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Text Chapter 623: Be prepared to sacrifice

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    Listening to the doubtful words of his adjutant, the colonel could only smile bitterly and shake his head: "You may not know yet, but they now not only have aircraft, but also the latest American fighter jets. A few days ago, they dispatched a fleet of aircraft to transport the city to Yuncheng."  The Japanese military airport was blown to pieces.¡±

    "These old haters are getting tougher and tougher now. When they report back to the war zone this time, I heard from the war zone commander that this time the Americans gave them hundreds of planes in the form of loans, n¨£in¨£i  Yes, after many efforts by the Military Commission, the Americans agreed to provide 100 fighter jets, which will not be available until next year. "

    "But *** gave these people hundreds of aircraft at once, and it sounds like they were given at extremely cheap prices. I really don't know whether we represent the Chinese government or they, in the eyes of the Americans, hundreds of new aircraft.  Fighter, he didn¡¯t even say hello before, he just told the Chongqing Military Commission afterwards.¡±

    "What's even more irritating is that the loan to buy the plane is still on our heads, and it is directly deducted from the aid given to us by the Americans. Because of this matter, chong qing is almost going crazy. I heard that a military commission member of mine who inspected the war zone  After meeting with classmates, the chairman personally made several representations to the American ambassador to get these planes over, but the Americans directly replied that all the planes had been delivered.¡±

    "N¨£in¨£i, we have been putting off buying a few airplanes for a long time, but now it's good. We rushed to deliver them to people almost in vain. The delivery speed is very fast, and the procedures are even delivered first and then fulfilled. Listen to this batch  Many of the aircraft are currently in service from the US military, and they are all the latest aircraft. It¡¯s really infuriating.¡±

    Here, the colonel sighed and said: "It's no wonder. Who allowed us to fight? I heard that they fought hard in the Northeast for several months and ate up several Japanese divisions in one go. It's no wonder that the Americans look at us differently. We  If they had this ability, the Americans would have sent the equipment to Peipian and Peipian, and they would still have to ask others to use it.¡±

    The adjutant was a little disapproving of the colonel's words and said: "Sir, they can't brag by eating several divisions at once. With their fire sticks and big knives, there are at most a few 38-style soldiers in the Northeast.  With the few troops we have, they can still fight better than our Central Army."

    Regarding the adjutant's somewhat disapproving words, the colonel frowned and said, "Do you think the Americans are like the Chongqing Military Commission? They are so easy to fool. Whether they are Americans or Russians, they are not the ones who don't let go of hawks when they see rabbits."  , let me tell you, one of their military observation groups is now in the Northeast."

    "Because of this, the Chairman almost evacuated his boss, and a group of Americans swaggered away to Yan'an under our noses, including an assistant to the Army Attach¨¦ from the U.S. Embassy stationed in China.  Their so-called omnipotent military commander actually doesn¡¯t know anything about it.¡±

    "I heard that the Chairman's temper has been very bad these days. All the senior generals in the attendant's room and the audience have been scolded. It's no wonder that the Chairman is angry. In order to win the aid of the Americans, our mouths are almost dry and we have exhausted all our efforts.  The Americans generously gave us two loans, but they didn¡¯t provide us with the equipment we urgently needed. It¡¯s better to go over there, and the Americans rushed to repay us.¡±

    Here, the colonel stopped talking and said: "Let's stop chatting here and report the situation here to the commander of the theater. I hope the commander of the theater will have time to adjust the deployment and don't let Chong Qing's plan fail, otherwise  , you and I can't escape just a charge of negligence. If the Chairman is further provoked, it will be you and me who will be unlucky."

    Yang Zhen naturally ignored the worries of the two liaison officers. On the way back to the military headquarters, Yang Zhen said directly to the commander: "Order all units to start gathering at twelve o'clock tonight. The old one on the eastern front  The regiment must withdraw to Yunling Military Headquarters before midnight today. A meeting of cadres above the regiment will be held tomorrow afternoon. After the meeting, an action plan will be issued. At midnight tomorrow night, the entire army will start setting off on time. "

    In response to Yang Zhen's words, the army commander did not express his position and just nodded silently. Unlike his predecessor who hesitated more due to political considerations, although this new party and government leader is much younger, he has no trace of anything.  He has the arrogance of a successful young man, but his style is very decisive.

    After only a few days of contact, he found that this young man, who was almost the same age as his nephew, found it difficult to change something once he decided. Facing this young but powerful partner who was extremely difficult to fool, he had been beaten many times before.  The commander of the attack naturally knew what to do.

    After returning to the military headquarters, facing a situation with no room for retreat, the two of them split up according to the previous plan. Yang Zhen immediately began to arrange all the final arrangements for the evacuation, especially the arrangements for the troops left to fight guerrillas.  The commander then began to mobilize troops and generals according to the plan, especially the concentration of troops.

    After all, they are old troops, facing the sudden attack from the military headquarters.After receiving the concentration order conveyed by ??, the various ministries in southern Anhui did not panic and quickly moved closer and concentrated from their respective stations to the location of the military headquarters. The old regiment, which was located on the eastern front and faced off against the 108th Division of the Third Theater Zone, after receiving the order  , leaving two companies behind to pretend to be the main force, they returned on time at a forced march speed.

    The troops were assembled. Yang Zhen did not do any political mobilization. He directly announced the northward withdrawal route and order at a meeting of cadres above the regiment level. After Yang Zhen announced the northern withdrawal route, all the cadres at the regiment level and above who attended the meeting listened to the instructions.  The retreat route turned out to be the unexpected southern route, instead of the eastern route that had been negotiating with the Third War Zone these days. They couldn't help but look at this young new political commissar who was still unfamiliar to them in surprise.

    Looking at the cadres at all levels with different expressions after listening to his announcement of the northward withdrawal route, Yang Zhen did not give any explanation. He just emphasized that the troops must strictly obey orders in all actions during the operation. Military issues are the responsibility of the commander.  You are responsible for the rest, and at the same time, all troops are required to be more vigilant when marching.

    Once encountering so-called friendly forces interception, be sure not to fire the first shot. However, if the other party fires first, then you must follow the requirements of your respective plans and fight with all your strength under the command of the military headquarters. Never be timid, and once the fight begins, you must  Beat the opponent thoroughly.

    As his first real appearance in front of all the troops in southern Anhui, Yang Zhen did not give a long speech. Instead, just like when he was in Northeast China, he spoke very briefly and made his demands clear in a few words. The cadres below had not had time to finish recording.  He has finished speaking here.

    Not only did the new political commissar speak very briefly, but he also asked other cadres to keep their speeches short. At the meeting, each person should not speak for more than five minutes. This new political commissar¡¯s style made him accustomed to the leaders at all levels in meetings.  Cadres at all levels who gave long speeches couldn't help but feel refreshed. However, although this political commissar's speech was brief, every sentence was to the point.

    This mobilization meeting for the northern evacuation was extremely short. In the past, the meeting took two or three hours, but this time it ended in less than an hour. After the meeting, I went to the army commander in batches with other cadres to receive their respective evacuation plans.  Different, Yang Zhen's place is very clean.

    Only after the main force withdrew, Du Jianqiu, Chief of Staff of the New Third Regiment, who served as the leader of the newly established Jiangsu-Anhui Border Guerrilla Detachment, and Xiang Yongzhang, Deputy Chief of the Organization Section of the Third Detachment as political commissar, were left in southern Anhui to persist. Yang Zhen only stayed and persisted.  The army cadres were interviewed. As for the former deputy secretary of the Southern Anhui Special Committee who stayed to reorganize the Southern Anhui Special Committee who left with the army, the deputy secretary of the Southeast Bureau in charge of local work was interviewed.

    The choice of Du Jianqiu and Xiang Yongzhang to stay was finally finalized by Yang Zhen after reviewing the military personnel files in detail. Du Jianqiu and Xiang Yongzhang are both veteran Red Army soldiers who have experienced three years of guerrilla warfare and have rich experience in guerrilla warfare.  , and not only have rich experience in military struggle, but also have an extremely firm political stance. Yang Zhen believes that they are the right candidates to keep them.

    Looking at the two people sitting in front of him, who had already learned about their mission from the deputy chief of staff of the army before the meeting, and looked serious, Yang Zhen hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Comrade Jianqiu and Comrade Yongzhang, this time the military department decided  It was a matter of careful consideration for the two of you to stay behind after the troops in southern Anhui retreated north, but I want to hear your own thoughts now."

    Here, Yang Zhen paused and said: "I know that considering the current situation in southern Anhui, it is cruel to leave you here, but southern Anhui is an important support point for our army's military struggle in the south of the Yangtze River. It will completely give up on the development of our army in the entire south of the Yangtze River."  It¡¯s a great loss.¡±

    "Completely abandoning Wannan and persisting in southern Anhui will cause the army to lose an important support and become completely alone. Therefore, after careful consideration, the military has decided to leave a capable armed force in southern Anhui. This is not to abandon you, but to  The decision was made based on the development of the situation.¡±

    "You are all veterans who have experienced three years of guerrilla war. You know better than me what it means to stay. If you stay in southern Anhui, you will not only face the suppression of the Japanese and puppet troops, but also face the attacks of the so-called friendly forces around us, so  Now I give you a chance to choose. If you really don¡¯t want to stay, I can change you.¡±

    Du Jianqiu and Xiang Yongzhang listened to Yang Zhen's words, but looked at each other and said without any hesitation: "Political Commissar, we are all veterans. We have no idea about keeping us here and will obey orders resolutely.  Commander, please rest assured that we will be able to persevere and wait for the day when the main force returns to southern Anhui."

    Regarding the two people's statements, Yang Zhen did not answer them immediately. Instead, he opened the map and said: "In view of the current situation, the army can only leave you with five companies of troops. Our army in southern Anhui has been too busy due to previous work."  Passivity has caused our army to be compressed into a narrow area of ??less than 100 kilometers wide from north to south and less than 50 kilometers deep from east to west.??And no local armed forces have been formed here that you can rely on.  "

    "Within such a narrow range, your room for activity is very limited, and there are tens of thousands of troops from seven divisions in the Third War Zone around you. Therefore, after the main force leaves, the situation you will face will be extremely difficult, and the local party organizations are also rebuilding.  "You have limited foundations to rely on. If you stay in Wannan, you must be prepared to endure hardships and even sacrifices."
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