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Text Chapter 613 The First Battle in the Pass

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    Fortunately, the performance of the aviation force did not disappoint him and the central leaders who rushed over after the meeting was interrupted by Japanese air strikes.  Eight P-39 fighter jets and 21 incoming Japanese bombers launched a fierce air battle in front of Yang Zhen and the central leaders.

    When the air battle had begun, Chen Xicai, who had gone back to his residence to get his airwalker, rushed over panting.  Seeing Yang Zhen, Chen Xi motioned to the correspondent behind him to turn on the air walker and began to communicate with the sky. Then he said to Yang Zhen: "No. 1, judging from the intelligence transferred from the central government, the incoming Japanese aircraft should be stationed in Yuncheng."  The 18th Japanese Air Force and the 16th Independent Light Bomber Squadron of the North China Front stationed in Taiyuan.Ą±

    "However, among the aircraft dispatched by the Japanese army this time, in addition to the Type 98 bombers we encountered on the Northeast battlefield, there is also a twin-engine light bomber. Although the flying height is not very high, the speed is very fast. And this kind of twin-engine light bomber  It is a light bomber and is extremely flexible.Ą±

    Hearing Chen XiĄŻs report, Yang Zhen raised his telescope and took a look and discovered that the Japanese twin-engine bombers in the sky were indeed not the Japanese Army Air ForcesĄŻ Type 97 medium bombers that he had come into contact with on the Northeast battlefield.  It is a new type of bomber that is much smaller than the Type 97.

    Although this kind of light bomber is a twin-engine bomber, its response is extremely flexible.  As a bomber, in the confrontation with the P-39 fighter jets, it was actually different from other Japanese bombers without the ability to fight back.  It even used its onboard machine gun to launch an air battle with the P-39 fighter jet.

    The Japanese aircraft, which did not expect their opponents to have fighter jets, suffered a heavy loss when they came up.  During the encounter, three Type 98 light bombers were shot down on the spot.  After the rest dropped bombs indiscriminately, perhaps relying on the excellent performance of their bombers when fighting against the old fighter jets of the Nationalist Government, they became stronger.  He actually faced it without fear.  Try to use your twin-engine bombers to fight against the sudden appearance of your opponent's fighter jets.

    Under the control of the sophisticated flying skills of Japanese pilots, these Japanese pilots not only relied on the superior flight performance of their planes among bombers during air combat, but not only did they not flee in the air battle with fighter jets, they even boldly  room for counterattack.  However, its dense formation limits the performance of this aircraft.

    Faced with a Japanese bomber formation that was in dense formation and trying to resist with airborne machine guns, the pilots of the eight P-39 fighter jets that took off did not fight tooth and nail.  Instead, they used flexible tactics and the unique agility of fighter jets to attack the Japanese formations in turn.

    ??The 39 fighter jets are in a flexible two-plane formation, just like a group of wolves surrounding a flock of sheep. They will attack as long as the Japanese formation group is slightly negligent.  Its powerful 37mm aerial cannon and 12.7mm machine gun posed a considerable threat to the Japanese bomber fleet.

    Although the Japanese Type 99 light bomber relied on its fast flight speed, it began to counterattack.  But its so-called fast flight speed is for old-fashioned fighter jets such as the I-15 and 16, which are the main force of the National Government Air Force.  Facing the new P-39 fighter, the speed is still a bit slow, and it still seems a bit clumsy.

    Facing the P-39 fighter itself, it has complete defensive armor. The 7.7mm machine gun equipped with it is not a great threat as long as it does not hit the vital point.  As for the 37 aircraft cannon equipped on the P-39 fighter, although the number of ammunition is small.  But as long as one shot hits, the thin-skinned and not-too-thick Japanese bombers will find it difficult to escape as long as they take one shot.

    Especially because Yan'an has almost no air defense cover in the entire city except for the somewhat limited air defense force at the airport.  These Japanese bombers, which had not encountered any resistance in previous bombings, generally flew at a low distance to improve bombing accuracy.  It is at the medium and low altitude where the P-39 fighter jet performs its best.

    After fifteen minutes of air combat, the two sides fought from a medium altitude of more than 3,000 meters to a low altitude of more than 1,000 meters.  Although they have an absolute advantage in numbers.  However, the Japanese bomber pilots were obviously helpless about this new aircraft, which was completely different from the Soviet fighter jets equipped by the Nationalist Government Air Force.  They were somewhat horrified to find that their previous tactics against the Nationalist Government Air Force were completely ineffective.

    Your own bombers appear so vulnerable in front of large-caliber cannons.  The flying speed that I was once proud of was still at a disadvantage in the face of the opponent's strange-looking fighter jet.  As for flexibility, neither the new Type 99 bomber nor the Type 98 bomber is a match.

    Facing a powerful opponent, after fifteen minutes of air combat, the Japanese bomber pilots finally lost the courage to persist.  The Type 99 light bomber in the formation, after leaving four piles of wreckage, relied on its advantages of fast speed and long legs to abandon the heavy Type 98 light bomber equipped with fixed landing gear, and fled first.After the Type 99 light bomber ran away like this, the Type 98 bomber that was originally protected by them was in an extremely embarrassing situation.  If you run, you can't outrun others.  Fight, but can't.  I originally thought that there was a new type of light bomber that could even be used as a heavy fighter to protect me.  You know, those bastards ran away first without any sense of loyalty.

    These Type 99 light bombers were the first to flee without loyalty. After the first wave of attacks, the remaining nine were originally covered by the Type 99 light bombers with certain air combat capabilities. They reluctantly dropped their bombs indiscriminately.  The Type 8 bomber was suddenly exposed to the open sky.  Became the prey of eight P-39 fighter jets.

    In fact, these nine Type 98 light bombers are not without opportunities to escape.  When the nine Type 99 light bombers tried to take advantage of their speed to engage in air combat with the eight P-39 fighters that took off, these Type 98 fighters could have taken advantage of the opportunity to escape and ascend to the sky.  After all, there were only eight fighter jets launched to intercept, and the remaining four had to undertake maneuvering tasks.

    ItĄŻs just that the pilots of these Type 98 light bombers were too confident in the performance of the Type 99 light bomber, which had shown its prowess during the air attack on XiĄŻan and shot down the most advanced I-16 fighter of the Chinese ** squadron.  I thought that these light bombers with advanced performance and extremely fast speed would be able to repel the opponent's fighter jets just like they did over Xi'an when faced with intercepting fighter jets.

    However, he did not expect that after more than ten minutes of air combat, the opponent's fighter jets were not repelled, but were driven away by the so-called Type 99 light bombers, which are said to be the most advanced in the world and can engage in air combat with all fighter jets.  By the time the Type 98 pilots realized that the situation was not good and wanted to retreat, it was already too late.

    After the 39-type fighter jets drove away those extremely fast 99-type light bombers.  With flexible tactics and ferocious firepower, they launched a siege against these heavy and basically unprotected Type 98 light bombers.  These Type 98 light bombers were unable to fight or run away. Although they resisted desperately, they were unable to fight back.

    Although the pilots of these Type 98 bombers are veterans who have experienced actual combat, they have superb driving skills and have repeatedly tried to use their own skills to deal with their opponents.  But in front of these opponents who have already experienced air combat and accumulated a certain amount of experience, they can never get rid of the passive situation.

    The furious Japanese pilots even flew the aircraft beyond the movements that were strictly prohibited when it was originally designed.  The shooter in the back seat also fired desperately, trying to shoot down the opponents who kept attacking him, but he could never get rid of the opponents' attacks that followed him.

    Diving, biting, entering, attacking, and breaking away, the anti-alliance pilots in the sky strictly followed the training requirements and maximized the performance of the P-39 fighter jets, using a two-plane formation to launch successive attacks on numerically superior opponents.  Under the 37mm cannon of the P-39 fighter jets, the Japanese Type 98 bombers, which had withstood dozens of bullets from Soviet fighter jets, were all shot down in less than ten minutes.

    Zero to sixteen, the air battle ended neatly in less than half an hour.  The aviation force of the Northeast Military Region successfully completed its first battle in the pass.  A beautiful air battle was fought at the location of the Central Committee, and a satisfactory answer was handed over in front of the head of the Central Committee, fulfilling Yang Zhen's wish for a good start.

    The sound of gunfire in the sky attracted the interest of many people in Yan'an.  After discovering that there were planes in the sky to fight the incoming Japanese planes, the people of Yan'an not only did not evacuate and find hiding places as before.  Instead, they each found a place that was convenient for observation, and watched the air battle with great interest.

    When the eight fighter jets completed their mission, they returned under the cover of the four fighter jets that took off as backup aircraft.  Waves of cheers resounded throughout Yan'an City.  At the same time, the security forces in Yan'an were sent out to arrest Japanese pilots who were parachuting all over the mountain.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? YanĄŻan looks very peaceful on the surface and does not have much security force, but in fact it is extremely tightly controlled.  Those Japanese aircrews who parachuted to escape were obviously not as lucky as their colleagues on the front line between the two armies. After the plane was shot down, there was a high chance that they could escape the confrontation between the two armies and run back to their own side.

    Of the forty-eight pilots on the sixteen Japanese aircraft that were shot down, except for the twenty-one who did not have time to parachute, or who were directly burned to charcoal because the aircraft caught fire and exploded after being hit, the remaining twenty-six airmen  Within two hours, all the personnel were found and captured.

    According to the past experience of these Japanese pilots, they have always been very safe in the air when bombing the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, which has no air defense force.  In addition to flight maps, these overly aggressive pilots did not even carry pistols for escaping or committing suicide after being shot down.

    The security forces are hereNo effort was expended in capturing these pilots.  These Japanese air crews, who originally planned to return to Yuncheng to have a good meal after dropping the bombs, were captured like sheep in a pen.  When these Japanese prisoners were escorted through Yan'an Street, if the guards hadn't stopped them, the Yan'an people who had suffered enough from the Japanese air raids would have called these Japanese air crews a taste of Chinese anger.
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