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Text Chapter 576 Yuan Zhiruo¡¯s life experience

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    I am the God of War to Resist Japan 576_Read the full text of I am the God of War to Resist Japan for free_Chapter 576 Yuan Zhiruo¡¯s life experience comes from (.)

    Having said this, Yang Zhen looked at Yuan Zhiruo, who looked pale and somewhat absent-minded after hearing what he said. He sighed softly and said: "Go and see the old man. The old man has lived a very unsatisfactory life in these years. All the industries in Harbin  The few industries that were forced into joint ventures or bought out by the Japanese are now in charge of Japanese people. He is now only a nominal boss and can no longer make any decisions in the business. "

    "Last year, your second brother was betrayed by traitors and captured by the Japanese because he was raising medicines for the Anti-Alliance Third Route Army. There was no news about him again. It wasn't until we captured Harbin that we found out in the Japanese and puppet files that your second brother was betrayed by traitors last year.  In winter, together with a dozen comrades captured by the Anti-Japanese Alliance who preferred death to surrender, they were stuffed into an ice cave in the Songhua River by the Japanese Harbin Military Police and sacrificed their lives. "

    "Nowadays, your brothers and sisters, the eldest brother, his wife and children are all serving as officers in the Northeast Army in Guan Nei. It is not clear whether they are still alive. It can be said that life or death is uncertain. The eldest sister and her family are also in Chongqing, and the third sister and brother are also in Chongqing.  One is in the United States and the other is studying and settling in the UK.¡±

    "Now that your second brother died, except for his widowed second sister-in-law and two young grandchildren, the old man no longer has any children around him, and he is still thinking about you, a daughter whose life and death he does not know. In addition, the property has been taken over by the Japanese.  There is not much left of the family fortune that I have worked so hard for."

    "Such a series of blows, most people would have collapsed long ago. Although the old man started from scratch, his character is much more tenacious than ordinary people, but after all, the old man is getting older. After so many continuous blows, now the old man's body has become  There are not many people worthy of my admiration in this life, but this old man is worthy of my admiration.¡±

    "Go and see the old man. I'll take you to the airport in my car later. Take two guards with you. Go back and stay for a few days and spend time with the old man. I said, don't look at some things.  Superficial phenomenon. It's time to open up the knot in your heart. Don't let the misunderstanding continue. When your son wants to support you but doesn't wait for you, it will be too late. I once had some unnecessary knots in my heart.  , I lost my beloved, but I don¡¯t want you to follow my old path.¡±

    Yang Zhen¡¯s voice fell. Although Yuan Zhiruo, who usually looked worried, but always seemed extremely calm when dealing with anything, was a little out of sorts at this moment.  Not caring about being in front of his leader, or whether he was a little rude, he stood up suddenly and was about to walk out.

    Seeing Yuan Zhiruo lose his usual calmness, Yang Zhen waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I won't write you a note, how will you get on the plane? Even though you are my secretary, without my approval, comrades in the aviation force can easily  I won't let you get on the plane. Not to mention it's not safe if you walk slowly on the road. Even if you don't have time, you're still in good health, so you won't miss a moment."

    After that, Yang Zhen took out his pen and quickly wrote a note, then picked up the phone and called the airport. He personally told his secretary that he was going to take a flight to Harbin, and after arranging the car, he handed the note to Yuan Zhiruo.  He said: "Go early and come back early. Now I am used to you being by my side. I can't leave you for a long time."

    Yuan Zhiruo took the note handed over by Yang Zhen and looked at Yang Zhen who had a serious expression in front of him with a complicated expression.  I wanted to say something, but in the end I stopped talking.  He just gritted his teeth and saluted Yang Zhen, then turned around and left in a hurry.

    Looking at Yuan Zhiruo¡¯s returning figure, Yang Zhen smiled but said nothing.  Yuan Zhiruo's information was sent to him by the Northeast Bureau not long after he became his secretary.  It's not that Yang Zhen is worried about the people the Northeast Bureau has chosen for him.  The people who can make the always rigorous commander-in-chief agree to work beside him must have gone through strict screening.

    What caught Yang Zhen¡¯s attention was Yuan Zhiruo¡¯s extremely high cultural literacy at work and her rare foreign language proficiency.  Especially the understanding of business shown aroused great interest in Yang Zhen.  You must know that Yuan Zhiruo's ability is difficult to cultivate unless it comes from a business family.

    Business is something that requires some talent.  But it is more about training and training.  With Yuan Zhiruo's age and experience, it is impossible for him to be cultivated and tempered. He can only be cultivated through years of hearing and seeing, or even deliberately cultivated.  With these performances, even Yang Zhen, who didn't care much about things other than military struggles, couldn't help but feel a little curious about her life experience.

    After reading Yuan Zhiruo¡¯s information, Yang Zhen couldn¡¯t help but be shocked.  Her father turned out to be Yuan Jiaju, the Harbin flour king before the September 18th Incident.  Under its name are not only two fire-ground flour processing plants, but also a modern textile factory that was once the largest in the entire former Northeast.One of the cotton spinning mills.

    There are also mountain goods stores, leather goods stores, two high-end hotels, several high-end restaurants, and several large coal mines in Yilan and Fangzheng.  The garment factory under his name once took over all the military uniforms and uniforms of the Northeast Army troops stationed in Heilongjiang and the so-called Heilongjiang Provincial Defense Force before the September 18th Incident.  Although he cannot be said to be the richest man in Harbin, he is also one of the richest men in the former Heilongjiang Province.

    The old man traveled to Guandong with his parents when he was a child. At the age of seventeen, he took over the business when his father went into the mountains to collect fur goods and was killed. The small mountain goods business left behind by his mother after she died of pain has been gradually expanded with precise vision.  After more than ten years of development, he has become one of the richest people in Heilongjiang Province.  The most rare thing is that the old man not only has good management skills, but also has an unusually sensitive political sense.

    Long before the September 18th Incident, from the Japanese¡¯s repeated unscrupulous provocations and the fact that all the elite Northeastern Army had been transferred to the Kwantung, it was judged that the Kwantung Army stationed in the Northeast would cause trouble sooner or later.  We made early arrangements to transfer most of the cash at home from major banks in Northeast China to Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore.

    With the exception of his second son to help take care of the family business and his youngest daughter, the rest of his children were dispersed within the customs and even abroad.  When Harbin fell, the eldest son and his wife, who were officers of the Northeast Army, were visiting their home but could not return to the army. They also returned to the army inside the customs without being secretly escorted by him.

    After seeing Yuan Zhiruo¡¯s detailed information, Yang Zhen did not believe that such an old man would be short-sighted and become a traitor, let alone force his most beloved daughter to be a mistress in order to please the Japanese military officer.  After Yang Zhen commissioned the Ministry of Social Affairs to carefully re-investigate the old man, he came to a conclusion that even shocked him.

    In this era, the Kwantung Army¡¯s control over the Northeast was tight and its penetration was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.  Yuan Zhiruo's father covered up his daughter's escape, although he did so very covertly.  But it was not hidden from the eyes and ears of the Kwantung Army.  Even the fact that Yuan Zhiruo's father used his old connections in the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army to kill the Japanese lieutenant who was forced into marriage during a raid in the mountains has long been discovered by the gendarmerie.

    But for some unknown reason, the Japanese army never touched the old man.  They just put him under house arrest in disguise and used various means to appropriate his huge assets for himself.  At the same time, a set of secret files was established and stored in the Harbin Military Police Secret Information Room.

    After receiving Yang Zhen¡¯s order, the Ministry of Social Affairs immediately reviewed the information seized by the Japanese military police in Harbin.  Soon they found out the so-called secrets of this old man, which had actually been discovered by the Japanese army.  After investigating the detailed information, Yang Zhen quickly concluded that this old man was definitely not a person who wanted to be popular and follow the crowd as stated in the information.  The endurance shown in the two documents alone is not something that ordinary people can compare to.

    The Ministry of Social Affairs not only revealed the unknown side of this old man by consulting the Japanese and puppet files.  Moreover, after the original Harbin Underground Municipal Party Committee was destroyed, the remaining personnel who were lucky enough to escape the disaster learned that although the old man appeared to be in cahoots with the Japanese and puppet regime, in fact he could definitely be called a patriotic businessman.

    Although the old man is very frugal in his daily life, he is absolutely committed to the fight against Japan.  When General Li Du was resisting, he secretly sent people to Harbin to raise funds. The old man immediately sponsored 50,000 yuan and 5,000 bags of flour.  Out of the need to stabilize people's hearts, even though the Japanese army discovered the old man's behavior when they first occupied Harbin, they did not touch him.

    The three anti-alliance armies that were active in the Longjiang area at that time also secretly received a lot of funding from it.  Although the old man did not agree with some of the Anti-League's ideas, he basically responded to the Anti-League's needs.  Medicines, winter clothes, funds, as long as the Anti-Alliance Army opened their mouths, this old man never refused.

    When the Anti-Alliance Army was first formed, there was a severe shortage of equipment. This old man once stored his family's secrets in Yilan. One hundred and seventy Liao-13 rifles and five Danish-made wheat were originally used to form his mine protection team.  The Desen light machine gun, as well as 30,000 rounds of ammunition and 200 sets of military uniforms were handed over to the former commander of the three anti-alliance armies for free.

    And he has repeatedly used his own trading companies in Longjiang and Binjiang Provinces of the puppet Manchuria to help the Third and Sixth Armies to provide urgently needed winter clothing, salt, medicine and other supplies.  He also agreed to use his own business as a secret transportation station for the Anti-Japanese Alliance to escort senior commanders and personnel coming and going.

    Yuan Zhiruo¡¯s second brother who died last year was the person in charge of a secret transportation station that the old man used his business to establish for the Anti-Alliance Army.  Although her second brother is not yet a party member, he has been developed into a probationary party member.  It is only because the Harbin underground municipal party committee was destroyed that it has not been regularized.  A large part of the reason why the three anti-alliance armies were able to persevere in the Xiaoxing'an Mountains after the Western Expedition was due to the materials he secretly transported.

    Although it is impossible to get the ones that the Anti-League team is in short supply,However, food, medicine and clothing have almost become a pillar for the survival of the Western Expeditionary Forces of the Anti-Alliance Third Route Army.  His sacrifice was also due to the betrayal of a traitor who rebelled after being captured when the Third Route Army suffered a defeat under heavy siege by the Japanese and puppet troops last year.

    In order to fight against Japan, the old man, although he cannot say that he destroyed his family and rescued people, he definitely spared no effort.  The former Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army and later the Anti-Japanese Alliance all received great help from the elderly.  Although such an old man may appear to be greeting senior Japanese and puppet officials, he must not be treated as a traitor.  They should be strictly distinguished from those real traitorous businessmen who want to enrich the country.

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