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Text Chapter 619 Heroes Cherish Heroes

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    At this point, although he also knew that the current situation in southern Anhui required a strong person, Yang Zhen felt that his tone was a bit too strong. He hesitated for a moment and softened his tone slightly: "We don't have time.  When arguing with each other, time is victory and the lives of more than ten thousand cadres and soldiers in southern Anhui. As commanders, we have no right to let the blood of soldiers be shed in vain! "

    "Each department must follow the requirements of the military and formulate a detailed plan based on the tasks of moving north. The specific tasks must be implemented by people. If there is a problem in that link, that person will be responsible. If there is a problem in that department, I will investigate  The responsibility of the leader of that department is the punishment of military discipline and the punishment of party discipline!¡±

    "Also, all the non-combatants who must remain will be evenly distributed to each detachment. At the same time, the original organization of the military headquarters and each detachment will be disrupted, and two columns will be established. In addition to leaving the old regiment under the direct command of the military headquarters  , all the remaining troops were organized into two columns!"

    "After the military headquarters withdrew, three to five companies of troops from each regiment, as well as a group of veterans who had experienced the test of three years of guerrilla warfare, stayed in southern Anhui to coordinate the main force's northward withdrawal and persist in the struggle on the spot. At the same time, ten people were left behind.  Five local cadres familiar with the situation in southern Anhui cooperated with the remaining troops to persist! "

    After Yang Zhen's words fell, the heads of various military departments, as well as the commanders and political commissars of several detachments, all heard clearly the meaning behind his words. They watched everyone present with various expressions after listening to his words.  With a strange expression, Yang Zhen only said one sentence for the military commander to say a few words, and then closed his mouth. He thought he had said enough today.

    In fact, Yang Zhen has always believed that he is not suitable for being a political commissar. If he didn't think that the commander in front of him in a straight uniform of a lieutenant general of the national army was talented enough to lead the troops out of difficulties, he would not  Asking for trouble to be the political commissar who coordinates the entire army.

    You know, if anyone here is randomly selected, his seniority is much higher than that of a cadre during the Anti-Japanese War. It¡¯s just that he has been a military officer for too long, and he is used to saying the same thing in the Northeast, even though he has deliberately changed it.  He changed his tone and attitude, but as soon as he said more, his true colors were revealed again.

    But Yang Zhen's attitude is one thing, age and seniority are one thing, but the central government's order is another thing. With the central government's order as a sword of righteousness, even if others are dissatisfied, or because of their seniority,  For some reasons, he looked down upon Yang Zhen, but he could only obey orders.

    What Yang Zhen didn't expect was that the military commander who only had real power after he took office, when he heard that he had asked him to say a few words, he just said that he would resolutely obey the orders of the central government and that all departments should follow the instructions.  After the political commissar's request was implemented immediately, he stopped talking.

    Yang Zhen frowned slightly after the military commander finished speaking, and suddenly thought about whether his too strong style had made this big brother who was almost as old as him in military age worried that his promise would turn out to be in vain.  , but Yang Zhen didn't care about the military commander's suspicion, because he knew he still had time.

    Yang Zhen knows that this extremely capable and brave commander has been limited in his abilities since joining the New Fourth Army, and due to some special reasons, the space left for him to display his abilities is also quite limited. If his  If the predecessors had not been too restrained and given the military commander a chance to give full play, the situation in southern Anhui would not have deteriorated to this extent.

    Perhaps in later generations, he had a full understanding of the military commander's ups and downs. Perhaps out of the feeling of heroes cherishing heroes, Yang Zhen subconsciously always admired the military commander's ability. As for this military commander,  Regarding his own attitude, he still believed in what people said over time. He believed that as long as he gave him the space to fully develop, he should give himself a satisfactory result.

    After the military commander's brief and outrageous remarks, the conference room seemed a little too silent. However, the speeches of the heads of several departments named by Yang Zhen were somewhat similar. Most people only clearly expressed their support for the central government's decision.  After obeying the political commissar's order, he stopped talking.

    Looking at the somewhat silent venue, Yang Zhen shook his head slightly but did not get angry. When his eyes glanced at the military uniforms of the people present, he found that many people's ears seemed to be listening to others' speeches, but their eyes were  He actually stared at his military uniform.

    At this time, Yang Zhen held an emergency meeting because he had just arrived in Wannan. He had not had time to change into the uniform of the New Fourth Army. He was still wearing the uniform of the Anti-Union Army. Two completely different military uniforms, plus Xi Yi, who was wearing the uniform of a lieutenant general of the National Army.  Commander, it is a small wonder that three different military uniforms actually appeared in an army's combat meeting.

    Yang Zhen¡¯s uniform was made from captured Japanese military uniforms. The well-tailored military uniforms were obviously better than those in southern Anhui.Almost everyone in the team wears patches, and many cadres wear military uniforms with crotchless pants, which is much more appropriate. Yang Zhen can tell that judging from the military uniforms of the senior cadres present, they are trapped in Wannan.  The life of the New Fourth Army headquarters in a small place was not very comfortable.

    Seeing that everyone was curious about his military uniform, Yang Zhen put down the pen in his hand and laughed it off and said to Commander Xiyi beside him: "Brother Xiyi, look at how hastily I came here. I haven't even changed into my military uniform. I still have to go."  Brother Xiyi, please prepare some military uniforms for me and my guards to put on!"

    "We are all comrades who share life and death. Although we fight in different regions, we are all comrades fighting under the same flag and fighting for a common goal. No matter what style of military uniform we are wearing, our ambitions are the same.  Yes, whether it is the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, the 18th Army or the New Fourth Army, they are all anti-Japanese armed forces under the leadership of the party!¡±

    After Yang Zhen finished speaking, the chief of staff and the director of the Political Department next to him looked at each other and smiled: "Political Commissar, we all know this. Not to mention the Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance, the New Fourth Army and the Tenth Army are all fighting on the battlefield in Guanhai.  The Eighth Army¡¯s military uniforms are roughly the same in style, but the rest are also in different colors!¡±

    "The Nationalist Government only issued a very small number of military uniforms, and they stopped issuing them at all this year. We don't have the conditions to make our own standard military uniforms, so we can only get enough food and clothing. Each army will use whatever colors they can get. Of course,  The bright red and green ones will definitely not work!¡±

    "What everyone is curious about is just your cap badge. Most of us have experienced the Long March and the three-year guerrilla war. To be honest, we are not very comfortable with this cap badge on our military uniforms. After all, we have been fighting with the Kuomintang for a long time.  After ten years of civil war, the gap between the two sides is too deep!¡±

    At the words of the chief of staff, Yang Zhen nodded slightly and said: "Yes, the ten years of civil war have separated many of our families and destroyed their families. The psychological trauma caused by these ten years cannot be healed with just one sentence, but right now  The nation is in danger. In order to save China, we must let go of all the pain we have suffered!¡±

    "As for my cap badge, it was designed by the Anti-League itself. The Anti-League is alone on the battlefield outside the Guan. The self-proclaimed system has little contact with the battlefield inside the Guan. The military uniforms on my body can naturally be designed and manufactured according to the nature of our army. But on the battlefield inside the Guan,  , No matter what the current situation is, the Anti-Japanese National United Front must not be destroyed, so even if we are reluctant in our hearts, at least we will continue to wear this military uniform for the time being! "

    "The military uniform is only an external manifestation. The nature of an army is not simply determined by its uniform. Although we put on the uniforms of the Nationalist Government, it did not change the nature of our army. I want to independently develop anti-Japanese guerrillas.  War has no necessary connection with the military uniform!¡±

    "This military uniform and this cap badge just prove to outsiders that we Chinese will put aside all our grudges and grudges in order to resist Japan and save the country. All Chinese troops are a whole in front of foreign enemies. Fighting as brothers does not mean that we will fight against each other."  Will compromise when facing foreign enemies!"

    Having said that, Yang Zhen felt that he had said enough: "Each department must seize the time to prepare when they go back. For military preparation issues, go directly to the military commander. For other matters, you can come to me at any time. I also need to discuss some matters with the military commander alone.  , That¡¯s the end of today¡¯s meeting. In three days, I will listen to reports on the preparation progress of each department, adjourn the meeting!¡±

    After the meeting, Yang Zhen had just returned to his office where he had temporarily arranged to put on the New Fourth Army uniform. However, the military commander who was a famous Northern Expedition general came to the door. He saw that he had also taken off his always straight Lieutenant General uniform and took off his saber.  Changing into the gray uniform of the New Fourth Army, Yang Zhen put down the armed belt that was being tied around his waist, and quickly greeted the people sitting down and said: "Commander Xiyi, why are you here? I should be visiting you!"

    After Zhang Zixiong handed over the tea, Yang Zhen smiled and said: "I have long been aware of the name of the military commander. The Iron Army back then was a famous general in the Northern Expedition and the former enemy commander-in-chief of the Nanchang Uprising. How many veterans do our army have?  It developed from the Nanchang Uprising, but you have to calculate it carefully to figure it out clearly. The chairman said that you are the first commander-in-chief of the Communist Party! "

    In response to Yang Zhen's words, the commander shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Political Commissar, your courage back then has long gone by the wayside. Let's not mention the past. I know you have been on a plane all night. What you need most now is rest, but there are some things  , I still think we should communicate with you in time, after all, you are the decision-maker of the New Fourth Army now!"

    Yang Zhen was slightly startled by the commander's words. Then he realized that this was because the commander was facing his own strength in the meeting. He was a little worried that he was like his predecessor. He wanted to understand what he was thinking. Yang Zhen quickly said  : "Commander Xiyi, you see what you said, I am the political chief of the New Fourth Army, and you are the military chief. This is what the central government has decided for us.Division of labor, our status is equal, there is no top decision-maker!  "

    "Since some things have been approved at the party committee, you, as a military commander, can make the decision on your own? Your experience and ability in military struggle are far higher than mine.

    "If it really doesn't work, we can discuss and resolve it. You can rest assured that as a political commissar, I will fully support your ideas and decisions. The past is the past, and the present is now. I have always been the best person to do things.  One is one, two is two.¡±
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