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Text Chapter 580 The Gap between Dreams and Reality

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    The Japanese army had almost no way to deal with Chen Hanzhang's counterattack by a multi-arms combined group of cavalry, tanks and infantry.  ¡¾.  !//The 19th Division also tried to adopt the meat bomb tactics used by the 23rd Division in Nomenhan.  However, in each cluster, in addition to close infantry cover, there are basically several modified light tanks.  The machine gun fire from above turned the Japanese soldiers who tried to launch a body bomb attack into a hornet's nest.

    Although Chen Hanzhang has not specifically studied armored tactical command, in addition to listening to Yang Zhen teach some armored tactical command in the military region training team's senior commanders' synthetic training class, and having trained with tanks at the Fujin synthetic training base,  I am quite talented in the use of armored clusters.  .

    In this battle, Chen Hanzhang fully demonstrated the tank's mobility, protection and firepower when facing infantry.  The combined firepower superiority of infantry, cavalry and tanks was fully demonstrated under his command.  Although more than 40 tanks were lost in this battle, accounting for one-third of the armored brigade's strength.  But it was still called a classic battle by Yang Zhen.

    After this battle, Yang Zhen made this battle a required teaching material for the comprehensive class of senior commanders above the brigade in the military region, as well as the training class for regimental cadres.  After the arrival of Soviet tanks, when the Military District Armored Forces Headquarters was established, Chen Hanzhang was appointed as the first commander and political commissar.

    Of course, this is something for later.  For Chen Hanzhang, how can he persist until Li Mingrui evacuates the workers with the limited troops at hand?  After several days of fierce fighting, the infantry suffered heavy losses.  The armored troops, as the main tactical counterattack force, also suffered heavy losses.

    Although in terms of tactics, Chen Hanzhang thought of many ways to curb the threat of Japanese infantry to tanks.  At the same time, they tried their best to destroy most of the Japanese naval gun calibration points.  But it was impossible to completely stop the Japanese infantry from attacking the tanks.  Although the Japanese 37 rapid-fire cannon is not very powerful, at a distance of tens of meters, close-range shooting still poses a considerable threat to light tanks.

    And it is impossible to completely eliminate the observation points of Japanese naval guns.  Although the shooting accuracy of Japanese naval guns has been greatly reduced.  However, the power of the 200mm artillery on several cruisers still caused Chen Hanzhang a lot of trouble.  Under the premise that these warships are unable to carry out precise shooting, the power of fire coverage is still quite large.

    Since there was no training in aircraft bombing warships, the aviation force could not provide any help to these warships, which had become the main covering firepower of the 19th Division after the Japanese ground artillery firepower was greatly weakened.  After several air strikes failed to achieve any results, the aviation force had to stop this wasteful action of wasting bombs.

    Although the reinforcements sent by Du Kaishan took over the disabled Korean Independent Division, they took on the main defense tasks.  But although this regiment is the most complete regiment among the three verticals, it has been supplemented by Du Kaishan's forces drawn from other troops.  However, after a long battle, the military strength was still quite incomplete.  This regiment, which is said to be the most comprehensive among the three verticals, actually has only six companies.

    Although the reinforcements are capable, they are not large in number.  The few battalions Chen Hanzhang had at hand also suffered more than half of their casualties in three days of fierce fighting.  On the fifth day of the fierce battle, facing a regiment reinforced by the Japanese army, although there was strong support from armored troops, the troops on hand were still too thin, and Chen Hanzhang still couldn't hold on.

    After the fifth day of fierce fighting, Chen Hanzhang abandoned the front-line position at Songzhen Mountain and began to shrink his troops one by one.  On the seventh day of the battle, after Li Mingrui finally transported tens of thousands of laborers, Chen Hanzhang took the company's reinforcements and added them together. The remaining troops were less than one regiment. He immediately cut off the rear with armored troops and cavalry, and the other units took turns to cover and began to retreat.  .

    After waiting for three full days, the ammunition finally arrived from Pyongyang, as well as a regiment reinforced by the army commander.  Having gained much confidence, Ry¨­fu saw his opponent finally starting to retreat, but he returned the favor.  Not only did they mobilize a regiment to hold on to Chen Hanzhang, they even sent some troops to use the brigade as an organization to pursue transcendence.  Trying to eat Chen Hanzhang's troops in North Korea.

    After receiving the reinforcements, Lieutenant General Liang Fu, who was confident after receiving reinforcements, wanted to find out what he could do. Chen Hanzhang, who was extremely experienced in actual combat, had long expected what he would do.  Chen Hanzhang did not simply lower his head and withdraw. Instead, he set up a mobile ambush north of Fengshanli, concentrated all artillery and most of the infantry, and in just seven hours defeated the 19th Division, which was conducting an overtaking pursuit in accordance with the order of Yoshio last month.  Regiment an infantry brigade.

    Although the scale of the battle in Fengshanli was not large, the Nineteenth Division became much more honest after being bitten by the opponent.  He didn't dare to do anything, he just followed Chen Hanzhang to see off the guests.  After suffering a big loss, Liangfu last month gave up the idea of ????wiping out Chen Hanzhang in North Korea.

    ??For Mr. Yue Yue?Although it was impossible to block the opponents in North Korea and annihilate them all, it was fortunate that they completed the order given by the North Korean military commander to drive the opponents out of North Korea.  When the loss of troops was much smaller than that of several divisions of the Kwantung Army, he was already very proud of being able to accomplish this.

    As for whether his brilliant tactical goal can be realized, it is no longer important to him.  Last month Yoshio didn't want to take any more risks.  However, after Chen Hanzhang withdrew, facing the area north of Songzhen Mountain that was already a scorched earth, Laoyue Liangfu was dumbfounded.

    When Chen Hanzhang retreated, according to the order of the headquarters, he not only took away all the labor and available materials in the area under his control, but also blew up all the bridges on the roads and railways.  All the rails were dismantled and transported back to the country by car.  Even the telephone poles were either blown down with explosives or pulled down one by one with tanks tied with wire ropes.

    After withdrawing to the country, Chen Hanzhang did not return directly to the base area. Instead, he seized all the commanding heights at the junction of Dongning and Hunchun in accordance with the orders of the headquarters.  While Chen Hanzhang was retreating, Wang Xiaoming, who was at the junction of Wangqing and Hunchun, also began to gradually shrink his troops and break away from contact with the Japanese army in accordance with the requirements of the headquarters.

    With Wang Xiaoming withdrawing to Dongning to rest and recuperate, the four-month battle ended on September 28.  At the cost of nearly 60,000 casualties, Yang Zhen's troops successively annihilated all five Japanese divisions, most of three divisions, and one division of each of the two divisions, totaling more than 100,000 people.  The vast areas of Binjiang Province, Longjiang Province, and Heihe Province of the Puppet Manchuria were liberated.

    During the battle, not only a large number of Japanese troops were annihilated, but also a large number of Japanese tanks, heavy artillery and other regiments were annihilated.  In air battles and ground battles, thousands of Japanese aircraft were destroyed.  And conquered the two largest fortress groups of the Kwantung Army in the Northeast, Dongning and Hutou Fortresses.  As well as so-called border positions in Mishan and other places.

    Yang Zhen¡¯s headquarters seized a large number of weapons and equipment in the battle against the Japanese army.  Not counting various large-caliber heavy artillery, more than 50,000 rifles alone, nearly 10,000 light and heavy machine guns, and countless other military supplies were seized.  More than 80,000 workers were rescued from various fortress construction sites of the Japanese army.

    After this battle, according to Yang Zhen's estimation, the Japanese army will implement full mobilization.  It will take at least half a year to make up for the casualties caused by this battle.  In other words, after this battle, for at least half a year, the two sides can basically be sure that there will be no war.

    Because after this battle, the Japanese army lost not only manpower, but also huge material resources.  Seventy percent of the Kwantung Army's heavy artillery, 80% of its tanks, and 90% of its aviation force were all wiped out in this battle.  In order to replenish the huge weapons and equipment lost in this battle, judging from Japan's current domestic military production.  Without a year, it would be impossible to do it.

    The Kwantung Army was crippled in this battle, but in this battle that killed one thousand enemies and suffered eight hundred losses, Yang Zhen's troops also suffered heavy casualties.  When the battle was completely over, in order to replenish troops, all men of service age in the entire Production and Construction Corps were recruited.  If Yang Zhen hadn't been prepared and imported a batch of tractors and combine harvesters from the Soviet Union, there would have been no one to harvest the nearly mature crops.

    Facing the Kwantung Army, which had lost too much force and had virtually no troops available, large areas could only be guarded by various puppet Manchukuo armed forces.  Already extremely tired, Yang Zhen's command, which had also exhausted its manpower due to excessive casualties, could only switch to defense on the spot. After receiving a telegram from Wang Xiaoming that he had withdrawn to Dongning, Yang Zhen looked at the large map of Northeast China in front of him.  Somewhat depressed.  Although he knew that the troops were exhausted and in urgent need of rest.  But facing a situation where the Japanese defense force was quite empty in a large area, and even the so-called New Kyoto, the capital of the puppet Manchukuo, had no force to defend, Yang Zhen was still a little unwilling.

    Yang Zhen knew that if the Japanese army had to recover, it would undoubtedly be more difficult and the price to pay would be greater if they wanted to regain these areas.  But the current situation where the troops have been used to the extreme makes him really powerless.  Their opponent in front of them is the Japanese Kwantung Army, but they are also supported by the most developed country in Asia.

    How much the Kwantung Army lost, considering Japan¡¯s population of tens of millions, the lost troops can be replenished quickly.  If more troops are recruited from North Korea, the replenishment will only be faster.  As for himself, he faced Northern Manchuria, which was sparsely populated, and even if the population of the newly liberated areas was included, it was only a few million.  It is still powerless to fight against the whole of Japan with a small area.

    Yang Zhen understands that you can¡¯t eat a fat man in one bite, things have to be done step by step.  The army needs to develop and grow little by little, and the war has to be fought year by year.  It can only be a dream to completely drive the Japanese army out of Chinese territory in one fell swoop.  At least for now, it's just a dream.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????? You need to be tough yourself, to realize this dream, ultimately you have to work hard, fight and fight yourself and everyone else?It takes countless people¡¯s blood and sacrifices to realize it step by step.  But now, I can only think about it.  What we can do is to continuously enhance our own strength and work hard to achieve this goal as soon as possible.

    You can¡¯t do things that encourage the growth of seedlings.  If we ignore reality and force the move south, I am afraid it will only be counterproductive.  Although the Kwantung Army suffered heavy losses in this battle, it still had a large number of troops within the Japanese China Expedition Force.  If the Japanese army wants to, its troops in the Chinese Pass can be quickly transferred back to the Northeast by using the railway.

    In addition to the Japanese troops in the pass who can be transferred to the Northeast to participate in the war at any time, Yang Zhen is also surrounded by the Korean army with three divisions.  Even if Yang Zhen wanted to go south, he had to suppress his dream of liberating the entire Northeast in one go in the face of the Japanese army that could receive massive reinforcements at any time.  This is the gap between dreams and reality.

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