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Text Chapter 549 Sui Changqing¡¯s hesitation

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    Having said this, Sui Changqing looked at the unrecognizable Shenghongshan in front of him and said: "Commander, what we should be most worried about now is that the Japanese troops in Asahi Mountain will withdraw to the Qingshilizi line. Shenghongshan is the water source of the Japanese permanent preparation fortification group in Asahi Mountain.  , which is also their food supply point.¡±

    "Without the water source, the Japanese army inside Asahi Mountain can't hold on for long even if they have strong fortifications. People can live for ten days without eating, but they can't survive even three days without drinking water. Even if the Japanese army has the willpower  He¡¯s a little tougher, but he can¡¯t go without water for a long time.¡±

    "But Qingshilizi is different. Not only does it have its own water source, but it also has relatively sufficient reserves of food and ammunition. I think that the support points of the entire fortress group, Shenghong Mountain and Xunshan, were lost one after another, as well as the water source and food reserves.  If the situation persists, the Japanese troops in Asahi Mountain will most likely retreat to the fortification area from Mulu Mountain to Qingshilizi, which is well-supplied."

    "If all the remaining Japanese troops shrink to Qingshilizi, relying on the complex terrain there and sufficient food and ammunition reserves, they can hold on for a longer time. I think as long as the heads of the remaining Japanese troops are not rusty, they should abandon Chaori Mountain and retreat to Qingshilizi.  It is their best choice. And it is getting dark now, which is the best time for the Japanese army to take action. "

    "Compared with the Shenghongshan line where there is a railway line directly leading into the mountain, which can facilitate the mobilization of heavy equipment by our army, especially the train artillery that played a great role in this battle. Qingshilizi because the surrounding terrain is too complex, and  There is only a simple road that was blown up by the Japanese army.¡±

    "If all the remaining Japanese troops shrink to Qingshilizi, relying on the complex terrain there and sufficient food and ammunition reserves, they can hold on for a longer time. I think as long as the heads of the remaining Japanese troops are not rusty, they should abandon Chaori Mountain and retreat to Qingshilizi.  It is their best choice. And it is getting dark now, which is the best time for the Japanese army to take action. "

    "For us, the so-called border fortification area of ??Qingshilizi cannot be compared with the Shenghongshan fortress group in terms of the solidity of the fortifications. But the terrain it is located in is more complicated than the Shenghongshan line. And there is no  Without the support of the railway line, our heavy artillery group cannot enter the optimal effective range as it is now. There are only two captured Japanese heavy artillery tractors in Lao Mana, and the state of the roads there cannot withstand these heavy artillery. "

    "Without the cover of the heavy artillery group, and if the Japanese troops in Asahi Mountain really retreat to the Qingshilizi line as I guessed, with their dense troops and firepower, then if we want to completely annihilate the Kwantung Army's first border garrison,  Completely retaking the entire Dongning Fortress will be the biggest obstacle, and perhaps it will also be a tough nut to crack for us."

    "Also, Commander, after this battle, our heavy artillery group has very few artillery shells left. We have no way to manufacture these artillery shells now. The limited inventory on hand, except for the part captured by the headquarters in Harbin, is in Da  A batch of artillery shells captured in the secret warehouse of the Japanese army in Duchuan. After these days of intensive consumption, we cannot say that the shells on hand are all used up, but there are not many left. "

    "Now there are less than twenty rounds of 300mm artillery shells captured in Lao Manali, and there are only eight rounds of 240mm cannon shells left. Moreover, after these days of intensive use, the barrels are also worn out.  It¡¯s quite powerful. Now we can no longer use the tactic of shooting at close range with large charges to increase the power of artillery shells.¡±

    "Commander, in order to support us in taking down the two fortress groups of Shenghongshan and Xunshan, Lao Ma has done everything possible to sell iron. Not only has his heavy artillery been severely damaged, but compared with other small and medium-caliber artillery shells, the very precious artillery shells have also been damaged.  It¡¯s almost gone. Commander, we must be mentally prepared for the next battle to attack the Qingshilizi front line without heavy artillery fire support.¡±

    Regarding Sui Changqing¡¯s prediction of the Japanese army¡¯s next move, Du Kaishan nodded slightly.  Although I, as the chief of staff, sometimes think a little more complicatedly about some non-military issues, especially when it comes to politics.  But his judgment of the battlefield situation and his grasp of the battle situation are very good.  This is something Du Kaishan has always been very satisfied with.  Although he seems a bit trivial as a person, he is very suitable for a job like chief of staff, which itself seems a bit trivial.

    And what satisfied Sui Changqing most about Du Kaishan was his meticulousness, especially in the preparation before the battle and during the battle. It can be said that he had to do everything with his hands.  This characteristic of Sui Changqing relieved Du Kaishan, who was not used to trivial work and did not care much about non-military issues, much of his burden.

    Du Kaishan still believes in Sui Changqing¡¯s ability to judge on the battlefield.Now that the strongest fortress has been completely destroyed, and there is no replenishment of water and food, the Japanese army in Asahi Mountain retreated to the Qingshilizi line where the Japanese army immediately set up a position. It should be a good choice for the Japanese army.

    With the Shenghongshan Fortress Group and the Xunshan Fortress Group having been lost, and the entire Shenghongshan Fortress Group having lost its main support points and vital water sources, the Japanese troops on the front line of Asahi Mountain no longer have the need to hold on.  Unless it's a wooden fish head that stubbornly stands firm and refuses to retreat.

    And judging from the development of the previous battle situation, there are not many Japanese troops on the front line of Asahi Mountain.  Whether it is the number of troops or the firepower configuration, there is no comparison between Shenghongshan and Xunshan, which are equipped with a large number of heavy artillery.  It's just that the strategic location is relatively important, as it is the link between the three major fortresses in Shenghong Mountain and Qingshilizi.

    Among the entire Dongning fortress group that winds for more than 100 kilometers from north to south, the Qingshilizi line between Miaogou and Shenghong Mountain, although mainly composed of civil fortifications, is a key part connecting the entire Dongning fortress group.  As the southernmost of the three major fortresses in Shenghong Mountain, the Chaori Mountain Fortress is connected to the Qingshi Lazi line of mountains and rivers.  It is the southern barrier of the Shenghongshan line and an important connection point in the northern part of the Dongning fortress group.

    But now that the first line of victory over Hongshan has been lost and the need to stick to it has been lost, anyone with a little more brains will not choose to continue to stick to it.  On this point, Sui Changqing's focus is quite accurate.  Thinking of this, Du Kaishan used red and blue pencils to draw a red circle on the bluestone on the map.

    After carefully analyzing the current situation of the Japanese army, as well as the terrain of Chaori Mountain, Mulu Mountain, and Qingshilizi, the last positions of the Japanese army in the entire Dongning Fortress Group, Du Kaishan quickly made a decision: "Order to attack one brigade and one regiment.  After completing the clearing of Shenghong Mountain, there is no need to rest and move one battalion of the attached wild mountain artillery to the Qingshilizi line overnight. They must arrive before dawn tomorrow and prepare for the attack in the early morning. "

    "Reinforce the column of the Second Regiment of the Solitary Brigade under the First Battalion of Chongshan Artillery, the 105th Cannon Artillery Battalion, and the First Battalion of 100mm Howitzers directly under the command, and launch an attack on the front line of Mulu Mountain. Strive to cut off the southward retreat channel of the Japanese troops on the front line of Chaori Mountain and isolate Chaori Mountain.  If the Japanese troops on the front line retreat first, they will immediately launch a pursuit and never give the Japanese troops a chance to breathe."

    "At the same time, a power was sent to Director Peng Shilu who was staying in Dong'an, and he ordered the first and second regiments of the original fourth division to stay in Mishan and Dong'an, except for leaving one battalion each to cooperate with the Ministry of Social Affairs in the elimination of enemy agents, and the rest of the units to immediately go south to Dongning. Enter.  Deploy defenses to the west of Laoheishan and tell them that I only give them twenty-four hours, and they will have to rush to the front line in Dongning even if they are exhausted."

    "Order the 1st Regiment of the original 1st Division back in Muling and the 1st Column ** Regiment formed by the Baoqing County Brigade to immediately go south to Muling, Tumen and Wangqing, and launch an attack on Luojiagouzi from Tumen to  The Laosongling front line launches an attack. Cooperate with the second column headquarters in Mudanjiang and Ning'an. You send a message to Ma Chunsheng, the chief of staff of the second column who is staying in Mudanjiang, and tell him that my two regiments will be under his unified command from now on. "

    Sui Changqing naturally knew the reason why Du Kaishan mobilized all the troops staying in Mishan, Dongning and Muling to go south.  Whether it is to transfer the two regiments left behind in Dong'an and Mishan to go south, or to transfer the two regiments left behind in Muling to protect the flanks of the entire column, in addition to partly ensuring the flank security of the column after the third regiment of the Only Brigade went south to Laoheishan.  , the main reason is probably for the second column heading south.

    In addition to transferring the two regiments of the original fourth division that stayed in Mishan to the west of Laoheishan, part of the reason was to ensure the safety of the rear of the column and prevent the Japanese counterattack in Tumen.  The two regiments left behind in Muling were transferred southward and entered Tumen. They cooperated with a brigade from Ning'an southward to the Jingbo Lake area in the south who was ordered to stay behind Mudanjiang and attack the Luojiagouzi line in Tumen as well as Laosongling.  The purpose was to attract the attention of the Japanese army and ensure the safety of the second column's flanks.

    It¡¯s just that Sui Changqing seemed a little hesitant about Du Kaishan¡¯s order.  After the two regiments left behind in Muling went south, there was only one second regiment left in the entire territory of Muling, which had just been upgraded by the Yilan County brigade and whose combat effectiveness was not ranked among the three columns.  Although the two regiments moving south can attract the Japanese troops in Hunchun and reduce the pressure on the second column, their flanks and rear are too weak.

    And after the current long war, the troops with heavy casualties are in urgent need of reinforcements.  Since the column marched eastward, after nearly twenty days of hard fighting, most of which were fortified operations, the casualties of the entire three columns were no lighter than those of the first and fourth columns fighting on the Western Front.

    At present, the regiments of the three columns are seriously short of manpower due to heavy casualties in previous battles.  As the main combat force, the two regiments of the only brigade are nominally two regiments, but in fact the two regiments combined can only be organized into four battalions.  And ifExcluding the lightly wounded and non-combat troops who persisted in fighting after being injured, in fact, the remaining troops on the entire Dongning front line were only three battalions in strength.

    In other words, the entire three columns, except for the three regiments of the only brigade heading south to Laoheishan, are relatively complete.  The remaining two regiments of the sole brigade, which were the main force of the battle, were actually disabled. They were almost at the end of their rope and could no longer fight without reinforcements.

    The current situation faced by the three columns is that the strength of these four battalions does not supplement the attack force, but directly expands southward. It is difficult for Sui Changqing to accept.  .
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