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Text Chapter 531 The Kwantung Army¡¯s retreat plan

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    At this time, Umezu Yoshijiro seems to be a bachelor, and if he loses, he loses.  ¡¾.Although some people were unwilling to give in before and wanted to put all their money into it.  But after all, he still listened to others' persuasion. He was not like his colleagues who often liked to lose, or even his country, who was so eager to lose that he even dared to wear his pants.  Although these orders were issued, they were still unwilling to do so.  But he finally understood the situation.

    After hearing Umezu Yoshijiro¡¯s decision, Lieutenant General Iimura Rang breathed a sigh of relief.  He was really afraid that the commander of the Kwantung Army would regain Harbin regardless of his stubbornness.  If the opponent can use this surprise force, they will not hesitate to weaken the frontal offensive, give up the opportunity to directly seize Mudanjiang, and go to Harbin, where there will be no backup plan.

    For Lieutenant General Iimura Rang, he always felt that the sneak attack on Harbin by his opponent who often played irrational cards was not that simple at all.  Maybe he suffered too much, and he always thought it was a conspiracy.  In his opinion, if the Kwantung Army really insists on recapturing Harbin regardless of the situation, it may fall into the trap of its opponents.  When the time comes, don¡¯t really sell two of them and get a bunch of them.

    If Iimura Rang knew that Yang Zhen's raid on Harbin was not only for Harbin's talents and industrial facilities, but also to remove the 1st Division from the north that was always a thorn in his back, and also to seize the Duobaoshan copper in Longjiang.  Will it cause vomiting of blood if the mines and the rich oil contained in the ground are exposed?  Many times, people tend to complicate simple problems.  This is especially true for Iimura Rang, who is the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army.

    ¡°Maybe it¡¯s because he has suffered too much from Yang Zhen since he took office. No matter what step Yang Zhen takes, he always feels that there is a conspiracy involved.  Therefore, he firmly opposed Umezu Yoshijiro's idea of ??regaining Harbin, because in his opinion, who has always been a regular soldier, whether it is a special unit like the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department or a hub for northern Manchuria, it is not as good as a few divisions.  valuable.

    Umezu Yoshijiro finally decided to give up, which made Lieutenant General Iimura Rang relieved.  Although according to Umezu Meijiro's plan, it seems very unfair to the 51st Division.  But if you compare the 51st Division with the First Division and the more than 200,000 imperial immigrants in Sun Wu, it becomes insignificant.

    Perhaps judging from the current overall deployment and war situation in Western Manchuria, the 51st Division located in Qiqihar is destined to become an abandoned son.  There is no way, although it is also a division organization.  However, the importance of the 51st Division formed by post-reservist personnel is far inferior to that of the Japanese Army's first division, which is second only to the Guards Division and is known as the first division of the Japanese Army.  .

    Not to mention that this first division has almost concentrated most of the military children of the entire Japanese military and political circles, and even many members of the royal family.  As far as Iimura Rang knew, there were only a few children and relatives of the Miya family, and there were dozens of relatives who were even beyond reach.

    "If all these people are lost, not to mention His Majesty the Emperor, just these two important figures in Japan's military and political affairs will not be able to spare General Umezu and himself.  To be honest, among the officers of the army under me, many of them have backgrounds of one kind or another, and even hold various titles, and now they are in a position that seems almost hopeless. It would be equally uncomfortable for everyone.

    ¡°If it were any other division, it would be difficult for General Umezu to listen to his own advice.  However, this First Division was purged from the country and moved to Manchuria after the February 26th Incident. The initiator of this was the Army Commander in front of me, who was the Deputy Minister of the Army at the time.  Maybe this is in line with the saying that you are trapped in a cocoon.

    When Yoshijiro Umezu, who served as Army Under-Secretary at the time, advocated moving the First Division to Manchuria, he probably would not have imagined that today would happen.  Iimura Rang bet that the most critical factor that could get Umezu Yoshijiro to nod was the First Division. As for the more than 200,000 civilians, it would definitely be far less important than the First Division.

    "And for the Japanese army, which has always not regarded the lives of the people of other countries as human lives, these more than 200,000 Japanese immigrants may not be really more important than the 51st Division.  After all, it is wartime now, and more than 10,000 well-trained soldiers are far more important to the war than more than 200,000 civilians.

    ¡°But after all, there are more than 200,000 people. Even if he, Umezu Yoshijiro, does not take these people seriously, for the Japanese senior officials, they cannot take them seriously.  One of the 51st Division was lost. Umezu Yoshijiro was protected by the Emperor, so he might not be in trouble.  But if more than 200,000 immigrants from the country were really lost, the base camp would not let him go no matter what.

    The only reason that made General Umezu Yoshijiro admit defeat was that the more than 200,000 people must have weight, but they would definitely not be as important as the First Division, which the Japanese army had always regarded as a treasure.

    In fact, the 51st Division does not necessarily have to fight this battle on its own, which is destined to have no results.  After all, Hylar is still deploying behind them, aThe 23rd Division has been upgraded to the first mechanized division in the Kwantung Army.  Hailar and Qiqihar are only separated by the Xing'an Mountains, which is not very steep.  If Umezu Yoshijiro wants, he can transfer part of the 23rd Division to reinforce the 51st Division.

    But neither Umezu Yoshijiro nor Iimura Sang thought about this idea.  The Kwantung Army is currently weak. Who knows if the extremely greedy bear in the north will take the opportunity to strike to avoid future troubles?  Although the situation in Europe is extremely tense, the hundreds of thousands of troops deployed by the strong bear on the Manchu-Soviet border are still in full swing.

    More than two thousand tanks, armored vehicles and aircraft are a powerful threat to any potential or even apparent opponent.  Especially facing an army like the Japanese Army that seems to be half lame, the danger is even greater.  They had already experienced the power of mechanized warfare in the Nomenhan area last year.

    "If the 23rd Division is mobilized to reinforce Qiqihar, if that greedy bear who has been spying on the Xing'an area for a long time takes the opportunity to attack, then the Kwantung Army, which is facing a double attack, will really die without knowing how.  The 23rd Division was severely defeated last year, but now it is the Kwantung Army whose entire energy is drawn to the east, the last line of defense in the Western Manchuria area.

    The 23rd Division cannot be mobilized. As it has just been formed and the artillery and some technical arms have not yet been fully equipped, the 51st Division is destined to face the impact of hundreds of tanks alone.  Fortunately, due to its important geographical location, Qiqihar, in addition to the 51st Division, also has the Fourth Independent Garrison of the Guandong Army and some independent mortar battalions.

    Although the artillery wing of the division only has one brigade, three independent mortar brigade have been temporarily strengthened, so the firepower is not necessarily that weak.  So although this decision was a bit cruel to Kanichiro Ueno, the commander of the 51st Division, he, Yoshijiro Umezu, was not unkind.  The benefits that should be given should not be given less, right?

    Umezu Yoshijiro finally bowed his head and admitted defeat, making Iimura Rang sigh in relief and quickly get busy.  Orders one after another were quickly transferred from the Kwantung Army headquarters in Xinjing to the various divisions still fighting at this time.  At the same time, he did not hesitate to interrupt a considerable part of the railway passenger transport, mobilized all military columns, and braved the constant air attacks from Yang Zhen's troops to mobilize the 24th Division and part of the 57th Division to the Shuangcheng territory as quickly as possible.  .

    After issuing a series of orders in succession, Lieutenant General Iimura Rang hesitated for a moment. Faced with his opponents¡¯ constant air attacks on major railway lines, he lowered his face and asked for help from the Japanese base camp.  It is hoped that the base camp can mobilize part of the aviation and anti-aircraft artillery to the Kwantung Army to strengthen the Kwantung Army's air defense capabilities.

    Even the hungry Iimura R¨­ couldn't care less about the conflicts between the Japanese army and navy. In the telegram, he revealed that if the army aviation was really unable to mobilize troops to support the Kwantung Army, then the base camp was asked to coordinate with the navy to mobilize part of the naval aviation to support the Kwantung Army.  Combat.

    In fact, due to the strict confidentiality of the Soviet army, the intelligence department of the Kwantung Army did not know about this matter. The Soviet army in the Far East is no longer comparable to last year.  After the end of the first phase of Yang Zhen's campaign, in order to cope with the increasingly tense situation in Europe after the defeat of Britain and France, and to strengthen the defense in the west, the Soviet troops stationed in the Far East Military District and the Zabaikal Military District have successively begun to move westward.

    In June and July alone, the Soviet army transferred one tank division, two infantry divisions, and two flying regiments from the Zabaikal Military District.  An infantry division and a mechanized brigade and three aviation groups of the Far Eastern Military District.  That is to say, in the two major military regions where the Soviet Army and the Kwantung Army were fighting, only three infantry divisions were transferred in one go.

    Moreover, in order to implement the agreement reached with Yang Zhen, the Far East Military Region and Zabaikal Military Region were ordered to draw 500 T-26 tanks and BT-7 tanks, 130 BA-type armored vehicles and BT-7 tanks from their own reserve equipment and even active equipment.  Some spare parts were maintained, repaired, and necessary modifications were made according to Yang Zhen's requirements, and they were prepared to be handed over to Yang Zhen's headquarters in one month.  As a result, only one-third of the entire armored strength of the entire Far East Military Region is left.

    However, in order to maintain the illusion, each transferred unit left a radio unit at its original station to continue communicating with the original call sign to confuse the Japanese troops in front of them.  There was no movement of the Soviet troops stationed in Mongolia.  It is obvious that this series of methods adopted by the Soviet army worked.  The current Kwantung Army has not yet noticed that its opponent is no longer as powerful as before this battle.  At least the number of armored units and aviation units was reduced by half as much as before.

    Naturally, the current situation of the Soviet army is not the concern of the already distressed Lieutenant General Umezu Yoshijiro and Iimura R¨­. Their main focus now is on how to keep the First Division and Sun Wu's more than 200,000 expatriates safe.  Withdraw.  As for whether the bear in the north who is good at taking advantage of others is still as fat and strong as at the beginning of the year, these two top commanders of the Kwantung Army,It was too late to take care of it.

    Just as Lieutenant General Iimura Jo flew to Iimura Jo, risking his plane being shot down, and finished his conversation with Namada Juichi as planned, he had just returned to the Kwantung Army Headquarters in Shinkyo and was preparing to go to Shuangcheng to supervise Kiichiro Kuchi after a day's rest.  Lieutenant General, while continuing the attack on Shuangcheng, a telegram from Sun Wu made Iimura Rang almost faint.

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