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Text Chapter 226 Fierce Battle in Southern Anhui

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    Regarding the actual combat effectiveness of the entire Wannan Army and the abilities of commanders at all levels, Yang Zhen believed that he did not know much or comprehensively. This is why Yang Zhen dared to boldly delegate power to the commander of the Xiyi Army.  Granting him real military command authority that he has never had since the formation of the New Fourth Army.

    For Yang Zhen, it is better to let someone who is familiar with the army take command than being a stranger.  Yang Zhen, who was a real soldier, believed that he would not be inferior to the commander in front of him on the battlefield.  But in terms of understanding of the army, he can only be said to be an outsider so far.

    As the founder of an army, apart from the deputy commander who has already arrived in Yan'an, it is obvious that no one is more familiar with the combat effectiveness of his subordinates than this commander.  It is always better to hand over the command of the battle to someone who is familiar with the army than to do it yourself without knowing much about the army.

    This is not the Northeast, and the troops he leads are not the new anti-resistance alliance that he created and knows everything about.  Although most of the commanders at the regiment level and above are from the old Red Army.  Basically, all of them have been tested by three years of guerrilla warfare and the Long March, and they are all battle-hardened veterans.  Many of them even served as division-level commanders in the Red Army, but they were still quite unfamiliar to Yang Zhen.

    Lin Jianqiu and Xiang Yongzhang were originally selected to stay, except for the recommendation of a team commander and political commissar who was familiar with the military situation.  The resumes of the two people were also one of the reasons that made Yang Zhen make up his mind.  Lin Jianqiu is a veteran guerrilla and has rich experience in guerrilla warfare.

    ¡° Moreover, Lin Jianqiu was not the main commander of the army. He was left to insist that the combat effectiveness of each unit would not be affected by adjusting the military chief.  Compared with Lin Jianqiu, the reason why Xiang Yongzhang was selected is simpler.  Because he himself is from southern Anhui, he is quite familiar with the terrain and people's customs here.

    If he had time to get more familiar with these cadres, Yang Zhen would never be so hasty when choosing candidates.  At least when it comes to military chiefs, he will still consider it carefully.  But now, when the troops are about to set off and the military and political leaders of each regiment are not suitable for changes, Yang Zhen thinks it is a good choice to transfer these two people.

    The lack of a deep understanding of the combat effectiveness of the troops was a major reason why Yang Zhen delegated power to the army commander.  But now, since Yang Zhen has said that he will not interfere in combat deployment, he really means what he says.  When the military commander was deploying the battle, although he was sitting on the edge, he said nothing.

    When the military commander has finished his deployment, he looks at him habitually and wants to ask for his opinion on the deployment.  He only emphasized the basic strategic requirements of winning in a narrow encounter and concentrating troops and firepower, without saying another word.  Just sitting there, not knowing what to think.

    Looking at Yang Zhen who said nothing and even looked like he was concentrating with his eyes closed, the army commander and several senior generals around him could only shake their heads with a wry smile.  The young new political commissar seemed too relaxed.  As a political commissar, you must at least play a supervisory role.

    According to regulations, the political commissar has the final decision-making power.  During combat, he is responsible for the final inspection of the entire combat operation.  But you, the political commissar, never said a word, and now you have even closed your eyes, clearly showing that I completely trust you.  Is this political commissar that worthy?

    In fact, Yang Zhen¡¯s name and experience are basically known to all the senior generals here.  Since the battle started, everyone wanted to see what this young general who had built such a large territory in the Northeast from scratch could do.  But he didn't expect that the new political commissar would put on such a posture when he arrived on the battlefield.

    Compared with the cadres at all levels around us, they all have their own merits.  The military commander who finally gained real battlefield command had mixed feelings in his heart.  Compared with the previous distrust, even exclusion.  The trust given to this young man who was almost twenty years younger than him at critical moments made the commander quite unaccustomed.

    After adjusting the deployment, the army commander turned his head and wanted to seek Yang Zhen's advice on his entire deployment.  But he didn't expect that Yang Zhen just said a few words and then closed his eyes and calmed down.  In desperation, the army commander had no choice but to turn around and continue discussing the battle situation ahead.

    ¡°What everyone present didn¡¯t know was that Yang Zhen seemed to be resting his mind at this time, but in fact his head did not rest for a moment.  He heard clearly the military commander's deployment just now.  But in Yang Zhen's view, it is undoubtedly a very correct decision to concentrate the troops at the moment and defeat the Forty Division first.

    Only by taking advantage of the surrounding divisions to get rid of this obstacle and entering the Tianmu Mountains of Jingde can the southern Anhui army be truly out of danger.  Under the current situation where there is only one way to go with Huashan, even if he takes action himself, there is no other better way.

    Although Yang Zhen is hereHe did not express his position on the military deployment, but his attitude and previous orders silently told everyone that he trusted the commander in military command.  And now that almost everyone knew that the Third War Zone had encircled the southern Anhui army, the calmness he showed made everyone calm down against the sudden enemy situation.

    Yang Zhen's behavior as an example clearly gave the military commander and everyone in the military department great confidence.  Without interference, the commander, who had obtained battlefield command for the first time since the establishment of the New Fourth Army, almost performed beyond his level.  Orders were passed out from the commander's mouth one after another, and the troops in front became more and more courageous as they fought.

    The battle continued until noon. Under the intensive fire cover of six 90mm mortars and eight Type 92 heavy machine guns randomly flown in by Yang Zhen, the Fifth Regiment and the Old First Regiment, which attacked eastward from Piling, took the lead.  Progress was made, breaking through three blockades of the Forty Division in succession.  They successively seized the commanding heights along Jiangjun Mountain, Caojiashan Mountain and Lugong Mountain.

    The 120th Regiment of the 40th Division deployed along the line from Piling to Lugong Mountain was severely damaged by the superior firepower and the fierce attack of the two regiments.  Most of the team directly under the regiment and the three battalions attached to it were wiped out, and the remaining troops withdrew to Xingtan to join the 119th Regiment.  After the 120th Regiment was defeated, the forward battalion of the Old 1st Regiment, which launched an attack along the ridge on the west side, had already reached the west of Xingtan.

    An hour after the forward of the old regiment arrived at Xingtan, the main force of the fifth regiment that launched the attack from the east also arrived less than five miles southwest of Xingtan.  At this time, the Lao 1st Regiment and the 5th Regiment, which launched a frontal attack from the military headquarters, had already formed a pincer-shaped offensive against Xingtan.  As long as the star pool is scooped out, it means that the entire blockade deployed in the southeast of the third theater will be torn apart.  As long as the entire southern Anhui army passes through Xingtan, it will enter the Tianmu Mountains, which means escaping and ascending to heaven.

    While making great progress in the middle, the column on the left wing, after a hard fight until 15:00 in the afternoon, defeated the interception of a reinforced battalion of the 52nd Division and the division's search company, pistol company and the first section of the special agent battalion.  , completed the task assigned by the military headquarters to forcibly cross the Huihe River and seize Bangshan, an important place in Hedong.

    After completing the first phase of the combat mission assigned by the military headquarters, the first column retained the deputy commander and commanded the third regiment to build positions on the spot to block the follow-up troops of the 52nd Division in the north. The main force of the new regiment was  , the New Third Regiment made a 90-degree turn.

    The first column concentrated the strength of two regiments and the strength of two directly affiliated special agent battalions, under the cover of three mortars and more than ten Czech light machine guns and Hotchkiss heavy machine guns reinforced by the military headquarters at all costs.  , forced the attack to the south.  Before sunset, they successively captured Jushan and Diaolichong lines. The forwards directly threatened the flanks of the main force of the 40th Division in Xingtan and the covered bridge where the 40th Division's baggage was located.

    The first column's breakthrough on the left wing forced the 40th Division to deploy a battalion of the 119th Regiment from the front and rear of the 120th Regiment, and the division's special agent battalion, engineer battalion, etc. were transferred to the line from Jushan to Madu in order to prevent a group of troops from advancing.  The column's fierce offensive.  Although this action of the Forty Division temporarily stopped the offensive of the first column, it weakened Xingtan's strength.

    The 40th Division is a direct line unit of the Central Army in the Third War Zone. Although its equipment is not as elite as the 52nd Division with a full set of French equipment.  But in the entire three theaters, it is also considered one of the best.  Not only are the light and heavy machine guns complete, but there are also divisional mountain artillery battalions, and the artillery shells are also sufficient.  The combat effectiveness is also top-notch among the troops currently deployed in southern Anhui.

    However, under the two-sided attack from the first column and the troops directly under the military headquarters that attacked frontally, the Forty Division, although it resisted desperately, fell into a situation where it was overwhelmed by the firepower of the troops regardless of the loss of ammunition.  The front and left wing were constantly being breached. Division Commander Fang Riying could not help but scratch his head while constantly adjusting his deployment in order to plug the growing loopholes.

    He couldn¡¯t help but scratch his head when he received reports that the frontline troops suffered heavy casualties and had to retreat under the intensive firepower of the New Fourth Army troops, especially the intensive machine gun fire and mortar fire.  Didn¡¯t it mean that the New Fourth Army in southern Anhui was short of guns and ammunition, and its equipment was extremely poor?  But how could it happen to him that he could concentrate dozens of light and heavy machine guns and a large number of mortars on just one attack surface?

    This ammunition is like splashing water, and it doesn't look like it is in short supply at all, especially since it is equipped with a large number of portable machine guns.  How could he become so rich all of a sudden?  Not only can he actually fight against his own troops, but he can also suppress his troops with the intensity of firepower?

    What puzzled him even more was that his mountain artillery battalion, which was deployed in the rear position on the east bank of the Huihe River and was equipped with eight French 75 Schneider mountain cannons, which he regarded as eye-catching, was lost after just firing a few shells.  connection.  When someone was sent to check, all that was left in this mountain artillery battalion was a pile of bombed-out wreckage, except for the artillerymen who had been disarmed inexplicably.

    And the artillerymen who were blinded,??The whole army was destroyed and we don't know who did it.  They only knew that a group of people wearing colorful clothes and holding a strange automatic firearm that had never been seen even in the weapons claimed to be equipped by Wanguo brand, with the cooperation of some small groups of New Fourth Army troops, used the frontier  The cracks in the troops penetrated the artillery positions.  After disarming the artillery and blowing up all the artillery, they left before reinforcements arrived.

    The entire artillery force was destroyed and all artillery pieces were lost. However, the artillerymen who had lost a full set of weapons and equipment did not know anything about it.  Although Fang Riying was furious when he didn't get any useful information, he had no choice but to shoot the artillery battalion commander who he thought had seriously neglected his duty.
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