on the front line.  God of War. What does this mean? Quite simply, I am not the God of War.¡±

    "Anyone else would not feel comfortable with this kind of distrust, nor would they really work hard to resist Japan. I am the god of war. Why are the division commanders of the miscellaneous troops replaced? What about those direct division commanders of the Central Army?  Not to change? Why aren¡¯t the 40th, 52nd and 79th divisions of the direct line divided and used?¡±

      "The division commanders are not in command positions, and the troops have been torn apart. How much combat power do you think these divisions have left? Will you really sacrifice your life for them? What will happen to the morale of these divisions?  How much combat power is left? Have you considered this?"

    "If we go north from Jingxian County, they will not seriously intercept the Anti-Japanese I am the God of War. Because for them, good and bad attacks are the same as the Anti-Japanese I am the God of War. After fighting, the Central Army will not attack  They look at the anti-Japanese war god in a different light, but if they destroy it, their own strength will be damaged, and they may be swallowed up by the central army. "

    "And once it is lost, it will be very difficult to replenish it according to the Central Army's usual practice of discriminating against novices. So they will not work too hard. The enemy forces in other directions are different.  Not only is the Central Army's fighting ability superior, but its obedience is also much better than that of these miscellaneous troops who have their own calculations and survival is their first priority no matter what the situation.  Mars."

    "As for the no-names in the Central Army such as the Second Advancing Column and the Zhongyi Rescue Corps, although their combat effectiveness is not strong, their obedience is far better than that of the no-name troops in the Anti-Japanese War. Once they encounter them,  , It will also bring us a lot of trouble, so this is the reason why we choose to go to Jingxian, the anti-Japanese force defense zone."
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