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Text Chapter 540: The Prodigal Son¡¯s Strategy

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    Having said this, Du Kaishan showed an unusual smile and said: "However, we can't take advantage of those shrinking turtles in the fortress. I will allocate four chemical defense companies to you, plus 200 seized poison gas cans and poisons."  Pump, give 'em some appetizers before blowing up their vents."

    "Don't these little devils like to drill holes? Aren't they even beaten to death? Well, I will help them. Don't have any scruples tomorrow and smoke all these turtles to death in their caves. Anyway, these things  The poison gas was also seized from them, so it can be considered as returning it to its original owner."

    "When blowing up their secret entrances and exits on the mountain, you use flamethrowers and anti-aircraft machine guns to cover the blasters. Don't be afraid of consuming explosives. When you find an entrance and exit, put thousands of kilograms of explosives in it, and try to get it in with one blast.  The exit will be completely blown up. As long as there are no casualties, the headquarters will not care about these explosives."

    Wang Xiaoming did not hesitate to respond to Du Kaishan's suggestion of using poison gas.  Wang Xiaoming fully accepted the suggestions given by Du Kaishan.  During this battle, all the departments in the Jidong Military Region suffered greatly from the poisonous gas.  Although all troops were equipped with gas masks, during the pursuit, they encountered poisonous gas spread by the Japanese army. Simply relying on these gas masks was of little use.

    "For him, the Japanese army did the first grade of junior high school, so don't blame him for doing the fifteenth grade.  During the Fangzheng battle, if the Fourteenth Division had not used poison gas dispersing vehicles to spread poison gas in large quantities when retreating, it would have caused many casualties to the pursuing troops.  Wang Xiaoming would not let the remnants of the 14th Division escape from his hands.

    When the Fourteenth Division retreated, the poison gas spread along the way poisoned hundreds of people in the Second Column and killed dozens of people.  While everyone in the Second Column hated the Fourteenth Division with a passion, they also hated these poisonous gases with an itch.  Without the large amount of poison gas spread by the Japanese army along the way, even if it was impossible to completely wipe out the 14th Division, it would not be a problem to completely cripple him.

    During the battle in Mudanjiang, in order to protect Mudanjiang, a key point on the Binsui Railway, the Japanese 29th Division fired thousands of poison gas shells at once.  During the entire Mudanjiang offensive and defensive battle, although the fighting only lasted five days, the Japanese army fired five to six thousand poison gas shells.

    ¡°Compared with the previous spread of poisonous gas without a trace, these poisonous gas shells were much less of a threat to the second column, which was fully equipped with gas masks, but hundreds of people were still poisoned.  Not long ago, Wang Xiaoming suffered heavy losses in the Japanese poison gas war, so Wang Xiaoming was not disgusted with Du Kaishan's strategy of using captured Japanese poison gas to deal with the Japanese.

    The war on the second day developed exactly as Du Kaishan expected. In order to regain the commanding heights of Triangle Mountain, the Japanese army dispatched two infantry brigades and several squadrons to launch an attack from the Madashan fortress group connected to Triangle Mountain to the front line of Triangle Mountain.  Counterattacks in turn.  Trying to recapture the front line of Triangle Mountain from Wang Xiaoming.

    "Compared to the North and South Tianshan fortresses in the north, the Japanese troops on the Hongshan and Xunshan front lines lost the Triangle Mountain and only lost the commanding heights.  But for the Japanese troops on the front line of Mada Mountain, it was a different story.  Triangle Mountain is on the west side of Mada Mountain, controlling the western barrier of Mada Mountain's first-line fortress group.

    Losing the Triangle Mountain to the west means that the opponent's bayonet has been thrust into your back.  Especially when the Japanese firepower cluster on the front line of Mada Mountain was facing the Soviet side, Triangle Mountain, which had lost its western barrier, could be described as a fatal threat.  The artillery fire on Triangle Mountain can hit it from behind at any time.

    The Japanese army fought tooth and nail to fight for the front line of Triangle Mountain, except that the strategic location of Triangle Mountain was very important relative to the front line of Mada Mountain.  There is another thing that Wang Xiaoming does not know. At this time, the headquarters of the Japanese 12th Division was deployed within the Japanese fortress group in Mada Mountain.

    The opponent's bayonet was pressed against his back, which was equivalent to a sharp sword always hanging over his head.  If the front line of Triangle Mountain is not recaptured, how can the division commander, Lieutenant General Masami Kawabe, rest assured?  If the opponent uses heavy artillery to bombard him, wouldn't he be in danger of being destroyed at any time?

    It's just that the three columns and one regiment that captured Triangle Mountain used the Japanese traffic trenches and anti-tank trenches on the mountainside as improvised positions to withstand the concentration of the two Japanese infantry brigades and the First Border Guard at Mada Mountain.  Several squadrons of the fortress, under the cover of five infantry guns, two 75mm mountain guns, and two field guns, charged desperately.

    At the same time, a battalion of troops was concentrated, and with the cooperation of two specially deployed reconnaissance companies, they began to clear out the Japanese troops in the fortification groups in the mountain one by one, so as to prevent the front-line combat troops from being attacked from both sides.  In order to kill the Japanese troops as much as possible, Wang Xiaoming also specially deployed a brigade of artillery to form a mobile artillery group, forming a fire interception network between Mada Mountain and Triangle Mountain.

    In order to maximize the power of artillery fire, Wang Xiaoming specially madeDeveloped a firenet plan.  When the Japanese army first launched its attack, the artillery group only assisted the frontline operations with small-scale artillery fire.  After the Japanese army devoted all its strength to launch the attack, it then used intensive artillery fire to block the Japanese army's retreat.  At the same time, artillery fire was used to repeatedly cover the battlefield between the two mountains.

    When the Japanese counterattack launched a full-scale counterattack toward the front line of Triangle Mountain under the command of Shozo Kawayama who was personally commanded by a rear observation post in Madashan Fortress, no matter how much pressure the front-line troops were under, Wang Xiaoming always controlled  The pace of fire did not bring all the artillery into battle.

    Until the afternoon, the Japanese military fortifications inside the mountain that were blasted on Triangle Mountain were ventilated?p>

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    The reason why Heshan Zhengzo is so restless is that in addition to the important geographical location of Triangle Mountain, there are two other important reasons.  First, in the underground fortification group of Triangle Mountain, in addition to part of the troops of the First Border Guard, there are also four infantry squadrons and an artillery squadron of the 12th Division.  In addition to these, the most important thing is the water source needed to defend Madashan Fortress.

    If the Triangle Mountain fortification group is completely lost, in addition to losing an important barrier, the front line of Madashan will be directly exposed to the opponent's heavy artillery fire.  Moreover, one and a half regiments in the Madashan fortress group will turn into a pile of dried fish if they lose their water source.  Without water, his regiment, including his division headquarters, could not survive for three days.

    And once Triangle Mountain is unable to be recaptured, for the defenders inside the fortress who are waiting for each vent hole to be blown into ruins, their only result will be to become a can that no one will ever open.  It doesn't matter whether the First Border Guard can save him or not, but it doesn't matter if his squadrons don't save him.

    Although the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties in the battle for superficial positions, the casualties were all from the First Border Guard.  Four squadrons of his 12th Division were stationed in Triangle Mountain, but under the conscious control of Hebian Zhengsan, they were unscathed.  Originally, Kawabe Shozo wanted to use these troops to form a flanking attack with the frontal assault troops, and inflict heavy damage to the attacking opponents.

    It occurred to me that the opponent actually ignored his frontal attack, mobilized troops to search carefully, and cleaned out the ventilation holes on the mountain one by one and blew them up.  At the same time, flamethrowers and horizontal-firing anti-aircraft machine guns were mobilized to seal several entrances and exits of the underground fortifications, and then used a large amount of explosives to completely destroy the entrances and exits.

    ¡°If Triangle Mountain cannot be recaptured within a short period of time, if the current situation continues, it won¡¯t take long for several squadrons within the entire Triangle Mountain to be buried in the huge tomb dug by the Japanese army themselves.  He was about to lose the most critical water source, as well as the equally critical force in the current war situation. This was the main reason why Lieutenant General Hebian Zhengsan couldn't calm down in this battle in the first place.

    The underground passage connecting the two fortress groups was completely destroyed by three 300 mm caliber heavy artillery shells accurately hit by the opponent in the battle on the first day. In order to rescue the Japanese troops inside Triangle Mountain.  No matter how reluctant Kawabe Shozo was, he could only mobilize the troops that could be mobilized and launch an attack from the surface position.

    After receiving the report of the Japanese army's attack on the front line, Wang Xiaoming, who personally observed the number of Japanese troops on the front line, felt that the time had come. He ordered two mountain artillery battalions, one 100mm howitzer battalion, and  A 105 field artillery battalion and two 107 rocket launcher regiments directly under the second column, as well as a 122 rocket launcher battalion and a 155 heavy artillery battalion attached to the headquarters concentrated all the artillery shells and created a dense fire net behind the Japanese army.  .

    The fire net produced by these light and heavy artillery pieces, combined with the light and heavy machine guns, mortars, grenade launchers, rapid-fire artillery and infantry artillery of the frontal blocking troops, as well as the Japanese 13mm anti-aircraft machine guns captured on the spot, fired flatly against the Japanese troops launching counterattacks.  The two infantry brigades launched a massacre-like fire attack.

    In this battle, Wang Xiaoming mobilized artillery in just two hours. Not counting mortar shells, only mountain artillery shells and howitzers with a caliber of more than 100 mm actually fired tens of thousands of shells in one go.  It set a record for the number of artillery shells fired in a single battle in the Jidong Military Region since its establishment.

    After this battle, almost all the 3,000 rounds of 107 rocket launchers and 122 rocket launchers transported to the front line were consumed.  More than half of the 75mm mountain artillery shells and 100mm howitzer shells were also consumed.  After the war, Yang Zhen received Wang Xiaoming's battle report and scolded him severely.  I bluntly gave him a three-word evaluation: "Prodigal son."

    However, although this battle consumed a huge amount of artillery shells, this battle was composed of various calibers.The power of the artillery shells woven into the fire net that repeatedly swept through the Japanese attack group was also obvious.  The dense artillery shells blew up the Japanese troops into the sky.  The 300 mm caliber heavy artillery deployed in the rear fired support shells from time to time, and one shot could wipe out a Japanese squadron.

    In addition, there were two planes from time to time that dropped new incendiary bombs regardless of the threat of Japanese anti-aircraft firepower from Madashan.  In just two hours, the two brigades and several accompanying squadrons that launched the Japanese counterattack suffered casualties.  During the charge, the two brigades plus several squadrons, with nearly two thousand troops, only returned a few dozen people.
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