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Text Chapter 578 Tanks enter the battle

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    The geographical location of the Wujiazi fortress group restricted the deployment and movement of the troops.  dyzco¡ª¡ªespecially on the east side, it is close to the Soviet border. Without the ability to cross the border, it is very difficult to directly penetrate the front line of Wujiazi.  That's why Wang Xiaoming made a move to seize the commanding heights on the Laosongling front line and cut off the connection between the Japanese troops in Hunchun and Wangqing.  The purpose was to attract the main force of the 57th Division to move westward and open a channel for subsequent combat operations.

    Wang Xiaoming¡¯s plan was implemented smoothly in the early stages.  After seizing the front line of Luozigou in Wangqing territory, the 57th Division was indeed attracted by the fighting to the west.  All troops were dispatched to reinforce it in an attempt to regain the commanding heights on the Wangqing and Hunchun lines.  The second column troops seizing the front line of Laosongling and the one and a half regiments of the 57th Division heading west started repeated battles on the front line of Laosongling.  The latest novel ""

    Although the strength was severely damaged in the previous battle, on the surface there were four regiments of troops, but in fact the total strength was only two more regiments of the Second Column Western Front troops.  Although they failed to defeat the Japanese western aid force, they tightly entangled a multiple regiments of the 57th Division's western aid force, which opened a good start for the next step of the operation.

    After the 57th Division was attracted by the main force of the Second Column, the first section of the Second Column commanded by Chen Hanzhang, which was rapidly moving southward along the Sino-Soviet border, moved southward in covert manner.  Bypassing the Japanese fortifications on the unnamed high ground on the Chunhua front line, they went straight to Hunchun Street.  And successively captured Hunchun Street and various surrounding key points.  And forcefully crossed the Tumen River at the Ying'an line and entered North Korea.  The latest novel ""

    After the second vertical line was deployed across the board, Li Mingrui personally commanded the main force of the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region. He used secret infiltration and continuous blasting tactics to successfully capture the Japanese military fortification groups on the unknown high ground in front of Chunhua.  Later, with the cooperation of a battalion of the armored brigade, the Wujiashan and Shuiliufeng lines were captured.  Most of the workers in the Hunchun Fortress Group were successfully rescued.

    After Li Mingrui completed the rescue mission, Chen Hanzhang, who originally planned to withdraw immediately, was besieged by the main force of the 19th Japanese Division in North Korea.  In order to cover Li Mingrui, who was organizing the labor retreat, Chen Hanzhang commanded two regiments that were not full of personnel and launched a fierce battle with the Japanese 19th Division in North Korea.

    Although he had the full support of the aviation force, in the face of the superior Japanese army, Chen Hanzhang, who had insufficient troops at hand, could only adopt the passive defense tactic of gradually shrinking and using the Tumen River as the final blocking position to resist the all-out attack of the 19th Division one by one.  Li Mingrui, who organized the labor evacuation, bought time.

    But Li Mingrui¡¯s organized retreat did not go smoothly.  The Japanese Ninth Border Guard Corps stationed at the Wujiazi Fortress Group was caught off guard by the new type of special operations and lost most of its labor camps.  And in the face of technology and tactics, they were completely passive.

    But its strength of 1,500 people is not enough to eat up the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region with almost the same strength.  But he still has the ability to cause trouble for Li Mingrui's retreat.  The Ninth Border Guard took advantage of the convenient location it occupied and the already built permanent fortifications to set up layers of blocking lines on Li Mingrui's retreat.

    Since Li Mingrui¡¯s men were not good at regular offensive and defensive battles, Chen Hanzhang had no choice but to mobilize two battalions of troops to cooperate with him.  As a result, the strength of the troops fighting against the 19th Division, which was not strong in itself, was greatly weakened.

    If it weren¡¯t for the full support of the aviation force, and Chen Hanzhang didn¡¯t care about the so-called seed troops, all the Korean independent divisions, which were far from full and had only more than a thousand troops, would have been pulled up.  A considerable number of Koreans were even recruited on the spot in the Hunchun area and directly supplemented the Korean Independent Division.  I'm afraid there are only four Chen Hanzhang left who are dissatisfied with the camp, and they won't be able to stop them for long.

    Faced with the fierce attack of the 19th Division and the serious shortage of troops on hand, Chen Hanzhang made a decision in desperation.  The Korean Independent Division is responsible for the main blocking operations.  The artillery and armor assigned to him, together with the infantry in his hands, formed four combat groups.

    The Japanese army adopted tanks as the core, artillery fire as cover, and infantry with the cooperation of aviation.  Taking advantage of the battlefield situation where the Japanese army relied heavily on roads and railway lines.  The 19th Division adopted tactics of mobile response and continuous tactical counterattacks.

    Facing the swarming Japanese troops, they only clung to the commanding heights.  At the same time, with the cooperation of artillery fire, the tank's high mobility was used, and under the cover of artillery fire and infantry, it continuously rushed into the Japanese offensive queue. It took advantage of the tank's armor advantages and equipped artillery and machine guns to defeat the Japanese army.  attack.

    During the Zhanggufeng conflict the year before last, the Japanese army, which had been short of anti-tank weapons, had no way to fight the Soviet tanks, and there is still not much way now.  In the Battle of Nomonhan, facing the weakly armored Soviet-made T-26 tanks, the 37 rapid-fire cannons and 20-mm combat anti-cannon shells equipped by the Japanese army, which had already shown signs of decline, faced new opponents.  But still can'tSee through the added armor on the opponent's tank.

    The shells fired by the Japanese army were like tickling the French tanks.  Unless at very close range, it is impossible to penetrate the main armor of these French tanks.  Instead, he was knocked out one by one by his opponent's precise Sanqi tank cannon and the attached 75mm self-propelled artillery.

    The 19th Division, whose attack formation was in disarray, had no choice but to resort to the old tactics of the 23rd Division in Nomenhan.  Tie the soldiers full of grenades or explosives, and use human bomb tactics to try to kill the opponent's tanks together.  It's a pity that Chen Hanzhang had already prepared for this move.

    Although Chen Hanzhang did not know much about armored tactics, after the first day of battle, he used his keen tactical sense to detect the Japanese anti-tank firepower and could not help his own tanks.  On the contrary, the infantrymen who were holding Molotov cocktails or covered with grenades and shouting "Long Live the Emperor" posed the greatest threat to the tanks.

    Chen Hanzhang immediately adjusted his tactics after the fierce battle on the first day.  In addition to adhering to the original tactics of tanks covering infantry and infantry protecting tanks, they also installed flamethrowers, anti-aircraft machine guns and other weapons on light tanks to temporarily enhance the tank's melee firepower and protect the tanks from the threat of Japanese infantry.

    Chen Hanzhang used armored groups composed of tanks and infantry, and took advantage of the mountainous geographical location in North Korea and the roads built by the Japanese army.  The so-called ax deployment was to occupy favorable terrain from the front to block the attack, and tanks and accompanying infantry used improvised positions to detour from the flanks, break through the Japanese flanks, and penetrate into the Japanese attack formation to defeat their attack.  It posed a considerable threat to the Japanese attacking troops.

    The 19th Division's frontal attacks against Chen Hanzhang were often defeated by tanks and infantry that suddenly rushed out just when they were about to succeed.  At the same time, the ferocious artillery fire and the cover of the aircraft in the sky inflicted heavy losses on the attacking Japanese troops almost every time.

    For the tactics used by Chen Hanzhang, Yang Zhen gave it a very vivid name after the war, called tank splitting into battle.  And this battle was written into the armored tactics textbook.  Chen Hanzhang was directly appointed commander of the military region's armored forces after the battle, which had been expanded to three tank brigades, two mechanized brigades, a tank combined training base and a teaching regiment.

    Facing the opponent¡¯s stubborn resistance and cunning tactics.  He was transferred to the commander of the Fifth Army of the Kwantung Army. Due to the disastrous defeat in the autumn campaign, he was kicked out by the commander of the Kwantung Army, General Yoshijiro Umezu, and sent to Qiqihar to supervise the operation of the 51st Division to rescue the First Division.  He almost did not fail in the rescue operation and became the first military commander in the history of the Japanese army to be captured or killed on the battlefield.

    At the last moment before Qiqihar was lost, Yoshijiro Umezu sent a plane to pick him up from Qiqihar.  The former division commander, Lieutenant General Shigeichi Namada, who is currently waiting in Tokyo for investigation by the Tokyo Base Camp investigation team, and the commander of the 19th Division, Lieutenant General Yotsuo Yoshio, are at a loss to do anything.

    For Lieutenant General Yoshio Yue, the feeling of having victory in sight every day but just not being able to get it is not only very bad, but also very suffocating.  However, Yoshio Kamezuki, who was always helpless against the opponent's large number of tanks and accurate and ferocious artillery fire, was unable to do anything about his opponent's tactics.

    In desperation, under the urging of the North Korean Army Commander, General Kotaro Nakamura, and the North Korean Army Chief of Staff, Major General Kato Yabuhira, and senior staff officer, Colonel Nobuaki Ohno, who personally arrived at the Ronan headquarters of the 19th Division to supervise the battle, they could only  Bite the bullet and adopt the human sea tactic that he has always looked down upon. In his opinion, only the backward Chinese army would adopt it.  Try to take advantage of the absolute advantage in military strength to crush your opponent even if you press hard.

    At the same time, last month Liangfu changed his previous tactics of pushing forward on the front line, concentrated all the artillery fire of the 19th Division, and adopted the tactics of focused strikes.  At the same time, taking advantage of the geographical situation that Songzhen Peak is close to Qingjin Bay, some naval gunfire support was mobilized through the Korean Military Headquarters.

    In order to support Yoshio's operations last month, at the request of the Korean Military Headquarters, a destroyer fleet of the Japanese Navy was stationed in Korea.  As well as the Japanese Navy's Myoko and Nachi ships, which were undergoing training in Qingjin Bay and were temporarily transferred to serve as fire cover.  As well as the newly refitted Mogami-class Kumano and Soya ships, they were supported by firepower from a total of four heavy cruisers.

    Concentrate the forces of the two brigades to attack the opponent's right wing Songzhenfeng line with all their strength.  Trying to take advantage of the short effective distance from the seaside and the naval artillery support to break through the opponent's right wing in one fell swoop, forcing Chen Hanzhang to retreat across the board.  The firepower of the Japanese naval guns was extremely fierce and the accuracy was quite low.

    But the biggest shortcoming is that without correction, the accuracy of shelling is not high.  The army's own artillery corrector himself suffered heavy casualties under the attack of a reconnaissance company and a sniper platoon of the reconnaissance brigade directly under Chen Hanzhang.??I can't even take care of myself.  There was time for the navy to correct the bombardment.

    And among the seaplanes on these navy warships, one was shot down after one took off.  In the end, the four seaplanes carried by the four heavy cruisers were all gone after only half a day of fierce fighting.  In other words, the Japanese army lost all the eyes used to correct the impact of their shells.

    There is no correction, and although the Songzhen Peak line is within the range of the 200mm artillery on the Japanese heavy cruiser, it is already the limit of its range.  Therefore, although the Japanese naval guns were very powerful, they did not put a lot of pressure on Chen Hanzhang.  What really put pressure on him was the overwhelmingly superior strength of the Japanese ground troops.


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