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Text Chapter 604: Talking in full swing

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    After Yang Zhen finished speaking, the chairman nodded slightly and said: "The central government has already begun to deploy your telegram. However, due to the current relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, all our activities in the Kuomintang-controlled area have been completed except for the Chongqing office.  went underground and progress was slow.¡±

    "Regarding your request, the central government will definitely do its best to meet your needs. Now several professors from Southwest Associated University, Northwest Associated University and several universities that have been transferred to the rear have agreed to go to the Northeast. They just ask to take them with them.  This is the most difficult thing to teach their students. "The fastest update, all text typed by hand.

    "Given the current relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, as well as the government's blockade of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, it is very difficult for these people to enter Yan'an and then transfer to the Northeast. Many students were detained by the Kuomintang when they defected to Yan'an. They will not survive.  People cannot be seen dead. Although our party has made countless protests, the effect is very limited."

    "The central government has already transferred some talents from the Northwest Associated University to the land route, detouring through Xinjiang. The rest have been transferred to various universities in the southwest and talents mobilized by the Southwest Associated University. To travel to Myanmar, first go to Singapore or Hong Kong, and then take the sea route.  The Soviet Union can reach the Northeast by land or air. However, this will take time."

    "The military and central commanders closely monitor and control our activities in the Kuomintang-controlled areas. We are stationed in various offices in the rear area, surrounded by spies, and our activities are greatly restricted. They even secretly kidnap our cadres and work  Personnel. Personnel from the Chengdu office have been missing or missing for many times. Therefore, all our work can only be carried out in secret." See the latest chapter.

    "However, the central government has successively mobilized a group of students and university professors from Shanghai and Peiping who were stranded in the occupied areas for various reasons. This group of people has now begun to arrive in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region and Hong Kong, and some of them will arrive in Yan'an before the end of the year.  . You can take this group of talents with you when you go back.¡±

    Yang Zhen, the Chairman and the Commander-in-Chief had been talking in the Chairman's office, but did not notice the weather outside.  The staff around the chairman had obviously been notified in advance, and no one dared to disturb him.  The few people who were so busy chatting didn't even notice that the sky outside was getting dark.

    It was not until the chairman came in and turned on the lights that Yang Zhen noticed that it was already dark.  Seeing that it was already dark, Yang Zhen said apologetically to the Chairman and the Commander-in-Chief: "Two chiefs, I'm really sorry that I didn't expect that the conversation lasted so long and disturbed the two chiefs' rest."

    Hearing Yang Zhen's apologetic words, the talkative chairman waved his hand and said: "Why bother?, let's continue. From the conversation with you today, it seems that the central government did the right thing by calling you here this time. It's really true.  A conversation with you is better than ten years of reading. Your methods may seem unscrupulous, but they provide solutions to the problem from another aspect.¡±

    The Commander-in-Chief still had some unfinished thoughts about the Chairman, but he couldn't help but joked: "Chairman, you are still unsatisfied, but if we continue talking about this, I will protest. Comrade Yang Zhen has been on a plane for such a long time, and I have just arrived in Yan'an to come to you."  Come, let¡¯s talk for several hours. We¡¯re not tired. Shouldn¡¯t we let Comrade Yang Zhen take a break and eat some food? Don¡¯t starve our young man.¡±

    "Comrade Yang Zhen is not leaving tomorrow. There is still a lot of time. Let's get here first today and wait for the rest to be discussed together tomorrow. Also, I heard that Comrade Yang Zhen filmed a documentary about this battle. Let's wait until tomorrow  Take a look. The last documentary was not enough. I kept thinking about when they would win such a victory, but less than a year later, they gave us another surprise. "

    When the boss said this, the chairman couldn't help but patted his forehead and smiled in realization: "Haha, it's rare to have such a fun conversation, I forgot about the time. The boss is right, we are, but Comrade Yang Zhen has been busy traveling these past two days.  , we should rest early. Okay, let¡¯s eat first.¡±

    It was said that it was time to eat, but the chairman did not let Yang Zhen go.  Instead, he held a simple banquet full of Hunan flavor at his residence to welcome Yang Zhen.  The simple four dishes and one soup on the table were dinner for the chairman, commander-in-chief and Yang Zhen.  A portion of braised pork and a plate of small fish fished from the Yan River are the only two meat dishes on the table.  Of course, the chairman¡¯s favorite chili pepper is also indispensable.

    Seeing that the chairman was eating simply, Yang Zhen asked his guards to open two canned fruits and a canned chicken that he brought from the Northeast.  The remaining cans and some Northeastern specialties were all given to the chairman's secretary.

    Seeing that the Chairman was a little surprised to see lunch meat, which was completely different from the Japanese cans that other frontline generals had brought back to the Central Committee, Yang Zhen said: "These are some canned meats that we produce ourselves, and they are made with pork.  Made with high starch, although the taste is different.?It's great, but it can be stored for a long time.  So that soldiers can eat meat while marching and fighting.  "

    "Chairman, boss, the winter climate in the Northeast is cold. When marching and fighting in the wild, there is not enough oil and water in the stomach to withstand the severe cold unique to the Northeast. In order to supplement the soldiers with some nutrients necessary during combat, after we captured Jiamusi,  This kind of canned luncheon meat was produced by referring to the production method of Japanese military cans and using the factory in Jiamusi that specially produced cans for the Japanese army.¡±

    "After we established the Production and Construction Corps last year, in order to supplement nutrition for the troops, in addition to implementing agricultural mechanization and collectivization, we also carried out sideline production on a large scale. From now on, although the establishment of the Production and Construction Corps has harmed some local farmers  interests, but maximize the concentration of agricultural resources.¡±

    "With a large number of men of appropriate age joining the army and fighting, the food supply for the troops is guaranteed. Moreover, this organizational method of integrating the army with the people can facilitate the selection and training of reservists. The production and construction corps is usually organized into counties.  One to several regiments will conduct agricultural production during normal times, and conduct military training during the off-season."

    "When a large number of personnel are needed to replenish the troops during wartime, these trained reservists can be equipped with cadres based on the peacetime establishment on the spot, and they can quickly form combat effectiveness in a short period of time. In this way, it can  Greatly save time on recruit training.¡±

    "Moreover, organizing and collectivizing agriculture can increase production efficiency in a short period of time. From now on, because we have formulated an effective reward mechanism, at least the current effect is good. Since last year, the Production and Construction Corps has  A large amount of agricultural and sideline products are produced. In addition to the slow growth time of cattle, the production of meat, eggs and poultry has been greatly improved.¡±

    "Especially for meat. By the beginning of October this year, the entire Production and Construction Corps had sold more than 150,000 pigs. In addition to meeting the daily needs of local people and troops, there is also a large amount of surplus. In order to solve this part of the surplus meat  In order to solve the storage problems and to supplement the meat when the troops are marching and fighting, we made this kind of canned lunch meat, but these canned fruits are authentic trophies. "

    Hearing Yang Zhen talk about the Production and Construction Corps, the chairman couldn't help but become interested.  Putting down the chopsticks in his hands, he said with great interest: "You have reported this matter on the telegram before. It's just that it wasn't in such detail. It just so happened that you mentioned it today. Let's talk while eating today."

    Seeing the chairman's talkative nature, Yang Zhen could only explain in detail his original intention and results of forming a production and construction corps, and then said: "According to our regulations, each production team is divided into different production groups centered on the company.  Organization. For example, each of the several production camps in a regiment has a company dedicated to breeding. Each family is responsible for producing ten to twenty pigs. "

    "These pigs will be given piglets and feed by the headquarters. After they grow up, the meat produced will be divided between the Corps and the farmers according to the ratio of 70 to 30. Of the ten pigs, the farmers will receive three and seven will be handed over. As for the farmers' distribution,  Whether the pigs are kept for their own consumption or sold is voluntary. "

    "However, this year, in view of the changes in the situation in the base area, we changed some regulations after the battle. Especially after the bank we established ourselves began to issue currency, we adopted a new approach. For non-staple food produced by farmers, we adopted  After deducting the price of raw materials and young livestock, the purchase price is 10% lower than the average market price.¡±

    "This not only stimulates people's enthusiasm for production, but also promotes our newly issued currency in disguise. The most important thing is that the production of meat, poultry and eggs has greatly increased. Over the past year, we have not only met our own needs, but also  There is also a certain amount of exports to Jiangbei. At the same time, the people have money in their hands and the economy has been circulated, and we also have a certain tax source.¡±

    "However, in order to eliminate waste, we must reserve grain and export non-staple food to the Soviet Union in exchange for military raw materials. We have implemented a policy of unified purchase and sales of grain and all materials. Especially for urban residents, monthly provisions are provided to meet the daily needs of the people.  Quotas for required supplies.¡±

    "Under the current situation that salt and other basic necessities for residents need to be imported from Jiangbei, and with the current expansion of base areas, increasing urban population and increasing supply pressure, and the increasing size of the army, we have no choice.  Method. This is equivalent to putting the private reserves of grain under the control of the Northeast Bureau and the Northeast Working Committee."

    "With a certain amount of grain reserves in hand, in addition to being able to export the military raw materials needed for military exchange, our ability to deal with emergencies, especially natural disasters, has also been greatly enhanced. In the battle last autumn, the main grain in our old base area  The territory of Tangyuan County, the production area, is almost completely integrated.Flat ground.  Grain production was less than one-third of what it was before the war.  "

    "If it weren't for the seizure of grain collected by the Japanese and puppet troops and stored in Jiamusi, as well as the import of some grain from Jiangbei, we would not be able to support the launch of this year's autumn grain. In addition, the Japanese and puppet troops strictly blockade the base area and prohibit all necessary grains.  The materials we currently need can only be imported from the Japanese-occupied area, so controlling consumption and keeping a certain amount of reserves are all we have."

    "Although we have obtained a relatively large amount of foreign exchange this time, we cannot use this money for a lifetime. Before we can completely solve the current situation of importing military raw materials, we can only find ways to reduce the economic pressure.  . In addition to being used for storage to cope with natural disasters, food can also be exported to the Soviet Union to save our precious funds."

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