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Text Chapter 230 Yang Zhen is very dissatisfied

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    Facing the hot meals that had been prepared, the cadres and soldiers who had been eating dry food because of the continuous march since leaving the Yunling military station, although they did not understand Yang Zhen's order.  But these days, the military personnel who have become accustomed to the new political commissar's vigorous and resolute work attitude, no one dares to raise objections.

    When they received an order from their superiors to prepare a meal, they would eat while walking on the road.  These people who were in the military and had almost never fought in a war, after cheering, immediately scrambled to use lunch boxes, enamel bowls, or marching shovels, or even took off their military hats to fight in a hurry.  Once the meal is ready, eat it while walking.  Most people were half full in their hurry.

    Looking at the cadres and soldiers walking and eating while gathering, Yang Zhen frowned slightly.  Although he didn't say anything, he felt helpless in his heart.  When the director of the Political Department carried out his orders, he still adopted some reservations and did not fully follow his own requirements.

    Yang Zhen was actually very dissatisfied with this approach of the director of the Political Department.  There is nothing wrong with you feeling sorry for the troops, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to let the cadres and soldiers have some hot meals to restore their strength.  But there is also a time to score. Is this the time to feel sorry for the troops?

    With the enemy already pressing on the situation, if we delay here for one more minute, the surrounding situation may change a little more.  With almost all available troops being mobilized to the front, every minute wasted here may have to be made up for with more blood and lives.

    Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with the director of the Political Department, Yang Zhen finally suppressed his anger.  Haolai didn't waste too long, and most of the people completed the assembly within the fifteen minutes requested by Yang Zhen.  Yang Zhen just pretended not to hear his subordinates' whispered complaints.

    There are mountains here, not to mention ravines and ravines, and the vegetation is also quite good.  Of course, the large army will not be able to get through in a short time.  However, it provided a quite effective cover for the infiltration of small forces.  The military headquarters is located in a small natural village in a ravine. Hundreds of people gather together, and the bonfires can be seen from a distance. Even at night, it is an excellent target for attack.

    Once a small force infiltrates, even if the military headquarters will not be destroyed, if it is touched, the consequences will not be that small.  This is also the reason why Yang Zhen is eager to transfer the military headquarters.  Several divisions of the opponent are pressing over here, and these division commanders, as long as they are not idiots, will send out search troops, or even small groups, to use the gaps in the defense to move in and look for the headquarters.

    It¡¯s just that the military department did complete the assembly in a short period of time in accordance with Yang Zhen¡¯s request, but only most of them.  Seeing that five minutes had passed and people were still entering the queue one after another, Yang Zhen's brows furrowed involuntarily.  It wasn't until more than ten minutes passed before the final assembly time that everyone arrived.

    Yang Zhen was quite dissatisfied with this gathering.  But after all, it was not his old army, and the veteran director of the political department beside him made Yang Zhen angry and could only suppress it in his heart and release it.  If this is in the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation, whether it is the agency behind the Sikyong, or local troops, or even a county brigade, if they show this quality when they gather.  Yang Zhen might have cursed people a long time ago.

    In the Anti-Japanese Alliance, it doesn¡¯t matter whether you are an agency that does not go to the battlefield, such as the Political Department or the Logistics Department, or you are a grassroots field force.  Whether it's day or night.  Even if it is a unit with a large concentration of female soldiers such as the Art Troupe, as long as there is an order, it must be assembled within five minutes of the order.  In the Anti-Japanese War, there was no such thing as being a casual soldier.

    In the Anti-Japanese Alliance, no matter it is a field force or an agency, as long as there is no combat mission.  In addition to taking appropriate care of the wounded and female soldiers during their menstrual period, all the people, including the financial staff and medical staff who do not go out to exercise in the general army, are all strong in the morning. The male soldiers are three thousand meters and the female soldiers are one thousand meters.  morning exercises.

    No matter it¡¯s windy, raining, or snowing, morning exercises don¡¯t stop even if the knife is used.  If you encounter heavy snow and the snow is too thick to run, then shovel the snow for an hour instead.  Of course, if there is a snowstorm that makes it impossible to go out, the troops will still have to do sit-ups or frog jumps in the barracks instead.

    And no matter what kind of soldier you are, you must be fully armed.  No matter what level of cadre the male soldiers are, even the political department clerks who usually do not carry guns, when they go out for drills, they all carry Type 38 rifles, 100 rounds of live ammunition, and four grenades.  Machine gunners follow wartime marching requirements and carry the machine gun as they should.

    It¡¯s not unusual for other armies to do morning exercises in full gear.  But carrying a machine gun and going out for morning exercises is probably the only part of the Anti-League movement.  A Type 92 heavy machine gun weighing more than 50 kilograms including its frame was carried by four people and ran down 3,000 meters.Even though he is a strong person, he is still panting from exhaustion.

    Although the communications personnel only carry a submachine gun and a magazine when they go out for training, it seems to be a bit of an advantage, but in fact this is not the case.  Although they can carry less ammunition, they carry the same weight as the radios they carry on daily marches.  In many cases, these communicators even have a bundle of hemp rope on them to use as a counterweight in place of the antenna.

    Male soldiers are fully armed when going out for drills, and even female soldiers are no exception. Except for menstruation and pregnancy, they do not need to go out for drills with the consent of the military doctor.  The same goes for the rest of the time, all carrying rifles or submachine guns.  Only the ammunition is halved, fifty rounds for the rifle and two magazines for the submachine gun.

    The reason for this requirement is that all troops of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, regardless of male or female soldiers, even absolute non-combatants such as art troupes and medical personnel, also receive one to two hours of military training every day.  Standing in military posture, shooting, dropping bombs, and even simple tactical applications are all available.

    A veteran cadre who was transferred from the customs once made a joke with Yang Zhen: "In other armies, the art troupe is full of girls who are good at singing and dancing and are as beautiful as flowers. But in our army, in addition to singing and dancing, the art troupe also  She also has to be a dominatrix who can shoot and drop bombs, and can go into battle to kill the enemy with a gun when necessary.¡±

    Although the words of this cadre are a bit excessive, it also shows that in the anti-alliance army, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman or what your position is, as long as you are a soldier, you must have basic military skills.  In Yang Zhen's words, although you don't have to go directly to the battlefield, you must at least have the ability to protect yourself during the war.

    When there is an emergency gathering, as soon as the assembly horn sounds, let alone eating or sleeping.  Even if you are taking a bath with your butt naked, you still have to arrive within the prescribed time.  Like today, the fifteen minutes of gathering time have passed and the gathering has not been completed. This is absolutely not allowed in the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    According to Yang Zhen¡¯s rules on weekdays, if such a sparse situation occurs during an emergency gathering, the department head will be dismissed on the spot.  No matter what level of cadre you are, if your soldiers are not managed well, then I'm sorry, the superiors can only replace them with someone who can manage them well.

    The daily style of an army represents its combat effectiveness and cohesion.  It is these strict, and even somewhat unkind regulations in the eyes of some troops, that have forged a force with strong combat effectiveness.  This is also a major reason why the Anti-League's combat effectiveness has increased sharply in a short period of time.  According to Yang Zhen's requirements in the Anti-League, these people today obviously have a somewhat loose style, which will never be tolerated.

    Seeing that most of the people who arrived later were officers and literary and artistic personnel from several departments and field service groups of the Political Department, Yang Zhentie said with a livid face to the director of the Political Department who looked a little embarrassed beside him: "After arriving at the front line of Fengliubu, I  Give you three hours to train your subordinates. If your people are still procrastinating and have such a lax attitude when we set off again, I will personally take action to let them know what is forbidden. "

    After that, without waiting for the explanation from the red-faced director of the Political Department who had been trained by him, Yang Zhen waved his hand expressionlessly and said to the ministers and section chiefs of the headquarters, political department, and logistics department around him: "Tell everyone  "While marching, no talking or smoking is allowed, and no one is allowed to light a torch after dark."

    "Those of you who have flashlights should be separated from others at a distance of ten meters. During the march, the flashlight light is only allowed to shine forward, and is not allowed to wander around the mountain ridges on both sides. Also, if anyone has any special needs, as long as it is not an accident,  Just bear with me, kids. You have to take care of your own people. If anyone in that department falls behind, I will ask the person in charge of that department."

    After explaining to several ministers and section chiefs, Yang Zhen turned to the combat staff beside him and said: "The guard troops are not allowed to march with the personnel directly under the team. In addition to leaving one person behind to accommodate those who may fall behind to lead the team,  , the remaining two platoons formed a battle formation on the ridges on both sides to search and advance, and the vanguard squad should be separated by more than fifty meters from the troops behind them. "

    "How to use tactics, team operations in mountainous areas at night, and how to communicate with each other. My security team should have taught you when we were in Yunling. Tell the security company commander and instructor that no matter what situation you encounter on the road, you are not allowed to handle it without authorization.  , must report directly to me immediately.¡±

    "Tell the troops behind us to abandon their positions half an hour after we evacuate. Each company takes turns to cover and evacuate to the front line of Fengliu Port. Also, if you encounter a small group of enemy troops, you are not allowed to fire as long as the opponent does not detect them. Tell the commander  If Lei Geng, who is covering the troops, is cut off from the main force, he should not retreat directly to the west to join Lin Jianqiu."

    The staff officer who stayed with Yang Zhen in the Operations Section quickly recorded Yang Zhen¡¯s order and quickly went to convey the order.It¡¯s over.  After seeing that the staff officer had completely conveyed the order to the heads of various departments, Yang Zhen ignored the director of the political department who wanted to come up to explain, and directly ordered to set off with a wave of his hand.

    Looking at the back of Yang Zhen who set off first, the director of the Political Department, who was somewhat dissatisfied because he thought Yang Zhen was making a fuss, shook his head and followed.  Being scolded by Yang Zhen, who was more than ten years younger than me, I had to endure it even though I felt very uncomfortable.  He still has a sense of the overall situation and knows that now is not the time to argue about this.
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